• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poverty & Social Work in 2013

Coaching in Der Sozialwirtschaft: Führungskräfteentwicklung Im Bereich Sozialer Dienstleistungen by Weingärtner, Esther
Reducing Poverty and Investing in People: The New Role of Safety Nets in Africa by Monchuk, Victoria
Effectively Managing and Leading Human Service Organizations by Nair, Murali D., Brody, Ralph
In the Lion's Mouth by Aptekar, Lewis
When Government Helped: Learning from the Successes and Failures of the New Deal by
Perspectives on Management and Leadership in Social Work by
Kinder brauchen [Zwischen]Raeume: Band 2. Noch ein Kopf-, Fuß- und Handbuch by
Thinking about the Lifecourse: A Psychosocial Introduction by Frost, Elizabeth, McClean, Stuart
Common Factors in Couple and Family Therapy: The Overlooked Foundation for Effective Practice by LeBow, Jay L., Sprenkle, Douglas H., Davis, Sean D.
Colonial Capital Theory at Work: The Case of Jamaica by Miller, O. Alexander
Non-Governmental Development Organizations and the Poverty Reduction Agenda: The Moral Crusaders by Makuwira, Jonathan
Dominant Divisions of Labor: Models of Production That Have Transformed the World of Work by Lepadatu, D., Janoski, T.
Exzessive Internetnutzung Jugendlicher Im Familialen Kontext: Analysen Zu Sozialschicht, Familienklima Und Elterlichem Erwerbsstatus by Braun, Ulrike
A-Z of Substance Misuse & Drug Addiction by McKeganey, N.
A-Z of Spirituality by Holloway, Margaret, Nolan, Steve
Contemporary Issues in Child Welfare Practice by
A-Z of Groups and Groupwork by Doel, Mark, Kelly, Timothy
Battered Women's Protective Strategies: Stronger Than You Know by Hamby, Sherry
Experiencing Grandparenthood: An Asian Perspective by
Aneignung Von Sozial-Raum in Kleinstädten: Öffentliche Räume Und Informelle Treffpunkte Aus Der Sicht Junger Menschen by Wehmeyer, Karin
Urban Ills: Twenty-First-Century Complexities of Urban Living in Global Contexts by
Die Sozialisation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in totalitären Sekten: Eine entwicklungspsychologische Sicht auf die Neuapostolische Kirche und die Zeu by Graef, Torsten
Rethinking Sociological Theory: Introducing and Explaining a Scientific Theoretical Sociology by Sanderson, Stephen K.
Wie entwickelt sich ein Kind motorisch und sensu-motorisch im ersten und zweiten Lebensjahr? by Brunner, Sandy
Race, Racism and Social Work: Contemporary Issues and Debates by
Race, Racism and Social Work: Contemporary Issues and Debates by
Guilty of Indigence: The Urban Poor in China, 1900-1953 by Chen, Janet Y.
Making Volunteers: Civic Life After Welfare's End by Eliasoph, Nina
Continuing Professional Development in Social Work by Powell, Fred, Scanlon, Margaret, Halton, Carmel
From Evidence to Outcomes in Child Welfare: An International Reader by
Six Steps to Successful Child Advocacy: Changing the World for Children by Jaffe, Kenneth J., Wright, Amy Conley
The Call of Character: Living a Life Worth Living by Ruti, Mari
Calitati Psihologic-Sufletesti Ale Profesionistului in Asistenta Sociala Umanista by Stefaroi, Petru
Street Children and Homeless Youth: A Cross-Cultural Perspective by Aptekar, Lewis, Stoecklin, Daniel
Social Protection and Social Development: International Initiatives by Drolet, Julie L.
Empowerment in Action: Self-Directed Groupwork by Ward, Dave, Fleming, Jennie, Mullender, Audrey
Zukunftschancen: Ausbildungsbeteiligung Und -Förderung Von Jugendlichen Mit Migrationshintergrund by
Grief, Loss, and Treatment for Death Row Families: Forgotten No More by Joy, Sandra
Empirie Der Kinder- Und Jugendverbandsarbeit: Forschungsergebnisse Und Ihre Relevanz Für Die Entwicklung Von Theorie, PRAXIS Und Forschungsmethodik by
Wirkungsorientierte Transformation Der Jugendhilfe: Ein Neuer Modus Der Professionalisierung Sozialer Arbeit? by Polutta, Andreas
Macht Und Missbrauch in Institutionen: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Auf Institutionelle Kontexte Und Strategien Der Prävention by
Community, Competition and Citizen Science: Voluntary Distributed Computing in a Globalized World. Anne Holohan by Holohan, Anne
Kontext zwischen Gewalt und der Entstehung von Psychosen in Familien by Thomas, Alexander
170 Questions Every Social Worker Should Know by Norris, Harvey
Lynzsea Sky by Rozek, Michael
Mediated Images of the South: The Portrayal of Dixie in Popular Culture by
Reconciling Work and Poverty Reduction: How Successful Are European Welfare States? by
The Environments of the Poor in Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific by
New Horizons for Policy Practice by Hoefer, Richard
Wenn Würde Zur Ware Verkommt: Soziale Ungleichheit, Teilhabe Und Verwirklichung Eines Rechts Auf Wohnraum by
Clinical Work with Substance-Abusing Clients by
Soziale Milieus Und Wandel Der Sozialstruktur: Die Gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen Und Die Strategien Der Sozialen Gruppen by
A Culture of Fear: An Inside Look at Los Angeles County's Department of Children & Family Services by Dominguez Lmft, Julian J., Murphy Ma, Melinda
The Cotton Plantation Remembered: An Egyptian Family Story by Abaza, Mona
The Wealth of Poverty: Capitalizing the Opportunities of Poverty for the Kingdom of God by Carter, Tina, Johnson Hick, Mindy
Your Social Work Practice Placement: From Start to Finish by Mathews, Ian, Crawford, Karin, Simpson, Diane
Livelihood Strategies in Southern India: Conservation and Poverty Reduction in Forest Fringes by
Expanding Peace Ecology: Peace, Security, Sustainability, Equity and Gender: Perspectives of Ipra's Ecology and Peace Commission by
Living with Class: Philosophical Reflections on Identity and Material Culture by
Living with Class: Philosophical Reflections on Identity and Material Culture by
Narrative Gerontology in Research and Practice by de Medeiros, Kate
Non-Governmental Development Organizations and the Poverty Reduction Agenda: The Moral Crusaders by Makuwira, Jonathan
Sozialmanagement Und Das Verhältnis Zur Sozialen Arbeit: Eine Empirische Analyse by Amstutz, Jeremias
Social Work Practice for Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Critical Issues by
England by Von Archenholtz, Johann Wilhelm
The First Men in the Moon by Wells, H. G.
The Invisible Man by Wells, H. G.
Kinder-/Jugendhilfeplanung (KJP) by Hartwig, Anke
Problem-Driven Political Economy Analysis: The World Bank's Experience by
Race and Class Distinctions Within Black Communities: A Racial-Caste-In-Class by
Jenseits Von Feminismus Und Antifeminismus: Plädoyer Für Eine Eigenständige Männerpolitik by Gesterkamp, Thomas
Urbane Ungleichheiten: Neue Entwicklungen Zwischen Zentrum Und Peripherie by
Psychosoziale Diagnostik in Der Jugendwohlfahrt: Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen Der Gefährdungsabklärung by Hofer, Birgit
Disabling Barriers - Enabling Environments by
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other by Sumner, William Graham
Behinderung Und Migration: Inklusion, Diversität, Intersektionalität by
Urban Governance Zwischen Inklusion Und Effektivität: Lokale Partnerschaften in New Labours Integrierter Stadtteilentwicklung by Schmidt, Gabriele
Soziale Arbeit Im Sozialismus: Ein Beispiel Aus Der Tschechoslowakei (1968-1989) by Spiláčková, Marie