Tardis - Residents of Gallifrey: Ailla, Ailla, Andred, Antimon, Anzor, Arkhew, Azmael, Burner Doctor, Cavisadoratrelundar, Chancellor, Chancellor, Dam
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ISBN10: 1234665069
ISBN13: 9781234665067
Publisher: Books Llc Wiki Series
Pages: 48
Weight: 0.23
Height: 0.10 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781234665067
Publisher: Books Llc Wiki Series
Pages: 48
Weight: 0.23
Height: 0.10 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
Source: Wikia. Pages: 46. Chapters: Ailla, Ailla, Andred, Antimon, Anzor, Arkhew, Azmael, Burner Doctor, Cavisadoratrelundar, Chancellor, Chancellor, Damon, Darkel, Drax, Ferain, Galah, Gandarotethetledrax, Gerber, Glospin, Gomer, Goth, Greyjan the Sane, Hallan, Hilred, Homunculette, I.M. Foreman, Innocet, Irving Braxiatel, Jelpax, K'anpo Rimpoche, K9 Mark I, K9 Mark II, Kelner, Leela, Lenadi, Loie, Marnal, Matthias, Maxil, Millennia, Narvin, Nesbin, Omega, Owis, Pandora, Patience, Plutar, President, Prydonius, Quences, Rallon, Rodan, Romana, Ruath, Rummas, Runcible, Satthaltrope, Savar, Serena, Straxus, The Emperor, The Hermit, The Monk, The Other, The Partisan, The Rani, The Valeyard, The Visionary, The War Chief, The Woman, Theta Sigma, Tianna, Time Lord 3, Time Lord Messenger, Torvald, Umbaste, Vael, Valyes, Vansell, War King, Wynter, Zorac. Excerpt: Ablif was a member of Nesbin's group of Outsiders. He helped the Fourth Doctor and Leela defeat the Sontaran invasion of Gallifrey. (DW: The Invasion of Time) Ailla was the Master's companion and lover when he was still known as Koschei. She was actually an agent of the Celestial Intervention Agency sent to spy on him. When Ailla appeared alive after Koschei has destroyed an entire planet to try to bring her back, it proved to be too much for him. Her betrayal and his murder of a planet was believed to have been the catalyst for turning Koschei into the Master, who sought to control the universe. (MA: The Dark Path) Ailla and Koschei had become stranded on Earth for several years when Koschei's TARDIS was irreparably damaged in a battle with a disembodied entity which tried to shroud the world in a web-like substance. When the Conclave learned of the TARDIS's abilities to travel sideways in Time from video surveillance records of the Doctor's arrival and his subsequent activities at the Inferno project, this led to plans to escape their dead world. However, when Koschei refused to help the Conclave evacuate to...