Civilization - Civilization III: Conquests: Units in Civilization III: Conquests, Aegis Cruiser, American F-15, Arabian, Babylonian Bowman, Conquistad
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ISBN10: 123480798X
ISBN13: 9781234807986
Publisher: Books Llc Wiki Series
Weight: 0.18
Height: 0.07 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781234807986
Publisher: Books Llc Wiki Series
Weight: 0.18
Height: 0.07 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
This book consists of articles from Wikia or other free sources online. Pages: 33. Chapters: Units in Civilization III: Conquests, AEGIS Cruiser, American F-15, Arabian, Babylonian Bowman, Conquistador, Egyptian, German Panzer, H'wacha, Immortal, Legionary, Mongolian, AEGIS Cruiser, American F-15, Archer, Artillery, Babylonian Bowman, Battleship, Bomber, Bowman, Cannon, Caravel, Carrier, Catapult, Cavalry, Chariot, Conquistador, Cossack, Cruise Missile, Destroyer, F15, French Musketeer, Frigate, Galleon, Galley, German Panzer, H'wacha, Helicopter, Hoplite, Horsemen, ICBM, Immortal, Impi, Infantry, Ironclad, Iroquois Mounted Warrior, Jaguar Warrior, Jet Fighter, Keshik, Knights, Leader, Legionary, Longbowman, Man-O-War, Marines, Mechanized Infantry, Modern Armor, Mounted Warrior, Musketman, Nuclear Sub, Panzer, Paratrooper, Pikemen, Privateer, Radar Artillery, Rider, Rider, Rifleman, Samurai, Settlers, Spearman, Stealth Bomber, Stealth Fighter, Submarine, Swordsman, Tactical Nuke, Tank, Transport, Warrior, War Chariot, War Elephant, Zulu Impi. Excerpt: AEGIS Cruiser is a naval unit available late in several Civ games. It is the second most powerful naval unit in Civ III. AEGIS Cruiser is not present in (or the article has not been created for) Civilization Requires Rocketry; A/D/M/H 8/8/5/3 Fire 2; Cost 100, Never Obsolete. Defense x2 vs Air and Missile Units, can see Subs Requires Robotics, Aluminum and Uranium Resources; A.D.M (B.R.F) 12/10/5 (4/2/2); Cost 160, does not upgrade, has Zone of Controlsee also Cruiser (Conquests) AEGIS Cruiser is not present in (or the article has not been created for) Civilization IV AEGIS Cruiser is not present in Civilization V. AEGIS Cruiser is not present in (or the article has not been created for) Civilization Revolution AEGIS Cruiser is not present in (or the article has not been created for) CivWorld See the AEGIS Cruiser page on the Freeciv website. AEGIS Cruiser is not present in (or the article has not been created...