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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2022

Birth in Kabbalah and Psychoanalysis by Kara-Ivanov Kaniel, Ruth
Ethnicity in the Ancient World - Did It Matter? by Gruen, Erich S.
Kinot Readings: Maḥberet Avodat Hashem Volume Three by Weinberg, Simcha Leib
The Stock Exchange: Dating and marriage advice from ohev Yisroel and matchmaker Shimshon Stock by Stock, Shimshon
Книга Зоар; Ахарей мот, Кд&#10 by Лайтман, М&#
Книга Зоар: Бемидбар, Нас&#108 by Лайтман, М&#
"An Ancient Psalm, a Modern Song": Italian Translations of Hebrew Literature in the Early Modern Period by Guetta, Alessandro
The Mishnah and Prayer: A Brief Introduction to Prayer in Tractate Berachot by Bejarano Gutierrez, Juan Marcos
La Torah en texte intégral: Les cinq premiers livres de la Bible hébraïque: La Torah commentée par le Grand-Rabbin Zadoc Kahn by Kahn, Zadoc
My Essential Retraction: From My Poet's Profile in The International Who's Who in Poetry (2005) by Murray, Dianna Tatiana
A Sephardi Sea: Jewish Memories Across the Modern Mediterranean by Miccoli, Dario
A Sephardi Sea: Jewish Memories Across the Modern Mediterranean by Miccoli, Dario
Manual de Recursos Cabalísticos (Vol. I) by Madirolas, Eduardo
Torah from Our Sages: Pirkei Avot by Neusner, Jacob
Love, Norm: Inspiration of a Jewish American Fighter Pilot by Shulman, Norman M.
Love, Norm: Inspiration of a Jewish American Fighter Pilot by Shulman, Norman M.
The Parshah of Hakaras Hatov: Lessons in Hakaras Hatov from the Weekly Parshah and Yamim Tovim by Weinberg, Chaim E. M.
Seeing Jesus in Unexpected Places: A Fascinating Look at the Old Testament Tabernacle by Rogers, Adrian
Pentecostal Theology: The Peculiarity of Prophetic Pentecostalism in South Africa by Kgatle, Mookgo Solomon
Bar Mitzvah Certificate 10-Pack by
Seeing Jesus in Unexpected Places: A Fascinating Look at the Old Testament Tabernacle by Rogers, Adrian
Bat Mitzvah Certificate 10-Pack by House, Behrman
Celebrating Hanukkah by Morgan, Elizabeth, Erlbach, Arlene
The Scholastic Culture of the Babylonian Talmud by Bickart, Noah
American Torah Toons 2: Fifty-Four Illustrated Commentaries by Bush, Lawrence
Introduction to the Wisdom of Kabbalah: A Beginner's Course in the Authentic Wisdom by Levi, Oren
American Torah Toons 2: Fifty-Four Illustrated Commentaries by Bush, Lawrence
Ben Sira in Conversation with Traditions: A Festschrift for Prof. Núria Calduch-Benages on the Occasion of Her 65th Birthday by
The Koren Selihot Minhag Lita by
Crosscurrents: God, the God of Unmet Desire: Volume 72, Number 1, March 2022 by Zisl
The Magic of the Sword of Moses: A Practical Guide to Its Spells, Amulets, and Ritual by Roth, Harold
Nano: Technology of Mind over Matter by Berg, Rav
The Energy of the Hebrew Letters by Berg, Rav
Dios Usa Lapiz Labial: Kabbalah para Mujeres = God Wears Lipstick by Berg, Karen
El Poder de la Kabbalah: 13 principios para superar los desafíos y alcanzar la realización by Berg, Rav
Wheels of a Soul: Reincarnation and Kabbalah by Berg, Rav
Maurice Samuel: Life and Letters of a Secular Jewish Contrarian by Levenson, Alan T.
The Prophet of the Andes: An Unlikely Journey to the Promised Land by Mochkofsky, Graciela
The Stories They Tell: Halakhic Anecdotes in the Babylonian Talmud by Hauptman, Judith
Warrior, King, Servant, Savior: Messianism in the Hebrew Bible and Early Jewish Texts by Elgvin, Torleif
Magia Judía: Un estudio sobre religión popular. by Trachtenberg, Joshua
Words for the Wise by First, Mitchell
Bild und Idol: Perspektiven aus Philosophie und juedischem Denken by
Time and Difference in Rabbinic Judaism by Kattan Gribetz, Sarit
Sketches of Jewish Social Life In the days of Christ: Easy to Read Layout (Large Print Edition) by Edersheim, Alfred
Papa's Last Words II by Ben-Shalom, R. H.
The Feasts and Festivals of the Messiah by Cherry, Lynda
Demons in the Details: Demonic Discourse and Rabbinic Culture in Late Antique Babylonia by Ronis, Sara
Growing in the Shadow of Antifascism: Remembering the Holocaust in State-Socialist Eastern Europe by
Jewish-Christian Dialogues on Scripture in Late Antiquity by Bar-Asher Siegal, Michal
Authentically Jewish: Identity, Culture, and the Struggle for Recognition by Charmé, Stuart Z.
100 Life Lessons I've Learned So You Don't Have To by Saltsman, Rosally
Generations of Jewish Directors and the Struggle for America's Soul: Wyler, Lumet, and Spielberg by Girgus, Sam B.
Not Just Israel: the world's many Jewish nations & tribes, past & present by Brachfeld, Aaron
Daily Blessings: Poems on Tractate Berakhot by Broder, Hillel
The Salvation of Israel: Jews in Christian Eschatology from Paul to the Puritans by Cohen, Jeremy
Glad Hand of God Points Backwards: Poems by Mennies, Rachel
Looking for an Enemy: 8 Essays on Antisemitism by
Healing in the Hebrew Months: A Biblical Understanding of Each Season's Emotional Healing by Lesesne, Leah
Shaarei Kedushah - Gates of Holiness by Vital, Rabbi Chaim
Meditation and Kabbalah by Kaplan, Aryeh
Meditation and Kabbalah by Kaplan, Aryeh
The Temple - Its Ministry and Services as they were at the time of Jesus Christ: Easy to Read Layout (Large Print Edition) by Edersheim, Alfred
የንጉሡ መወለድ የመሥሪያ መጽሐፍ by Reid, Pip
Illuminating the Path to Vibrant American Jewish Communities: Linking Data to Policy by Ukeles, Jacob B.
Jerusalem the Golden by Douglas, Herman
The Unveiling of His Glory in the Beauty Realm by Hoskings, Cindy
Intertextuality and Prophetic Exegesis in the War Scroll of Qumran by Melgar, César
I Am The God of Covenant Life Part Two by Hoskins, Cindy
Personal Encounters: Stories, Ideas, Lessons from Jewish Life by Shechter, Jack
Intertextuality and Prophetic Exegesis in the War Scroll of Qumran by Melgar, César
Uniquely Kosher by Eshkol, Chasya Katriela
Sprüche über das Sprechen by Thon, Johannes
Poetry Jewels: Diamonds, Emeralds, Sapphires, Rubies, and Pearls: One of the World's Greatest Poets, The Greatest Poems Ever Written by Lampert, Poet Sharon Esther
Textual Rivalries: Jesus, Midrash, and Kabbalah by Elbom, Gilad
Memories of Two Generations: A Yiddish Life in Russia and Texas by Gurwitz, Alexander Z.
The Missing Jew: Poems 1976-2022 by Kamenetz, Rodger
Secrecy and Esoteric Writing in Kabbalistic Literature by Dauber, Jonathan
Ars Judaica: The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, Volume 17 by
The Life of David as Reflected in his Psalms: Easy to Read Layout (Large Print Edition) by MacLaren, Alexander
The Crucifixion Eve Era - Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged: Religious and Political Revolution in the Roman World by Sandifer, Dean
Die Pogromnacht des 9./10. November 1938 in Düsseldorf und Essen: Ein Vergleich by Hollender, Christina
American Jewish Year Book 2021: The Annual Record of the North American Jewish Communities Since 1899 by
Morality and Religion: The Jewish Story by Sagi, Avi
Timely Words by Sokolow, Moshe
La voz del testigo: Una narrativa insospechada by Quesada, Henry
Torah Song by Twersky, Geula
My Jewish Year: 18 Holidays, One Wondering Jew by Pogrebin, Abigail
My Jewish Year: 18 Holidays, One Wondering Jew by Pogrebin, Abigail
Pontos De Referência: O desenvolvimento da alma durante o ciclo do ano by Laitman, Michael
Siddur Hatefillah: The Jewish Prayer Book. Philosophy, Poetry, and Mystery by Schweid, Eliezer
We Shall Build Anew: Stephen S. Wise, the Jewish Institute of Religion, and the Reinvention of American Liberal Judaism by Idelson, Shirley
Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times by Sacks, Jonathan
The God of the Way: A Journey Into the Stories, People, and Faith That Changed the World Forever by Sobel, Rabbi Jason, Gifford, Kathie Lee
The God of the Way: A Journey Into the Stories, People, and Faith That Changed the World Forever by Gifford, Kathie Lee, Sobel, Rabbi Jason
The God of the Way: A Journey Into the Stories, People, and Faith That Changed the World Forever by Gifford, Kathie Lee, Sobel, Rabbi Jason
Professionalisierung islamischer Gefaengnisseelsorge im niedersaechsischen Justizvollzug by
The Everlasting Man: With Study Guide by Rose, Ellen, Chesterton, G. K.
The Miracle of the Jews by Schram, Robert H.
Biblical Origins: The Political Intent of the Bible's Writers by Sperling, David
The Empty Bowl: Poems of the Holocaust and After by Sherman, Judith H.
Philosophy as Stranger Wisdom: A Leo Strauss Intellectual Biography by Altini, Carlo
Unmatched: An Orthodox Jewish woman's mystifying journey to find marriage and meaning by Lavane, Sarah
Help-A-Lot Shabbat by Cote, Nancy
The Idea of Israel in Second Temple Judaism: A New Theory of People, Exile, and Israelite Identity by Staples, Jason A.
The Book of Revolutions: The Battles of Priests, Prophets, and Kings That Birthed the Torah by Feld, Edward
Siddur Ner Tamid - Shabbat: Transliterated Sephardic Siddur (Edot HaMizrach) by Echad, Eitz
Shaar HaYichud - The Gate of Unity - Hebrew/English by Of Lubavitch, Rabbi Dovber
Siddur Ner Tamid - Weekday: Transliterated Sephardic Siddur (Edot HaMizrach) by
The Psalms (Unabridged): Vol. I, II, III - PSALMS I. - CL. by MacLaren, Alexander
The Simple Path: Uncommon Common Sense from Psalm 119 by Tzadok, Ariel B.
New Antisemitism: Mutation of a Long-lived Hatred by Laitman, Michael
Lo que tu Rabino NO te cuenta by Fernández Granados, Juan José
Le Livre du Zohar avec le commentaire Matok MiDvach "Plus doux que le miel": La Joie by Benhayim, Michel
Theopoetica: An Anthology by Sheets, Jason Adam, Levin, Ethan Nosanow, Bond, Charli Pence
"And You Shall Tell Your Son": Identity and Belonging as Shaped by the Jewish Holidays by (Itzik) Peleg, Yitzhak
Jews of Iran: A Photographic Chronicle by Sarbakhshian, Hassan, Sternfeld, Lior B., Vahidmanesh, Parvaneh
From Occupation to Occupy: Antisemitism and the Contemporary American Left by Arnold, Sina
From Occupation to Occupy: Antisemitism and the Contemporary American Left by Arnold, Sina
"And You Shall Tell Your Son": Identity and Belonging as Shaped by the Jewish Holidays by (Itzik) Peleg, Yitzhak
Hanukkah Pop-Up Menorah: An 8-Day Celebration of the Festival of Lights by Rojany, Lisa
Even God Had Bad Parenting Days by Rabins, Alicia Jo
La Palestine au temps de Jésus-Christ: D'après le Nouveau Testament, l'historien Flavius Josèphe et les Talmuds by Stapfer, Edmond
Light of the Infinite: The Genesis of Light by Safar, Erez
Jews in Popular Science Fiction: Marginalized in the Mainstream by
Light of the Infinite: The Genesis of Light by Safar, Erez
Let No One Judge You: A Pronomian Pocket Guide to Colossians 2 by Watson, R. L.
The Heresy of Jacob Frank: From Jewish Messianism to Esoteric Myth by Michaelson, Jay
Dictionary of Jewish Terms: A Guide to the Language of Judaism by Eisenberg, Ronald L.
Faces in the Crowd: The Jews of Canada by Bialystok, Franklin
Love Peace and Pursue It: Developing Respect, Compassion, and Connection in Our Relationships from a Torah Perspective by Goldman, Aryeh
Love Peace and Pursue It: Developing Respect, Compassion, and Connection in Our Relationships from a Torah Perspective by Goldman, Aryeh
Manuel d'Étude de la Kabbale: Sélection de textes authentiques by Ashlag, Baruch, Ashlag, Yéhouda
Reclaiming the Wicked Son: Finding Judaism in Secular Jewish Philosophers by Gimbel, Steven, Stern, Stephen
Making Bodies Kosher: The Politics of Reproduction Among Haredi Jews in England by Kasstan, Ben
The American Jewish Philanthropic Complex: The History of a Multibillion-Dollar Institution by Berman, Lila Corwin
There Is No Place Without You: poems by Bernstein, Maya
On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Ruttenberg, Danya
The Making of the Bible: From the First Fragments to Sacred Scripture by Schröter, Jens, Schmid, Konrad
The Making of the Bible: From the First Fragments to Sacred Scripture by Schmid, Konrad, Schröter, Jens
People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present by Horn, Dara
Le Livre des Paraboles by Gikatilia, Joseph
Awake, Awake by Lederman-Daniely, Dvora
Awake, Awake by Lederman-Daniely, Dvora
Manuel d'Étude de la Kabbale by Ashlag, Baruch, Ashlag, Yéhouda
Shaar Hagilgulim- Isaac Luria: La Puerta de las Reencarnaciones- Cábala y Misticismo by Vital, Jaim
Healing & Repairing: Essays on Sefer Bereishit by Kahn, Ari D.
The Pill Tanakh: Hebrew English Jewish Scriptures, Volume I - The Torah by Pill, Robert M.
Islam in the Public Space: Building mosques and setting up sections for Muslims in municipal cemeteries in Germany, Austria and Switzerland by Klapetek, Martin
"Jüdinnen" - Literarische Weiblichkeitsentwürfe im 20. Jahrhundert by Ludewig, Anna-Dorothea
Twelve Tribes: Promise and Peril in the New Israel by Michaeli, Ethan
Religion, Redemption and Revolution: The New Speech Thinking Revolution of Franz Rozenzweig and Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy by Cristaudo, Wayne
What's Really Going On: A Kabbalistic Look Under The Hood Of Creation by Winston, Pinchas
The Pill Tanakh: Hebrew-English Jewish Scriptures, Volume II - The Prophets by Pill, Robert M.
Judaism by Abrahams, Israel
Shabbat Evening Transliterated Siddur (Hebrew Edition): Siddur Tov leHodot by Creditor, Menachem
The Pill Tanakh: Hebrew-English Jewish Scriptures - Volume I, The Torah by Pill, Robert M.
The Pharisees and the Temple-State of Judea by Horsley, Richard A.
The Pill Tanakh: Hebrew-English Jewish Scriptures, Volume II - The Prophets by Pill, Robert M.
The Pharisees and the Temple-State of Judea by Horsley, Richard A.
Torah Portions Coloring Floral Elegance by Guenther, Amy
#rambam #tweets: A compendium of tweet-sized entries from the entirety of Maimonides' Mishne Torah by Spitz, Ben-Tzion
Arthur E. Haas - The Hidden Pioneer of Quantum Mechanics: A Biography by Wiescher, Michael
GROW Through Prayer by Laber, Nechama Dina Wasserman
Sukkot: Insights from the Past, Present, and Future by The Habura
Covenant and the Jewish Conversion Question: Extending the Thought of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik by Levy, Benji
Window of the Soul by Dunn, James David
Elonei Mamre: The Encounter of Judaism and Orthodox Christianity by
Window of the Soul by Dunn, James David
Religion Around Walter Benjamin by Britt, Brian
Memoirs of a Jewish Prisoner of the Gulag by Preigerzon, Zvi
Resurrecting the Jew: Nationalism, Philosemitism, and Poland's Jewish Revival by Zubrzycki, Geneviève
Religion Around Walter Benjamin by Britt, Brian
Memoirs of a Jewish Prisoner of the Gulag by Preigerzon, Zvi
Resurrecting the Jew: Nationalism, Philosemitism, and Poland's Jewish Revival by Zubrzycki, Geneviève
From Generation to Generation: A Memoir of Food, Family, and Identity in the Aftermath of the Shoah by Weinfeld, Michelle
Shechinah, Bring Me Home! by Duhan-Kaplan, Laura
No One Came to Taos to Be Jewish by Grossman, Bruce
Shechinah, Bring Me Home! by Duhan-Kaplan, Laura
From Generation to Generation: A Memoir of Food, Family, and Identity in the Aftermath of the Shoah by Weinfeld, Michelle
Good Mourning: Finding Meaning in Grief and Loss by Boteach, Shmuley
The Book of Enoch. Volume 2.: Secrets of Enoch by Literature, Religious
Judging Jewish Identity in the United States by Glauz-Todrank, Annalise E.
From Judaism to Christianity by Walsh, Jevon
The Pill Tanakh: Hebrew-English Jewish Scriputres, Volume III - The Writings by Pill, Robert M.
No Religion Without Idolatry: Mendelssohn's Jewish Enlightenment by Freudenthal, Gideon
The Pill Tanakh: Hebrew-English Jewish Scriptures, Volume III - The Writings by Pill, Robert M.
What is Antisemitism?: A Contemporary Introduction by Maizels, Linda
What is Antisemitism?: A Contemporary Introduction by Maizels, Linda
Torah Encounters: Numbers by Pressman, Rabbi Daniel
Neue Geschichte der Juden by Mullins, Eustace
Living in Silverado: Secret Jews in the Silver Mining Towns of Colonial Mexico by Gitlitz, David M.
A Social History Database of East European Jewish Deserted Wives, 1851-1900 by Sperber, Haim
Hanukkah Nights by Hoffman, Amalia
The Plight of Jewish Deserted Wives, 1851-1900: A Social History of East European Agunah by Sperber, Haim
Lives of the Children of Manasia: Oral History Interviews with the B'Nei Menashe Community by Thangjom, Isaac, Halkin, Hillel
Bundestheologie bei Hosea? by
Negotiating Identities: Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE-600 CE) by
The Zebra's Hoof by Middleburgh, Charles
The Power of Ideas: Words of Faith and Wisdom by Sacks, Jonathan
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