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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN
Illustrations of Scottish History; From the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century

Illustrations of Scottish History; From the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century


British History

Currently unavailable to order

ISBN10: 1231296445
ISBN13: 9781231296448
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 64
Weight: 0.29
Height: 0.13 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1834 Excerpt: ... she said that albeit your grace was vnkynde to here yet she wolde kepe her kyndenesse to you and doo the best she coude to entertaigne the peas and that I shulde haue a goode aunswere, and soo I departed; and assone as I came to my logyng I drew oute of myne instructions the substaunce of the article concernyng that matier, and sent it to the secretorye. 31 March Iteme, Thursday, bicause I sawe they tryfeld me forth I went to the cort vnsentfor and desired to speke with the kyng, and he sent for me to his trauese, where I desired hym to know his resolute aunswere in my charge, and he said that he wold send the secretorie downe to me at after none, at which tyme there came downe therle of Ergyle, the secretorye and maister James Henryson to the Gray Freres, and there we had much conuercacion nothing to purpos, for theffect of alle theire conuercacione was no more but they wold haue me to tarye till the kyng might vnderstond what justice shuld be ministred vpone the borders, for he coude not shew his determinate mynde till he sawe what justice he shuld haue ministred to hyme, for asfor abolicione he wold in no wise condescend to, and in case I wolde not tarye, they said the kyng wolde despatche me the next day, and assone as he knew what redresse shuld be made and how justice should be ministred vpone the borders he wolde send you his determinate mynde by a seruaunt of his owne, some officiere of armes. And whene I herd theyme, I paused a litell and axed theyme if this were the kynges mynde and his resolute aunswere, and they said, yea, wherunto I said that I maruelled not a litelle for it touched not my charge, for my charge was to know if he wold kepe the peas in your graces absence according to the treatie, and whether he wold stond your good broder and a...

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British History