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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2015

The Origins of Business by Roberts, Keith
Assessment Center im Virtuellen Raum: Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Potenzialen und Grenzen der Postkorbübung by Bartschat, Verena
Exit, Voice, and Loyalty. The Role of Migration in the Process of Development and Democratization by Hueller, Dominik
Budget of the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 2016 by Budget, Office of Management and
The Lacayo Instability Index: Economic Stability and Leadership by Lacayo, Max L.
Modern Imperial Presidency Begin With President Nixon by Sirmans Sr, Freddie L.
The Golden Leaf: How Tobacco Shaped Cuba and the Atlantic World by Cosner, Charlotte
The Impact of Economic Inequality and Public Sector Corruption on Human Development: Comparative Case Study between Turkey and Brazil by Ilkhan, Ferdi
Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy by Dicken, Peter
Brazil's Emerging Role in Global Governance: Health, Food Security and Bioenergy by Fraundorfer, M.
Die Europawahl 2014: Spitzenkandidaten, Protestparteien, Nichtwähler by
Sectoral Analysis of the Impact of Foreign Aid on Economic Growth in Ethiopia: Time Series Analysis of Agriculture, Education and Health Sectors by Goshu, Fikadu
Dot Money the Global Currency Reserve 2015 Edition (Greek) by Majors, Eric
Ratingagenturen und deren Einfluss auf die europäische Politik am Beispiel von Griechenland: Muss die Macht der Ratingagenturen reguliert werden? by Iri, Furkan
Religion and the Marketplace in the United States by
The European Sovereign Debt Crisis and Its Impacts on Financial Markets by Hamori, Shigeyuki, Tamakoshi, Go
FDI and Economic Growth in Developing Countries. A Cross Comparison between Egypt and Turkey' by Saleh, Deena
Money and Justice: A critique of modern money and banking systems from the perspective of Aristotelian and Scholastic thoughts by Niewdana, Leszek
Economic Thought and the Irish Question 1817-1870 by Collison Black, R. D.
Las concepciones oficiales de la pobreza a través de las transformaciones económicas y políticas en México y Polonia 1980-2012 by Czarnecki, Lukasz
The Democratic Worker-Owned Firm (Routledge Revivals): A New Model for the East and West by Ellerman, David
Das Bundeskartellamt als wirtschaftspolitisches Steuerungselement by Hufnagel, Tobias
Budget Deficits and Economic Performance (Routledge Revivals) by Burdekin, Richard, Langdana, Farrokh
Analyse zur Regulierung in Versicherungsmärkten mit Marktversagen aufgrund asymmetrischer Information by Zübert, Sonja
Widersprüchlichkeiten. Eine moralökonomische Perspektive by Löschmann, Jörg
Brand Breakout: How Emerging Market Brands Will Go Global by Kumar, Nirmalya, Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict E. M.
Dot Money (Russian Edition) by Majors, Eric
Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit: Chapter 6: Minor Prerequisites for Perfect Competition - Scholar's Choice Edition by Knight, Frank H.
Le Potentiel Transformateur de l'Industrie Minière En Afrique: Une Opportunité Pour l'Électrification de l'Afrique Subsaharienne by Romo, Zayra, McMahon, Gary, Banerjee, Sudeshna Ghosh
Globalization, Southeastern Europe, and the World Economy by Causevic, Fikret
Liberal Learning and the Art of Self-Governance by
A Political Economy of American Hegemony by Oatley, Thomas
Statistik-Praktikum Mit Excel: Grundlegende Quantitative Analysen Realistischer Wirtschaftsdaten Mit Excel 2013 by Wendler, Tilo, Meißner, Jörg
I segreti dei mercati africani...: Come fare affari in Africa by Honla, Jean-Pierre
Rentenfinanzierungssysteme im Vergleich: Stellen Kapitaldeckungsverfahren angesichts demographischer Veränderungen die Rentenfinanzierung besser siche by Stiewe, Jens-Conrad
Conservative Economic Policymaking and the Birth of Thatcherism, 1964-1979 by Williamson, Adrian
An Ecosystem Approach to Economic Stabilization: Escaping the Neoliberal Wilderness by Wallace, Rodrick
Business Cycle Economics: Understanding Recessions and Depressions from Boom to Bust by Knoop, Todd A.
China's WTO Accession Reassessed by
Bildung Oder Brunnenbau?: Eine Kritische Analyse Der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Mit Afrika Aus Der Perspektive Der Sozialen Arbeit by Brungs, Matthias, Lamprecht, Paula
Rechte Und Pflichten Des Betriebsrats Bei Der Verwendung Von Arbeitnehmerdaten: Eine Untersuchung Anhand Betriebsverfassungsrechtlicher Und Datenschut by Reinhard, Christian
Étude d'économie politique appliquée by Gide, Charles
Svensk Bostadsbrist för Dummies: Roman och Fakta - Två böcker i en! by Johansson-Sutare, P-M
Capital Flight from Africa: Causes, Effects, and Policy Issues by
The Richest Man in Babylon: Original 1926 Edition by Clason, George S.
A History of the Ftaa: From Hegemony to Fragmentation in the Americas by Nelson, Marcel
Die Doppelstiftung - Eine Möglichkeit Der Unternehmensnachfolge Für Familienunternehmen by Auwera, Verena Van Der
A History of the Ftaa: From Hegemony to Fragmentation in the Americas by Nelson, Marcel
The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960-2000 by
Hunting Down Social Darwinism: Will This Canard Go Extinct? by Hayashi, Stuart K.
Régimen Cambiario Y Estabilidad Inflacionaria: Una Visión Desde La Economía Política by Purroy U., Miguel Ignacio
Crisis Forever 1 by Reyva, Thomas
The Price of Rights: Regulating International Labor Migration by Ruhs, Martin
The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis by Bernanke, Ben S.
Income Modeling and Balancing: A Rigorous Treatment of Distribution Patterns by Kämpke, Thomas, Radermacher, Franz Josef
Modern Economy: Volume I by
Modern Economy: Volume II by
Modern Economy: Volume III by
Modern Economy: Volume IV by
The Economic Crisis in Social and Institutional Context: Theories, Policies and Exit Strategies by
A Political Economy of American Hegemony by Oatley, Thomas
Losing Control?: Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization by Sassen, Saskia
Demografischer Wandel in Deutschland und Frankreich. Was können die beiden Nachbarn voneinander lernen? by Timm, Volker
Abhilfemaßnahmen in Der Fusionskontrolle Und Ausgleichsmaßnahmen in Der Banken-Beihilfenkontrolle: Eine Rechtliche Und Ökonomische Betrachtung by Zhou, Wanli
Print: The Central Bankers Bubble by David, Lindsay
Die Leerstandssituation des niederländischen Büromarktes: Ursachen - Maßnahmen - Ausblick by Lier, Christin
Inheriting Wealth in America: Future Boom or Bust? by Wolff, Edward N.
The Rise and Fall of Global Austerity by Canterbery, E. Ray
Eu's Eastward Enlargement, The: Central and Eastern Europe's Strategies for Development by Koyama, Yoji
Interest Rate Analytics by Kennedy, Raoul
Incentives for Innovation in China: Building an Innovative Economy by Ding, Xuedong, Li, Jun
Offshoring. Eine Gefahr für die Arbeitsmarktstabilisierung in Deutschland? by Kellich, Willi
Managementwissen fuer eine innovative und lernende oeffentliche Verwaltung: Grundlagen eines wirkungsorientierten, kreativen und ganzheitlichen Verwal by Nolte, Rüdiger, Zimmermann, Sabine
Grundsaetze angemessener Vorstandsbezuege by Kaiser, Christina
Corporate Finance and Governance in Stakeholder Society: Beyond Shareholder Capitalism by Hirota, Shinichi
The Accumulation of Capital by Luxemburg, Rosa
The Ecology of Money: Debt, Growth, and Sustainability by Kuzminski, Adrian
Der Sekundärmarkt Für Software: Eine Ökonomische Analyse Des Urheberrechtlichen Erschöpfungsprinzips by Becher, Johannes
Dal Miracolo Economico al Declino? Una Diagnosi Intima by Tanzi, Vito
India's Reluctant Urbanization: Thinking Beyond by Ankinapalli, P., Tiwari, P., Nair, R.
Effective Financial Management in Public and Nonprofit Agencies by McKinney, Jerome B.
Corruption, Good Governance and Economic Development: Contemporary Analysis and Case Studies by
Consumption, Cities and States: Comparing Singapore with Asian and Western Cities by Brooks, Ann, Wee, Lionel
Eating People Is Wrong, and Other Essays on Famine, Its Past, and Its Future by Ó. Gráda, Cormac
After Neoliberalism?: The Kilburn Manifesto by
Flexible Capitalism: Exchange and Ambiguity at Work by
Henri Fayol, the Manager by Peaucelle, Jean-Louis, Guthrie, Cameron
Why States Recover: Changing Walking Societies Into Winning Nations, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe by Mills, Greg
Experiment Earth: Responsible innovation in geoengineering by Stilgoe, Jack
Capitalism and the World Economy: The Light and Shadow of Globalization by
Wall Street, Reforming the Unreformable: An Ethical Perspective by McClean, David E.
The Nordic Countries and the European Union: Still the Other European Community? by
The Role of Monetary Shocks in the U.S. Business Cycle by Haque, Qazi
Selected Essays on Corporate Reputation and Social Media: Collection of Empirical Evidence by Kick, Markus
ZIRP Zombies: how bankers devour nations by Giavelli, Gianna
The International Monetary System, Energy and Sustainable Development by
Der demographische Wandel und die Auswirkungen auf die Finanzierung der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung by Haas, Christian
Rice by
Economic Development in Early Modern France by Horn, Jeff
Wandel des Sozialstaatsverständnisses durch Freizügigkeit und die Interpretation durch den Europäischen Gerichtshof by Voynova, Yordanka
Die gemeinsame Außenwirtschaftspolitik: Die Verhandlungen über das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der EU und den USA (TTIP) by Grauberger, Lija
Auf dem Weg zu einer Neuen Erwerbsgesellschaft. Demografischer Wandel und Erwerbstätigkeit 1984 bis 2060 by Schlese, Michael
Finanzierungsalternativen der gesetzlichen Pflegeversicherung by Haas, Christian
Das Zahlungsverkehrssystem TARGET2 und der geldpolitische Handlungsrahmen des Eurosystems by Timmer, Yannick
Law and Social Economics: Essays in Ethical Values for Theory, Practice, and Policy by
The Economy of the Word: Language, History, and Economics by Tribe, Keith
Chinese Regions in Change: Industrial upgrading and regional development strategies by Yu, Hong
The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia by
Financial and Macroeconomic Connectedness: A Network Approach to Measurement and Monitoring by Diebold, Francis X., Yilmaz, Kamil
Soziale und ökologische Folgen internationaler Handelsabkommen der EU am Beispiel von TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) by Grauberger, Lija
Grundlagen der makroökonomischen Analyse. Theorie und Anwendung auf die Konjunkturpolitik in Deutschland by Grauberger, Lija
Energy Technology and Valuation Issues by
Werteorientierte Konzeptionen Im Krankenhaus: Analyse - Verfahren - Praxisbeispiele by
Designing Industrial Policy in Latin America: Business-State Relations and the New Developmentalism by Schneider, B.
The History of Bankruptcy: Economic, Social and Cultural Implications in Early Modern Europe by
Economy and Society in 19th Century Britain by Tames, Richard
China's Ethnic Minorities: Social and Economic Indicators by Guo, Rongxing
Energy, Environment and Economic Transformation in China by Chen, Shiyi
Asia's Entrepreneurs: Dilemmas, Risks and Opportunities by Cha, Virginia, Lien, Jennifer
Industralization of China and India: Their Impacts on the World Economy by
Regionalism in China-Vietnam Relations: Institution-Building in the Greater Mekong Subregion by Hensengerth, Oliver
Industrial Finance, 1830-1914: The Finance and Organization of English Manufacturing Industry by Cottrell, P. L.
Money and Banking in Jean-Baptiste Say's Economic Thought by Jacoud, Gilles
Internal Game Theory by Patokos, Tassos
British Economic Policy and Empire, 1919-1939 by Drummond, Ian M.
Industrial Revolution on the Continent: Germany, France, Russia 1800-1914 by Henderson, W. O.
Nationalism and Economic Development in Modern Eurasia by Mosk, Carl
Financing Regional Growth and the Inter-American Development Bank: The Case of Argentina by Vivares, Ernesto
The Indian Ocean Rim: Southern Africa and Regional Cooperation by
Western Enterprise in Far Eastern Economic Development by Allen, G. C., Donnithorne
Transformations on the Bengal Frontier: Jalpaiguri 1765-1948 by Ray, Subhajyoti
The Growth of Market Relations in Post-Reform Rural China: A Micro-Analysis of Peasants, Migrants and Peasant Entrepeneurs by Sato, Hiroshi
New Millennium South Korea: Neoliberal Capitalism and Transnational Movements by
Regionalism in East Asia by
Interdisciplinary Economics: Kenneth E. Boulding's Engagement in the Sciences by
Agricultural Transformation in a Global History Perspective by
Migration and Inequality by
Economic Analysis of Institutional Change in Ancient Greece: Politics, Taxation and Rational Behaviour by Hampus Lyttkens, Carl
Essays on Classical and Marxian Political Economy: Collected Essays IV by Hollander, Samuel
Epistemic Economics and Organization: Forms of Rationality and Governance for a Wiser Economy by Grandori, Anna
Cultures of Expertise in Global Currency Markets by Wansleben, Leon
Colonial Exploitation and Economic Development: The Belgian Congo and the Netherlands Indies Compared by
A History of British Livestock Husbandry, 1700-1900 by Trow-Smith, Robert
British Economic and Strategic Planning: 1905-1915 by French, David
The Role of Informal Economies in the Post-Soviet World: The End of Transition? by Round, John, Rodgers, Peter, Williams, Colin C.
Foreign Direct Investment in China: Theories and Practices by Ng, Michael H. K.
Post-Keynesian Views of the Crisis and its Remedies by
Monetary Policy Rule in Theory and Practice: Facing the Internal Vs External Stability Dilemma by Barbaroux, Nicolas
Economic Models for Policy Making: Principles and Designs Revisited by Cohen, Solomon
Quaker Business Man: The Life of Joseph Rowntree by Vernon, Anne
Privatization and Transition in Russia in the Early 1990s by Pitt-Watson, David, Scott Leonard, Carol
Social Innovation: New Forms of Organisation in Knowledge-Based Societies by
The Political Economy of Disaster: Destitution, Plunder and Earthquake in Haiti by Lundahl, Mats
Jean-Baptiste Say: Revolutionary, Entrepreneur, Economist by Schoorl, Evert
Disasters and the Networked Economy by Albala-Bertrand, J. M.
Oligopoly, the Environment and Natural Resources by Lambertini, Luca
Victorian Railwaymen by Kingsford, P. W.
Financial Crisis, Labour Markets and Institutions by
Reinterpreting the Keynesian Revolution by Cord, Robert
The Us Economy and Neoliberalism: Alternative Strategies and Policies by
New Contributions to Monetary Analysis: The Foundations of an Alternative Economic Paradigm by
The Political Economy of the Small Firm by Dannreuther, Charles, Perren, Lew
Climate Economics: The State of the Art by Stanton, Elizabeth, Ackerman, Frank
Producing Prosperity: An Inquiry Into the Operation of the Market Process by Holcombe, Randall
Europäische Minderheiten: Im Dilemma Zwischen Selbstbestimmung Und Integration by
The Economic Development of Canada by Pomfret, Richard
Renold Chains: A History of the Company and the Rise of the Precision Chain Industry 1879-1955 by Tripp, Basil
Chinese Globalization: A Profile of People-Based Global Connections in China by Lancaster, Scott, Sun, Jiaming
Globalization and Development: Rethinking Interventions and Governance by
Technological Change and Network Effects in Growth Regimes: Exploring the Microfoundations of Economic Growth by Heinrich, Torsten
The Charismatic Principle in Social Life by
Globalization, Outsourcing and Labour Development in ASEAN by Chongvilaivan, Aekapol, Thangavelu, Shandre
Good Governance, Scale and Power: A Case Study of North Sea Fisheries by Griffin, Liza
Waste Management in Spatial Environments by
Knowledge, Innovation and Internationalisation: Essays in Honour of Cesare Imbriani by
Law and Policy for China's Market Socialism by
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform - Collected Works of Xue Muqiao by Muqiao, Xue
Asian-European Perspectives: Developing the Asem Process by Stokhof, Wim, Velde, Paul Van Der
Economic History of the British Iron and Steel Industry by Birch, Alan
Keynes and Friedman on Laissez-Faire and Planning: 'Where to Draw the Line?' by Rivot, Sylvie
Agrindus: Integration of Agriculture and Industries by Halperim, Haim
The Evolution of the Japanese Developmental State: Institutions Locked in by Ideas by Sasada, Hironori
Unequal China: The Political Economy and Cultural Politics of Inequality by
Us-Asia Economic Relations: A Political Economy of Crisis and the Rise of New Business Actors by Robertson, Justin
Corporate Governance and Banking in China by Tan, Michael
Analyzing Global Environmental Issues: Theoretical and Experimental Applications and their Policy Implications by
Marx and Living Labour by Baronian, Laurent
Digital Interactions in Developing Countries: An Economic Perspective by James, Jeffrey
Economics and HIV: The Sickness of Economics by Johnston, Deborah
Social Fairness and Economics: Economic Essays in the Spirit of Duncan Foley by
Steuerentzug und Steueroasen. Ausgewählte Modelle by Lohss, Christian
Regulieren oder Nichtregulieren; das ist hier die Frage: Wettbewerbsökonomische Analyse des Telekommunikationsmarktes unter besonderer Beachtung der a by Hessler, Markus A.
TARGET2-Salden und die europäische Staatsschuldenkrise by Schmidt, Peter
Die historische Betrachtung von Innovationen und die Theorie der Langen Wellen by Zöllner, M.
Europe in Crisis: Problems, Challenges, and Alternative Perspectives by
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Inequality by Wunsch, Steve
Economic Performance and North Korean Regime Legitimacy by Naval Postgraduate School
Opportunities in Strengthening Trade Assistance: A Report of the CSIS Congressional Task Force on Trade Capacity Building by Miller, Scott, Runde, Daniel F.
Asymmetric Demography and the Global Economy: Growth Opportunities and Macroeconomic Challenges in an Ageing World by
Dictionary of Political Economy 3 Volume Set by
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