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Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN
Feeding Elephants, Friends, and Parasites: The Journey of a Nomad

Feeding Elephants, Friends, and Parasites: The Journey of a Nomad


Travel General

ISBN10: 0989039501
ISBN13: 9780989039505
Publisher: Lightning Source Inc
Published: Feb 20 2013
Pages: 96
Weight: 0.31
Height: 0.20 Width: 5.98 Depth: 9.02
Language: English
Have you ever wanted to travel the world? Does your bucket list include picnics under the Eiffel Tower, climbing volcanos, volunteering in orphanages, or sleeping in handmade hammocks? Mine did, and I've accomplished them all before the age of 25. I've built houses for earthquake victims, rode horses on white sandy beaches, and pet kangaroos. I've highlighted my past with amazing moments and memories through travel. I've seen the world and so can you. Step outside of your comfort zone and expand your global perspective through travel. A world of breath taking beauty and heart breaking corruption exists just beyond our daily schedules - we simply have to open our hearts and explore. Feeding Elephants, Friends, and Parasites addresses a wide variety of traveling hot topics such as short term vs. long term travel, high budget vs. low budget trips, the risks of food poisoning vs. the rich culture of street food, and the ever present challenges involved in leaving a life of routine behind. Stories of my own nomadic adventures fill the chapters while real names, places, and situations give each page an authentic quality inspiring you to discover the true question of travel. Do not ask yourself if it's possible? Ask instead, where to go first.

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Travel General