Binary Diamond System With Pinpoint Raises
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ISBN10: 1777983010
ISBN13: 9781777983017
Publisher: Independently Published
Published: Jan 14 2022
Pages: 140
Weight: 0.37
Height: 0.30 Width: 5.50 Depth: 8.50
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781777983017
Publisher: Independently Published
Published: Jan 14 2022
Pages: 140
Weight: 0.37
Height: 0.30 Width: 5.50 Depth: 8.50
Language: English
The Binary Diamond System (BD) With Pinpoint Raises is a baseline structure of opening bids and responses for competitive bridge, an alternate bidding system for evolving partnerships. The system was successfully launched in Canada in 2022. In face-to-face club and tournament games, it has fully met all expectations as a primary bidding system. At this time, BD is not permitted or appropriate for ACBL Basic Chart restricted games but is allowed in Open Chart games. Players, who learned Standard American (SA) and considering or have adapted 2 over 1, might explore a transition to this system. If embraced, they should find BD less complicated, more applicable, and more effective compared to 2 over 1 with its follow-on bidding. As they develop further, players can still add advanced conventions to BD to enhance success. The design of the BD system structure specifically facilitates a preference for major suit contracts. Pinpoint Raises is an adjunct convention set which replaces major suit raises after an opening bid, and displaces Bergen raises as well as bids based on the Law of Total Tricks. This convention set is especially designed to provide better strength communication when nearing the threshold of part-game and game, and when identifying slam potential. These raises function with both 3 or 4+ card support for your partner, and can be used successfully in spite of opponent interference. A corresponding Pinpoint Drury replacement convention is also described. Included in the book are examples and exercises, along with several deals taken from real club games to illustrate how the system may function in actual play. This book presents an interesting model of bridge conceptual development and provides an alternate system opportunity for progressive partnerships to enhance their capability.
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