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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2009

The Market for Grass-fed Beef in Appalachia by Evans, Jason
Marketing Community-based ecotourism based in Senegal, West Africa by Armitt, Thomas
Marketing strategy of Sony for portable audio device business by Pham-Gia, Khanh
Case study: Kodak at a crossroads - The transition from film-based to digital photography by Pham-Gia, Khanh
Mommy, Where Do Customers Come From?: How to Market to a New World of Connected Customers by Bailin, Larry
Internet Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Using Web 2.0 Strategies for Success by Payton, Susan
50 in 50 by Rohleder, T. J.
United under SAP: The process of eliminating information islands for ThyssenKrupp in China (Zhongshan) by Gundlach, Marcel
Was ist Headis? by Parzych, Nina Viola
Consumer Decision Behavior in Online Shopping Environments by Li, Pei-Fen
Erfolgreiches Weinmarketing für den Export by Hömstreit, Silke
Werbung als Orientierungsfaktor im medialen Programm by Kaufmann, Maria
Internes Marketing bei Adeg by Christian, Idinger
E-Privacy by Gebert, Natallia
Das touristische Potential Hamburgs für chinesische Europa-Reisende. Eine Bestandsanalyse mit konkreten Veränderungsvorschlägen by Von Neree, Linda
Chancen und Risiken von Markenallianzen dargestellt am Beispiel von Lebensmitteln by Beller, Christian
Kundenwert von Online Kunden: Spezialisierung auf Online Banking Kunden by Bröker, Farshid
Media-Auditing by Schweiger, Carsten
Key Success Factors in Internet Advertising by Papadopoulos, Symeon
The New Community Rules: Marketing on the Social Web by Weinberg, Tamar
The DNA of Internet Marketing: Keeping You Ahead of the Internet Marketing Game by Hailey, Lehman
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen effektiver Marktbearbeitungsstrategien in der Pharmabranche dargestellt am Ländermarkt Indonesien by Poeradiredja, Andree
Beschwerdeverhalten Und Kundenbindung: Erfolgswirkungen Und Management Der Kundenbeschwerde by Brock, Christian
Recession Marketing by Finora, Joseph
McDonald's Russia: Managing a Crisis: Case Study by Molch, David
Analysis on the Brand Awareness of Hino Dutro by Lukmanto, Stephanus
The Product Manager's Guide to Pricing by Wanless, W. Brian
Kommunikation zur Energiesensibilisierung by Kalwait, Maria
Country Image and Its Effects in Promoting a Tourist Destination by Marshalls, Maurice
Markteintritts- und Marktbearbeitungsstrategien deutscher Automobilhersteller auf dem chinesischen Automobilmarkt by Niedner, Kim
Aufbruch by
Interpreting Consumer Choice: The Behavioural Perspective Model by Foxall, Gordon
Affiliate Marketing - Perspective of Content Providers by Nevosad, Lukas, Benediktova -. Nevosadova, Barbora
Verhaltensforschung und Sportmarketing by Niklas, Susanne
Marketing und Mass Customization von Musikinstrumenten by Palkoska, Jan Ulrich
PR Strategy and Application: Managing Influence by Coombs, W. Timothy, Holladay, Sherry J.
The Brain Audit: Why Customers Buy (and Why They Don't) by D'Souza, Sean
E-Procurement by Horváthné Pásztor, Lilla
The Internet as a Marketing Tool for Marketing the Higher Education by Abu Ghannam, Jiries
Kooperation und Wettbewerb: Spieltheoretische Betrachtung am Beispiel Energiemarkt by Mikulaschek, Nikolaus
Going Global: An Information Sourcebook for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses by Awe, Susan C.
Ads to Icons: How Advertising Succeeds in a Multimedia Age by Springer, Paul
Empirische Mastertechniken: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung Für Die Marketing- Und Managementforschung by
Kommunikation Und Krise: Wie Entscheider Die Wirklichkeit Definieren by
Messung Von Zahlungsbereitschaften Bei Industriellen Dienstleistungen by Niederauer, Christian M.
Markenwert Und Markenwertermittlung: Eine Systematische Modelluntersuchung Und -Bewertung by Buchele, Mark-Steffen, Hoepfner, Jörg, Bentele, Günter
Informelle Mitgliedschaft in Brand Communities: Einflussfaktoren, Konsequenzen Und Gruppenunterschiede by Hoppe, Melanie
Brand Community Management: Eine Empirische Analyse Am Beispiel Der Automobilbranche by Hartleb, Vivian
Peer Shopping by Konrad, Verena
Unsecured Ladders: Meeting the Challenge of the Unexpected by Robinson, G.
Unsecured Ladders: Meeting the Challenge of the Unexpected by Robinson, G.
Marketing Environment: What factors "internal "to an organisation can have an influence on the way it perceives and responds to its external by Fitzen, Lena
Soundbait: Creative Weapons of Mass Distraction by Williams, D. J.
An overview and analysis of strategic alliances on the example of the car manufacturer Renault: A story of success and failure by Patz, Martin, Rakowski, Nina
Paddy Power retail betting service report by Binderis, Laurynas
Branddigital by Adamson, Allen P.
Consumer Perceptions of the Value of Fats in Super Premium Ice Cream by Jehli, Christian
Sex sells by Çelen, Çağla
Multisensuales Marketing by Thron, Jesko A.
Conscious Branding by Funk, David, Levis, Anne Marie
55 Ways to Promote & Sell Your Book on the Internet by Baker, Bob
Herd: How to Change Mass Behaviour by Harnessing Our True Nature by Earls, Mark
PR Therapy: Ignite Your Passion for Promoting Your Products, Services, and Even Yourself! by Blakely, Robin
Cutting Edge Sales: Confessions of Success, Influence & Self-Fulfillment from the World's Finest Knife Dealers by Berghoff, Jon
Gen Buy: How Tweens, Teens and Twenty-Somethings Are Revolutionizing Retail by Yarrow, Kit, O'Donnell, Jayne
Smart Selling on the Phone and Online: Inside Sales That Gets Results by Feigon, Josiane
5 Minute Marketing: Five-Minute Articles on the Hottest Canadian Topics in Marketing Today! by Charleson, Mary
5 Minute Marketing by Charleson, Mary
The Phenomenal Product Manager: The Product Manager's Guide to Success, Job Satisfaction and Career Acceleration by Lawley, Brian
Ausgewählte Instrumente zur Analyse der Umsysteme by Meier, Nadine
How to Select a Profitable Country for Foreign Direct Investments? by Al Qur'an, Marwan
Emerging Issues in Marketing by Mohd Suki, Norazah
Lokalkoloriertes Fundraising by Hindrichs, Jan
Grundlagen und Ansatzpunkte des Place Branding by Tauber, Anne-Katrin
I Need a Killer Press Release--Now What: A Guide to Online PR by Thaeler, Janet Meiners
The effect of in-store TV in supermarkets on customer-based brand equity for consumer goods by Stasing, Verena, Üffing, Christian
Scegliere, comprare: Dinamiche di acquisto in psicologia e neuroscienze by
Angstappelle in der Werbung - Modelle und Wirksamkeit by Huttner, Sandra
Existenzgründermarketing im Dienstleistungssektor by Ott, Maxim
Die Bedeutung des Eventmarketing als Live-Kommunikationsinstrument der Zukunft by Baumann, Christian
Besucher finden und binden: Wie gezieltes Marketing und eine vielfältige Öffentlichkeitsarbeit dazu beitragen können by Meier, Jacqueline
Making News in the Digital Era by Henderson, David E.
Practical PR: How to Create Focused, Researched-Based Campaigns that Produce Measurable Results by Corder Ph. D., Lloyd
Device Upgrades and the Mobile Consumer by Sugai, Philip
Geschäftsmodelle von Medienunternehmen im Internet: iTunes & Co. by Feld, Svenja
Steuerung von internationaler Diffusion: Lokalisierung vs. Standardisierung der Preis- und Produktpolitik by Feld, Svenja
Making News in the Digital Era by Henderson, David E.
System, Not Circumstance: Building a Repeatable Core Competence for Great Products by Youngblood, Gregory Scott
Feeding Frenzy: Inside the Ford-Firestone Crisis by Harmon, John, Harmon, Jon F.
Produktklassiker: Quintessenzen Der Konsumkultur by Stüwe, Björn
Erfolgsgeheimnis Ost: Survival-Strategien Der Besten Marken - Und Was Manager Daraus Lernen Können by Zschiesche, Arnd Jürgen, Errichiello, Oliver
Managed Services: It-Sourcing Der Nächsten Generation by
Beziehungsqualität in Dienstleistungsnetzwerken: Theoretische Fundierung Und Empirische Analyse by Backhaus, Christof
Reklamationsmanagement ALS Reklame: Beschwerden Managen, Kunden Zurückgewinnen, Mehr Verkaufen by Zartmann, Ricarda, Stempfle, Doris, Stempfle, Lothar
Brand Attachment: Determinanten Erfolgreicher Markenbeziehungen by Diehl, Saskia
Creative Marketing Tools for Coaches by Good, Sharon
Customer Centered Selling: Sales Techniques for a New World Economy by Jolles, Rob
Building Brand Value the Playboy Way by Gunelius, S.
Building Brand Value the Playboy Way by Gunelius, S.
Internationale Markterschließungsstrategien eines deutschen mittelständischen Unternehmens: Am Beispiel des japanischen Marktes by Blumrodt, Lars
Investor Relations - Anforderungen an die Finanzkommunikation im Rahmen des Going Public by Slamanig, Markus
Case Study - Österreichische Credit Verein AG by Slamanig, Markus
Outrageous Advertising That's Outrageously Successful: Created for the 99% of Small Business Owners Who Are Dissatisfied with the Results They Get by Glazer, Bill
Kundenabwanderung: Früherkennung, Prävention, Kundenrückgewinnung. Mit Erfolgreichen Praxisbeispielen Aus Verschiedenen Branchen by
Optimiert Weihnachten: Eine Anleitung Zur Besinnlichkeits-Maximierung by Stauss, Bernd
The Impact of Culture on Relationship Marketing in International Services: A Target Group-Specific Analysis in the Context of Banking Services by Schumann, Jan Hendrik
Statistical Noise or Valuable Information: The Role of Extreme Cases in Marketing Research by Pirker, Clemens
Opt In Email List Building: How to Build and Run a Successful Opt In List by Rhodes, John S.
Technology Acceptance in Mechatronics: The Influence of Identity on Technology Acceptance by Hillmer, Ute
Ripple Effect: How Empowered Involvement Drives Word of Mouth by Oetting, Martin
Das Kundenbeziehungsrisiko Aus Unternehmenssicht by Becker, Jochen
Innovationsmanagement in Business-To-Business-Geschäftsbeziehungen: Eine Informationsbezogene Perspektive by Herrmann, Lars
Corn: Growing, Judging, Breeding, Feeding, Marketing (1915) by Bowman, Melville Le Roy
Kompetenzbasiertes Markenmanagement in Verlagsunternehmen: Ein Explorativer Ansatz by Geißler, Cornelia
Innovation and Knowledge Management by Darroch, Jenny
Methodik Der Empirischen Forschung by
Cupid's Revenge By Beaumont And Fletcher Und Andromana, Or The Merchant's Wife In Ihrer Beziehung Zu Eindander Und Zu Ihrer Quelle (1906) by Herbst, Carl
Chats On Garment Salesmanship: Written For The Benefit And Instruction Of Saleswomen Throughout America (1917) by Sumner, Margaret
Innovationsorientierung Von Unternehmen: Messung, Determinanten Und Erfolgswirkungen by Derenthal, Kirstin
Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective by Watson, Richard T.
Emarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing by Stokes, Robert A.
Get Content Get Customers by Pulizzi
Re-Thinking Men: Heroes, Villains and Victims by Synnott, Anthony
Automobil und Umwelt: Trends und Täuschungsmanöver by Heigl, Nina
Cr by Persona, Mario
New Strategies for Reputation Management: Gaining Control of Issues, Crises & Corporate Social Responsibility by Griffin, Andrew
Immer Gute Auftragslage!: Neue Kunden Durch Personen-Marketing by Gebhardt-Seele, Stephan
Mommy, Where Do Customers Come From?: How to Market to a New World of Connected Customers by Bailin, Larry
Marketing and Management Sciences - Proceedings of the International Conference on Icmms 2008 by
The International Brand Valuation Manual: A Complete Overview and Analysis of Brand Valuation Techniques, Methodologies and Applications by Salinas, Gabriela
Emarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale by Albee, Ardath
Behind the Cloud: The Untold Story of How Salesforce.com Went from Idea to Billion-Dollar Company-And Revolutionized an Industry by Benioff, Marc, Adler, Carlye
Don't Just Roll the Dice - A Usefully Short Guide to Software Pricing by Davidson, Neil
Die "Mega-Macht Marke". Der Wert der Marke bei OTC-Produkten: Marketing als Medizin. Placebo oder Allheilmittel? by Yesil, Deniz, Radewald, Sascha
Automobile Marketing: Distribution Strategies for Competitiveness by Parment, Anders
Marketing Challenges and Social Marketing for POUS in Emerging Markets by Parolo, Martin
Strategic planning and marketing in museums with special regard to the situation in the United States and Austria: Strategische Planung und strategisc by Kreuzer, Sandra
Strategien zur Profilierung von Handelsmarken by Meyer, Klaus Tim
Market audit and analysis by Lorat, Nicole
The Value of Eco-Labelling by Paull, John
MLM: Is Multi-Level Marketing Right for You? by Richardson, Hawkeye
Kommunikationscontrolling in Verbindung Mit Zielgrößen Des Markenwertes: Eine Methodische Herangehensweise Und Prüfung an Einem Fallbeispiel by Pfefferkorn, Eva Julia
The Valuation of Intangible Assets: An Exploration of Patent and Trademark Portfolios by Sandner, Philipp
Einkaufsstress: Messung, Determinanten Und Konsequenzen by Albrecht, Carmen-Maria
Vertragsgestaltung Bei Hybriden Leistungsangeboten: Eine Ökonomische Betrachtung by Buriánek, Ferdinand
Konzeption von Zielgruppen by Hein, Barbara
Universität Und Image: Entwicklung Und Erprobung Eines Stakeholderorientierten Erhebungsinstrumentariums by Habicht, Hagen
Wertschaffung Und Wertaneignung ALS Erfolgsfaktoren Von Lösungsanbietern: Eine Konzeptionelle Und Empirische Untersuchung Organisationaler Kompetenzen by Bonnemeier, Sebastian
Live Communication Management: Ein Strategischer Leitfaden Zur Konzeption, Umsetzung Und Erfolgskontrolle by Springer, Christiane, Brühe, Christian, Kirchgeorg, Manfred
The Golden Crossroads: Multidisciplinary Findings for Business Success from the Worlds of Fine Arts, Design and Culture by Bevolo, Marco
Don't the Essential Guide to Publicity in New York City by Larsen, Marco
The Golden Crossroads: Multidisciplinary Findings for Business Success from the Worlds of Fine Arts, Design and Culture by Bevolo, Marco
Online Marketing Strategies: Analytics, Strategies, and Terminology for Managers: Managing SEO, SEM, and Social Media Marketing Campaigns Online by Wirtz, Brandon
Historische Entwicklung des Markenwesens und die aktuelle Bedeutung der Markenartikelindustrie in Deutschland by Uffelman, Andreas
TiVo Competition: German Market Analyses by Yilmaz, Kadir
Marketing-Audit als Instrument der marktorientierten Unternehmensführung im Krankenhaus by Brabänder, Georg
Kundenzufriedenheit im internationalen B2C-Bereich: Performancevergleich bei Landesgesellschaften am Beispiel der XYZ AG by Kopp, Oliver
The Black Book of Marketing Secrets, Vol. 13 by Rohleder, T. J.
The Black Book of Marketing Secrets, Vol. 14 by Rohleder, T. J.
Globalizing Ideal Beauty: Women, Advertising, and the Power of Marketing by Sutton, D.
Marketing: Unmasked: Insider's tips ] tricks for success in small business marketing by Wolf, Erik, Frost, Stephanie
Marktanalyse des Outdoormarktes am Point of Sale des Sporthandels by Polotzek, Bernd
Outside the Business Box All about Sales by Hilliard, Richard
Produktzugaben: Eine Empirische Analyse Ihrer Wirksamkeit ALS Instrument Der Verkaufsförderung by Hoffmann, Sascha
Neuromarketing: Transparenz im Konsumentenverhalten und Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Markenführung by Strang, Andreas
Politische PR im Internet: Der Online-Wahlkampf zur Bundespräsidentenwahl in Österreich by Miesler, Martin
Marktchancen aufgrund von raumbezogener Identität by Emigholz, Christian
Consumers´attitudes towards differently branded pork products by Nylund, Anna Devi
Place Marketing and Branding by Rainisto, Seppo
The Retail Game by Magner, Jerry Mba
The Training Of A Secretary (1922) by Church, Arthur Latham
The Seven Principles of WOM and Buzz Marketing: Crossing the Tipping Point by Siomkos, George J., Mourdoukoutas, Panos
Promotion Dynamics by Neslin, Scott A., Van Heerde, Harald J.
Corporate Sponsorship of Small-Scale Sport Tourism Events by Lamont, Matthew
Towards an understanding of the acceptance of SMS marketing by Hogervorst, Freek
The Retail Game by Magner, Jerry Mba
Merriam's Guide to Naming by Merriam, Lisa A.
Visual Identity: Promoting and Protecting the Public Face of an Organization by Alessandri, Susan Westcott
Visual Identity: Promoting and Protecting the Public Face of an Organization by Alessandri, Susan Westcott
Parental Decisions on Processed Snack Choices: A Study of Thai Parents in Bangkok, Thailand by Senkbeil, Andreas
E-Mail-Marketing-Newsletter: Leitfaden für den B-to-B Bereich by Georgieva, Katya
42 Rules of Social Media for Small Business: A Modern Survival Guide That Answers the Question What Do I Do with Social Media? by Jacobson, Jennifer L.
Zusammenhang von Kundenloyalität und Customer Share: Eine empirische Analyse by Prause, Thomas
Jugendmarketing im Sparkassensektor by Iversen, Janine
Complex Adaptive Systems and Consumer Research by Whiteley, Jervis
Bright Lights & Dim Bulbs: The Year in Marketing Buzz, Brilliance & Buffoonery, So You Don't Have to Repeat It -- 2010 Edition by Baskin, Jonathan Salem
Managing Customer Value: One Stage at a Time by N-Marandi, Sara, Soman, Dilip
Meinungsportale im Internet by Lazeta, Kresimir
Leadership Communications: Achieving Outstanding Results in Today's Marketplace by Corder, Lloyd
Kundenbindungsmanagement: der Faktor Kundenzufriedenheit im Bereich der Autobahnhotellerie by Wannig, Charlotte
Prosumer - Der Konsument als Co-Produzent.: Vergleich der Intensität der Kundenintegration bei der Dienstleistungserstellung zwischen einer Low Cost A by Sterneberg, Sandro
Building Brand Authenticity: 7 Habits of Iconic Brands by Beverland, M.
Building Brand Authenticity: 7 Habits of Iconic Brands by Beverland, M.
Marketing Through Turbulent Times by Darroch, Jenny
Der österreichische Tonträgermarkt im Bereich der klassischen Musik by Tichy, Johannes
Werbung als Mittel zur Manipulation by Rauscher, Verena
Household Life Cycle and Lifestyles by Bauer, Martina
Survival of the fittest by De Boer -. Helders, Kirsten
Marketing Through Turbulent Times by Darroch, Jenny
Conferences That Work: Creating Events That People Love by Segar, Adrian
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