Al Bomy Simfonicheskogo Metala: Dark Passion Play, the Heart of Everything, the Unforgiving, Schattenspiel, Angels Fall First, S&m, Wishmaster
Currently unavailable to order
ISBN10: 1232060852
ISBN13: 9781232060857
Publisher: Books Llc Wiki Series
Pages: 30
Weight: 0.16
Height: 0.06 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: Russian
ISBN13: 9781232060857
Publisher: Books Llc Wiki Series
Pages: 30
Weight: 0.16
Height: 0.06 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: Russian
Istochnik: Wikipedia. Stranitsy: 28. Glavy: Dark Passion Play, The Heart of Everything, The Unforgiving, Schattenspiel, Angels Fall First, S&M, Wishmaster, Echos, The Classical Conspiracy, The Score - An Epic Journey, Elodia, Stille, Lichtgestalt, Over the Hills and Far Away, The Divine Conspiracy, Sitra Ahra, Equilibrio, Design Your Universe, Lichtgestalten, Century Child, Oceanborn, I Lost My Star, Awaking the Centuries, Fassade, Beyond Sanctorum, Sehnsucht, Bye Bye Beautiful, Consign to Oblivion, Eppur Si Muove, Once, The Phantom Agony, From Wishes to Eternity, Meredead, The Silent Force, Mother Earth, Beautiful Darkness, World of Glass, Widow's Weeds, Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise, Vinland Saga, Enter, And Thou Shalt Trust... the Seer, Here Lies One Whose Name Was Written In Water, Awaking the Gods: Live in Mexico, Wildhoney, Walking in the Air, Tales of Ithiria, Beyond the Veil, Battle Metal, Perpetual Desolation, Christmas Eve and Other Stories, Elegy, Lake of Sorrow, Atlantis, A Sombre Dance, Fables & Dreams, Somnium Obmutum. Vyderzhka: -Dark Passion Play- - shestoi studii nyi al bom finskoi simfonik-pauer-metal gruppy Nightwish. On vyshel na prilavki 26 sentyabrya 2007 goda v Finlyandii, 28 sentyabrya v Yevrope i 2 oktyabrya v SSHA. Eto pervyi al bom s uchastiem novoi vokalistki, Anett Ol zon, a takzhe pervyi al bom bez predydushchyei vokalistki Tar i Turunen, v svyazi s yee ukhodom v oktyabre 2005. Lider gruppy Tuomas Kholopai nen predstavil al bom, kak -al bom, kotoryi spas yego zhizn -. Al bom yavlyaet.sya samym dlinnym al bomom v istorii gruppy (75:43), na 15 minut dol she chem predydushchii (-Once-). -Eva-, pervyi singl s al boma, byl vypushchen 25 maya 2007 kak internet-singl, napravlennyi na blagotvoritel nost; -Amaranth-, vypushchennyi 22 avgusta; -Eramaan viimeinen-, kotoryi byl vypushchen 5 dekabrya tol ko v Finlyandii; -Bye Bye Beautiful-, vypushchennyi 15 fevralya 2008, i -The Islander-, vyshedshii 21 maya. Avto...