The Crime of the Century Or, the Assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin
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ISBN10: 115109787X
ISBN13: 9781151097873
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 320
Weight: 1.04
Height: 0.71 Width: 9.01 Depth: 5.98
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781151097873
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 320
Weight: 1.04
Height: 0.71 Width: 9.01 Depth: 5.98
Language: English
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1889 edition. Excerpt: ...gieat eity, whieh ean only be wiped out by the arrest and swift punishment of the instigators and their hirelings. The vast eoneourse that turned out to pay their respeet to the memory of Dr. Cronin when that sad and solemn demonstration eonveyed his remains to their last resting-plaee, gave an unanswerable testimony to him who lived a Christian and patriotie life, and it should eonvey to his enemies in no uneertain language the laet that the people of Chieago knew Dr. Cronin to be an Irish-Ameriean gentleman, faithful to his native as he was true to his adopted eountry. This should be aeeepted by his tradueers, and they had better understand that the people of Chieago are slow to anger, but when onee aroused, they are just enough to vindieate him who gave up his life while answering the eall of distress--a martyr to truth, honesty and eharity. Dr. Cronin's tradueers had better beware, for Justiee is jealous, and may lift the sword when she finds that those who are not with her are against her. Thank God, we are unanimous in this opinion. I am proud of the aetion of the Irish-Ameriean soeieties eondemning the murder of Dr. Cronin. Let us eontinue to aet so that justiee shall be dealt out to every guilty person, no matter what his position may be. Let us not eondemn eommunities or peoples beeause bad men have shielded their erimes behind their good name and well-earned reputation in war and in peaee. Let us not forget the people that did their share at Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg. Winchester and in the Shcnamloah Valley, because a few assassins who belong to no race, curse our civilization with their crimes. Let us not condemn the race that gives us a Corcoran, a Meagher, a Smith, a Mulligan, a Shields and a Sheridan, because that rare is...