Calculus All-In-One for Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online)
CalculusGeneral MathematicsPre-Calculus
Publisher Price: $39.99
ISBN13: 9781119909675
Publisher: For Dummies
Published: Apr 25 2023
Pages: 656
Weight: 2.19
Height: 1.48 Width: 7.89 Depth: 10.01
Language: English
Make calculus more manageable with simplified instruction and tons of practice
Calculus All-in-One For Dummies pairs no-nonsense explanations of calculus content with practical examples and practice problems, so you can untangle the difficult concepts and improve your score in any calculus class. Plus, this book comes with access to chapter quizzes online. Dummies makes differentiation, integration, and everything in between more manageable, so you can crush calculus with confidence. Review the foundational basics, then dive into calc lessons that track your class. This book takes you through a full year of high-school calculus or a first semester of college calculus, only explained more clearly.
- Work through easy-to-understand lessons on everything in a typical calc class
- Get the score you want and need on standardized tests like AP Calculus
- Access online chapter quizzes for additional practice
- Untangle tricky problems and discover clever ways to solve them
With clear definitions, concise explanations, and plenty of helpful information on everything from limits and vectors to integration and curve-sketching, Calculus All-in-One For Dummies is the must-have resource for students who want to review for exams or just need extra help understanding the concepts from class.
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