• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Poetry Criticism in 2021

Shakespeare's Sonnets Among His Private Friends by Shakespeare, William
The Page Is Printed: Ted Hughes's Creative Process by Smith, Carrie
Analysing Comparatively the Select Poems of Rajendra Bhandari and Jayanta Mahapatra by Sharma, Shobha
América, lugar de la poesía: Filosofía, mística y orfismo by Maturo, Graciela
Warm Tea on a Rainy Day by Dizon, Edison
Poetics of Liveliness: Molecules, Fibers, Tissues, Clouds by Smailbegovic, Ada
New Directions in Contemporary Australian Poetry by
The Art of Complicity in Martial and Statius: Martial's Epigrams, Statius' Silvae, and Domitianic Rome by Gunderson, Erik
Poetics of Liveliness: Molecules, Fibers, Tissues, Clouds by Smailbegovic, Ada
Stylistic Innovation, Conscious Experience, and the Self in Modernist Women's Poetry: An Imagist Turned Philosopher by Darling, Kristina Marie
The Modern Irish Sonnet: Revision and Rebellion by Guissin-Stubbs, Tara
Vagueando em Sonhos by Ramada, José Maria
Autumn Song: Selected Poems by Verlaine, Paul
Astrophel and Stella: Elizabethan Sonnet Cycle by Sidney, Philip
Nueve Cartas a Penélope by Hernández Meseguer, José
Take Arms Against a Sea of Troubles: The Power of the Reader's Mind Over a Universe of Death by Bloom, Harold
The Strategic Poet: Honing the Craft by
An Introduction to the Study of Browning by Symons, Arthur
I Want to Tell You Love: A Critical Edition by Bissett, Bill
Kabita Kaha Paain by Mishra, Sucheta
Czeslaw Milosz: A California Life by Haven, Cynthia L.
Limits and Languages in Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry by Theinová, Daniela
John Trevisa's Information Age: Knowledge and the Pursuit of Literature, C. 1400 by Steiner, Emily
Fernando Pessoa and Philosophy: Countless Lives Inhabit Us by
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
Things Are Completely Simple: Poetry and Translation by Henry, Brian
Main Street, and Other Poems by Kilmer, Joyce
Poetics and Ethics of Anthropomorphism: Children, Animals, and Poetry by Kelen, Christopher (Kit), You, Chengcheng
The Trials of Orpheus: Poetry, Science, and the Early Modern Sublime by Mann, Jenny C.
Contemporary Italian Diversity in Critical and Fictional Narratives by
100 Poets: A Little Anthology by Carey, John
Historias y poemas de un corazón roto by Gonzalezpico, Manuel
Arabic Poetics: Aesthetic Experience in Classical Arabic Literature by Harb, Lara
A History of African American Poetry by Ramey, Lauri
Chand Nigal Gayi: Gulzar SAAB KI Kavitayein by Bashir, Saba Mahmood
Hexametrical Genres from Homer to Theocritus by Faraone, Christopher Athanasious
"Not of an Age, but for All Time": Revolutionary Humanism in Iqbal, Manto, and Faiz by Jabbar, Abdul
Fair Copy: Relational Poetics and Antebellum American Women's Poetry by Putzi, Jennifer
Rethinking Art and Visual Culture: The Poetics of Opacity by Grønstad, Asbjørn Skarsvåg
The Art of Marvell's Poetry by Leishman, J. B.
Grave Delights by Roberts, N'Gadie
The Good Poem According to Philodemus by McOsker, Michael
Poetic Song Verse: Blues-Based Popular Music and Poetry by Mattison, Mike, Suarez, Ernest
Poetic Song Verse: Blues-Based Popular Music and Poetry by Mattison, Mike, Suarez, Ernest
The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, Volume 4.2: The Songs and Sonets: Part 2: Texts, Commentary, Notes, and Glosses by Donne, John
Metzler Lexikon Literarischer Symbole by
Forms of Late Modernist Lyric by
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
John Selden: Scholar, Statesman, Advocate for Milton's Muse by Rosenblatt, Jason P.
H. D. & Bryher: An Untold Love Story of Modernism by McCabe, Susan
Dante Beyond Borders: Contexts and Reception by
The Forms of Michael Field by Richardson, Leeanne M.
Paul Muldoon in America: Transatlantic Formations by Alonso, Alex
Male Characters in Margaret Atwood's Writings. A Discussion by Delteil, Jean
Poetry, Poetic Inquiry and Rwanda: Engaging with the Lives of Others by Apol, Laura
White Light: The Poetry of Alberto Blanco by Friis, Ronald J.
Irish Women Poets Rediscovered: Readings in Poetry from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century by
La Sombra de Mi Alma by Prado Correa, Luis Alberto
Poetics and Polemics: Reading Seventeenth-Century Irish Political Verse by O'Riordan, Michelle
Defining Pre-Raphaelite Poetics by
Das Deutschlandbild linkspolitischer Autoren in der Lyrik der Weimarer Republik: Ein Volk ohne Raum? by Wimmer, Sophia
Song Va Viet O Ngoai Nuoc: Hard Cover by Khanh, Nguyen Vy
Song Va Viet O Ngoai Nuoc: Soft Cover by Vy Khanh, Nguyen
Reading Fiona Sampson: A Study in Contemporary Poetry and Poetics by Sabbagh, Omar
The Experience of Poetry: From Homer's Listeners to Shakespeare's Readers by Attridge, Derek
The Beauty of Baudelaire: The Poet as Alternative Lawgiver by Pearson, Roger
Subjects in Poetry by Brown, Daniel
Historical Modernisms: Time, History and Modernist Aesthetics by
Reclaiming Romanticism: Towards an Ecopoetics of Decolonization by Rigby, Kate
Teaching Environmental Writing: Ecocritical Pedagogy and Poetics by Galleymore, Isabel
Hold Open the Door: The Ireland Chair of Poetry Commemorative Anthology by
Livre by German, Henrique
Cortejo by Renault, Mell
Contemporary British and Irish Poetry (Yearbook of English Studies (51) 2021) by
Meu Poema by Antologia I
Melancholie Und Geselligkeit: Studien Zu Mörike by Braungart, Wolfgang
Pragmatism and Poetic Agency: The Persistence of Humanism by Schulenberg, Ulf
Von Blei zu Bodmershof: Das deutschsprachige Haiku und seine Anfänge (1849-1962) by Lange, Moritz Wulf
A Poetics of the Image: Paul Celan and André du Bouchet by Koch, Julian J. I.
The Translingual Verse: Migration, Rhythm, and Resistance in Contemporary Italophone Poetry by Loda, Alice
The Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Aesthetics, Poetics and Phenomenology in Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Marshall, Tom
Blake and Lucretius: The Atomistic Materialism of the Selfhood by Schouten de Jel, Joshua
Philip James Bailey, Festus: An Epic Poem by Bailey, Philip James
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
Novels for Students: Fiction and Fantasy: Presenting Analysis, Context and Criticism on Commonly Studied Novels by
The Palgrave Handbook of Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature and Science by
The Relevance of Metaphor: Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Bishop and Seamus Heaney by O'Donoghue, Josie
Dante Beyond Influence: Rethinking Reception in Victorian Literary Culture by Coluzzi, Federica
Lines and Lyrics: An Introduction to Poetry and Song by Baileyshea, Matt
Annette Von Droste-Hülshoff by Mare, Margaret
Evaluations of Us Poetry Since 1950, Volume 1: Language, Form, and Music by
Evaluations of Us Poetry Since 1950, Volume 2: Mind, Nation, and Power by
Pearl by Turville-Petre, Thorlac
Don Paterson by Wilkinson, Ben
American Poetry: A Very Short Introduction by Caplan, David
Lakshmi Purana by Das, Balaram
William Blake as Natural Philosopher, 1788-1795 by Fletcher, Joseph
The Sound of Modern Polish Poetry: Performance and Recording After World War II by Kremer, Aleksandra
Goblin Market: An Illustrated Poem by Rossetti, Christina
On the Theory of Prose by Shklovsky, Viktor
Cold Candies by Young-Ju, Lee
The Persian Prison Poem: Sovereignty and the Political Imagination by Gould, Rebecca Ruth
PN Review 261 by
Franz Baermann Steiner: A Stranger in the World by Adler, Jeremy, Fardon, Richard
A Source of Inspiration by McDaniel, L. J.
No Dialect Please, You're a Poet: English Dialect in Poetry in the 20th and 21st Centuries by
Poetics and Politics of Shame in Postcolonial Literature by
Poetry and the Question of Modernity: From Heidegger to the Present by Cooper, Ian
Articulations of Resistance: Transformative Practices in Contemporary Arab-American Poetry by Harb, Sirène H.
Gerardo Diego's Creation Myth of Music: Fábula de Equis Y Zeda by Stallings-Ward, Judith
Annotating Modernism: Marginalia and Pedagogy from Virginia Woolf to the Confessional Poets by Golden, Amanda
Poetic Encounters in the Americas: Remarkable Bridge by Ramos, Peter
Poetry as Testimony: Witnessing and Memory in Twentieth-century Poems by Rowland, Antony
Wandering in Circles: Venichka's Journey of Redemption in "Moskva-Petushki" by Martiniuk, Jill
Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Spell of John Duns Scotus by Llewelyn, John
Poetry in the Mind: The Cognition of Contemporary Poetic Style by Gavins, Joanna
Silent Refusal: Essays on Contemporary Feminist Writing: Essays on Contemporary Feminist Writing by Darling, Kristina Marie
Making the Void Fruitful: Yeats as Spiritual Seeker and Petrarchan Lover by Keane, Patrick
The Landscapes of W. H. Auden's Interwar Poetry: Roots and Routes by Vít, Ladislav
Desire and Infinity in W. S. Merwin's Poetry by Feng, Dong
A Noise in the Garden by Stock, Doreen
Making the Void Fruitful: Yeats as Spiritual Seeker and Petrarchan Lover by Keane, Patrick
Poetry and the People by Richmond, W. Kenneth
Versification: Metrics in Practice by Kallio, Kati, Frog, Grünthal, Satu
Beyond Ambiguity: Tracing Literary Sites of Activism by Kinsella, John
Armonías Harmonies: Poemas Valencianos Poèmes Valenciens by Largeau, Edmond Frédéric
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
Poetry for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Poetry by
Old Poets: Reminiscences and Opinions by Hall, Donald
Farm Legends by Carleton, Will
Dialectics of Improvement: Scottish Romanticism, 1786-1831 by McKeever, Gerard Lee
The Art of Discrimination: Thomson's the Seasons and the Language of Criticism by Cohen, Ralph
The Unfolding of the Seasons: A Study of James Thomson's Poem by Cohen, Ralph
Ezra Pound's and Olga Rudge's the Blue Spill: A Manuscript Critical Edition by Pound, Ezra
Poetry in the Clinic: Towards a Lyrical Medicine by Neilson, Shane, Bleakley, Alan
From Narcissism to Nihilism: Self-Love and Self-Negation in Early Modern Literature by Archdeacon, Anthony
Write About Poetry: Getting to the Heart of a Poem by Jackson, Steven
Write about Poetry: Getting to the Heart of a Poem by Jackson, Steven