Abstracts of Bacteriology (Volume 6)
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ISBN10: 123579914X
ISBN13: 9781235799143
Publisher: General Books
Weight: 1.89
Height: 0.97 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781235799143
Publisher: General Books
Weight: 1.89
Height: 0.97 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1922 Excerpt: ... SUBJECT INDEX AbderhAlden reaction in tuberculosis; 668 Abortion, anaerobes in; 681 1 bovine, B. abortus in; 1605----, collargol therapy of; 568, control of; 1060, dissemination of; 1304, 1605, immunity in; 1604, relation to granular vaginitis; 1605, vaccination against; 1060, equine, 1415, infectious, of swine; 550, .organisms in; 680, 681, staphylococcus, in a mare; 1601, streptococci in; 680, 681. swine; 550, 1314 Abscess, bacteriophage therapy of; 1034, bladder; 1451, liver, gaseous; 1147, vibrio in-1268, periproctitic, Oxyuria in; 828, subphrenic, etiology of; 947 Abscesses, camphor, in influenza; 895 1 fixation, selective deposition of bacteria in; 756 Abndia ramosa infection of swine; 1890 Absorption from the peritoneal cavity; 766--oi agglutinins; see Agglutinin absorption Acarapis voodi in bees; 1662 Accessory chromosome of Anasa Irish's; 1384 Acetone-extracted bacterial vaccines; 746 Achorion schdneleinii, endemic infection; 1742 Acid agglutination of bacteria in synthetic medium; 470 and alkali resistance of bacteria; 1283 death point of pneumococci; 1720 Acid-fast bacilli, acid agglutination of; 2118, effect of chaulmoogra oil on; 434 in fish; 1611 in Johne's disease; 1065 bacteria, differentiation of; 483, eye infection with; 460, histological lesions produced by; 898, nutrition of; 1270, pathogenicity of; 654 saprophytes, pathogenicity of; 285, relation to B. tuberculosis; 655 Acids, effect on bacterial growth; 1552 Acne vulgaris, caseosan therapy of; 692, etiology of; 1739 Acriflavine, antiseptic value of; 595 Actinomyces bovis in human infection; 1858------in kidney infection; 1345, eniymee of; 1265 griteut, emymes of; 1265 in milking-machines; 2101 scabies on potato seed; 515 Actinomycetes (Book review); 774, culture media for; 798 Ac...