Temple Bar (Volume 50)
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ISBN10: 1154392759
ISBN13: 9781154392753
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 254
Weight: 1.01
Height: 0.53 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781154392753
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 254
Weight: 1.01
Height: 0.53 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
Book may have numerous typos, missing text, images, or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1877. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... i. The merry loves, one summer day, Their little games were playing, When Cynthia chanced to pass the way, Along the meadows straying. The eldest cried, Oh! -is she not Surpassing fair, my brothers? What lovely eyes and lips she's got-- So very like our mother's! II. Then straightway to the nymph they flew, Like bees around her swarming; And sipped all round the honey-dow From her rich lips so charming. Upon her dainty shoulders white They very soon were sitting, Or in the soft and luring light Of her blue eyes were flitting. !m. And how they played with every tress So wavy, wild, and golden! They play'd so, that at once you'd guess The bow'rs they had been schooled in. At last flew down the tiniest elf, And, ere she could refuse him, On a blush-rose he throned himself-- The rose of Cynthia's bosom. rv. Bon jour he cried, to all on high; Bon jour, my worthy fellows! If you're all happy, so am I-- I never yet was jealous! But if the truth you'd like to know, I'm not quite certain whether I am not happier here below, Than all of you together! John Shekhan. u Out of the blazing summer sunshine into the cool room comes Krin with her waving masses of chestnut hair as untidy as usual, her lips warm and parted. Her muslin dress of pale azure is slightly crumpled, while two dark stains, that shine conspicuously upon it betray her visit to the strawberry-bed. Corinna, my dear? protests her mother, perfectly aghast at her appearance. Yes, darling? says Krin interrogatively, and glances suspiciously up and down her attire until she too descries the fatal marks, when she blushes the daintiest crimson. Where have you been? Mrs. Crofton goes on when she has recovered breath, and what have you been doing? Your hair is all over your head, and your dress But l...