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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2014

Dostoevsky and the Affirmation of Life by Cicovacki, Predrag
Christian, Saracen and Genre in Medieval French Literature by Ramey, Lynn Tarte
An Ethics of Becoming: Configurations of Feminine Subjectivity in Jane Austen Charlotte Bronte, and George Eliot by Cho, Sonjeong
Klassendenken und Liberalismus bei Joyce Cary: Dargestellt an seiner Second Trilogy by Dickert, Matthias
Das Motiv der Gerechtigkeit in Dürrenmatts Tragikomödie "Der Besuch der alten Dame" by Jähring, Sebastian
Coire Sois, The Cauldron of Knowledge: A Companion to Early Irish Saga by Ó. Cathasaigh, Tomás
Literary Fiction: The Ways We Read Narrative Literature by Farner, Geir
Literary Fiction: The Ways We Read Narrative Literature by Farner, Geir
Divine Providence: A History: The Bible, Virgil, Orosius, Augustine, and Dante by Schildgen, Brenda Deen
G.K. Chesterton, London and Modernity by
Reading Zadie Smith: The First Decade and Beyond by
Modern Manuscripts: The Extended Mind and Creative Undoing from Darwin to Beckett and Beyond by Van Hulle, Dirk
Rewriting the Old Testament in Anglo-Saxon Verse: Becoming the Chosen People by Zacher, Samantha
Reading Zadie Smith: The First Decade and Beyond by
Hurt and Pain: Literature and the Suffering Body by Mintz, Susannah B.
Ästhetik des Verschwindens bei Christian Kracht: Zur Regression in "Faserland", "1979", "Ich werde hier sein im Sonnenschein und im Schatten" und "Met by Sobbe, Sören Benjamin
The South Pacific Narratives of Robert Louis Stevenson and Jack London: Race, Class, Imperialism by Phillips, Lawrence
The Palimpsest: Literature, Criticism, Theory by Dillon, Sarah
The Reception of Jane Austen in Europe by
Joseph Conrad: Poland's English Genius by Bradbrook, M. C.
Memoires D'Outre-Tombe: Premiere Partie Livres VII Et IX by Chateaubriand, François-René de
Shakespeare in Asia by
Ben Jonson in Context by
Selections from La Bruyere by
Sentimental Masculinity and the Rise of History, 1790-1890 by Goode, Mike
Robert Penn Warren and American Idealism by Burt, John
El instinto como fuerza motriz. La producción artística como necesidad biológica: Trieb als Antrieb. Die künstlerische Produktion als biologische Notw by Moreno Fernández, Ma Carmen
Rhapsody in Black, Volume 3: Poems by Majia, Jidi
Digital Modernism: Making It New in New Media by Pressman, Jessica
Astrophel and Stella by Sidney, Philip, Jonson, Will
Between Fire and Sleep: Essays on Modern Polish Poetry and Prose by Anders, Jaroslaw
Reviewing Shakespeare: Journalism and Performance from the Eighteenth Century to the Present by Prescott, Paul
Herodotus: Histories Book V by Herodotus
A Companion to Emily Dickinson by
Tosaka Jun: A Critical Reader by
A Companion to the Works of J. M. Coetzee by
Ten Silly Zombies Jumping on the Bed Coloring Book by Giangregorio, Anthony
Turkish Poetry Today 2014 by
Strong Words: Poetry in a Russian and English Edition by Akhmatova, Anna, Voznesensky, Andrei, Pushkin, Alexander
Putting Monet and Rembrandt Into Words: Pierre Loti's Recreation and Theorization of Claude Monet's Impressionism and Rembrandt's Landscapes in Litera by Berrong, Richard M.
Manifestations of Masculine Magnificence: Divinity in Africana Life, Lyrics, and Literature by Washington, Teresa N.
Warrior Lore: Scandinavian Ballads by Cumpstey, Ian
Michael Oakeshott: Notebooks, 1922-86 by Oakeshott, Michael
Kangaroo Courts and the Rule of Law: The Legacy of Modernism by Manderson, Desmond
Immigrant Narratives: Orientalism and Cultural Translation in Arab American and Arab British Literature by Hassan, Wail S.
The Novelty of Newspapers: Victorian Fiction After the Invention of the News by Rubery, Matthew
I Saw It: Ilya Selvinsky and the Legacy of Bearing Witness to the Shoah by Shrayer, Maxim D.
Gender and Space in Rural Britain, 1840-1920 by
Die Vaterfigur im Kinder- und Jugendroman: Eine Analyse anhand "Das Austauschkind" von Christine Nöstlinger by Huschkatz, Miriam
Norman Mailer: Legacy and Literary Americana by Kaufmann, Donald L.
Wizards, Aliens, and Starships: Physics and Math in Fantasy and Science Fiction by Adler, Charles L.
Introducción a la semiótica: Modelo de análisis de los discursos de la cultura by Mondonedo, Marcos
Inside Paradise Lost: Reading the Designs of Milton's Epic by Quint, David
What's Queer about Europe?: Productive Encounters and Re-Enchanting Paradigms by Rosello, Mireille, Dasgupta, Sudeep
Das Buch als Werbemittel: Eine Analyse am Beispiel der McDonald's-Kooperation by Windfelder, Elisabeth
Annäherung an eine Ökobilanz von E-Books by Roth, Vanessa
Money Matters: Alternative Finanzierungsmethoden in der Buchbranche by Söhner, Meike
Mourning Philology: Art and Religion at the Margins of the Ottoman Empire by Nichanian, Marc
Citizen-Saints: Shakespeare and Political Theology by Lupton, Julia Reinhard
What's Queer about Europe?: Productive Encounters and Re-Enchanting Paradigms by Dasgupta, Sudeep, Rosello, Mireille
My Haunted Land by Holton, Jackie Ray
Los Diarios Intimos by Acosta De Samper, Soledad, Samper, Jose Maria
Catching the Torch: Contemporary Canadian Literary Responses to World War I by Gordon, Neta
The Epic Cosmos by
Recortada contra el cielo: De cómo una milagrosa hoja verde salvó a Ribeyro by Mondonedo, Marcos
An Introduction to Philosophy by Fullerton, George Stuart
The Argonautica by Rhodius, Apollonius
Facing the Fiend by Baillie, Eva Marta
Close Kin and Distant Relatives: The Paradox of Respectability in Black Women's Literature by Morris, Susana M.
Close Kin and Distant Relatives: The Paradox of Respectability in Black Women's Literature by Morris, Susana M.
Facing the Fiend: Satan as a Literary Character by Baillie, Eva Marta
The Impact of Racism on African American Families: Literature as Social Science by Rosenblatt, Paul C.
Beowulf Sparknotes Literature Guide: Volume 18 by Sparknotes
Macbeth Sparknotes Literature Guide: Volume 43 by Sparknotes, Shakespeare, William, Sparknotes
Romeo and Juliet Sparknotes Literature Guide: Volume 56 by Sparknotes, Shakespeare, William, Sparknotes
The Queer Caribbean Speaks: Interviews with Writers, Artists, and Activists by Campbell, K.
Domestic Servants in Literature and Testimony in Brazil, 1889-1999 by Roncador, S.
The Queer Caribbean Speaks: Interviews with Writers, Artists, and Activists by Campbell, K.
John Lyly and Early Modern Authorship by Kesson, Andy
The Mary Carleton Narratives, 1663-1673: A Missing Chapter in the History of the English Novel by Bernbaum, Ernest
Domestic Servants in Literature and Testimony in Brazil, 1889-1999 by Roncador, S.
Alternate Reality Games als Marketinginstrument im Jugendbuchmarkt by Vetter, Heidi
De Water Trap: Waterschaarste & Local Government daagt... Vertellen een ervaring by Mwaka-Karama G., Sam, Mwaka-Karama, Sam
Würfelwörter und Rätselbilder im Parzivalprolog Wolframs von Eschenbach: Der Prolog - ein Bilderrätsel als Schlüssel zum Parzivalroman by Hüning, Heinrich
Of What is Past, or Passing, or to Come: Travelling in Time and Space in Literature in English by
Juego de capitales: La traducción en la sociedad del mestizaje by López Ponz, María
Adonis: The Myth of the Dying God in the Italian Renaissance by Caruso, Carlo
Nativism, Zionism, and Beyond by Hever, Hannan
Jane Austen's Erotic Advice by Raff, Sarah
Steaming into a Victorian Future: A Steampunk Anthology by
A Critical Reader of the Romantic Grand Tour: Tristes Plaisirs by Chard, Chloe
The Commemoration of the Dead: An Inaugural Lecture by Vincent, E. R.
Lytton Strachey: The Rede Lecture 1943 by Beerbohm, Max
Leslie Stephen and Matthew Arnold as Critics of Wordsworth: Leslie Stephen Lecture 1939 by Dover Wilson, John
A History of the Romantic Movement in Spain: Volume 2 by Peers, E. Allison
Die Antigonen von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit: Rezeptionsgeschichte eines griechischen Mythos by Hahn, Susanne
Inwieweit wurde Schiller zum literarischen Anwalt des "Verbrechers aus verlorener Ehre"? by Henseleit, Jana
Refrains for Moving Bodies: Experience and Experiment in Affective Spaces by McCormack, Derek P.
Refrains for Moving Bodies: Experience and Experiment in Affective Spaces by McCormack, Derek P.
Platero y nosotros: Estudio crítico by Lolo, Eduardo
War and Debt: The Culling of Humanity by Edwards, Mark
Die Typologie der Frauenfiguren in Bertolt Brechts "Trommeln in der Nacht" by De Miguel Wessendorf, Karin
Kate Chopin's "The Awakening". Being a 'New Woman' by Grönebaum, Melissa
Goethes Zeichenunterricht in Rom by Offermanns, Sandra
Erzähltextanalyse "The Bluest Eye" by Ehrenmüller, Katja
Postmoderne Tendenzen in David Lynch's Film "Blue Velvet" (1986) by Kara, Sema
Aspekte der literarischen Anthropologie in Schillers Schauspiel "Die Räuber" by Offermanns, Sandra
The Secret Within by Riehle, Wolfgang
War and Debt: The Culling of Humanity by Edwards, Mark
The Edinburgh Companion to Samuel Beckett and the Arts by
Masculindians: Conversations about Indigenous Manhood by
Studies in Law, Politics and Society by
Betrachtung der Heilsarmee in H. Brochs "Die Schlafwandler". by Grönebaum, Melissa
Africa in Stereo: Modernism, Music, and Pan-African Solidarity by Jaji, Tsitsi Ella
The Heart of Japan (Routledge Revivals): Glimpses of Life and Nature Far from the Travellers' Track in the Land of the Rising Sun by Brownell, Clarence Ludlow
Autobiographisches Schreiben in der deutschen Literatur nach 1945. P. Weiss, S. Hermlin, C. Kracht und B. von Stuckrad-Barre: Zur Gesellschaftskritik by Schüßler, Björn-Christian
Streitfall 'Hermannsschlacht'. Die politischen Ambitionen des Preußen Kleist und ihre Wahrnehmung(en) im 20. Jahrhundert by Von Der Heide, Thomas
Concepts of love and marriage in 'Jane Eyre' by Groß-Langenhoff, Barbara
Kunstkritik oder Schaffensplan? Reformschrift oder Rechtfertigung? Richard Wagners 'Oper und Drama' by Schüßler, Björn-Christian
Die Manipulation der Sprache durch die NSDAP. Eine Darstellung anhand des Artikels "Kleiner Verrat eines Gernegroß" ("VB" vom 29. April 1945) by Balogh, Julia
Read All About It: My year of falling in love with literature again by Cuddihy, Paul
Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare, William
Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon by
Making and Unmaking in Early Modern English Drama: Spectators, Aesthetics and Incompletion by Porter, Chloe
Peruvian Short Stories by Marting, Dorila A.
Hartmann von Aue "Erec". Die mittelalterliche höfische Dame am Beispiel von Enite by Bruder, Alexandra
Die Tragik der Antigone: Über den Konflikt zwischen dem weltlichen Gesetz des Staates und dem göttlichem Recht by Hahn, Susanne
Von den Bienchen und den Blümchen. Sexuelle Aufklärung im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert by Hahn, Susanne
Johannes Trithemius - De laudescriptorium: Ein Lob auf den Schreiber im Zeitalterdes beginnenden Buchdrucks by Augustin, Lena
Zombies. Die Entwicklung von Homers "Odyssee" bis zu Romeros "Land of the Dead" by Biehl, Florian
Kritik an Gesellschaft und Politik in Gary Victors "Der Blutchor" by Augustin, Lena
Apokalyptische Perspektiven in Kleists "Das Erdbeben in Chili": Kleists Inszenierung des Untergangs und der göttlichen Rettung / Bestrafung in 'Das Er by Hahn, Susanne
Hans Jakob Christoph von Grimmelshausens "Der abentheuerliche Simplicissimus Teutsch". Ein Bestseller? by Augustin, Lena
Peruvian Short Stories by Marting, Dorila A.
Rousseau und der Prozess der Selbsterkenntnis durch und in den "Rêveries" by Offermanns, Sandra
Songs of Spiritual Experience: Tibetan Buddhist Poems of Insight and Awakening by
Dissident Writings of Arab Women: Voices Against Violence by Mehta, Brinda J.
Aspekte der Namensgebung bei Katzen im deutschsprachigen Raum by Augustin, Lena
Revaluing British Boys' Story Papers, 1918-1939 by Fairlie, H. A.
Revaluing British Boys' Story Papers, 1918-1939 by Fairlie, H. A.
Life, love and death in the poetry of Sylvia Plath by Leiva Aguilera, Ana María
Testaments, Donations, and the Values of Books as Gifts: A Study of Records from Medieval England before 1450 by Bischof, Janika
Die Problematik der sprachlichen Integration von ImmigrantInnen: Unter Beruecksichtigung des staatlich geforderten Sprachniveaus B1 (GER)- Verbesserun by Li, Liudmila
The Edinburgh Companion to the Bible and the Arts by
Envy and Jealousy in Classical Athens: A Socio-Psychological Approach by Sanders, Ed
The Loudons and the Gardening Press: A Victorian Cultural Industry. by Sarah Dewis by Dewis, Sarah
Das Umkippen des locus amoenus in einen locus terribilis. Offenlegung einer Bruchstelle zwischen Kirche, Welt und Individuum als Spiegel freier Handlu by Schwabl, Bettina
Frauenbewegung in der Frauenliteratur der 60er und 70er Jahre in der DDR by Bauer, Siegfried
Thoughts and Squawks by Manby, Malcolm
The Beat Generation. Vulnerable Victims or Inviolable Individuals?: The Concept of Vulnerability in "Memoirs of a Beatnik" and "On the Road" by Kastl, Lisa
Zwischen Innen und Außen. Der huote-Exkurs als Kommentar zur a-sozialen Minne des "Tristan" by Rössner, Max
Kurt Vonnegut's "Slaughterhouse-Five" as an Anti-War Novel: A Depiction of the Protagonists by Wolfram, Jasmin, Hachemer, Mareike
Männersprache, Frauensprache? Geschlechtspräferentieller Sprachgebrauch in Online-Werbetexten by Lacombe, Janine
All Her Faculties: The Representation of the Female Mind in the Twentieth-Century English Novel by Rosenhan, Claudia
Thoughts and Squawks by Manby, Malcolm
Virginia Woolf on the Ghost Stories of Henry James by Woolf, Virginia
The Collected Essays of Virginia Woolf by Woolf, Virginia
The Italian Novella by
An Autobiography 2 Volume Set by Trollope, Anthony
Philosophy and Literature in Times of Crisis: Challenging Our Infatuation with Numbers by Mack, Michael
Philosophy and Literature in Times of Crisis: Challenging Our Infatuation with Numbers by Mack, Michael
English in Practice: In Pursuit of English Studies by Barry, Peter
The Lectures, Essays and Literary Criticism of Virginia Woolf by Woolf, Virginia
Ricoeur, Literature and Imagination by Vlacos, Sophie
de Imperio: An Extract 27-45 by Cicero
The Incarnation of Language: Joyce, Proust and a Philosophy of the Flesh by O'Sullivan, Michael
The Methuen Drama Guide to Contemporary American Playwrights by
The Cambridge Companion to Piers Plowman by
An Autobiography by Trollope, Anthony
The Life, Letters and Literary Remains of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton by Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer
The Life, Letters and Literary Remains of Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton by Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer
Das 'serapiontische' Prinzip E.T.A. Hoffmanns in drei Erzählungen aus den 'Serapionsbrüdern': 'Doge und Dogaresse', 'Das fremde Kind' und 'Der Zusamme by Demski, Kevin
Working-class Childhood and Child Labour in Victorian England by Schuster, Selina
William Shakespeares dramatisches Werk: Analyse der wichtigsten Werke by Schwab, Ch, Seeger, C., Kara, S.
Seeing the Unseen: Responses to Fitz-James O'Brien's 'What Was It? a Mystery' by Staunton, Mathew D., Hoyt Jouanne, Kristine, Masilo, Rethabile
Schillers "Maria Stuart - Eine Analyse aus fünf Blickwinkeln by Monagas, A., Gerhard, D., Kroll, L.
Voces femeninas españolas desde dentro: El discurso masculino reconfigurado por mujeres en "El libro de romances y coplas del Carmelo de Valladolid" [ by Ugofsky-Méndez, Rubí
Adalberto Ortiz: From Margin to Center by Lewis, Marvin A.
Gender and Space in British Literature, 1660-1820 by Narain, Mona, Gevirtz, Karen
Literary Ghosts from the Victorians to Modernism: The Haunting Interval by Thurston, Luke
Décadence. Rezeption oder Auseinandersetzung mit antiker griechischer Kunst by Bauer, Florian
Die Prägung des Subjekts in Freytags "Soll und Haben" und in Stifters "Nachsommer": Entwickelte Ordnungswelten, verkümmerte Ambivalenz by Rössner, Max
The Gothic in Contemporary Literature and Popular Culture: Pop Goth by
Lexikalischer Zuwachs. Wachstumsmuster und Vokabularspurt im Erstspracherwerb by Anonym
Augustin´s Lehre über den Tod und der autobiographische Wert seiner Confessiones by Frank, Ina
Gewalt in Märchen by Biehl, Florian
Mittelfeld im Deutschen - theoretische Ausführungen mit praktischen Beispielen by Esskali, Bozena
Die Rolle des Adels in "Das Gemeindekind" und "Er lasst die Hand küssen" by Kahles, Gudrun
Teaching Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature: Essays in Honor of Robert L. Belknap by
Magritte and Literature: Elective Affinities by Stoltzfus, Ben
Cormac McCarthy: New Directions by
Beyond Holy Russia: The Life and Times of Stephen Graham by Hughes, Michael
Beyond Holy Russia: The Life and Times of Stephen Graham by Hughes, Michael
A Modest Proposal by Swift, Jonathan
Making Nothing Happen: Five Poets Explore Faith and Spirituality by Nesbitt, Eleanor, Pryce, Mark, D'Costa, Gavin
Das Umkippen des 'locus amoenus' in einen 'locus terribilis'. Die Bruchstelle zwischen Kirche, Welt und Individuum als Spiegel freier Handlungsmöglich by Schwabl, Bettina
Altera Vox - Die andere Stimme. 'The faceless' Medea in Afghanistan: Prä- und Postfigurationen einer Frauenfigur in Khaled Hosseinis "A Thousand Splen by Omaj, Oriana
Der zweifelhafte Ruf des Don Juan. Variationen einer Dramenfigur bei Ödön von Horváth und Max Frisch by Rumpf, Verena
Albert Aubert, 'du Spiritualisme Et de Quelques-Unes de Ses Consequences' by
Kontext und Ellipse. Untersuchung einer möglichen Rangfolge der Relevanzdomänen nach Barton by Biehl, Florian
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