The Fragmentary Poetic: Eighteenth-Century Uses of an Experimental Mode
Literary CriticismPoetry Criticism
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ISBN13: 9781611460629
Publisher: Lehigh Univ Pr
Published: Oct 1 2009
Pages: 173
Weight: 0.85
Height: 0.70 Width: 6.20 Depth: 9.30
Language: English
Rather than being overtly contrasted with the preceptive poetics of early eighteenth-century Neoclassicism, the fragmentary impulse is read as integral to new genres such as the long-poem and the Pindaric ode. Its amphibian nature accommodates its transgeneric use in genres as varied as the ode and the epic, deploying the ruin as an emblem of its deliberate resistance to closure or the sublime to indicate rupture. The study discusses the ode, the long-poem, imitations of Spenser, Macpherson's reinventions of the epic, and poems engaging with (personal and cultural) memory and ruin. It further explores intermodal cooperation in productions ranging from satire to the epic.
Poets variously utilized the fragmentary as a mode reflecting human fallenness and the fragmentedness of human existence, but also (paradoxically) as evidence for original completeness and authenticity. In addition, the ruin as a cultural construct facilitated the recognition of the fragmentary as a valid mode. Detailed discussions of poems include works by authors ranging from James Thomson and Edward Young to James Macpherson, Charlotte Smith, and Wordsworth. Scholars of both eighteenth-century and Romantic period poetry will find The Fragmentary Poetic a useful guide to the generic complexity that characterizes the poetry of the eighteenth century. This account of the polymorphous nature of the fragment and its definitional and formal fluidity enables scholars to rethink eighteenth-century form and to appreciate a pervasive mode that found its most varying expression in the poetry of the period.
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