• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Religion General in 1995

History of the Church in Peru: Historia de la Iglacia en el Peru by Christensen, Dale
Historia de la Iglesia en Peru: History of the Church in Peru by Christensen, Dale
John Pairman Brown: Israel and Hellas. [I] by Brown, John Pairman
Religion, the Missing Dimension of Statecraft by
Charters of St Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury and Minster-In-Thanet by
Designing a Woman's Life: Discovering Your Unique Purpose and Passion by Couchman, Judith
Using Biblical Hebrew in Ministry: A Practical Guide for Pastors, Seminarians and Bible Students by Parker, Don
Angel Energy: How to Harness the Power of Angels in Your Everyday Life by Price, John Randolph
Un Pensamiento Positiva Para Cada Dia (Positive Thinking Every Day): (Positive Thinking Every Day) by Peale, Norman Vincent
The Church by Clowney, Edmund P.
Text and Trauma: An East-West Primer by Netton, Ian Richard
Christians and Muslims: From Double Standards to Mutual Understanding by Goddard, Hugh
Meditations: On the Monk Who Dwells in Daily Life by Moore, Thomas
Divine Discourse: Philosophical Reflections on the Claim That God Speaks by Wolterstorff, Nicholas
Monks and Laymen in Byzantium, 843-1118 by Morris, Rosemary
Daily Meditations for Practicing the Course by Casey, Karen
Prayers by
On the Minor Prophecies of William Blake by Hamblen, Emily S.
The Journey of Lent: Spring Training in the Faith: Reflections on the Readings of the Day by Gribble, Richard E.
Peacemaking Christians: The Future of Just Wars, Pacifism, and Nonviolent Resistance by Duffey, Michael K.
New Hearing of an Old Prayer by Short, Thomas C.
First Principles of Theosophy by Jinarajadasa, Curuppumullage
Mystical Initiation by Louismet, Dom Savinien
Burning Bush: Being a Treatise on the Ecstatic Contemplation of the Blessed Trinity by Louismet, Dom Savinien
Dark Night of the Soul by St John of the Cross, San Juan de la Cruz
Nature Worship: An Account of Phallic Faiths and Practices Ancient and Modern, Including the Adoration of the Male and Female Powers i by Anonymous
Hidden Friends: Growing in Prayer by The Carmelites of Indianapolis
Man: Fragments of a Forgotten History by Two Chelas in the Theosophical Society
Other Peoples' Myths: The Cave of Echoes by O'Flaherty, Wendy Doniger
Godwrestling-- Round 2: Ancient Wisdom, Future Paths by Waskow, Arthur O.
Old Testament Theology: Vol 1: The Experience of God by Preuss, Horst D.
Black Elk's Religion: The Sun Dance and Lakota Catholicism by Holler, Clyde
Cultural Disarmament: The Way to Peace by Panikkar, Raimon
Giordano Bruno: Theosophy's Apostle in the Sixteenth Century by Besant, Annie Wood
Regeneration Stated and Explained According to Scripture and Antiquity with a Summary View of the Doctrine of Justification by Waterland, Daniel
Garden of Fragrance: Being a Complete Translation of the Bostan of Sadi by Davie, G. S.
Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism by Cumont, Franz Valery Marie
Mysticism in Christianity by Fleming, W. K.
Light, Life and Love: Selections from the German Mystics of the Middle Ages by Inge, William R.
Treasure of the Magi: A Study of Modern Zoroastrianism by Moulton, James Hope
Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom of Christ by Saint John of the Cross
Christian Mysticism by Inge, William R.
Pantheism and Christianity by Hunt, John
Popular Lectures on Theosophy by Besant, Annie Wood
Mysticism True and False by Louismet, Dom Savinien
Masters of the Spiritual Life by Drake, F. W.
Mystical Knowledge of God: An Essay in the Art of Knowing and Loving the Divine Majesty by Louismet, Dom Savinien
Initiation and Its Results: A Sequel to The Way of Initiation by Steiner, Rudolf
The Meditations of Guigo I: Prior of the Charterhouse Volume 155 by Guigo
John's Wisdom: A Commentary on the Fourth Gospel by III, Ben Witherington
Book of Enoch: Together with a Reprint of the Greek Fragments by Charles, R. H., Charles, Robert Henry
Five Aggregates: Understanding Theravada, Psychology and Soteriology by Boisvert, Mathieu
African-American Holiness Pentecostal Movement: An Annotated Bibliography by Dupree, Sherry S.
Finding Words for Worship by Duck, Ruth C.
The Encyclopedia of Jewish Symbols by Frankel, Ellen, Teutsch, Betsy Patkin
Leading Women: How Church Women Can Avoid Leadership Traps and Negotiate the Gender Maze by Becker, Carol, Shawchuck, Norman
Seven Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons by Treanor, Oliver
National Sunday Law by Jones, Alonzo T.
Theology in Hymns?: A Study of the Relationship of Doxology and Theology According to a Collection of Hymns for the Use by Berger, Teresa
How to Increase & Release the Anointing by Howard-Browne, Rodney
Angelspeake: How to Talk with Your Angels: A Guide by Griswold, Trudy, Mark, Barbara
Women in the Church: A Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry by Grenz, Stanley J., Kjesbo, Denise Muir
The Promise of Critical Theology: Essays in Honour of Charles Davis by
Cosmos in the Chaos: Philip Schaff's Interpretation of Nineteenth-Century American Religion by Graham, Stephen R.
The Pluralist Game by Canavan, Francis
Metaphysical Personalism: An Analysis of Austin Farrer's Metaphysics of Theism by Conti, Charles
The Story of the Bab & Baha'u'llah by Caldwell, Jenabe E.
Liderazgo Espiritual: Ed. Revisada by Sanders, J. Oswald
Marching to Glory by McKinley, Edward H.
Reason and the Heart by Wainwright, William J.
Power, Gender and Christian Mysticism by Jantzen, Grace M.
The Study of Religion in British Columbia: A State-Of-The-Art Review by Fraser, Brian J.
Traditional Religion and Guerrilla Warfare in Modern Africa by Weigert, S.
Orpheus: A History of Religions by Reinach, Salomon
Christian Theology and Medical Ethics: Four Contemporary Approaches by Tubbs Jr, James B.
Ecology, Justice, and Christian Faith: A Critical Guide to the Literature by Engel, J. Ronald, Bakken, Peter W., Engel, Joan G.
Empowerment Ethics for a Liberated People by Sanders, Cheryl
Faxes and Email to God:: At the Western Wall of Jerusalem by Starr, Joyce Shira
Breaking the Fall: Religious Reading of Contemporary Fiction by Detweiler, Robert
Jesus Christ and Christian Vision by Ottati, Douglas F.
The Church Growth Handbook by Easum, Bill
The Roman Goddess Ceres by Spaeth, Barbette Stanley
Vom guten Leben by
Sebastian Franck: Paradoxa by Franck, Sebastian
Das Leben des Heiligen Gregorios von Agrigent by
The Fatal Flaw by Howlett, Duncan
The Scent of Jasmine: Reflections for Peace in Everyday Life by McCarthy, Patricia
Angelic Healing: Working with Your Angel to Heal Your Life by Freeman, Eileen Elias
Jesus I Trust in You by Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy
Leading in Prayer: A Workbook for Worship by Old, Hughes Oliphant
Dictionary of Biblical Theology by
Unbroken Curses: Hidden Source of Trouble in the Christian's Life by Brown, Rebecca, Yoder, Daniel
On the Existence and Relevance of God by Dore, Clement
This Far By Faith: Readings in African-American Women's Religious Biography by
BWEncy Modern Chrisiton Thought by McGrath
Chaucer on Love, Knowledge and Sight by Klassen, Norman
Conversion to Modernities by
Language and the History of Thought by
Modelling Early Christianity: Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in its Context by
Modelling Early Christianity: Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in its Context by
Conversion to Modernities by
Bodied Mindfulness: Women's Spirits, Bodies and Places by Tomm, Winnie
Between Copernicus and Galileo: Christoph Clavius and the Collapse of Ptolemaic Cosmology by Lattis, James M.
Ruth: Surely There Is a Future by Hamlin, E. John
Ochino - Parapsychologie by
Life Together and Prayerbook of the Bible: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 5 by Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, Bloesch, Daniel W., Kelly, Geffrey B.
Reinventing Christianity: African Theology Today by Parratt, John
Take and Read: Spiritual Reading -- An Annotated List by Peterson, Eugene H.
Thru the Bible Vol. 16: Poetry (Job): 16 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 23: The Prophets (Isaiah 36-66): 23 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 28: The Prophets (Amos/Obadiah): 28 by McGee, J. Vernon
The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essayson the Status Quaestionis by
La Vida Cristiana Victoriosa by Nee, Watchman
Living in the Lap of Goddess: The Feminist Spirituality Movement in America by Eller, Cynthia
Arnobius of Sicca: Religious Conflict and Competition in the Age of Diocletian by Simmons, Michael Bland
User Friendly Evaluation: Improving the Work of Pastors, Programs, and Laity by Woods, C. Jeff