Master I Margarita
Classic FictionGeneral Fiction
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ISBN10: 1721025790
ISBN13: 9781721025794
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Jun 12 2018
Pages: 280
Weight: 0.83
Height: 0.59 Width: 6.00 Depth: 9.00
Language: Russian
ISBN13: 9781721025794
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Jun 12 2018
Pages: 280
Weight: 0.83
Height: 0.59 Width: 6.00 Depth: 9.00
Language: Russian
Predstavljat' chitateljam roman Bulgakova Master i Margarita net neobhodimosti. Ego nazyvajut shedevrom mirovoj literatury, samym zagadochnym romanom 20-go veka, velikim, dazhe - zakatnym i prochee, prochee... Ego issledujut filologi, voshishhajutsja ili rugajut chitateli, o nem pishut pesni, snimajut fil'my... Master i Margarita - blistatel'nyj shedevr, sozdannyj Mihailom Bulgakovym, zavorazhivajushhaja misticheskaja d'javoliada, obnazhajushhaja vechnye temy ljubvi, bor'by dobra so zlom, smerti i bessmertija. Jeta kniga - na veka, ona ne terjaet svoej privlekatel'nosti; prochtja pervuju frazu: V chas zharkogo vesennego zakata na Patriarshih prudah pojavilis' dvoe grazhdan..., my dobrovol'no, neminuemo i bezvozvratno pogruzhaemsja v mir Mastera, Margarity, Pilata, Volanda, Azazello s Korov'evym i drugih geroev romana. Soderzhit unikal'nye illjustracii!
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