Publications of the Spenser Society (Volume 7)
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ISBN10: 1235644197
ISBN13: 9781235644191
Publisher: General Books
Weight: 0.40
Height: 0.19 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781235644191
Publisher: General Books
Weight: 0.40
Height: 0.19 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1870. Excerpt: ... AND A ROMISH PRIEST In a very hot Discourse, full of Mirth, Truth, wit, Folly, and Plain-dealing. By Iohn Taylor. A Pedlar and a Romish priest in a very hot Dis-course, full of Mirth, truth, Wit, Folly, and plain-dealing. APoland Pedlar went upon a day, Vnto a Romish Priest to learne to pray; The Priest faid Pedlar get thee to the cloister And learne the Ave and the Pater Nojler. Pedl. Now good vclohn (quoth he) what talk is that I heare you speak, but God in Heauen knowes what. Priest. It is that worthy holy Lattin letter Doth please the Lord wel and our lady better. Pedl. Now good Sir Iohn, I know not what they be The Lattin tongue is heathen Greeke to me. Priest. Pedlar if thou to me wilt but repaire Within one Month, I'le teach thee Lattin Prayer. And though thou understand not what thou fayst, Thou shalt speake pretty Lattin when thou prayest Pedlar To pray so sir, is onely but in faying, In words, not fence, a prating, not a praying; Shall I that am a man of perfect age, Talke like a witlesse parret in a Cage. Priest. A parret can but prattle for her part, But towards God hath neither mind or heart. A 2 Then Then seeing I have head and heart to pray, Shall not my heart know what my tongue doth fay? For when my tongue talkes, if my heart mis-carry, How quickly I may marre your Ave Mary? And I s1r having many things to seeke, How should I speed not knowing what I speake. Priest. God understands all tongues, & knows, & he The thoughts and secrets of the heart doth fee. Pedl. Then if I think one thing and speak another, I wrong my seise, and Christ, and his blest Mother; For when I pray they would my pack repaire, Your Ave mary is a fruitlesse prayer. Priest. The Latin prayers are but generall heads, For our Reliefes in all our wants and needs: The Lati...