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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2012

Eighteenth-Century Vitalism: Bodies, Culture, Politics by Packham, C.
Oeuvres Completes de Moliere, Volume 1... by
Poésies... by Racine, Louis
Globalectics: Theory and the Politics of Knowing by Ngugi Wa Thiong'o
Working with Affect in Feminist Readings: Disturbing Differences by
Literary Charleston and the Lowcountry by
The Theology of Dracula: Reading the Book of Stoker as Sacred Text by Rarignac, Noël Montague-Étienne
Stateless Subjects: Chinese Martial Arts Literature and Postcolonial History by Liu, Petrus
Stateless Subjects: Chinese Martial Arts Literature and Postcolonial History by Liu, Petrus
Myths of Oppression: Revisited in Cherrie Moraga's and Liz Lochhead's Drama by Bilgin Tekin, Inci
Memory, Violence, Queues: Lu Xun Interprets China by Chou, Eva Shan
Jonathan Swift and the Vested Word by Wyrick, Deborah Baker
Writers on the Edge: 22 Writers Speak about Addiction and Dependency by
A Oea Warr So Desperate⠝ John Milton and Some Contemporaries on the Irish Rebellion by Daems, Jim
Rank and Style: Russians in State Service, Life, and Literature by Reyfman, Irina
Satire in Narrative: Petronius, Swift, Gibbon, Melville, & Pynchon by Palmeri, Frank
Rime, Volume 2... by Petrarca, Francesco
Romances and Narratives: Memoirs of a Cavalier, or a Military Journal of the Wars in Germany and the Wars in England... by Defoe, Daniel
Smith's Canadian Gazetteer: Comprising Statistical and General Information Respecting All Parts of the Upper Province, or Canada West ... by Smith, William Henry
The Phantom Barge, and Other Poems. by Thomson, Charles West
Songs in the Night. by Harrison, Susannah
The Various Writings of Cornelius Mathews. by Mathews, Cornelius
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent[lema]n. by Irving, Washington
Phoenixiana, Or, Sketches and Burlesques. by Derby, George Horatio
Romances and Narratives: The King of the Pirates... by Defoe, Daniel
Romances and Narratives: The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Being the Second and Last Part of His Life... by Defoe, Daniel
Romances and Narratives: History of the Remarkable Life of ... Colonel Jacque... by Defoe, Daniel
Romances and Narratives: Robinson Crusoe... by Defoe, Daniel
Romances and Narratives: The Fortunate Mistress... by Defoe, Daniel
Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima: A Description of Works Relating to America Published Between the Years 1492 and 1551: Additions. by Harrisse, Henry
The Columbiad: A Poem. by Barlow, Joel
The Charleston Book: A Miscellany in Prose and Verse. by Simms, William Gilmore
Deutsche Dichtung Von Der Altesten Bis Auf Die Neueste Zeit: In 3 Bd, Volume 1... by Menzel, Wolfgang
de Rhiani Cretensis Studiis Homericis Scripsit Carolus Mayhoff... by Mayhoff, C., Homer
The Power of Faith: Exemplified in the Life and Writings of the Late Mrs. Isabella Graham, of New-York. by Graham, Isabella
Trial of Mary Blandy by Roughead, William
Trial of Mary Blandy by Roughead, William
Goethe Und Schiller: Abt. Das Ideal Der Humanitat... by Hettner, Hermann
Notizie Biografiche E Letterarie in Continuazione Della Biblioteca Modonese del Cavalier Abate Girolamo Tiraboschi..... by Tiraboschi, Girolamo
Poetische Schriften... by Hocker, Wilhelm
Parnasse Latin Moderne: Ou Choix Des Meilleurs Morceaux Des Poètes Latins Qui Se Sont Le Plus Distingués Depuis La Renaissance Des Lettres Jus by Brunel, Jean, Brunot-Labbé
Hier Zensur--Wer Dort?: Antworten Von Gestern Auf Fragen Von Heute... by Houben, Heinrich Hubert
Richard Stanyhursts Ubersetzung Von Vergils Aeneide I-IV: Ihr Verhaeltnis Zum Original. Stil Und Wortschatz, Volume 4... by Schmidt, Heinrich Leopold
Aristofanes: In Drei Banden. Inhalt: I. Der Friede, II. Die Vogel, III. Lysistrata, Volume 2... by
Deutsche Liederdichter Des Zwolften Bis Vierzehnten Jahrhunderts... by Bartsch, Karl
Memoirs of an American Lady: With Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, as They Existed Previous to the Revolution. by Grant, Anne MacVicar
The Life and Writings of Major Jack Downing, of Downingville: Away Down East in the State of Maine. by Smith, Seba
My Thirty Years Out of the Senate. by Smith, Seba
The Life and Writings of Major Jack Downing of Downingville: Away Down East in the State of Maine. by Smith, Seba
Interpretazione Della Allegoria Della Divina Commedia Di Dante Alighieri [Ed. by D.S. Isani].... by Graziani, Giovanni
Heinrich Heine... by Heine, Heinrich
Reliquiae Sacrae: Sive Auctorum Fere Jam Perditorum Secundi Tertiique Saeculi Post Christum Natum Quae Supersunt...... by Routh, Martin Joseph
Miscellaneous Writings of the Late Samuel J. Smith of Burlington, N.J. by Smith, Samuel Joseph
Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams, Sixth President of the United States: With the Eulogy Delivered Before the Legislature of New York. by Seward, William H.
Poeti Latini Minori: Fasc.2 Dirae... by Curcio, Gaetano, (Faliscus )., Grattius, Ovid
The Poetical Works of Hector MacNeill, Esq. Volume 2 of 2 by MacNeill, Hector
The Poetical Works of Hector MacNeill, Esq. Volume 1 of 2 by MacNeill, Hector
Beyond the Nation: Diasporic Filipino Literature and Queer Reading by Ponce, Martin Joseph
Blade Runner and the Cinema of Philip K. Dick by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Blade Runner and the Cinema of Philip K. Dick by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Henry James, Gertrude Stein, and the Biographical ACT by Caramello, Charles
Return of the Chaos Monsters: And Other Backstories of the Bible by Mobley, Gregory
Lynda Barry: Girlhood Through the Looking Glass by Kirtley, Susan E.
Sonnets and Shorter Poems by Petrarch, Francesco, Slavitt, David R.
A Historical Guide to Henry James by
Beyond the Nation: Diasporic Filipino Literature and Queer Reading by Ponce, Martin Joseph
Dying to Be English: Suicide Narratives and National Identity, 1721-1814 by McGuire, Kelly
A Route 66 Companion by
Green Suns and Faerie: Essays on Tolkien by Flieger, Verlyn
Sharing Hamlet, Macbeth, and Romeo & Juliet by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Through the Magic Door by Doyle, Arthur Conan
La Revue de Paris, Volume 5... by Anonymous
English Heart, Hindi Heartland: The Political Life of Literature in India Volume 8 by Sadana, Rashmi
Post-Yugoslav Literature and Film: Fires, Foundations, Flourishes by Crnkovic, Gordana P.
Sodom on the Thames: Sex, Love, and Scandal in Wilde Times by Kaplan, Morris B.
Eminent Outlaws: The Gay Writers Who Changed America by Bram, Christopher
El Estudiante de Salamanca by Espronceda, J. de
Selections from Rossetti and Morris by
Fielding: 'Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon' by
Marionettes by Lucas, F. L.
Ben Jonson's Underwoods by Jonson, Ben
The Works of Morris and Yeats in Relation to Early Saga Literature by Hoare, Dorothy M.
Doctor Johnson and Others by Roberts, S. C.
Secretum Secretorum 1 Eetso: C 276 C by Manzalaoui
Colonizer or Colonized: The Hidden Stories of Early Modern French Culture by Melzer, Sara E.
Odd Texts of Chaucer's Minor Poems, Volume 14, Part 2... by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Nature Wisdom: Mystical Writers of the Big Sur-Monterey Coast by Fitzpatrick, Elayne Wareing
Deutsche Dichtung Im Liede: Gedichte Literaturgeschichtlichen Inhalts... by Imelmann, Johann
Chinese Literature: A Very Short Introduction by Knight, Sabina
Der Vampir als literarische Figur der Romantik by Tille, Rebecca
Identitätsstiftung in den autobiographischen Texten Johann Heinrich Jung-Stillings by Schmenger, Nadine
Die Schuldfrage des Protagonisten am Judenmord in Annette von Droste-Hülshoffs Die Judenbuche by Schaffelhofer, Florian
Symbole und Leitmotive im Helmbrecht Wernhers des Gartenaere by Müller, Patrick
Be Here Now. Lebensgefühl in der Popliteratur im "Soloalbum" von Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre by Theobald, Tim
Die Sprache Carl Sternheims in seinem bürgerlichen Lustspiel "Die Hose": Eine exemplarische Analyse des Stils und der Sprachgestaltung im Expressionis by Guckenburg, Saskia
Vom Umgang mit nationalsozialistischer Vergangenheit in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur: Untersucht anhand von Uwe Timms "Am Beispiel meines Bruders by Schulze, Linda
Las hadas de Bécquer y Wilde: El simbolismo mágico-religioso en Bécquer, Oscar Wilde y la novela artúrica del siglo XXI by Alonso, Maria Lourdes
Adiciones A La Historia Del Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote De La Mancha: En Que Se Prosiguen Los Sucesos Ocurridos A Su Escudero El Famoso Sancho Panza by
Poésies Complètes De Saint-beuve... by Delorme, J., Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin
Les Mille Et Une Nuit: Contes Arabes, Volume 3... by Galland, Antoine
Gottfried Kellers Leben... by Baechtold, Jacob, Keller, Gottfried
Die Funktion von Ritualen im George-Kreis by Fontaine, Farina
Struggling With the Postmodern Crisis of History in Julian Barnes's Flaubert's Parrot (1984) by Tumbrägel, Tessa
Stereotype in der soziologischen und soziolinguistischen Forschung by Aki, Kader
Die Legende und Heinrich Heines Romanfragment vom "Rabbi von Bacherach" by Reinhart, Martin
Der Opferbrauch in Goethes "Iphigenie auf Tauris" by Mujkic, Ernest
George Lakoff's Metaphertheorie angewandt auf die Interpretationen von J.W. Goethes Gedicht "Prometheus" by Mujkic, Ernest
Identitätsstiftung in Johann Heinrich Jung-Stillings Autobiografie by Bachmann, Nadine
Edith Kneifl - Ein Portrait mit Überblick über ihr bisheriges Schaffen und Analyse ihres Debütromans "Zwischen zwei Nächten" by Schrammel, Antje
Gottfried Keller: "Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe": Ursachen eines Liebestodes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung gesellschaftsbedingter M by Bachmann, Nadine
Werbephänomen - Flyer und ihre Sprache: Eine empirische Untersuchung by Windeck, Alexander
Die Braut von Messina oder Die feindlichen Brüder (1803) - Trauerspiel der scheiternden Kommunikation: Schillers Dramen für uns heute gelesen und inte by Leibfried, Erwin
Paul Celan - Interpretation des Gedichts "Psalm" by Nolte, Sarah
Bitch In a Bonnet: Reclaiming Jane Austen from the Stiffs, the Snobs, the Simps and the Saps by Rodi, Robert
Die schulischen Erziehungsinstanzen in Christa Wolfs "Kindheitsmuster": Eine Figurenanalyse by Hinzpeter, Kirsten
Die Ambiguität der Minne in den Gawan-Büchern des "Parzival" by Hinzpeter, Kirsten
Georg Kaisers "Gas": Sprache und Drama im Rahmen des Expressionismus by Guckenburg, Saskia
Kontrollentgleitung vs. Selbstverständnis: Betrachtung des Selbstverständnisses des Zirkusdirektors Caribaldi in Thomas Bernhards "Die Macht der Gewoh by Burkhard, Samuel
Entwicklung des verbalen Aspekts bei zweisprachigen russisch-deutschen Kindern by Rybalov, Daria
Die historische Person Götz von Berlichingen: Zur Lebensgeschichte des Ritters mit der eisernen Hand by Beyer, Hendrik
Eine Analyse zur Begriffsproblematik von Reportage und Bericht im Sportjournalismus by Arndt, Sebastian
Zur Problematik der Adressatenfrage und der Satirezuordnung von Heinrich v. Wittenwilers "Ring": Ein Forschungsüberblick by Arndt, Sebastian
Das Groteske in Elias Canettis Roman "Die Blendung" by Steinborn, Julia
Vanitas, memento mori und carpe diem in der Lyrik des Barock: Darstellung und Analyse anhand ausgewählter Texte by Allermann, Jan-Christoph
"Vorsicht Fettnäpfchen!" - Struktur und Besonderheiten von Beratungsgesprächen im Fernsehen am Beispiel der Knigge-Beratung des MDR-Nachmittagmagazins by Gärtig, Tom
Don Juan - von Mozart bis heute by Ott, Angela
Theodor Fontanes Verständnis des Prinzips "Verklärung" by Mujkic, Ernest
Mythos - Mythologem - Medea: Zur Mythentransformation der Medeafigur in Christa Wolfs Medea-Roman im Vergleich zur euripideischen Interpretation by Luther, Christian
Zur Imagination des Bösen am Beispiel Jean-Baptiste Grenouilles aus Patrick Süskinds Roman 'Das Parfum' by Luther, Christian
Das Versepos in der neueren deutschen Literatur - eine "unmögliche" Gattungsform? by Wisner, Marcel
Typen von Namenmotivierung und Namenbildung und deren Wandel in Geschichte und Gegenwart by Schmenger, Nadine
Elementos De Literatura: Retórica I Poética... by Arana, Diego Barros
Opere Di Silvio Pellico... by Pellico, Silvio
La Religieuse: Madame De La Carlière. Les Deux Amis De Bourbonne... by Diderot, Denis
Lustige Reyss-Beschreibung Aus Saltzburg in Verschiedene Lander... by Stranitzky, Joseph Anton
Les Origines De La Poésie Lyrique En France Au Moyen Âge: Études De Littérature Française Et Comparée, Suivies De Textes Inédits... by Jeanroy, Alfred
Gedichte... by Freiligrath, Ferdinand
Britain Colonized: Hollywood's Appropriation of British Literature by Jeffers, J.
Der Neubestellte Irrgarten Der Liebe: Um Etliche Gaenge Und Lauben Vermehrt Verliebte, Launenhafte, Moralische Und Andere Lieder, Gedichte U. Sprueche by Bierbaum, Otto Julius
Another Way by Brown, Kevin
Another Way by Brown, Kevin
Early Mystics in Turkish Literature by Koprulu, Mehmed Fuad
Imagination and Meaning in Calvin and Hobbes by Heit, Jamey
Readings of the Platform Sutra by
Virgin and Veteran Readings of Ulysses by Norris, M.
Virgin and Veteran Readings of Ulysses by Norris, M.
Argonautique De Valérius Flaccus: Ou, La Conquête De La Toison D'or, Volume 1... by Flaccus, Gaius Valerius
Notizie Biografiche E Letterarie In Continuazione Della Biblioteca Modonese Del Cavalier Abate Girolamo Tiraboschi..... by Tiraboschi, Girolamo
Histoire Des Idées Littéraires En France Au Xixe Siècle: Et De Leurs Origines Dans Les Siècles Antérieurs, Volume 2... by Michiels, Alfred
Homer the Preclassic: Volume 67 by Nagy, Gregory
The Mother in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Psychoanalysis, Photography, Deconstruction by Marder, Elissa
Ordinary Pleasures: Couples, Conversation, and Comedy by Young, Kay
The Mother in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Psychoanalysis, Photography, Deconstruction by Marder, Elissa
Comic Books and the Cold War, 1946-1962: Essays on Graphic Treatment of Communism, the Code and Social Concerns by
Charles Dickens: The Complete Novels in One Sitting by Herr, Joelle
Murdering Miss Marple: Essays on Gender and Sexuality in the New Golden Age of Women's Crime Fiction by
The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays by Wilde, Oscar
Readings of the Platform Sutra by
The Annotated Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
The Collected Works of Leonard Wannabe by Greenberg, Leonard
Goethes Faust ALS Einheitliche Dichtung Erlaütert, Volume 1... by Baumgart, Hermann
Geschichte Der Hellenischen Dichtkunst, Volume 2... by Ulrici, Hermann
Margherita Pusterla: Racconto... Storia Milanese del Secolo XIV.... by Cantu, Cesare, Cant?, Cesare
Hogwarts and All: Gothic Perspectives on Children's Literature by Pepetone, Gregory G.
Reading African American Experiences in the Obama Era: Theory, Advocacy, Activism- With a foreword by Marc Lamont Hill and an afterword by Zeus Leonar by
The Collected Works of Leonard Wannabe by Greenberg, Leonard
Chicano Satire: A Study in Literary Culture by Hernandez, Guillermo
Alterität als Leitkonzept für historisches Interpretieren by
Les Samedis Litteraires, Volume 4... by Ernest-Charles, Jean
The Mind and Art of Abraham Lincoln, Philosopher Statesman: Texts and Interpretations of Twenty Great Speeches by Lowenthal, David
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Shakespeare: 'This Is Living Art' by Billington, Josie
Giacomo Leopardi's Search For a Common Life Through Poetry: A Different Nobility, A Different Love by Rosengarten, Frank
C.S. Lewis Goes to Heaven: A Reader's Guide to The Great Divorce by Clark, David G.
George Orwell the Essayist: Literature, Politics and the Periodical Culture by Marks, Peter
Reading Vietnam Amid the War on Terror by Hawkins, T.
Queer Commodities: Contemporary US Fiction, Consumer Capitalism, and Gay and Lesbian Subcultures by Davidson, G.
Geschichte Der Weltliteratur: Bd. Die Griechische Und Lateinische Literatur Des Klassischen Altertums. 1. Und 2. Aufl. 1900... by Baumgartner, Alexander
Reading Vietnam Amid the War on Terror by Hawkins, T.
Queer Commodities: Contemporary US Fiction, Consumer Capitalism, and Gay and Lesbian Subcultures by Davidson, G.
Hulsius' Dictionarium Frantzösisch-Teutsch: Vergleich der ersten und der dritten Auflage (1596 und 1607) an Beispielen by Reinhardt, Cornelia
Strange Divisions and Alien Territories: The Sub-Genres of Science Fiction by Brooke, Keith
Narratives of Place, Belonging and Language: An Intercultural Perspective by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Legendarisches Erzählen im 'Alexius' Konrads von Würzburg by Reinhardt, Cornelia
Die verschiedenen Schlüsse des "Iwein" - Präzedenzfall für den unfesten Text des Mittelalters: Eine exemplarische Untersuchung poetischer Konzepte anh by Filla, H.
Reading the Animal in the Literature of the British Raj by Rajamannar, S.
Writing - Theory and History of the Technology of Civilization by Powell, Barry B.
Cartographic Strategies of Postmodernity: The Figure of the Map in Contemporary Theory and Fiction by Mitchell, Peta
Zum Status der Partikelverben in der Grammatik by Jaskolka-Pirskowitz, Wiebke
Hans Castorps "Besuch" auf Thomas Manns "Zauberberg" - warum aus drei Wochen sieben Jahre werden by Eyring, Christoph
Die Undine im Wandel der Zeit: Ein Vergleich von Fouqués Undine, Giraudoux' Ondine und Bachmanns Undine geht by Nasser, Kathrin
Syntaktische Komplexität - Ein Vergleich deutscher Bibelübersetzungen vom 16. Jahrhundert bis heute by Hirschauer, Miriam Marie
Poésies de Madame Desbordes-Vamore... by Desbordes-Valmore, Marceline
Dinge denken, Sprache sehen - die Metamorphose der Dinge in Sprache in Gertrude Steins "Tender Buttons" by Mur, Svjetlana
Human Remains: Medicine, Death, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century Paris by Strauss, Jonathan
Human Remains: Medicine, Death, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century Paris by Strauss, Jonathan
Le Langage et le Style Kouroumien: Barbarisme ou Apologie d´un Syncretisme Linguistique? by Kodah, Mawuloe Koffi
Barbed Wire: Borders and Partitions in South Asia by
The Cambridge History of Postcolonial Literature 2 Volume Set by
Men Who Knew Too Much: Henry James and Alfred Hitchcock by
Best of Lsu Fiction by
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