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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2004

Biographical Methods and Professional Practice: An International Perspective by
Politics from Anarchy to Democracy: Rational Choice in Political Science by
The Politics of the Governed: Reflections on Popular Politics in Most of the World by Chatterjee, Partha
In the Shadow of Just Wars: Violence, Politics and Humanitarian Action by Médecins Sans Frontières
In the Shadow of Just Wars: Violence, Politics and Humanitarian Action by Médecins Sans Frontières
Confronting the "Enemy Within": Security Intelligence, the Police, and Counterterrorism in Four Democracies by Chalk, Peter
Why: I Should or Should Not be President of the United States of America by Cowger, Kevin
Fixing Intelligence by Odom, William E.
The Wars on Terrorism and Iraq: Human Rights, Unilateralism and US Foreign Policy by
Democracy Transformed?: Expanding Political Opportunities in Advanced Industrial Democracies by
The Wars on Terrorism and Iraq: Human Rights, Unilateralism and Us Foreign Policy by
Business Interest Groups in Nineteenth-Century Brazil by Ridings, Eugene
Polls and Politics by
Parties and the Party System in France: A Disconnected Democracy? by Knapp, A.
Peace and Security Across the Taiwan Strait by
Parties and the Party System in France: A Disconnected Democracy? by Knapp, A.
External Finance for Private Sector Development: Appraisals and Issues by
Monitoring International Labor Standards: International Perspectives: Summary of Regional Forums by National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Iran: Between Tradition and Modernity by
Watching Jim Crow: The Struggles over Mississippi TV, 1955-1969 by Classen, Steven D.
Political Thought from Machiavelli to Stalin: Revolutionary Machiavellism by Rees, E. A.
Namoluk Beyond The Reef: The Transformation Of A Micronesian Community by Marshall, Mac
Privileging Industry: The Comparative Politics of Trade and Industrial Policy by McGillivray, Fiona
Racism in Mind by
Authoritarian Legacies and Democracy in Latin America and Southern Europe by
Decentralization Democracy in Latin Am by
Decentralization and Democracy in Latin America by
Cyprus: Select Treaties and Documents (1878-2004) Volume II: Cyprus-Europe Relations (1993-2004) by Hakki, Murat
James Madison and Freedom of Speech: Major Debates in the Early Republic by Rudanko, Juhani
Authoritarian Legacies Democracy in La by
Collaboration: Using Networks and Partnerships by
Racism in Mind by
Containing Arab Nationalism: The Eisenhower Doctrine and the Middle East by Yaqub, Salim
American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy by Bacevich, Andrew J.
The Big Lie: Mein Kampf Revisited by Sprinkle, Dale
Liberty Bell-The Adolf Hitler 100th Birthday Anniversary Issue by Dietz, George P.
European Integration and Political Conflict by
Democracy and Ethnic Conflict: Advancing Peace in Deeply Divided Societies by
The Strategic Dynamics of Latin American Trade by
The Strategic Dynamics of Latin American Trade by
Terrorism and the UN: Before and After September 11 by
Focus on the Wonder Years: Challenges Facing the American Middle School by Juvonen, Jaana
Russia's Restless Frontier: The Chechnya Factor in Post-Soviet Russia by Trenin, Dmitri V., Malashenko, Aleksei V.
Globalization or Empire? by Pieterse, Jan Nederveen
Progressive Era in Minnesota, 1899-1918 by Chrislock, Carl H.
Does Anybody Think Anymore by Maslar, Albert, Masler, Albert
Federalism and Environmental Policy: Trust and the Politics of Implementation by Scheberle, Denise
Politics from Anarchy to Democracy: Rational Choice in Political Science by
Telepopulism: Media and Politics in Israel by Peri, Yoram
Journeys of Courage: Remarkable Stories of the Healing Power of Community by Carol, Joy
Immigrants, Progressives, and Exclusion Politics: The Dillingham Commission, 1900-1927 by Zeidel, Robert F.
Leviathan (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading) by Hobbes, Thomas
Der Ermittlungsbeauftragte des parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschusses by Rathje, Jörn
Symbolic Confrontations: Muslims Imagining the State in Africa by Na, Na
Symbolic Confrontations: Muslims Imagining the State in Africa by Na, Na
Transparency and Authoritarian Rule in Southeast Asia: Singapore and Malaysia by Rodan, Garry
Developing a Constitution for Europe by
Democracy and Civil Society in Asia: Volume 2: Democratic Transitions and Social Movements in Asia by Quadir, Fahim
Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy Part One by Mill, John Stuart
Collaboration: Using Networks and Partnerships by
Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy Part Two by Mill, John Stuart
E-Governance: Styles of Political Judgment in the Information Age Polity by Perri, P.
On Liberty by Mill, John Stuart
Dissertations and Discussions: Political, Philosophical and Historical Part One by Mill, John Stuart
Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy Part One by Mill, John Stuart
Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy Part Two by Mill, John Stuart
Napoleon's Glance: The Secret of Strategy by Duggan, William
Creative Destruction: How Globalization Is Changing the World's Cultures by Cowen, Tyler
Peace Time: Cease-Fire Agreements and the Durability of Peace by Fortna, Virginia Page
Bureaucrats, Politics, and the Environment by Waterman, Richard, Rouse, Amelia, Wright, Robert
Telepopulism: Media and Politics in Israel by Peri, Yoram
Quo vadis, Gewerkschaft?: Eine institutionenökonomische Analyse by Hille, Martin
Governance by Decree: The Impact of the Voting Rights Act in Dallas by Morgan, Ruth P.
Why Ethnic Parties Succeed: Patronage and Ethnic Head Counts in India by Chandra, Kanchan
Machiavelli, Hobbes, and the Formation of a Liberal Republicanism in England by Sullivan, Vickie B.
Between Dictatorship and Democracy: Russian Post-Communist Political Reform by McFaul, Michael, Petrov, Nikolay, Ryabov, Andrei
Popular Government: Four Essays by Maine, Henry James Sumner
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates: The First Complete, Unexpurgated Text by
Man from Clear Lake: Earth Day Founder Senator Gaylord Nelson by Christofferson, Bill
God's Rule - Government and Islam: Six Centuries of Medieval Islamic Political Thought by Crone, Patricia
Blue Laws and Black Codes: Conflict, Courts, and Change in Twentieth-Century Virginia by Wallenstein, Peter
Community Self-Help by
May the Best Team Win: Baseball Economics and Public Policy by Zimbalist, Andrew
The Ethics of Welfare: Human Rights, Dependency and Responsibility by
A Democratic Audit of the European Union by Lord, C.
The Nuclear Many-Body Problem by Ring, Peter, Schuck, Peter
The Constitution of Capital: Essays on Volume 1 of Marx's Capital by
International Trade: Theory, Strategies, and Evidence by Oliva, Maria-Angels, Rivera-Batiz, Luis A.
Globalization, Globalism, Environments, and Environmentalism: Consciousness of Connections by
Visions of Utopia by Muschamp, Herbert, Marty, Martin, Rothstein, Edward
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: An Exercise in Law, Politics, and Diplomacy by Kerr, Rachel
A Measure of Freedom by Carter, Ian
The Face of the Past: The Preservation of the Medieval Inheritance in Victorian England by
Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social Capital in Contemporary Society by
Constituting Modernity: Private Property in the East and West by
Latin America Transformed: Globalization and Modernity by
Politics and Progress: The Emergence of American Political Science by Mahoney, Dennis J.
Iran: Between Tradition and Modernity by
Islam and the Challenge of Democracy: A Boston Review Book by Abou El Fadl, Khaled
Restoring Fiscal Sanity: How to Balance the Budget by
Event History Modeling: A Guide for Social Scientists by Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., Jones, Bradford S.
The Nationalization of Politics: The Formation of National Electorates and Party Systems in Western Europe by Caramani, Daniele
The Nationalization of Politics: The Formation of National Electorates and Party Systems in Western Europe by Caramani, Daniele
Vital Mit Kopf: Wertschöpfung Durch Wissensmanagement by
What's Class Got to Do with It?: American Society in the Twenty-First Century by
Lernfeld Europa: Eine Kritische Analyse Der Lebens- Und Lernbedingungen Von Kindern Und Jugendlichen in Europa by Du Bois-Reymond, Manuela
Die Neue Rechte -- Eine Gefahr Für Die Demokratie? by
Rechte Netzwerke -- Eine Gefahr by
Healing Identities by Burack, Cynthia
Black Colleges: New Perspectives on Policy and Practice by
Breaking Free, Starting Over: Parenting in the Aftermath of Family Violence by Dalpiaz, Christina M.
Research Guide to U.S. and International Interest Groups by Thomas, Clive S.
The Breakup of Yugoslavia and Its Aftermath: Revised Edition by Poirier, Carole Rogel
Guide to International Relations and Diplomacy by
Future of Civil Society: Making Central European Nonprofit-Organizations Work by
Der Islamische Fundamentalismus, Der Islam Und Die Demokratie: Algerien Und Tunesien: Das Scheitern Postkolonialer "Entwicklungsmodelle" Und Das Streb by Wöhler-Khalfallah, Khadija Katja
Healing Identities: Black Feminist Thought and the Politics of Groups by Burack, Cynthia
Patterns of Poverty Across Europe by Berthoud, Richard
Democracy and Civil Society in Asia: Volume 1: Globalization, Democracy and Civil Society in Asia by
Education and the Good Society by
Democracy and Northern Ireland: Beyond the Liberal Paradigm? by Little, A.
Democracy and Civil Society in Asia: Volume 1: Globalization, Democracy and Civil Society in Asia by
Education and the Good Society by
Hobbes, Realism and the Tradition of International Law by Covell, C.
Spinoza and Republicanism by Prokhovnik, R.
Developing Basic Space Science World-Wide: A Decade of Un/ESA Workshops by
This Is Cuba: An Outlaw Culture Survives by Corbett, Ben
World Democratic Federalism: Peace and Justice Indivisible by Frankman, M.
World Democratic Federalism: Peace and Justice Indivisible by Frankman, M.
Transforming Korean Politics: Democracy, Reform, and Culture by Kihl, Young Whan
Between Work and Leisure: The Common Ground of Two Separate Worlds by Stebbins, Robert A.
Transforming Korean Politics: Democracy, Reform, and Culture by Kihl, Young Whan
Urban Economics and Land Use in America: The Transformation of Cities in the Twentieth Century: The Transformation of Cities in the Twentieth Century by Rabinowitz, Alan
Revolt from the Heartland: The Struggle for an Authentic Conservatism by Scotchie, Joseph A.
Civil Society and Class Politics: Essays on the Political Sociology of Seymour Martin Lipset by Horowitz, Irving Louis
Economic Lessons from the Transition: The Basic Theory Re-examined: The Basic Theory Re-examined by Kazmer, Daniel R., Konrad, Michele
U.S. Trade Policy: History, Theory, and the Wto by Brinkman, Richard L., Eckes, Alfred E., Jr., Lovett, William A.
Against the Stream: Reflections of an Unconventional Demographer by Petersen, William
Sexualities: Personal Lives and Social Policy by
Trespass Against Us: Dow Chemical & the Toxic Century by Doyle, Jack
Wars of the 21st Century: New Threats, New Fears by Ramonet, Ignacio
Saddam's War of Words: Politics, Religion, and the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait by Long, Jerry M.
The Power of Tiananmen: State-Society Relations and the 1989 Beijing Student Movement by Zhao, Dingxin
Reassessing Democracy: A Rebel's Guide by Shafer, Gregory
Climate Change: Debating America's Policy Options by Victor, David G.
The Party and the Arty in China: The New Politics of Culture by Kraus, Richard Curt
Restoring Cursed Earth: Appraising Environmental Policy Reforms in Eastern Europe and Russia by
Bush Economy: Financial Terrorism by Vilkin, Michael
Globalization: Culture and Education in the New Millennium by
Pie Any Means Necessary: The Biotic Baking Brigade by
Balkan Identities: Nation and Memory by Todorova, Maria
Europe and Civil Society: Movement Coalitions and European Governance by Ruzza, Carlo
Gandhi: Behind the Mask of Divinity by Singh, G. B.
Studies in Law, Politics, and Society by
The Republic: The Odyssey of Philosophy by Howland, Jacob
Paths to Democracy: Revolution and Totalitarianism by O'Kane, Rosemary H. T.
Paths to Democracy: Revolution and Totalitarianism by O'Kane, Rosemary H. T.
Globalisation and Equality by
Italienische handelskorrespondenz by Beaux, Albert
Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity by Jensen, Robert
An Uncooperative Commodity: Privatizing Water in England and Wales by Bakker, Karen J.
Death Work: Police, Trauma, and the Psychology of Survival by Henry, Vincent E.
Republicanism: History, Theory, Practice by
State of Malaysia by
One Nation, Underprivileged: Why American Poverty Affects Us All by Rank, Mark Robert
Nationalism and the Israeli State: Bureaucratic Logic in Public Events by Handelman, Don
The Other Israel: Voices of Refusal and Dissent by
Contemporary Issues and Debates in EU Policy: The European Union and International Relations by
Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas by
Citizenship: The Civic Ideal in World History, Politics and Education by Heater, Derek
Twentieth-Century America: Politics and Power in the United States, 1900-2000 by Heale, M. J.
A War of a Different Kind: Military Force and America's Search for Homeland Security by Duncan, Stephen M.
Controversies in Criminal Justice Research by Tewksbury, Richard, Ehrhardt Mustaine, Elizabeth
Renewing the Atlantic Partnership by Kissinger, Henry A., Summers, Lawrence H., Kupchan, Charles A.
America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones by Sutton, Antony C.
The Culture of Defeat: On National Trauma, Mourning, and Recovery by Schivelbusch, Wolfgang
Between State Capitalism and Globalisation: The Collapse of the East German Economy by Dale, Gareth
Canada: The State of the Federation 2002: Reconsidering the Institutions of Canadian Federalism Volume 13 by Meekison, J. Peter, Lazar, Harvey, Telford, Hamish
Canada: The State of the Federation 2002: Reconsidering the Institutions of Canadian Federalism Volume 13 by Meekison, J. Peter, Telford, Hamish, Lazar, Harvey
The Conservatives in Crisis: The Tories After 1997 by
Considerations on Representative Government by Mill, John Stuart
Studies in the Arthurian Legend by Rhys, John
Child Life in Colonial Days by Earle, Alice Morse
Varieties of Feminist Liberalism by
Implementing Sustainable Development: From Global Policy to Local Action by Cooper, Phillip J., Vargas, Claudia Maria
Considerations on Representative Government by Mill, John Stuart
Aristotle on the Constitution of Athens by Aristotle
From International to World Society?: English School Theory and the Social Structure of Globalisation by Buzan, Barry
The New Chinese Leadership by
Insecurity and Welfare Regimes in Asia, Africa and Latin America: Social Policy in Development Contexts by Gough, Ian, Wood, Geof
Event History Modeling: A Guide for Social Scientists by Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., Jones, Bradford S.
Free Market Democracy and the Chilean and Mexican Countryside by Kurtz, Marcus J.
Quantifying the World: Un Ideas and Statistics by Ward, Michael
Living with Risk: Mental Health Service User Involvement in Risk Assessment and Management by Langan, Joan, Lindow, Vivien
Elections, Parties, and Representation in Post-Communist Europe by Millard, F.
Underwriting Democracy: Encouraging Free Enterprise and Democratic Reform Among the Soviets and in Eastern Europe by Soros, George
Gandhi in His Time and Ours: The Global Legacy of His Ideas by Hardiman, David
State-Building: Governance and World Order in the 21st Century by Fukuyama, Francis
Technological Choices for Sustainability by
The Press Effect: Politicians, Journalists, and the Stories That Shape the Political World by Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, Waldman, Paul
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