Gary Hume: Signed Edition
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ISBN13: 9781904212683
Publisher: Other Criteria Books
Pages: 320
Language: English
Gary Hume was born in Kent in 1962 and lives and works in London and upstate New York. Solo shows include Sao Paulo Bienal (1996), Venice Biennale (1999) Whitechapel Art Gallery, London (1999), the National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh (1999), Fundacao La Caixa, Barcelona (2000), Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2003), Kunsthaus Bregenz (2004) and the Kestnergesellschaft, Hannover (2004). Group shows include Tate Britain, London (2004), Louisiana Museum, Denmark (2004), Kunsthalle Basel (2002), and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (2001). This is the signed limited edition of this title.
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