Kompil Cie: Crippled Lucifer, Their Law: The Singles 1990-2005, Lost Dogs, Three-Sided Coin, Dead Can Dance, Relics
Currently unavailable to order
ISBN10: 1232995517
ISBN13: 9781232995517
Publisher: Books Llc Wiki Series
Pages: 28
Weight: 0.15
Height: 0.06 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: Slovak
ISBN13: 9781232995517
Publisher: Books Llc Wiki Series
Pages: 28
Weight: 0.15
Height: 0.06 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: Slovak
Zdroj: Wikipedia. Stranky: 26. Kapitoly: Crippled Lucifer, Their Law: The Singles 1990-2005, Lost Dogs, Three-Sided Coin, Dead Can Dance, Relics, Three Times Seven on a Pilgrimage, A Collection of Great Dance Songs, Crazy Diamond, Push The Beat For This Jam, Trojan box set, The Ultimate Video Collection, Peter Nagy duety, Their Greatest Hits, Best of the Beast, A Nice Pair, The Best of Syd Barrett: Wouldn't You Miss Me?, A Passage in Time, Symptom of the Universe: The Original Black Sabbath 1970-1978, Opel, The Best of The Animals, We Wish You a Metal Xmas and a Headbanging New Year, Octopus: The Best of Syd Barrett, We Sold Our Soul for Rock 'n' Roll, Design of a Decade 1986/1996, Mystery Tracks - Archives Vol. 3, The Sabbath Stones, Black Sabbath: The Dio Years, The Videos, Rough And Tough And Dangerous, Nirvana, Greatest Hits 1970-1978, Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death, Wake, Single 1994 - 2002, Slavonix, Speak My Mind, Con Banda, Grandes Exitos, Incesticide, 24 Carat Gold, Jo o..., The Very Best of Chris Rea, Beyonce Karaoke Hits Vol. I, Milking the Sacred Cow, 20 rok - 20 hit, Sv t zazrak - Nashledanou, Rearviewmirror: Greatest Hits 1991-2003, V dobrej viere, Best uff. Vy atok: Crippled Lucifer (podtitul Seven Psalms For Our Lord Of Light pre povodne vydanie z roku 1998, pripadne Ten Psalms for Our Lord of Light pre roz irenu reediciu z roku 2008) je kompila ny album doom metalovej skupiny Burning Witch. Povodne vy iel v roku 1998 ako CD, skladby na om pochadzaju z EP Towers... (z roku 1996) a Rift.Canyon.Dreams (z roku 1998). V Europe vy iel vo vydavate stve Bad Acid v naklade 2000 kusov ako digipack, ako MC v po skom vydavate stve Mystic Production v roku 1999 a v USA v troch ediciach v domovskom vydavate stve Southern Lord (prve vydanie malo zle vytla eny obal). Reedicia z roku 2008 obsahuje skladby ako na povodom vydani a navy e 3 skladby: Communion a The Bleeder zo split albumu Goatsnake / Burning Witch (nahrate spolo ne s Goatsnake) a Rif...