LSAT Vocabulary Workbook: Learn the key words of the LSAT Exam
English as a Second LanguageTest Prep
ISBN13: 9781694277985
Publisher: Independently Published
Published: Sep 24 2019
Pages: 242
Weight: 1.26
Height: 0.51 Width: 8.50 Depth: 11.00
Language: English
Ever wonder why learning comes so easily to some people? This remarkable workbook reveals a system that shows you how to learn faster, easier and without frustration. By mastering the hidden language of the subject and exams, you will be poised to tackle the toughest of questions with ease. We've discovered that the key to success on the LSAT Exam lies with mastering the Insider's Language of the subject. People who score high on their exams have a strong working vocabulary in the subject tested. They know how to decode the vocabulary of the subject and use this as a model for test success. People with a strong Insider's Language consistently:
- Perform better on their Exams
- Learn faster and retain more information
- Feel more confident in their courses
- Perform better in upper level courses
- Gain more satisfaction in learning
- The LSAT Exam Vocabulary Workbook is different from traditional review books because it focuses on the exam's Insider's Language. It is an outstanding supplement to a traditional review program. It helps your preparation for the exam become easier and more efficient. The strategies, puzzles, and questions give you enough exposure to the Insider Language to use it with confidence and make it part of your long-term memory. The LSAT Exam Vocabulary Workbook is an awesome tool to use before a course of study as it will help you develop a strong working Insider's Language before you even begin your review. Learn the Secret to Success! After nearly 20 years of teaching Lewis Morris discovered a startling fact: Most students didn't struggle with the subject, they struggled with the language. It was never about brains or ability. His students simply didn't have the knowledge of the specific language needed to succeed. Through experimentation and research, he discovered that for any subject there was a list of essential words, that, when mastered, unlocked a student's ability to progress in the subject. Lewis called this set of vocabulary the Insider's Words. When he applied these Insider's Words the results were incredible. His students began to learn with ease. He was on his way to developing the landmark series of workbooks and applications to teach this Insider's Language to students around the world.
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