Proceedings of the Huguenot Society of London (Volume 3)
Currently unavailable to order
ISBN10: 1153927624
ISBN13: 9781153927628
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 596
Weight: 1.90
Height: 1.32 Width: 9.01 Depth: 5.98
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781153927628
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 596
Weight: 1.90
Height: 1.32 Width: 9.01 Depth: 5.98
Language: English
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1889 Excerpt: ... Franqueville, Sieur de, 195, 270 Franzosische Colonie, Die, xlv, xciii, cxl, 352 Frederick, Prince of Wales, 556, 557, 559-561, 566, 567 Frederick, the Elector, 129 Free, Rev. B. W., lviii Frees, Petter, 160 Frejus, 195, 270 Fremantle, Canon, 335 Freraon, Marie, 412 Fremont, Peter, 546 'French, ' a term of opprobrium, 32--Churches of London, see London--Churches in England, Colloquies and Synods of, see Colloquies--prisoners in England, 308 note--Protestant history, Society for the study of, see under Francais--Protestant Hospital, London, see London--tailors, 349 Fresnay, Priory of, 174 Fributs, 445 Friedrichsdorf, 418 Frobisher, Martin, 236 Froissart, 477 note Fromartt, John, 169 Fromowe, Wm., 168 Froument, Rachel, 396 Frugier, Janne, 395 bis Fruin, Dr. ., 432, 433, 457, 528, 533 note Fruit-trees, cultivation of, 13, 14 Fuire, Anne, 561 Fulgenzio, Fra, lxxxv Fulgout, Marie, 391 Fulham, 186 bis, 190 Fuller, Thomas, 160 Fumee, Blandi, 225 Furetiere, --, 468 note Furgeon, Begnier, 328 Fynkell. William, 96 note Fynnette, Bobart, 161 Fyns, Johann, 587 GEN Gennes, 480 Genouet, Marie, 397 GentiUot, Jean, 397--Marie, 395 Gentlemen-at-Arms, 544 note Gentlemen Pensioners, 544 George I., King of England, 554, 561 George II., 554, 556, 557, 559 George III., 544, 550, 552, 656-561 George, Prince of Wales, 18 George, Prince Regent, 558 Gerard, Anthoinette, 412 Gerardssen, Pieter, 317 Gerauld, Elisee, 339 Gergett, Mary, 167 Gerlach, M., xci Germaine, Margaritt, 326 German Huguenot Society, see Germany, Deutsclier Huguenot-ten-Verein German reiters, 181 Germans, 232, 235, 238 bis, 321, 322, 325, 329 Germany, xW, lxxxix, xci, xciii, xcvi, cxxix, 30, 205, 210, 212, 219, 225, 232, 234, 235, 242, 350, 352, 417 419; Deutscher Huguenot-ten-Verein, ...