1992 Census of Manufactures. Industry Series. Logging Camps, Sawmills, and Planning Mills, Industries 2411, 2421, 2426, and 2429
Currently unavailable to order
ISBN10: 1234188104
ISBN13: 9781234188108
Publisher: Books Llc
Pages: 42
Weight: 0.21
Height: 0.09 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
ISBN13: 9781234188108
Publisher: Books Llc
Pages: 42
Weight: 0.21
Height: 0.09 Width: 7.44 Depth: 9.69
Language: English
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1873 edition. Excerpt: ...causing inhannony in the committee and the fall term slipped by. The blame cannot be placed upon any one it was the result of what the Danbury News man calls a concatenation ofcalamitous circumstances. But for all this the prospect is not so foreboding as your editorial would have it appear. Capt. King speaks most encouraging of the present state of afiairs. He says we have the best material for a first class crew, and five were definitely decided upon several weeks ago, and they are not only muscular, powerful men, in good condition, but are experienced oarsmen. Plenty of promising candidates are offered for the sixth place and for the substitute. The gymnasium is now enclosed and rowing weights will be in working order before the week is out. In fact the progiess of our arrangements for the Saratoga regatta is fully up to that of the other colleges, --excepting perhaps Y ale-where they have had the advantage over us, that all respectable colleges have a most, complete gymnasium. This want has ever been the only hindrance to our perfect success. Why it is that every college in the country down to the sixteenth rate should have good apparatus for athletic culture, while our incessant appeals to the wealthy and philanthropic authorities of Cornell for even a mere shed for winter exercise, have always met with only a scornful reminder of the unfinished leveling of our Campus, is a question that would wear out the most flourishing debating club. We admit that the sand banks of our Campur, _--so beautifully laid out--z'n I/ze calalogue--afford ample opportunity for muscular development, but unfortunately.r/mulling is not the most efficient training _for skillful rowing on sliding seats. But thanks to our new professor better...