Anacalypsis, an Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis; Or, an Inquiry Into the Origin of Languages, Nations, and Religions
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ISBN10: 115125472X
ISBN13: 9781151254726
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 476
Weight: 1.52
Height: 1.06 Width: 9.01 Depth: 5.98
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781151254726
Publisher: General Books
Pages: 476
Weight: 1.52
Height: 1.06 Width: 9.01 Depth: 5.98
Language: English
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1874 Excerpt: ...more clearly respecting the Millenium than Irenaeus, and he expressly declares that, after it, the world shall be destroyed by fire, and that the earth shall be made new after its conflagration? Here is the admission of the identical renewal of worlds held by the oriental nations. Irenaeus,6 Quotquot diebus hic factus est mundus, tot et millenis consummatur..... Si enim dies Domini quasi mille anni, in sex autem diebus consummata sunt qua facta sunt: manifestum est, quoniam consummatio isporum sextus millesimus annus est. Lactantius,7 Quoniam sex diebus cuncta Dei opera perfecta sunt: per secula sex, id est, annorum sex millia, manere in hoc statu mundum necesse est. Dies enim magnus Dei mille annorum circulo terminatur., .., . Et ut Deus sex illos dies in tantis rebus fabricandis laboravit, ita et religio ejus et Veritas in his sex millibus annorum laborare necesse est, malitia praevalente et dominante. Mede's works,8 where several other Christian authorities may be found St. Augustin had an indistinct view of the true system. He says, that the fifth age is finished, that we are in the sixth, and that the dissolution of all things will happen in the seventh.9 He evidently alluded to the thousands, not the Neroses; and that the world should be burnt and renewed.10 Barnabas says, In six thousand years the 1 Isai. ii. II, 17. 2 Psal. xcii. 3 Psal. xc. 4 CapenUrius Com. Alcinoum Platonis, p. 322; Mede's Works, pp. 535, 894. In the same page of Mede several other Jewish authorities may be seen for the existence of the 6000-year period. 6 Floyer's Sibyls, p. 244. 5 Lib. v. Cap. xxviii. 7 De Divino Praemio, Lib. vii. Cap. xiv. 8 P. 893. 9 Civ. Dei. Lib. xxii. Cap. xxx.; Ouseley, Orient. Coll. Vol. II. No. ii. p. 119. 10 Floyer's Sibyls, p. 245. A SECRET SCIEN...