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Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN
This Is What You Just Put in Your Mouth?: From Eggnog to Beef Jerky, the Surprising Secrets

This Is What You Just Put in Your Mouth?: From Eggnog to Beef Jerky, the Surprising Secrets


General ReferenceAgricultureGeneral Sociology

ISBN10: 0804139881
ISBN13: 9780804139885
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
Published: Feb 3 2015
Pages: 272
Weight: 0.40
Height: 0.60 Width: 5.20 Depth: 8.10
Language: English
Based on his popular Wired magazine column What's Inside, Patrick Di Justo takes a hard and incredibly funny look at the shocking, disgusting, and often dumbfounding ingredients found in everyday products, from Cool Whip and Tide Pods to Spam and Play-Doh.

What do a cup of coffee and cockroach pheromone have in common? How is Fix-A-Flat like sugarless gum? Is a Slim Jim meat stick really alive? If I Can't Believe It's Not Butter isn't butter, what is it? All of these pressing questions and more are answered in This Is What You Just Put In Your Mouth? Patrick shares the madcap stories of his extensive research, including tracking down a reclusive condiment heir, partnering with a cop to get his hands on heroin, and getting tight-lipped snack-food execs to talk. Along the way, he schools us on product histories, label decoding, and the highfalutin chemistry concepts behind everything from Midol to Hostess fruit pies.

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