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Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN
Feeding Piggy

Feeding Piggy


Bedtime & Dreams

ISBN10: 1494346907
ISBN13: 9781494346904
Publisher: Createspace
Published: Dec 13 2013
Pages: 36
Weight: 0.18
Height: 0.09 Width: 8.50 Depth: 8.50
Language: English
This book is about Maddy and her piggy bank named Piggy. One morning while feeding Piggy coins for breakfast, Maddy discovers how coins, like people, come in different shapes and sizes. Feeding Piggy is a beautifully illustrated children's book suited for ages 2-8.

Also in

Bedtime & Dreams