Works of the Camden Society (Volume 5)
Currently unavailable to order
ISBN10: 1153907453
ISBN13: 9781153907453
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 108
Weight: 0.37
Height: 0.25 Width: 9.01 Depth: 5.98
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781153907453
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 108
Weight: 0.37
Height: 0.25 Width: 9.01 Depth: 5.98
Language: English
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1872 edition. Excerpt: ... qe aunciement devaunt lestatut en autrez Eyeres soleient este tretez et mesnez, et qe par nulle estatut contrary a loure dites fraunchisez et custumez soient liez ne oustez de loure fraunchises et custumes aunciens. Et sur ceo fuist maunde breve a lez Justices de sursere. Item, si ascun meason soit trove deinz la dite Citee ou lez Boofsof straw, suberbez coverez de streyn, de rede, ou de Shyngell, celluy a qi le ng measoun est paiera as Viscounts qi sount pur le temps xls., et serra constraint doustere tiel coverture. the Annexation Op Bristol Castle To The City. t 1 To the Queenes excellent Matie, the humble Petition of the Fo. 322 b. Maior, Burgesses, J and Comminaltie of the Citty of Bristol. Humbly shewinge unto your Matie that the Cittie of Bristoll hath This law must have been made later than that of 1212, as shingle was then allowed. See Liber Custumarum, p. 87, and Introd. p. xxxii. See also before, p. 107. f The documents given above, written in a contemporary hand, occupy fos. 322S to 324S, being the last in the volume upon which anything is written, except the Index before mentioned (p. x). The originals are in the State Paper Officet Domestic Series, vol. 121, Nos. 57 to 57-vi., and vol. 141, No. 77, with which these have been collated. The Petition to the Queen 1 has there been bound up with the year 1629; the paper too bears an old endorsement, April 1629, but the Bristol Copy, though not dated, puts it into its right place, namely, with the Petition to the King 2 (of a date before 25 November 1628) which is expressly said to be hereunto annexed. They relate particulars of the preliminaries to the obtaining of the charter of 13 April, 5 Charles I. (1629), by which the Castle and its precincts were annexed to...