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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Buddhism in 2022

The Heroic Heart: Awakening Unbound Compassion by Palmo, Jetsunma Tenzin
Precarious Balance: Sinhala Buddhism and the Forces of Pluralism by Smith, Bardwell L.
Precarious Balance: Sinhala Buddhism and the Forces of Pluralism by Smith, Bardwell L.
Devas, Demons and Buddhist Cosmology in Sri Lanka: Apotheosis and the Spiritual Progression of Hūniyam by Gunasekara-Rockwell, Achala
Einführung in den Buddhismus aus westlicher Perspektive by Borrmann, Dieter
Indische Sphären: Yoga und Buddhismus (großdruck) (Large Print Edition) by Zimmer, Heinrich
To be a Marma: A passionately lived identity on the borderlands between Bangladesh and Myanmar by Hoque, Farhana
When Tibetan Meditation Goes Global: A Study of the Adaptation of Bon Religious Practices in the West by Arizaga, Mara Lisa
Sky Dharma: The Foundations of the Namchö Treasure Teachings by Kunzang Sherab, Rigdzin, Chagme, Karma
Common Ground: Tibetan Buddhist Expansion and Qing China's Inner Asia by Wu, Lan
Common Ground: Tibetan Buddhist Expansion and Qing China's Inner Asia by Wu, Lan
Threads of Awakening: An American Woman's Journey Into Tibet's Sacred Textile Art by Rinchen-Wongmo, Leslie
The Promise of a Sacred World: Shinran's Teaching of Other Power by Nagapriya
Tranquillity Leading to Insight: Exploration of Buddhist Meditation Practices by Sampathge, Chulan
The Goddess and the Sun in Indian Myth: Power, Preservation and Mirrored Māhātmyas in the Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa by Balkaran, Raj
The Creative South: Buddhist and Hindu Art in Mediaeval Maritime Asia, volume 2 by
Collected Wheel Publications: Volume 9: Numbers 116 - 131 by Davids, T. W. Rhys, Thera, Nyanaponika, Burns, Douglas
A Garland of Gold: The Early Kagyu Masters in India and Tibet by Thaye, Lama Jampa
The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep: Practices for Awakening by Wangyal, Tenzin
Thanh Van Tang, Tap 21: Tap Di Mon Tuc Luan - Bia Mem by
Thanh Van Tang, Tap 21: Tap Di Mon Tuc Luan - Bia Cung by
The Thousand and One Lives of the Buddha by Faure, Bernard
Buddhism in Daily Life by Gorkom, Nina Van
A Gentle Rain of Compassion by Shlim, David R.
A Gentle Rain of Compassion by Shlim, David R.
Where Did You Go, Mr. Kitsel? by Heller, Daniel a.
Abhidhamma in Daily Life by Gorkom, Nina Van
Be Brave by Lama, Dalai
A Gentle Rain of Compassion by Shlim, David R.
The Collected Works of Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche, Volume II: Indisputable Truth and Present Fresh Wakefulness by Rinpoche, Chokyi Nyima
Wisdom Within Words: An Annotated Translation of Dōgen's Chinese-Style Poetry by Heine, Steven
Inherited Silence: Listening to the Land, Healing the Colonizer Mind by Dunlap, Louise
Inherited Silence: Listening to the Land, Healing the Colonizer Mind by Dunlap, Louise
Discovering the True Self: Kodo Sawaki's Art of Zen Meditation by Sawaki, Kodo
Discovering the True Self: Kodo Sawaki's Art of Zen Meditation by Sawaki, Kodo
The Art of Quiet Influence: Timeless Wisdom for Leading Without Authority by Davis, Jocelyn
In the Present Moment: Buddhism, Contemporary Art and Social Practice by Sivanesan, Haema
The Power of Mind: A Tibetan Monk's Guide to Finding Freedom in Every Challenge by Lodrö t'Hayé Rinpoche, Khentrul
La Relaxation de l'esprit: Une méthode en sept étapes pour approfondir la pratique de la méditation by Kilung Rinpoche, Dza
La Pratique du lojong: Cultiver la compassion par l'entraînement de l'esprit by Kyabgon, Traleg
Mapping the Pathways of Huayan Buddhist Thought: Its Origins, Unfolding, and Relevance by Nakasone, Ronald Y.
The Tibetan Nun Mingyur Peldrön: A Woman of Power and Privilege by Melnick Dyer, Alison
The Tibetan Nun Mingyur Peldrön: A Woman of Power and Privilege by Melnick Dyer, Alison
The Buddhist Enneagram: Nine Paths to Warriorship by Piver, Susan
unbecoming by Muensterer, Laura
unbecoming by Muensterer, Laura
Cong trinh Phien dich Dai Tang Kinh Viet Nam by
Early Theravadin Cambodia: Perspectives from Art and Archaeology by
Trust in Awakening: A Zen Teaching on Accessing the Absolute by Snyder, Stephen
Inside Vasubandhu's Yogacara: A Practitioner's Guide by Connelly, Ben
Inside Vasubandhu's Yogacara: A Practitioner's Guide by Connelly, Ben
Religious Epistemology through Schillebeeckx and Tibetan Buddhism: Reimagining Authority Amidst Modern Uncertainty by Vonwachenfeldt, Jason M.
The Discourse on the Fruits of Recluseship: The Samannaphala Sutta and its Commentaries by Bodhi, Bhikkhu
Đạo Lý Nhà Phật by Còn, Đoàn Trung
Thanh Van Tang, Tap 22: Phap Uan Tuc Luan - Bia Mem by
Thanh Van Tang, Tap 22: Phap Uan Tuc Luan - Bia Cung by
Evolviere zur/zum Buddha!: Gelnhäuser buddhistsiche Reihe - Band 7 by Gunkel, Horst
Absolutization: The Source of Dogma, Repression, and Conflict by Ellis, Robert M.
Buddhist Violence and Religious Authority: A Tribute to the Work of Michael Jerryson by Mark Juergensmeyer, Mark
Absolutization: The Source of Dogma, Repression, and Conflict by Ellis, Robert M.
Buddhism: History and Practice by
Meditations of the Pali Tradition: Illuminating Buddhist Doctrine, History, and Practice by Cousins, L. S.
That Bird Has My Wings: The Autobiography of an Innocent Man on Death Row by Masters, Jarvis Jay
That Bird Has My Wings: The Autobiography of an Innocent Man on Death Row by Masters, Jarvis Jay
Luminous Darkness: An Engaged Buddhist Approach to Embracing the Unknown by Tull, Deborah Eden
So You Think You Want To Be A Buddhist by Wilson, Norman W.
Una Vida Mas Feliz: Cómo desarrollar una felicidad y bienestar genuinos en cada etapa de tu vida by Jamphel Lodrö, Shar Khentrul
The Routledge Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies by
Buddhism, Cognitive Science, and the Doctrine of Selflessness: A Revolution in Our Self-Conception by Nicholson, Hugh
Reincarnation in Possible Perpetuity: 無何有之身 by Bin-Mau Lin, 林彬懋
A Story of Skepticism and Blessing: 懷疑與恩寵的故事 by 林彬懋, Bin-Mau Lin
Paths of Pure vision: The Histories, Views, and Practices of Tibet's Living Spiritual Tradition by Jamphel Lodrö, Shar Khentrul
The Flower Adornment Sutra - Volume Two: An Annotated Translation of the Avataṃsaka Sutra with "A Commentarial Synopsis of the Flower Adornment by
The Flower Adornment Sutra - Volume One: An Annotated Translation of the Avataṃsaka Sutra with "A Commentarial Synopsis of the Flower Adornment by
The Flower Adornment Sutra - Volume Three: An Annotated Translation of the Avataṃsaka Sutra with "A Commentarial Synopsis of the Flower Adornmen by
A Zen Life of Buddha by Martin, Rafe
Chenrezig - The Practice of Compassion by Tulku, Ringu
Die 88 Tempel von Shikoku: Ein Reiseführer für Pilger - Ausgabe 2023 by Dunskus, Oliver
An Invincible Summer Within by O'Hare, Padraic
An Invincible Summer Within by O'Hare, Padraic
Dynamics of Interregional Exchange in East Asian Buddhist Art, 5th-13th Century by
A Comparative Study of Environmental Ethics in Early Buddhism and Northern Thai Tradition by Suttikan, Sittikul
How We Live Is How We Die by Chodron, Pema
Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet by Hanh, Thich Nhat
The Cycle of Life - The Tibetan Painting of Impermanent Demon by Bhikkhuni, Gioi Huong
Initiations and Initiates in Tibet by David-Neel, Alexandra
Deepening Wisdom, Deepening Connection by Tsomo, Lama
The Ruby Rosary: Joyfully Accepted by Vidyadharas and Dakinis as the Ornament of a Necklace by Norbu, Thinley
Treasury of the Eye of True Teaching: Classic Stories, Discourses, and Poems of the Chan Tradition by Dahui
Present Moment Wonderful Moment (Revised Edition): Verses for Daily Living-Updated Third Edition by Nhat Hanh, Thich
SĀRNĀTHA THE CRADLE OF BUDDHISM (From an Archeological Perspective) by Bhikkhunī, Gioi Huong
Writings of Nichiren Shonin Biography and Disciples: Volume 5 by
Key words in the Vajracchedikā Sūtra by Bhikkhuni, Gioi Huong
Karma: How to Improve the Quality of Your Life (How Karma Can Be Burnt Up Through Proper Meditation) by Lowe, Dakota
Zen: Hermosos Cuentos Zen by Dhamma, Buda
The Gathering of Intentions: A History of a Tibetan Tantra by Dalton, Jacob P.
Ravana's Kingdom: The Ramayana and Sri Lankan History from Below by Henry, Justin W.
The Art of Transforming the Mind: A Meditator's Guide to the Tibetan Practice of Lojong by Wallace, B. Alan
The Art of Transforming the Mind: A Meditator's Guide to the Tibetan Practice of Lojong by Wallace, B. Alan
Collected Wheel Publications: Volume 10: Numbers 132 - 151 by Rao, P. M., Karunaratne, T. B., Gunaratna, V. F.
The Compassionate Activist: Transforming the World from Within by Draper-Clarke, Lucy
Take Refuge in the Three Jewels & Keep the Five Precepts by Bhikkhunī, Gioi Huong
Reconstructing Early Buddhism by Bucknell, Roderick S.
THE ART OF LIVING - NGHỆ THUẬT SỐNG (Bilingual language: English-Vietnamese) by Bhikkhuni, Gioi Huong
Buddhist Ecological Protection of Space: A Guide for Sustainable Off-Earth Travel by Capper, Daniel
Commentary on AvalokiteŚvara Bodhisattva by Bhikkhunī, Gioi Huong
Finding the Keys: Reaching Thai Folk Buddhists with the Gospel by Martyn, Peter, Martyn, Waew
Buddhist Art of Tibet: In Milarepa's Footsteps by Falcombello, Jean-Marc, Jenny, Magali, Bock, Etienne
Demystifying Awakening: A Buddhist Path of Realization, Embodiment, and Freedom by Snyder, Stephen
Searching for the Body: A Contemporary Perspective on Tibetan Buddhist Tantra by Dachille, Rae Erin
Searching for the Body: A Contemporary Perspective on Tibetan Buddhist Tantra by Dachille, Rae Erin
The Journey: Big Panda and Tiny Dragon by Norbury, James
Quan Âm QuẢng TrẦn by Thích Nữ, Giới Hương
The Gods of Northern Buddhism: Their History, Iconography and Progressive Evolution Through the Northern Buddhist Countries by Getty, Alice
Le Lotus De La Bonne Loi, Traduit Du Sanscrit, Accompagné D'un Commentaire Et De Vingt Et Un Mémoires Relatifs Au Buddhisme, Par E. Burnouf... by Burnouf, Eugène
The Dhammapada by Müller, Friedrich Max, Fausbøll, Viggo
The Light of Asia or The Great Renunciation by Arnold, Edwin
Buddhist Birth-Stories: Jataka Tales by Thomas William Rhys, Davids
The Light of Asia or The Great Renunciation by Arnold, Edwin
Sayings of Buddha, the Iti-Vuttaka: A Pali Work of the Buddhist Canon for the First Time Translated by Moore, Justin Hartley
Buddhist Parables by Burlingame, Eugene Watson
The Dhammapada by Fausbøll, Viggo, Müller, Friedrich Max
The Jataka; or, Stories of the Buddha's Former Births by Chalmers, Robert, Rouse, William Henry Denham, Cowell, Edward Byles
Le Bouddhisme Japonais: Doctrines et Histoire des Douze Grandes Sectes Bouddhiques du Japon by Fujishima, Ryauon
A Buddhist Catechism by Steel, Olcott Henry
The Ascent of Mount Carmel by Cross, John Of the
The Religion of the Veda: The Ancient Religion of India (From Rig-Veda to Upanishads) by Bloomfield, Maurice
A Buddhist Bible by Goddard, Dwight
Sadhana: The Realisation of Life by Tagore, Rabindranath
Nichiren, the Buddhist Prophet by Anesaki, Masaharu
Madhyamakavatara by Candrakirti
Hand-Book of Chinese Buddhism: Being a Sanskrit-Chinese Dictionary With Vocabularies of Buddhist Terms in Pali, Singhalese, Siamese, Burmese, Tibetan by Takakuwa, K., Eitel, Ernest John
Sadhana: The Realisation of Life by Tagore, Rabindranath
The Gods of Northern Buddhism: Their History, Iconography and Progressive Evolution Through the Northern Buddhist Countries by Getty, Alice
A Buddhist Bible by Goddard, Dwight
Hand-Book of Chinese Buddhism: Being a Sanskrit-Chinese Dictionary With Vocabularies of Buddhist Terms in Pali, Singhalese, Siamese, Burmese, Tibetan by Eitel, Ernest John, Takakuwa, K.
Madhyamakavatara by Candrakirti
Buddhist Parables by Burlingame, Eugene Watson
The Religion of the Veda: The Ancient Religion of India (From Rig-Veda to Upanishads) by Bloomfield, Maurice
The Ascent of Mount Carmel by Cross, John Of the
Buddhist Birth-Stories: Jataka Tales by Thomas William Rhys, Davids
Sayings of Buddha, the Iti-Vuttaka: A Pali Work of the Buddhist Canon for the First Time Translated by Moore, Justin Hartley
The Dhamapada [Sic]: Or, the Path of Righteousness by Hazeldine, Norton F. W.
The Jataka; or, Stories of the Buddha's Former Births by Rouse, William Henry Denham, Cowell, Edward Byles, Chalmers, Robert
General Sketch of the History of Pantheism; Volume 1 by Plumptre, Constance E.
General Sketch of the History of Pantheism; Volume 1 by Plumptre, Constance E.
Geschichte Der Indischen Litteratur; Volume 1 by Winternitz, Moriz
Buddha: His Life and Teachings by Carus, Paul, Nyanatiloka, Bhikkhu
Buddha: His Life and Teachings by Carus, Paul, Nyanatiloka, Bhikkhu
Geschichte Der Indischen Litteratur; Volume 1 by Winternitz, Moriz
L'empire Chinois: Le Bouddhisme En Chine Et Au Thibet by Lamairesse
L'empire Chinois: Le Bouddhisme En Chine Et Au Thibet by Lamairesse
Die Lehre der Upanishaden und die Anfänge des Buddhismus by Oldenberg, Hermann
A Short History of The Twelve Japanese Buddhist Sects [microform] by Nanjio, Bunyiu
Buddhist Essays by Dahlke, Paul
The Dharma by Carus, Paul
A Short History of The Twelve Japanese Buddhist Sects [microform] by Nanjio, Bunyiu
Buddhist Essays by Dahlke, Paul
The Dharma by Carus, Paul
Notes on the Ancient Geography of Burma by Charles, Duroiselle
Notes on the Ancient Geography of Burma by Charles, Duroiselle
A Manual Of Budhism by Hardy, R. Spence
A Manual Of Budhism by Hardy, R. Spence
Buddhismus und Christentum by Bertholet, Alfred
Buddhismus und Christentum by Bertholet, Alfred
The Essence of Japanese Buddhism by Tsunoda, Riusaku
The Essence of Japanese Buddhism by Tsunoda, Riusaku
Literary History of Sanskrit Buddhism; From Winternitz, Sylvain Levi, Huber by Winternitz, Moriz, Nariman, Gushtaspshah Kaikhushro, Lévi, Sylvain
Researches Into Chinese Superstitions. Translated From the French With Notes, Historical and Explanatory by M. Kennelly; Volume 5 by Doré, Henri
The Way to Nirvana by Poussin, L. de la Vallée
The Way to Nirvana by Poussin, L. de la Vallée
Researches Into Chinese Superstitions. Translated From the French With Notes, Historical and Explanatory by M. Kennelly; Volume 5 by Doré, Henri
Literary History of Sanskrit Buddhism; From Winternitz, Sylvain Levi, Huber by Winternitz, Moriz, Nariman, Gushtaspshah Kaikhushro, Lévi, Sylvain
Études Sur Aryadeva Et Son Catuhsataka, Chapitres 8-16 by Vaidya, P. L.
Bodhicaryvatra. Introduction a la pratique des futurs Bouddhas; pòeme de Çntideva. Traduit du sanscrit et annoté par Louis de La Vallée Poussin by Cent, Vbsntideva 7th
Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts: 1 by Müller, F. Max 1823-1900, Takakusu, Junjiro, Cowell, Edward B. 1826-1903
Vie De Saint Athanase: Patriarche D'alexandrie, Docteur Et Père De L'église by Barbier, Paul
The Saddharma-Pundarîka; or, The Lotus of the True Law by Kern, H.
Chinese Buddhism by Edkins, Joseph
Chinese Buddhism by Edkins, Joseph
Buddhism in China by Beal, Samuel
Chinese Buddhism: A Volume of Sketches, Historical, Descriptive, and Critical by Joseph, Edkins
Buddhism in China by Beal, Samuel
Mythologie Des Buddhismus in Tibet Und Der Mongolei: Führer Durch Die Lamaistische Sammlung Des Fürsten E. Uchtomskij by Grünwedel, Albert
The Saddharma-Pundarîka; or, The Lotus of the True Law by Kern, H.
Esoteric Buddhism by Sinnett, A. P.
Esoteric Buddhism by Sinnett, A. P.
Buddhism by Thomas William Rhys, Davids
Buddhist Suttas by T. W. Rhys (Thomas William Rhys), Dav
Buddhism by Thomas William Rhys, Davids
Buddhist Suttas by T. W. Rhys (Thomas William Rhys), Dav
Die Lehre der Upanishaden und die Anfänge des Buddhismus by Oldenberg, Hermann
Vie De Saint Athanase: Patriarche D'alexandrie, Docteur Et Père De L'église by Barbier, Paul
Si-yu-ki, Buddhist Records of the Western World; Volume 2 by Beal, Samuel, Hsüan-Tsang, Ca596-664
Le Bouddhisme Japonais: Doctrines et Histoire des Douze Grandes Sectes Bouddhiques du Japon by Fujishima, Ryauon
A Buddhist Catechism by Steel, Olcott Henry
The Life of Buddha by Herold, Andre Ferdinand
The Diamond Sutra: Or Prajna-Paramita by Gemmell, William
The Dhamma of Gotama the Buddha and the Gospel of Jesus the Christ; a Critical Inquiry Into the Alle by Aiken, Charles Francis
The Dhamma of Gotama the Buddha and the Gospel of Jesus the Christ; a Critical Inquiry Into the Alle by Aiken, Charles Francis
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