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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2024

Beds and Chambers in Late Medieval England: Readings, Representations and Realities by Morgan, Hollie L. S.
Elite Participation in the Third Crusade by Bennett, Stephen
Human Agency in Medieval Society, 1100-1450 by Epurescu-Pascovici, Ionuț
Cultural Encounters: The Impact of the Inquisition in Spain and the New World Volume 24 by
The Enlightenment Against the Baroque: Economics and Aesthetics in the Eighteenth Century Volume 32 by Saisselin, Rémy G.
Holland Under Habsburg Rule, 1506-1566: The Formation of a Body Politic by Tracy, James D.
Jakob Hutter: His Life and Letters by Hutter, Jakob
Conceiving Bodies: Reproduction in Early Medieval English Medicine by Oswald, Dana
The Moment of Death in Early Modern Europe, C. 1450-1800: Contested Ideals, Controversial Spaces, and Suspicious Objects by
Herzog Albrecht V. Von Osterreich Und Die Auswirkungen Der Hussitenkriege: Neue Aspekte by
Secret Casualties of World War Two: Uncovering the Civilian Deaths from Friendly Fire by Webb, Simon
Roman Constantinople in Byzantine Perspective: The Memorial and Aesthetic Rediscovery of Constantine's Beautiful City, from Late Antiquity to the Rena by Magdalino, Paul
Jacobus Montanus: 'Centuria Epistolarium Formularum' / 'Eine Hundertschaft Briefmuster' by
Cittadini of Venice: Shaping Identities Between Networks and Patronage (C. 1530-1690) by Zanon, Giulia
ACTA Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis: Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Leuven 2022) by
A Companion to Saxo Grammaticus by
Apocalyptic Cultures in Medieval and Renaissance Europe by
Follow the Old Road: Discover the Ireland of Yesteryear by Kerrigan, Jo
Social Formations in the Medieval World: From Roman Civilization till the Crisis of Feudalism by Kumar, Rakesh
Orbis Romanus: Byzantium and the Legacy of Rome in the Carolingian World by Sarti, Laury
Social Formations in the Medieval World: From Roman Civilization till the Crisis of Feudalism by Kumar, Rakesh
Gutes Monchtum in St. Gallen Und Fulda: Diskussion Und Correctio Im Spiegel Karolingischer Klosterbibliotheken by Jebe, Johanna
Facing Crisis: Art as Politics in Fourteenth-Century Venice by Gerevini, Stefania
Hariulf's History of St Riquier by
Joachim Von Fiore, Expositio Super Apocalypsim Et Opuscula Adiacentia: Teil 2: Expositio Apocalypsis by
Inquisition and Society in the Kingdom of Valencia, 1478-1834 by Haliczer, Stephen
Byzantine Attica: An Archaeology of Settlement and Landscape (4th-12th Centuries) by Tzavella, Elli
St Albans Abbey: The Excavation of the Chapter House 1978 by
The Making of Felony Procedure in Middle English Literature by Wang, Elise
Female Servants in Early Modern England by Mansell, Charmian
Medieval Religion and Technology: Collected Essays by White, Lynn
Byzantine Media Subjects by Peers, Glenn A.
Heroines of the Tudor Age by Bennett Connolly, Sharon
Byzantine Media Subjects by Peers, Glenn A.
Teaching the Middle Ages Through Modern Games: Using, Modding and Creating Games for Education and Impact by
Living on the Edge: Transgression, Exclusion, and Persecution in the Middle Ages by
A New Material Interpretation of Twelfth-Century Architecture: Reconstructing the Abbey of Saint-Denis by Crow, Jason
Leon Battista Alberti: Writer and Humanist by McLaughlin, Martin
This Earthly Globe: A Venetian Geographer and the Quest to Map the World by Di Robilant, Andrea
Urkundenbuch Der Stadt Zwickau: Erster Teil: Die Urkundliche Uberlieferung 1118-1485. Bd. 2: 1400-1485 by Kunze, Jens
The Mitre: Its Origins and Early Development by Spies, Nancy
Music in the Writings and Imagination of Silesian Humanists by Jeż, Tomasz
Staatenkunde ALS Weltbeschreibung by Reddemann, Lukas
The Book of Disputation: A Mudejar Religious-Philosophical Treatise Against Christians and Jews: A Study and Accompanying Text Edition by Colominas Aparicio, Mònica
Between Prophecy and Apocalypse: The Burden of Sacred Time and the Making of History in Early Medieval Europe by Gabriele, Matthew
Journal of Medieval Military History: Volume XXII by
Finis Britanniae: A Military History of Roman Britain and the Saxon Conquest by Dahm, Murray
The World the Plague Made: The Black Death and the Rise of Europe by Belich, James
Spycraft: Tricks and Tools of the Dangerous Trade from Elizabeth I to the Restoration by Langman, Pete, Akkerman, Nadine
Premodern Ruling Sexualities: Representation, Identity, and Power by
The Silver Empire: How Germany Created Its First Common Currency by Volckart, Oliver
Desire and Disunity: Christian Communities and Sexual Norms in the Late Antique West by Vihervalli, Ulriika
Alternative Facts and Plausible Fictions in the Northern European Past: How Politics and Culture Have Written and Rewritten History by
Calculating Ethics in the Fourteenth Century by
Die Zahringer: Dynastie Und Herrschaft by Zotz, Thomas
Digital Medieval Studies--Experimentation and Innovation by
The Sieges of Rhodes 1480 and 1522 by Davies, Jonathan
Maximilian I.: Herrscher Und Mensch Einer Zeitenwende by Hollegger, Manfred, Gneiss, Markus
Vom Buch Aufs Feld - Vom Feld Ins Buch: Verflechtungen Von Theorie Und PRAXIS in Ernahrung Und Landwirtschaft by
Im Schatten Der Grossen?: Furstliche Nebenlinien Im Spatmittelalterlichen Sudwesten by
Mediaeval Studies 85 (2023) by
Runes: Volume 2 - l'Écriture Des Anciens Germains Runes Vikings & Traditions Runiques by Pollington, Stephen
La Provence Antique: Histoire Et Monuments by Bouet, Damien, Genot, Alain, Moliner, Manuel
Carolingian Medical Knowledge and Practice, C.775-900: New Approaches to Recipe Literature by Burridge, Claire
The Materiality of Medieval Administration in Northern England by Armstrong, Abigail
Armes Et Armures: Tome 2 - XXIIe - XVIe by Baptise, Nicolas P.
Werkzeuge Der Historiker: Innen: Mittelalter by
Die Fugger: Geschichte Einer Augsburger Familie (1367-1650) by Haberlein, Mark
Aufmerksamkeit Und Wachsamkeit: Praktiken Und Semantiken in Der Mittelalterlichen Literatur Und Frömmigkeit by
The Rise of Cities Revisited: Reflections on Adriaan Verhulst's Vision of Urban Genesis and Developments in the Medieval Low Countries by
Julian of Norwich and the Ecological Crisis: Restoring Porosity by Gilbert, Claire
Bishops, Community and Authority in Late Roman Society: Northwestern Hispania, C. 370-470 C.E. by Devlin, Rebecca
Fixing the Liturgy: Friars, Sisters, and the Dominican Rite, 1256-1516 by Jones, Claire Taylor
The House of Condulmer: The Rise and Decline of a Venetian Family in the Century of the Black Death by Stahl, Alan M.
Catherine De' Medici: The Life and Times of the Serpent Queen by Hollingsworth, Mary
Columba: Pilgrim, Priest & Patron Saint by Clarkson, Tim
Mental Health in Late Medieval England: A Surprising History of Mental Illness and Its Treatment in Society by Schindler, Michèle
Armies of the Scythians and Sarmatians 700 BC to AD 450: Weapons, Equipment and Tactics by Esposito, Gabriele
The Kinky Renaissance by
A Veil of Silence: Women and Sound in Renaissance Italy by Rombough, Julia
St Antoninus of Florence on Trade, Merchants, and Workers by Brown, Jason Aaron
Truth Is Trickiest: The Case for Ambiguity in the Exeter Book Riddles by Neville, Jennifer
Das Anthologium Iatrosophicum Des Codex Panormitanus XIII C 3 by Valentino, Danilo
Die Griechische Gelehrsamkeit in Suditalien: Manuskripte, Texte Und Wissenstransfer Im 10.-13. Jahrhundert by
Der Deutsche Orden Und Die Wahrnehmung Der Eigenen Handlungsspielraume: Vom Ersten Thorner Frieden (1411) Bis Zum Vertrag Vom Melnosee (1422) by Homann, Mats
The Saint's Life and the Senses of Scripture: Hagiography as Exegesis by Astell, Ann W.
Die Kirche Im Dorf Lassen?: Entstehung Und Entwicklung Der Pfarrorganisation Mittelalterlicher Stadte in Den Welfischen Landen by Kuper, Gaby
The Anarchy: The Darkest Days of Medieval England by Cole, Teresa
Tracts of Action: Material, Visual, and Practical Dimensions of Early Modern How-To Books by
IV-5a Ordinis Quarti Tomus Quintus a: Apophthegmata (Liber V) by
IV-5b Ordinis Quarti Tomus Quintus B: Apophthegmata (Liber VI) by
IV-6 Ordinis Quarti Tomus Sextus: Apophthegmata I (Libri VII-VIII) by
Bischof Godehard Von Hildesheim (1022-1038): Lebenslinien - Reformen - Aktualisierungen by
Careers and Opportunities at the Roman Curia, 1300-1500: A Socio-Economic History of Papal Administration by Schwarz, Brigide
The Travels of Cristoforo Buondelmonti and Ciriaco d'Ancona in the Aegean Sea: Humanism, Early Colonial Politics and Agency by Tounta, Eleni
Bodies Beyond Labels: Finding Joy in the Shadows of Imperial Spain by
Illuminating a Legacy: Essays in Honor of Lawrence Nees by
Nature in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Times: Exploration of a Critical Relationship by
León and Galicia Under Queen Sancha and King Fernando I by Reilly, Bernard F., Doubleday, Simon R.
The Book of Marvels: A Medieval Guide to the Globe by Grollemond, Larisa, Michael, Kelin, Morrison, Elizabeth
Iran Under the Mongols: Ilkhanid Administrators and Persian Notables in Fars by Aigle, Denise
Medieval Women by Rosenberg, Michelle
Spirits of Life and Perception: Albert's Early and Mature Psychophysiology in Light of His Arabic Sources by Meroni, Michele
Slavery and Race: Philosophical Debates in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Jorati, Julia
Slavery and Race: Philosophical Debates in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Jorati, Julia
Catherine of Lancaster and Her Religious Court Poets by Twomey, Lesley
Recipes and Book Culture in England, 1350-1600 by
Empresses-In-Waiting: Female Power and Performance at the Late Roman Court by
Penda, Mercia's First King: The Last Great Heathen Warlord of Anglo-Saxon England by Barrett, Paul
Living in Medieval England: The Turbulent Year of 1326 by Warner, Kathryn
The Mighty Warrior Kings: From the Ashes of the Roman Empire to the New Ruling Order by Potter, Philip J.
King Arthur and the Battle for Britannia: Dux Bellorum and the Kings of the Britons by Sullivan, Tony
Griffinology: The Griffin's Place in Myth, History and Art by McClanan, A. L.
The Teutonic Knights: Rise and Fall of a Religious Corporation by Pluskowski, Aleksander
Reading Prester John: Cultural Fantasy and Its Manuscript Contexts by Eldevik, John
Lincoln Readings of Texts, Materials, and Contexts: Supplementum to Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Sources by
Dublin: Medieval Heritage by Dargan, Pat
The Modernization of the Western World by Martin, Kathleen Callanan, McGrath, John
The Modernization of the Western World by McGrath, John, Martin, Kathleen Callanan
Netzwerke Der Nonnen: Kritische Edition Der Briefsammlung Der Luner Benediktinerinnen (Hs. 15, Ca. 1460-1555) by
Charles IV: Portrait of a Medieval Ruler by Zurek, Václav
Jagiellon Dynasty, 1386-1596: Politics, Culture, Diplomacy by
The Carolingian Sacramentaries of Saint-Amand: Art, Script, and Liturgical Creativity in an Early Medieval Monastery by Westwell, Arthur
Juan de Segovia and the Qur'an: Converting the Muslims in Fifteenth-Century Europe by Scotto, Davide
The Latin Continuation of William of Tyre by
Persecution and Genocide: A History by Phillips, Gervase
Persecution and Genocide: A History by Phillips, Gervase
Medieval Warfare: Technology, Military Revolutions, and Strategy by Rogers, Clifford J.
The Trojan Kings of Britain: Myth or History? by Howells, Caleb
Canon Law and Christian Societies Between Christianity and Islam: An Arabic Canon Collection from Al-Andalus and Its Transcultural Contexts by
Die Siegel Der Kloster in Schleswig-Holstein Und Hamburg by
The Performance of Viking Identity in Museums: Useful Heritage in the British Isles, Iceland, and Norway by Whitehead, Guðrún D.
The Crusades and Nature: Natural and Supernatural Environments in the Middle Ages by
Positionsbestimmungen: Mediavistik Im Kulturgeschichtlichen Kontinuum by
New Perspectives on the 'Civil Wars' in Medieval Scandinavia by
Young Queens: The Intertwined Lives of Catherine De' Medici, Elisabeth de Valois, and Mary, Queen of Scots by Chang, Leah Redmond
Disenchanting Albert the Great: The Life and Afterlife of a Medieval Magician by Collins S. J., David J.
The Life, Poems, and Letters of Peter Goldman (1587/8-1627): A Dundee Physician in the Republic of Letters by Poole, William
In France Profound: The Long History of a House, a Mountain Town, and a People by Allman, T. D.
Here Begins the Dark Sea: Venice, a Medieval Monk, and the Creation of the Most Accurate Map of the World by Small, Meredith Francesca
Excerpta Historica Quae Constantini VII Porphyrogeniti Dicuntur: Volumen I. de Legationibus Romanorum Ad Gentes by
Nicola Mesarite, La Sedizione Di Giovanni Comneno Detto: Introduzione, Edizione Critica, Traduzione E Note by
Ambivalent Pleasures: Soft Drugs and Embodied Anxiety in Early Modern Europe by Taylor, Scott K.
Experimental Histories: Interpolation and the Medieval British Past by Weaver, Hannah
Land and Trade in Early Islam: The Economy of the Islamic Middle East 750-1050 CE by
Crusader Rhetoric and the Infancy Cycles on Medieval Baptismal Fonts in the Baltic Region by Sonne de Torrens, Harriet M.
Mittelalterliche Lyrik Im Kontext by
New Essays on History and Form in Early Modern English Literature by
Renaissance Dream Cultures by Arcangeli, Alessandro
Renaissance Dream Cultures by Arcangeli, Alessandro
The Rise and Fall of Rape on the English Stage: 1660-1720 by Greenfield, Anne
Food, Heresies, and Magical Boundaries in the Middle Ages by Maraschi, Andrea, Tasca, Francesca
Epistulae by
Medieval Arms and Armour: A Sourcebook. Volume III: 1450-1500 by Moffat, Ralph
Christian-Jewish Relations 1000-1300: Jews in the Service of Medieval Christendom by Abulafia, Anna Sapir
Christian-Jewish Relations 1000-1300: Jews in the Service of Medieval Christendom by Abulafia, Anna Sapir
The Fifteenth Century XX: Essays Presented to Rowena E. Archer by
Property and Piety in Early Medieval Winchester by Rumble, Alexander R.
The People of Early Winchester by
Medieval Saints and Their Sins: A New History of the Middle Ages Through Saints and Their Stories by Daly, Luke
Visual Arts and the Auld Alliance: Scotland, France and National Identity C.1420-1550 by Coombs, Bryony
Visual Histories from Medieval Iberia: Arts and Ambivalence by Dodds, Jerrilynn
The Persuasive Agency of Objects and Practices in Alfred the Great's Reform Program by Pitt, Georgina
The Lancelot-Grail Project: Pictorial Choices in Three Related Manuscripts by Stones, Alison, Meuwese, Martine
The Anglo-Latin Poetic Tradition: Sources, Transmission, and Reception, Ca. 650-1100 by
Roger Ascham's Defence of the Lord's Supper by Nicholas, Lucy
Consensus by
Light, Privacy, and Neighbors: Windows in Late Medieval and Early Modern London by Loengard, Janet S.
Through Words, Not Wounds: History and Theology in the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia by Jensen, Carsten Selch
Feeding the Eternal City: Jewish and Christian Butchers in the Roman Ghetto by Stow, Kenneth
Robert Klein: A Meteor in Art History and Philosophy by Koering, Jérémie, Nova, Alessandro, Payne, Alina
Expecting the End of the World in Medieval Europe: An Interdisciplinary Study by
Queen of Sorrows: Plague, Piety, and Power in Late Medieval Italy by Lopez, Bianca M.
Wolfgang, Bischof Von Regensburg, Heiliger Europas: Geschichte, Verehrung, Kunst by Unterburger, Klaus, Rimsl, Daniel
The Art of Medieval Falconry by Hadjinicolaou, Yannis
Ireland and the Renaissance Court: Political Culture from the Cúirteanna to Whitehall, 1450-1640 by
Dinner Pieces by Alberti, Leon Battista
Dinner Pieces by Alberti, Leon Battista
On Leaders and Tyrants by del Monte, Pietro, Bracciolini, Poggio, Of Verona, Guarino
A History of England, Volume 1: Prehistory to 1714 by Roberts, Clayton, Roberts, David, Bisson, Douglas
A History of England, Volume 1: Prehistory to 1714 by Roberts, Clayton, Roberts, David, Bisson, Douglas
Traumas of 1066 in the Literatures of England, Normandy, and Scandinavia by Goeres, Erin Michelle
Beyond Icons: Theories and Methods in Byzantine Archaeology in North America by
Performing Magic in the Pre-Modern North: Practice and Transgressions by
Zur Intermaterialität Geschnitzter Kästen Aus Holz: Die Imitation Von Elfenbein, Seide Und Gold Im Hoch- Und Spätmittelalter by Leopold, Arne
The Uí Chellaig Lords of Uí Maine and Tír Maine: An Archaeological and Landscape Exploration of a Later Medieval Inland Gaelic Lordship by Curley, Daniel Patrick
The Battle of Maldon: A New Critical Edition: A Critical Edition by Griffith, Mark
Norm Und Diversität: Ästhetisches Aushandeln in Der Vormoderne by
English Medieval Coin Hoards: Volume 2 - Eighth to Eleventh Centuries by Archibald, Marion, Williams, Gareth
Cult of the Dead: A Brief History of Christianity by Smith, Kyle
Instrumentality: On Technical Objects and Orientations in the Later Middle Ages by Mitchell, J. Allan
Prague, Jan Hus and Prague University by Nodl, Martin
Byzantinische Rechtsgeschichte Im Internationalen Kontext: Akten Einer Tagung Der Akademien Der Wissenschaften Zu Göttingen Und Sofia (28.9.-1.10.2021 by
Cross-Dressing in the Middle Ages by Montesano, Marina
Cross-Dressing in the Middle Ages by Montesano, Marina
Wisdom's House, Heaven's Gate: Athens and Jerusalem in the Middle Ages by Shawcross, Teresa
Studies in Byzantine Monasticism by Talbot, Alice-Mary
The Malleus Maleficarum by
Empire of Contingency: How Portugal Entered the Indo-Persian World by Flores, Jorge
The Inquisition's Inquisitor: Henry Charles Lea of Philadelphia by Kagan, Richard L.
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