The Poetical Works of Edmun Spencer
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ISBN10: 1150899018
ISBN13: 9781150899010
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 108
Weight: 0.46
Height: 0.22 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781150899010
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 108
Weight: 0.46
Height: 0.22 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1860. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... the thirde booke the faerie queene, contayning the legend of britomartis, or of chastity. 2 It falls me here to write of Chastity, That fayrest vertue, far above the rest: For which what neecles me fetch from Faery Forreine ensamples it to have exprest? Sith it is shrined in my Soveraines brest, And formd so lively in each perfect part, That to all ladies, which have it profest, Neede but behold the pourtraict of her hart; If pourtrayd it might bee by any living art: 2 But living art may not least part expresse, Nor life-resembling pencill it can paynt: All1 were it Zeuxis or Praxiteles, His dsedale2 hand would faile and greatly faynt, And her perfections with his error taynt: Ne poets witt, that passeth painter farre In picturing the parts of beauty claynt,1 So hard a workemanship adventure darre, For fear through want of words her excellence to marre. 1 All although. 2 Doedale, skilful. 3 How then shall I, apprentice of the skill That whilome in divinest wits did rayne, Presume so high to stretch mine humble quill? Yet now my luckelesse lott doth me constrayne Hereto perforce: but, 0 dredd Soverayne, Thus far forth pardon, sith that choicest witt Cannot your glorious pourtraict figure playne? That I in colourd showes may shadow itt, And antique praises unto present persons fitt. 4 But if in living colours, and right hew, Thyselfe thou covet to see pictured, Who can it doe more lively, or more trew, Then that sweete verse, with nectar sprinckeled? In which a gracious servaunt pictured His Cynthia, his heavens fayrest light? That with his melting sweetnes ravished, And with the wonder of her beames bright, M...
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