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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 2017

Brytenwealda by Cook, Andrew J.
Die Herrschaft der Salier. Eine Bewertung der Wahl Lothars III. im Jahr 1125 by Ali, Nasim Jasmin
Wars of the Roses: A History From Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Childhood in History: Perceptions of Children in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds by
Ridendo Corrigo Mores. Die Rolle des Schwank in der spätmittelalterlichen Chronik: Exemplarischer Deutungsversuch anhand der Chronik der Grafen von Zi by Wunderlich, Sarah
Homosexualität im Mittelalter by Kölsch, Saskia
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire by Guizot, François, Gibbon, Edward
Horcott Quarry, Fairford and Arkell's Land, Kempsford: Prehistoric, Roman and Anglo-Saxon Settlement and Burial in the Upper Thames Valley in Gloucest by Hayden, Chris, Biddulph, Edward, Early, Rob
Exegesis and Spiritual Pedagogy in Maximus the Confessor: An Investigation of the Quaestiones AD Thalassium by Blowers, Paul M.
Jewish Life in the Middle Ages Israel Abrahams by Abrahams, Israel
The Jalayirids: Dynastic State Formation in the Mongol Middle East by Wing, Patrick
Medieval Damascus: Plurality and Diversity in an Arabic Library: The Ashrafiya Library Catalogue by Hirschler, Konrad
The Near West: Medieval North Africa, Latin Europe and the Mediterranean in the Second Axial Age by Fromherz, Allen James
Rāzī: Master of Quranic Interpretation and Theological Reasoning by Jaffer, Tariq
Edward II: The Unconventional King by Warner, Kathryn
Inwiefern heißt "vom Spiel besessen sein", vom Teufel besessen zu sein? Eine Wundergeschichte aus dem "Dialogus Magnus Visionum Atque Miraculorum" des by Respondek, Anne S.
The Northern Conquest: Vikings in Britain and Ireland by Holman, Katherine
The Rise of Universities by Haskins, Charles Homer
Law and Piety in Medieval Islam by Reid, Megan H.
Knights and Their Days by Doran, John
Account Roll of the Priory of the Holy Trinity: Dublin, 1337-1346 - with the middle English moral play ''The Pride of Life'' by Mills, James, Holy Trinity Priory, Dublin
1800s Adult Coloring Book: Renaissance Inspired Fashion and Beauty Coloring Book for Adults by Zenmaster Coloring Books
The Leaning Tower of Pisa: The History and Legacy of Italy's Most Unique Building by Charles River
Broadsheets: Single-Sheet Publishing in the First Age of Print by
Classroom Commentaries: Teaching the Poetria nova across Medieval and Renaissance Europe by Woods, Marjorie Curry
The Leaning Tower of Pisa: The History and Legacy of Italy's Most Unique Building by Charles River
Medieval England: An Adult Colouring book by Travis, Hilary
The Chronicler by Woolsey, Edwin L.
The History of St. Norbert: Apostle of the Holy Eucharist by Kirkfleet, Cornelius J.
Invisible Worlds: Death, Religion And The Supernatural In England, 1500-1700 by Marshall, Peter
The History of St. Norbert: Apostle of the Holy Eucharist by Kirkfleet, Cornelius J.
Der heilige Krieg von Sultan Saladin: Legitimation, Mobilisierung und Ausweitung seiner Herrschaft by Akyazi, Mehmet
Die internationale Dimension des Siebenjährigen Krieges (1754/56-1763). Ein erster "Weltkrieg"? by Schwertel, Marcel K.
The Kingdom of Rus' by Raffensperger, Christian
Die Takkanot Kehillot der aschkenasischen Juden in den SchUM-Gemeinden by Schwertel, Marcel K.
La Capilla Sixtina: Historia y legado de la capilla más famosa del mundo by Charles River
Os Maçons: A História da Maçonaria e a Sociedade Secreta Mais Famosa do Mundo by Charles River
Os Maçons: A História da Maçonaria e a Sociedade Secreta Mais Famosa do Mundo by Charles River
La Capilla Sixtina: Historia y legado de la capilla más famosa del mundo by Charles River
Augsburg im Jahr 1368. Die Ursachen und Folgen der Zunfterhebungen und deren Schilderungen in der Chronik des Burkhard Zink by Breuer, Laurids
Zwang das Wetter die Mongolen 1242 zum Rückzug aus Europa? Eine kritische Analyse by Plattner, Alexander
Medieval Europe by Wickham, Chris
Renaissance Ethnography and the Invention of the Human: New Worlds, Maps and Monsters by Davies, Surekha
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon, Edward
Le Jugement du Roy de Behaigne and Remede de Fortune by
Le Jugement Du Roy de Behaigne and Remede de Fortune by De Machaut, Guillaume
Edward IV & Elizabeth Woodville: A True Romance by Licence, Amy
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Vol. VIII by Gibbon, Edward
Against War by Erasmus, Desiderius
Middle Ages: Medieval History: From The (Holy) Roman Empire, to Vikings, the Crusades and Columbus Reaching the New World. Overview by Nestor, Wayne M.
Florence: The History and Legacy of the Birthplace of the Renaissance by Charles River
Florence: The History and Legacy of the Birthplace of the Renaissance by Charles River
Amy Robsart: A Life and Its End by Hartweg, Christine
The Voynich Manuscript: The History of the Mysterious Renaissance Codex that Has Never Been Deciphered by Charles River
The Voynich Manuscript: The History of the Mysterious Renaissance Codex that Has Never Been Deciphered by Charles River
Supplement to the Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in the British Museum by Rieu, Charles
The Sultan and the Queen: The Untold Story of Elizabeth and Islam by Brotton, Jerry
Henry the Ninth: The Last Years of Henry Fitzroy by Casey, Kevin a.
Origin of the Templars: And Origin of the Vatican's Power by Holst, Sanford
Verwaltungsaufbau des Königtums und Papsttums des Spätmittelalters im Vergleich: Ein Vergleich der Kanzlei des Papsttums in Avignon und der Karls IV. by Roth, Magnus
Lotharingien Und Das Papsttum Im Früh- Und Hochmittelalter: Wechselwirkungen Im Grenzraum Zwischen Germania Und Gallia by
Das Tauziehen um den Hainstädter Wald im Mittelalter: Das Verhältnis der Bauern und der Herrschaft zum Wald anhand des Weistums 1448 und der Dorfordnu by Wilsch, Silvan
Interspecies Interactions: Animals and Humans between the Middle Ages and Modernity by
Interspecies Interactions: Animals and Humans between the Middle Ages and Modernity by
A Parson in Wartime: The Boston Diary of the Reverend Arthur Hopkins, 1942-1945 by
Norman Rule in Normandy, 911-1144 by Hagger, Mark
Frisians and Their North Sea Neighbours: From the Fifth Century to the Viking Age by
Transmission of Alchemy: The Epistle of Morienus to Khālid bin Yazīd (Hardcover Color Edition) by Laport, J. Erik
Women, Crusading and the Holy Land in Historical Narrative by Hodgson, Natasha R.
The Temple Church in London: History, Architecture, Art by
Transmission of Alchemy: The Epistle of Morienus to Khālid bin Yazīd (Paperback Color Edition) by Laport, J. Erik
Coins and Medals: Their place in History and Art. Second Edition by Lane-Poole, Stanley
Adliges Selbstverständnis und Verarmung von Adelsfamilien zu Zeiten höfischer Ideale by Wilhelm, Florian
Hidden Interests in Credit and Finance: Power, Ethics, and Social Capital across the Last Millennium by Park, Thomas K., Greenberg, James B.
Elizabeth of York and Her Six Daughters-In-Law: Fashioning Tudor Queenship, 1485-1547 by Warnicke, Retha M.
History of the Latin and Teutonic Nations from 1494 to 1514 by Ranke, Leopold Von
Die Analyse der Beziehung von Kaiser Otto I. und Papst Johannes XII. basierend auf den Schilderungen von Liudprand von Cremona by Watterott, Nadine
War das Verhältnis zwischen Gregor VII. und Heinrich IV. bereits vor dem Investiturstreit 1076 Problem behaftet? by Roth, Magnus
Die Vita der Christina von Hane by Kirakosian, Racha
Law Addressing Diversity: Premodern Europe and India in Comparison (13th-18th Centuries) by
The Plow, the Pen and the Sword: Images and Self-Images of Medieval People in the Low Countries by Künzel, Rudi
Family, Work, and Household in Late Medieval Iberia: A Social History of Manresa at the Time of the Black Death by Fynn-Paul, Jeff
Imperial Spheres and the Adriatic: Byzantium, the Carolingians and the Treaty of Aachen (812) by
Die Darstellung von Simon von Montfort in den Canso de la Crozada (Gesang vom Albigenserkreuzzug) by Schwertel, Marcel K.
Be a Perfect Man: Christian Masculinity and the Carolingian Aristocracy by Romig, Andrew J.
Würzburger Eide. Fehlende Bereitschaft zum Konsens by Khananayev, Anton
The Heresy of the Free Spirit in the Later Middle Ages by Lerner, Robert E.
The Story of the Crusades: Illustrated by Buxton, E. M. Wilmot
Chronique Des Quatre Premiers Valois, 1327-1393 by Luce, Siméon
Chroniques de Saint-Martial de Limoges: Publiées d'Après Les Manuscrits Originaux Pour La Société de l'Histoire de France by Duplès-Agier, Henri
Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp de l'Ordre de Citeaux, Fondée En 1129: Au Diocèse de Noyon by Peigné-Delacourt, Achille
Cartulaires Et Chartes de l'Abbaye de l'Absie by Ledain, Bélisaire
Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Saint-Léger de Soissons by Pécheur, Louis-Victor
Ville Libre Et Barons. Sur Les Limites de la Juridiction d'Agen Et Sur La Condition Des Forains: de Cette Juridiction, Comparée À Celle Des Tenanciers by Tholin, Georges
Celibate and Childless Men in Power: Ruling Eunuchs and Bishops in the Pre-Modern World by
Law and Society in Later Medieval England and Ireland: Essays in Honour of Paul Brand by
The Myth of the Medieval Jewish Moneylender: Volume I by Mell, Julie L.
The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Christianity by
Genghis Khan and the Quest for God: How the World's Greatest Conqueror Gave Us Religious Freedom by Weatherford, Jack
Portraits of Medieval Eastern Europe, 900-1400 by
History with a Grain of Salt: Book Five: Recent Times by Singer, Zeno
Pious Postmortems: Anatomy, Sanctity, and the Catholic Church in Early Modern Europe by Bouley, Bradford A.
Der Einfluss der italienischen Krämerzunft auf die Stadt Mainz in der Frühen Neuzeit by Schmidt, Stefan
Klaus Störtebeker. Damals und heute: Gab es eine Veränderung in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung? by Kringe, Friederike
Der Hexenhammer: Malleus Maleficarum. Erster Teil by Kramer, Heinrich
Der Verlust der Eindeutigkeit by
Luthers bleiche Erben by Weber, Wolfgang
The Luther Effect in Eastern Europe: History - Culture - Memory by
Pagans and Christians in the Late Roman Empire: New Evidence, New Approaches (4th-8th centuries) by
Friedrich I. Barbarossa und die deditio Mailands 1158. Ein Beispiel friedlicher Konfliktbeilegung im Hochmittelalter im Spiegel der Gesta Frederici by Schmidt, Stefan
Hexenverfolgung in der Frühen Neuzeit. Am Beispiel der Dorothea Braun, Hexe aus Augsburg by Zechmann, Lisa
Loki: The Origins and History of the Famous Norse Trickster God by Scott, Andrew, Charles River
To Follow in Their Footsteps: The Crusades and Family Memory in the High Middle Ages by Paul, Nicholas L.
Afterlives: The Return of the Dead in the Middle Ages by Caciola, Nancy Mandeville
Anfänge und Kontinuität des Antisemitismus: Antisemitismus - Ausbeutung - Unterdrückung. Band 1 by Ehrbeck, Heiner
Der politische Martin Luther: Antisemitismus - Ausbeutung - Unterdrückung. Band 2 by Ehrbeck, Heiner
Das mittelalterliche Leben auf Island anhand des "Book of the Icelanders" von Ari Thorgilsson by Merten, Julia
Crusader Castles: The History of the Medieval Castles Built in the Holy Lands during the Crusades by Charles River
"De arte cabbalistica" von Johannes Reuchlin. Eine Abhandlung zur Geschichte der Hebräisch-Studien zur Zeit des Humanismus by Burianek, Irmtraud Eve
Governance of a Distant Province in the Middle Ages by Fokt, Krzysztof
Cnut the Great: The Life and Legacy of Scandinavia's Most Famous King by Charles River
Mother and Sons, Inc.: Martha de Cabanis in Medieval Montpellier by Reyerson, Kathryn L.
Thirteenth Century England XVI: Proceedings of the Cambridge Conference, 2015 by
The Religious Worlds of the Laity in Late Antique Gaul by Bailey, Lisa Kaaren
The Image of Edward the Black Prince in Georgian and Victorian England: Negotiating the Late Medieval Past by Gribling, Barbara
The Haskins Society Journal 28: 2016. Studies in Medieval History by
Motherhood and Meaning in Medieval Sculpture: Representations from France, C.1100-1500 by Bleeke, Marian
Marvelous Possessions: The Wonder of the New World by Greenblatt, Stephen
The Friaries of Medieval London: From Foundation to Dissolution by Holder, Nick
Medieval Empires and the Culture of Competition: Literary Duels at Islamic and Christian Courts by England, Samuel
Kings' Crusade: The Boy Knight by Henty, G. a., Schwanitz, Klaus
Die Langobarden by Coors, Klaus
Die Gründe der Eidgenossenschaft für den Eintritt in die Mailänderkriege um 1500 by Borner, Oliver
Das Diarium des kaiserlichen Gesandten Volmar in den Acta Pacis Westphalicae vom 1. Juni 1647 bis zum 30. August 1647: Die Aussagen Volmars über die U by Denzler, Silvia
Cultures of Witchcraft in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present by
Performing Medieval Text by Hope, Henry, Butterfield, Ardis, Soleau, Pauline
Recht und Kultur im frühmittelalterlichen Alemannien by
Magic and Magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time: The Occult in Pre-Modern Sciences, Medicine, Literature, Religion, and Astrology by
Jüdische Friedhöfe Im Mittelalterlichen Reich by Härtel, Susanne
Priests and Their Books in Late Medieval Eichstätt by Wranovix, Matthew
An Introduction to Piers Plowman by Calabrese, Michael
Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts: Twelve Journeys Into the Medieval World by de Hamel, Christopher
The English Renaissance and the Far East: Cross-Cultural Encounters by Lee, Adele
Norse Warfare: A Portrayal of Combat, Raids, and Plunder in the Viking Age by Sprague, Martina
Ruling the Spirit: Women, Liturgy, and Dominican Reform in Late Medieval Germany by Jones, Claire Taylor
Parricide and Violence Against Parents Throughout History: (De)Constructing Family and Authority? by
Concubines and Courtesans: Women and Slavery in Islamic History by
Ragnarok: The Origins and History of the Apocalypse in Norse Mythology by Charles River
By Steppe, Desert, and Ocean: The Birth of Eurasia by Cunliffe, Barry
Visions of Sainthood in Medieval Rome: The Lives of Margherita Colonna by Giovanni Colonna and Stefania by
Visions of Sainthood in Medieval Rome: The Lives of Margherita Colonna by Giovanni Colonna and Stefania by
The World's Most Notorious Secret Societies: The Histories and Mysteries of the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the Rosicrucians by Charles River
The Solemn League and Covenant of the Three Kingdoms and the Cromwellian Union, 1643-1663 by MacKenzie, Kirsteen M.
Histoire Des Institutions Monarchiques Dans Le Royaume Latin de Jérusalem, 1099-1291 by Dodu, Gaston
The Formation of the English Common Law: Law and Society in England from King Alfred to Magna Carta by Hudson, John
Plague, Print, and the Reformation: The German Reform of Healing, 1473-1573 by Heinrichs, Erik A.
Der Gandersheimer Streit. Ursachen, Verlauf und die Rolle der Äbtissin Sophie von Gandersheim by Anonym
The World's Most Notorious Secret Societies: The Histories and Mysteries of the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the Rosicrucians by Charles River
Amalasuintha: The Transformation of Queenship in the Post-Roman World by Vitiello, Massimiliano
Priest by Davey, Sylvia
Piraten und Seeschlachten im spätmittelalterlichen Ostseeraum by Senfprun, Jörgen
Die Institutionalisierung der Ehe im Mittelalter by Gerhards, Marco
Aristocrats and Statehood in Western Iberia, 300-600 C.E. by Fernández, Damián
The Northern Dawn: A History of the Reawakening of the Germanic Spirit: From the Twilight of the Gods to the Sun at Midnight by Flowers, Stephen Edred
Albrecht VII. von Mecklenburg. Innen- und konfessionspolitischer Gegner seines Bruders Heinrich V.? by Damrath, Marc
Die Geschichte der mittelniederdeutschen Fastnachtspiele. Entwicklung und Wandel by Felser, Angelika
Unexpected Heirs in Early Modern Europe: Potential Kings and Queens by
Rhodes in Modern Times by Torr, Cecil
Everything You Need to Know About The Prince by Charles River
Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain: Volume I - Crisis, Renewal, and the Ministers' Dilemma by Gwynn, Robin
Everything You Need to Know About Romeo & Juliet by Charles River
Through the Heart of Asia: Vol.2 by Bonvalot, Gabriel
The Advent of Early Modern Warfare: The History of the Transition from Medieval Military Tactics to the Age of Gunpowder by Charles River
Essays in Anglo-Saxon Law (1876) by
The Advent of Early Modern Warfare: The History of the Transition from Medieval Military Tactics to the Age of Gunpowder by Charles River
Motive für den Sturz Heinrichs des Löwen. Eigenverschuldung oder Missgunst? by Anonymous
Soldan's Geschichte der Hexenprozesse: Zweiter Band by Heppe, Heinrich, Soldan, Wilhelm Gottlieb
Armas: Sracfhéachaint ar Araltas na hÉireann by Williams, Nicholas
Irish Heraldry: A Brief Introduction by Williams, Nicholas
Ist die "Vita Karoli Magni" von Einhard eine Glorifizierung Karls des Großen oder eine Kritik an Ludwig dem Frommen? by Rabe, Christian
Ritualmord und Hostienfrevel. Eine neue Form der Judenfeindschaft im Mittelalter? by Anonymous
Betrachtung der Person Heinrich des Löwen vor dem Hintergrund der Beziehung zu Friedrich I. von 1154-1180: Von strategischen über wahnähnliche Handlun by Ignor, Sarah
Her Father's Daughter: Gender, Power, and Religion in the Early Spanish Kingdoms by Pick, Lucy K.
Monastic Reform as Process: Realities and Representations in Medieval Flanders, 900-1100 by Vanderputten, Steven
Monastic Reform as Process by Vanderputten, Steven
Fearful Spirits, Reasoned Follies by Bailey, Michael D.
Fearful Spirits, Reasoned Follies: The Boundaries of Superstition in Late Medieval Europe by Bailey, Michael D.
From Sight to Light: The Passage from Ancient to Modern Optics by Smith, A. Mark
The Fifteenth Century: Volumes I-XV by
The Fifteenth Century XV: Writing, Records and Rhetoric by
Absentee Authority Across Medieval Europe by
Church Monuments in South Wales, C.1200-1547 by Biebrach, Rhianydd
Northern England and Southern Scotland in the Central Middle Ages by
ERESIA e SCIENZA nel MEDIOEVO by Di Cicco, Camillo
Affective and Emotional Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe by
The Myth of the Medieval Jewish Moneylender: Volume II by Mell, Julie L.
Text, Knowledge and Wonder in Early Modern France: Studies in Honour of Stephen Bamforth: Nottingham French Studies Volume 56, Issue 3 by Kenny, Neil
Natur und höfische Ordnung in Sir Philip Sidneys "Old Arcadia" by Strohschneider, Tabea
The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christianity, 200-1336 by Bynum, Caroline Walker
Der Kreuzzuggedanke und die Frage nach dem gerechten Krieg by Martin, Konstantin
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