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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 2019

Native English: A Guide From Down Under by Rowan, Bernard, Jung, Kujong
Medizinisches deutsch - arabisches Wörterbuch by Fares, Auda
Sociomuseologia: Ensino E Investigação. 1991-2018, Repositório Documental Anotado by Moutinho, Mario C.
Die Krise der Darstellung. Untersuchung der unheimlichen Wirkung von Clemens J. Setz' "Indigo" by Steinort, David
Die Darstellung des Motivs der Liebe in der Lyrik: Eine Analyse anhand eines Gedichtvergleichs von Bertolt Brechts "Sonett Nr. 19" und Sarah Kirschs " by Kleindienst, Hannah
Back Yourself: Transform Challenge into Confidence by Gentleman, Tommy
Best of Lvganese by Cesconi, Federica
Teaching Writing as Journey, Not Destination: Essays Exploring What "Teaching Writing" Means by Thomas, P. L.
Medizinisches deutsch - arabisches Wörterbuch by Fares, Auda
Task-Based Activities on EFL Learners' Self-efficacy and Autonomy by Ghodrati, Mina
Womanhood in the novels of Manju Kapur: An exploration by Kumari, Kusuma
Islam, Muslims and the West and the Issue of Terrorism by Abdul Rahman, Qais Mahmoud
Death Theme in Sylvia Plath's Selected Poems: A New Historical Study by Faradika, Vicha
Teaching Writing as Journey, Not Destination: Essays Exploring What "Teaching Writing" Means by Thomas, P. L.
Beta Estimates for Valuation and Cost of Capital, As of the End of 4th Quarter, 2018 by Chong, James, Arzumanyan, George, Phillips, G. Michael
Editing in the Modern Classroom by
Engineer 4.0: The Life Science Handbook for Medical Devices and BioPharmaceuticals by O'Brien, Des
Im Schatten Kants. Christian Thomasius und Christian Wolff als Protagonisten der deutschen Frühaufklärung by Pilger, Julian
Editing in the Modern Classroom by
The Illustrated Histories of Everyday Expressions: Discover the True Stories Behind the English Language's 64 Most Popular Idioms (Etymology Book, His by McGuire, James
Zen Human Design Ephemeris 1926-1950 by Chaitanyo
Great Writing 4: Great Essays by Folse, Keith S., Muchmore-Vokoun, April, Solomon, Elena Vestri
Wie hat sich die Berichterstattung im Fußball aus diachroner Sicht verändert? Makrostrukturelle Veränderungen der Textsorte Spielberichte by Anonym
Barbey d'Aurevilly, Baudelaire und Balzac. Zur ambivalenten Männlichkeit des Dandys im 19. Jahrhundert by Minniti, Bruno
Top 14 Stock Trader Mistakes: and How to Avoid Them by Schneider, Peter D.
Il GDPR è un gioco da ragazzi: Modelli per affrontare la sfida in modo semplice by Borrelli, Nicola
Roots of Lyric: Primitive Poetry and Modern Poetics by Welsh, Andrew
Roots of Lyric: Primitive Poetry and Modern Poetics by Welsh, Andrew
The Black Death in the Middle East by Dols, Michael Walters
The Black Death in the Middle East by Dols, Michael Walters
Throne of Wisdom by Forsyth, Ilene H.
Trust and Betrayal. The Motive of Friendship in Hamlet by Pietsch, Paulina
Deutsch by Jumaniyazov, Atabay, Xalliyeva, Qizilgul
Loas a María Auxiliadora by Ledesma, Néstor Omar
Recortes by Souza, Jania
Throne of Wisdom by Forsyth, Ilene H.
Rivalry Exposed: Why People Hate You by Valliant, Paul M.
Decollectivisation, Destruction and Disillusionment: A Community Study in Southern Estonia by Alanen, Ilkka, Nikula, Jouko, Ruutsoo, Rein
Corporate Advertising: Wesenszüge Und Wirkungen Einer Kommunikationsdisziplin an Der Schnittstelle Von Werbung Und Public Relations by Spangardt, Benedikt
Chinese Education and Society A Bibliographic Guide: A Bibliographic Guide by Fraser, Stewart E., Hsu, Kuang-Liang
Literature and the Rise of the Interview by Roach, Rebecca
Graphic Design: A Practical Guide for Librarians by Colston, Valerie
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: The Way of the Learner by Scrimgeour, Andrew, Orton, Jane
Reforming Women: The Rhetorical Tactics of the American Female Moral Reform Society, 1834-1854 by Shaver, Lisa
Sports Journalism: An Introduction to Reporting and Writing by Stofer, Kathryn T., Schaffer, James R., Rosenthal, Brian A.
Sports Journalism: An Introduction to Reporting and Writing by Stofer, Kathryn T., Schaffer, James R., Rosenthal, Brian A.
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: The Way of the Learner by Scrimgeour, Andrew, Orton, Jane
Defense In Depth für Fahrzeuge. Stand der Technik und zukünftige Möglichkeiten by Graupner, Georg
Emotions and their Functions in Rupert Brooke's 1914: The Soldier by Golisch, Elisabeth
Second Language Study Abroad: Programming, Pedagogy, and Participant Engagement by
Power Quiz '18: A Quiz Trainer by Schrödinger, Stilovsky
Behavior Modification and Crisis Intervention by Walker, Tony
Narrative Strukturen der Jugendliteratur "Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee" von Thomas Brussig by Anonym
Online Searching: A Guide to Finding Quality Information Efficiently and Effectively by Markey, Karen
Reading the Presidency: Advances in Presidential Rhetoric by
Peculiarities of Welsh and Scottish Dialects in Classical Literature by Boldyreva, Juliana Mikhailovna
Online Searching: A Guide to Finding Quality Information Efficiently and Effectively by Markey, Karen
Semitic Music Theory by Dumbrill, Richard
The Essential Writer's Handbook by de Bruyn, Jan, Messenger, William
Revival: A History of the Art of War in the Sixteenth Century (1937) by Oman
Improving Adolescent Literacy: Content Area Strategies at Work by Fisher, Douglas, Frey, Nancy
Irish Catholic Directory 2019: The Official Directory of the Irish Catholic Church by
Les origines de la France contemporaine: Tome II: La Révolution: L'Anarchie by Taine, Hippolyte
The pattern maker's assistant: Embracing lathe work, branch work, core work, sweep work, and practical gear construction: the preparation and use of by Rose, Joshua
RV and Camping Travel Log and Budget Book by Kirby, Grace O.
Hughes's common school branches in a nutshell by Hughes, Josiah
The Occupation of Korea: An American Soldier's Experience by Stopp, Donald L.
Form-Function Mapping in Content-Based Language Teaching: A Study of Interlanguage Restructuring by Walenta, Magdalena
Tribe of Cannibals: Operation Take Down America by McNamara, Deirdre
Das große Buch zu i und ie. Erklärungen und lustige Geschichten zum Lesen und Diktieren für Klasse 2-7: Aus der Praxis einer Lerntherapeutin by Totzeck, Veronika
Der Papst als Känguru by Sarg, Mark
The Non-Obvious Guide to Event Planning (for Kick-Ass Gatherings That Inspire People) by Driessen, Andrea
Das Youtubiversum: Chancen Und Disruptionen Der Onlinevideo-Plattform in Theorie Und PRAXIS by
Revival: A History of Spanish Literature (1930) by Merimee, Ernest
How to Raise Well-Rounded Children by Umeh, Uchenna Lizmay
The Epistle to the Galatians: with introduction and notes by Perowne, Edward Henry
Little By Little: It is better to prepare & prevent than to repair & repent. by Martin, Jodee
Condition of Education 2018 by McFarland, Joel
Events Completed are Lessons Remembered Journal Guided by Inspira Journals, Planners &. Notebooks
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Glossary and Notes: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by
The Jungle Book Glossary and Notes: The Jungle Book by
How To Visit Venice by Nesto, Jacopo
J.D.'s Anguish by Bhadresa, Govind
Post-Narratology Through Computational and Cognitive Approaches by
Important Researches of Linguistics: Part II by Al Yaari, Sadeq
The Fundamental Basics of Aromatherapy Plant Essences by Michaels, Robin
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Glossary and Notes: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by
Aphorisms in English, Russian & Azerbaijani Languages by Gurbanoghlu, Abbas
Aphorisms in English, Russian & Azerbaijani Languages by Gurbanoghlu, Abbas
The Bronze Bow Glossary and Notes: The Bronze Bow by
Human Nature: Pacifism, Hostilities, Wars by Sofroniou, Andreas
A Field Guide to Strange Things by Hudson, Austin
Knowledge & Belief Illustrated by Bolich, G. G.
Il Trauma E La Violenza Sociale Nello Sviluppo Dei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare by Meneghetti, Andrea
How to Have "The Conversation": Talking with family about end of life. by Crampton, Norman, Jones, Donald A.
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch Glossary and Notes: Carry on, Mr. Bowditch by
The Witch of Blackbird Pond Glossary and Notes: The Witch of Blackbird Pond by
Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches by Berger
The Senses in Antiquity Paperback Set by
Mom Hacks: 100+ Science-Backed Shortcuts to Reclaim Your Body, Raise Awesome Kids, and Be Unstoppable by Gillespie, Darria Long
The Official U.S. Army Illustrated Guide to Edible Wild Plants by Department of the Army
Technofeminist Storiographies: Women, Information Technology, and Cultural Representation by Blair, Kristine L.
Les origines de la France contemporaine: Tome III: La Révolution: La Conquête Jacobine by Taine, Hippolyte
The Role of Self-Esteem in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching by Habrat, Agnieszka
Pomeranian Diary 2020 by Wonderdog, Henri, Carson, Shelly
Dramaturgia asturiana contempor?nea by Palomino Arjona, Manuel
Les origines de la France contemporaine: Tome IV: La Révolution: Le Gouvernement Révolutionnaire by Taine, Hippolyte
The Positive Affirmation Guide: How To Stay Positive in a Negative World by Ceej, Visionary
Konsult: Theopraxesis by Ulmer, Gregory L.
Konsult: Theopraxesis by Ulmer, Gregory L.
Girls, Autobiography, Media: Gender and Self-Mediation in Digital Economies by Maguire, Emma
Unwavering Choices Book Journal by Klein, Pete
How To Become An Honorary Diplomat by Onapolis, Prof Kenneth
Programación de aplicaciones Android con App Inventor 2 by Fernandez, Raul, Fernandez Carpintero, Raul
Lexikon der astrologischen Zuordnungen Band 2: Planeten - Zeichen - Häuser by Goos, Hannelore
Beschneidung: Das Verborgene Trauma: Auswirkungen Einer Amerikanischen Kulturellen Praxis Auf Säuglinge Und Letztlich Auf Uns Alle by Goldman Ph. D., Ronald
Alien by Lovil, Jd
Guide pratique SEO: Guide de BASES Pour un bon référencement sur Google by Blogautop, Samy
The Christian's Secret to a Happy Life by Smith, Hannah Whitall
The Christian's Secret to a Happy Life by Smith, Hannah Whitall
Francés en 10 días: Curso fácil con un nuevo método by Constanza, Jean
Eine kritische Betrachtung der qualitativen Interviewformen by Eknem, Holger
Mimesis des Visuellen. Ansätze zu einem neuen medienwissenschaftlichen Konzept by Scholz, Robert
Heinrich von Morungen, Verteidiger der Minneklage?: Die zwei Handschriften von "Mîn liebeste und ouch mîn êrste im Vergleich by Anonym
Biopolimeros: Una nueva enfermedad by Zuleta Mora, Julio Alberto
Study on Medical Tourism Sector of India, Cardiac Incidence, Digital Marketing tools by Vashishtha, Ribhu
Abc Español: Alfabeto español con vocabulario relacionado a la música by Amaru, Siro
The Representation of Violence. A Comparison between Frederick Douglass` Slave Narrative and Richard Wright's Autobiography "Black Boy" by Kurucz, Örs
350 Trucs Et Tutoriels Pour Paintshop Pro by Ernst, Jean-Luc
Our World: The Story of Life on Earth by Gibson, Philip
History of Maryland: Vol. 1 by Allen, Ethan
Assurance Of Salvation: How To Find The Assurance Of Your Eternity by Furlonger, Michael
Die Konzeption von Freiheit im Adoleszenzroman "Bilder deiner großen Liebe" von Wolfgang Herrndorf by Kolls, Ronja
Boxe de Poemas by Ferraz Melo, André
The Twitter Presidency: Donald J. Trump and the Politics of White Rage by Ott, Brian L., Dickinson, Greg
What English Language Teachers Need to Know Volume I: Understanding Learning by Murray, Denise E., Christison, Maryann
Visual Social Cognition: A Special Issue of Visual Cognition by
Cognitive and Cultural Influences on Eye Movements by
Bear Cookin': The Original Guide to Bear Comfort Foods by Gray, Pj, Hunter, Stanley
The Senior Horse by Reilly, DVM Dipl Abvp (Equine)
Garnered Sheaves by Frazer, Sir James G.
Heinesche Ironie. Heinrich Heine und der Vormärz by Ripke, Elisa
Irish Phrase Book: illustrating the various meanings and uses of verbs and prepositions combined by Hogan, Edmund Ignatius
Die Maya. Der Untergang einer Hochkultur by Schmidt, Anne-Marie
Jugend - Medien - Extremismus: Wo Jugendliche Mit Extremismus in Kontakt Kommen Und Wie Sie Ihn Erkennen by Reinemann, Carsten, Nienierza, Angela, Fawzi, Nayla
Gestaltung eines Werbeplakates zur Steigerung der Attraktivität der Ganzkörperkältetherapie am Beispiel der Eiszeitlounge in Leipzig by Hertzsch, Michèle
Landscape Wonders of the Western World by Burlington &. Quincy Railrd Com
Skolutveckling som gemensamt projekt: Att organisera för och genomföra professionsdriven skolutveckling by Wiklander, Petter, Jardmo, Karin, Hanzek, Irena
Gestaltung und Funktion der Wächterfigur in Wolframs von Eschenbach Tageliedern: Mit Fokus auf die Rolle des Wächters im Tagelied "Sîne klâwen" by Krack, Lisa
Literarische Isolation in Marlen Haushofers "Die Wand" und Sylvia Plaths "The Bell Jar" by Dunsche, Simona
Reading Is King: Must Know Sight Words by Richards, Bernadette a.
English Culturally Coloured Lexicon by Farzaliyeva, Zumrud, Farzaliyeva, Adelya
Die Kulturpolitik Cosimo I. de' Medicis am Beispiel der Accademia Fiorentina und des Perseus Benvenuto Cellinis by Buzzo, Santina Aurora
Life Immovable: First Part by Palamas, Kostes
Ancestors Georger and Hamilton Families by Swanson, Judy Danz
Lucas Malet, Dissident Pilgrim: Critical Essays by
The Ultimate Book of Horse Bits: What They Are, What They Do, and How They Work (2nd Edition) by Esterson, Emily
In Memory Of... -- A Memorial Guest Book by Hathaway, Miriam
Wonders Language Transfers Handbook by
Perspectives on Stephen King: Conversations with Authors, Experts and Collaborators by Rausch, Andrew J.
Happy 1st Birthday Guest Book (Hardcover): First birthday Guest book, party and birthday celebrations decor, memory book, 1st birthday, baby shower, h by Bell, Lulu and
Happy 1st Birthday Guest Book (Hardcover): First birthday Guest book, party and birthday celebrations decor, memory book,1st birthday, baby shower, ha by Bell, Lulu and
The Writer's Practice: Building Confidence in Your Nonfiction Writing by Warner, John
Kallimachos Hymnen. Übersetzung und Interpretation der Verse 170 - 208 des Artemishymnos by Gehring, Jonas
History of St. Joseph County, Michigan: with illustrations descriptive of its scenery, palatial residences, public buildings by Anonymous
The Modern Greek Language in Its Relation to Ancient Greek by Geldart, Edmund Martin
The Sanitation of Cities and Towns and the Agricultural Utilization of Excretal Matters: Report on improved methods of sewage disposal and water suppl by State Board of Health, Maryland, Chancellor, Charles Williams
Der deus ex machina im Literaturvergleich. Euripides' und Mattias Brauns Medea by Ziesmer, Christian
The significance of magic in Harry Potter by Ekokobe Awung, Stephen
Shakespeare Between the World Wars: The Anglo-American Sphere by Sawyer, Robert
Critical Reflections on Research Methods: Power and Equity in Complex Multilingual Contexts by
Official Correspondence Relating to the Admission of Montana as a State Into the Union: and other official papers comprising correspondence with the S by Stout, R. P.
Charter of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway Co.: formerly Western Railroad Company: and acts amendatory thereto to March 26, 1880: also charter by Cape Fear a. Yadkin Valley, Railway Co
Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron: Three Centuries of Editions by Pinton, Giorgio A.
A Dictionary of Books Relating to America: from its discovery to the present time / by Joseph Sabin - Vol. 29 by Eames, Wilberforce, Sabin, Joseph, Vail, Robert William Glenroie
Cornell Notes by Winter, C. L.
Happy Birthday Guest Book (Hardcover): Guest book, party and birthday celebrations decor, memory book, happy birthday guest book, celebration message by Bell, Lulu and
Wideband GaN Microwave Power Amplifiers with Class-G Supply Modulation (Band 48 by Wolff, Nikolai
The Army Reunion: with reports of the meetings of the societies of the Army of the Cumberland - the Army of the Tennessee - the Army of by Anonymous
The Power of Story II: Using research to add reality to your story by Ewald, Laura Anne
Das didaktische Potenzial von Molières "Le Malade Imaginaire": Gegenstandsorientierte Analyse und Beurteilung by Rhein, Ellina
Articulation and Phonological Impairments: Speech and Cerebral Palsy by J. K. Mutiti, Yakobo, Bartoo, Phyllis, Makuto, Victor
Gloss Type, Working Memory Capacity & Reading Comprehension Abilty by Aminzadeh, Roxana, Doustmohamadi, Razieh
Common Mistakes in English by Tavoosy, Yoones
Die Akzeptanz von ethisch bedenklichen und unbedenklichen Produkten im Product Placement. Eine empirische Studie by Kuder, Benny
Motivation und Motivierung im Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF)-Unterricht by Schwenne, Marion
Focus on Vocabulary Learning by Various Authors
Recviem pentru Amos Oz by Grauenfels, Adrian
Strategien für mittelständische Unternehmen - Komplexität by Walcher, Dominik, Schrems, Andreas, Rüll, Hartwig
Embodied Activities in Face-To-Face and Mediated Settings: Social Encounters in Time and Space by
Inhalt und Interpretation der Erzählung "Die Bergwerke zu Falun" von E.T.A. Hoffmann by Olympia, Serpentina
Critical Reflections on Research Methods: Power and Equity in Complex Multilingual Contexts by
What English Language Teachers Need to Know Volume I: Understanding Learning by Murray, Denise E., Christison, Maryann
Gleason's Horse Book: the only authorized work by America's king of horse tamers comprising history, breeding, training, breaking, buying, f by Gleason, Oscar Rudolph, MacLeod, Leslie E.
The Sporting Chronicle Annual: a book of records in every branch of sport by Anonymous
The Coins of the Moghul Emperors of Hindustan in the British Museum by Lane-Poole, Stanley, Poole, Reginald Stuart, Coins and Medals, Dept of
Die U.S.-amerikanische politische Kultur im Spiegel lateinamerikanischer Communities. Welche Mobilisierungstendenzen politischer Partizipation lassen by Ribaric, Yves
A Brief History of the Fourth Pennsylvania Veteran Cavalry: embracing organization, reunions, dedication of monument at Gettysburg and address of Gene by Pennsylvania Cavalry 4th Regt, Doster, William Emile
Mehrsprachige Aufgabenplattformen in Sprachlernklassen. Deutsch als Zweitsprache für Flüchtlinge: Eine Fallstudie by Ranke, Sascha
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