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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1993

The Second Best Bed: Shakespeare's Will in a New Light by Rogers, Joyce
Von Der Landschaft Im Kopf Zur Landschaft Aus Sprache: Die Romantisierung Der Alpen in Den Reiseschilderungen Und Die Literarisierung Des Gebirges in by Raymond, Petra
Die Stadt der Gelehrten by Disselkamp, Martin
Sinnenwelt und Weltseele by Fick, Monika
Halle: Aufklärung Und Pietismus by
Leipzig: Aufklärung Und Bürgerlichkeit by
Le Roman de Perceval ou Le Conte du Graal by
Hermann Hettner: Idealistisches Bildungsprinzip Versus Forschungsimperativ. Zur Karriere Eines >Undisziplinierten by Schlott, Michael
Zwischen Aufbruch und Wende by Schmidt, Ulrich
Autonomes Ich Und 'Inneres Ausland': Studien Über Realismus, Tiefenpsychologie Und Psychiatrie in Deutschen Erzähltexten 1848-1914 by Thomé, Horst
"True Versifying" by Bernhart, Walter
Going Beyond: The Crisis of Identity and Identity Models in Contemporary American, English and German Fiction by Schier, Helga
Deutsch-Jüdische Exil- Und Emigrationsliteratur Im 20. Jahrhundert by
Religionskritik Und Religiosität in Der Deutschen Aufklärung by
The Enlightened Mind by Mitchell, Stephen
Ästhetische Illusion und Illusionsdurchbrechung in der Erzählkunst by Wolf, Werner
Methoden und Probleme der Edition mittelalterlicher deutscher Texte by
Die schöne Jüdin by Krobb, Florian
A Short History of Modern Arabic Literature by Badawi, M. M.
Indi'n Humor: Bicultural Play in Native America by Lincoln, Kenneth
Elizabeth Bishop: The Restraints of Language by Doreski, C. K.
Changing States: Transformations in Modern Irish Writing by Nfa, Robert Welch
German Romantic Literary Theory by Behler, Ernst
Origins of Modern Japanese Literature by Karatani, Kojin
Writing the Apocalypse: Historical Vision in Contemporary U.S. and Latin American Fiction by Zamora, Lois Parkinson
The Grounding of American Poetry: Charles Olson and the Emersonian Tradition by Fredman, Stephen
Narratives of Empire: The Fictions of Rudyard Kipling by Sullivan, Zohreh T.
Scripts and Scenarios by Andrews, Richard
The Regenerate Lyric by New, Elisa
The Discourse of Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century France by Brewer, Daniel
The Collected Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar by Braxton, Joanne M.
A Bibliographical Guide to African-American Women Writers by Jordan, Casper L.
Sovereignty and Intelligence: Spying and Court Culture in the English Renaissance by Archer, John Michael
Romanticism, Nationalism, and the Revolt Against Theory by Simpson, David
Home: A Place in the World by Mack, Arien
More Conversations with Walker Percy by
Infinite Divisions: An Anthology of Chicana Literature by
From High Priests to Desecrators by
The Poisonous Pen of Agatha Christie by Gerald, Michael C.
Lies and Fiction in the Ancient World by
Naguib Mahfouz: The Pursuit of Meaning by El-Enany, Rasheed
Reading Theory: An Introduction to Lacan, Derrida and Kristeva by Payne, Michael
Black Riders: The Visible Language of Modernism by McGann, Jerome J.
Literary Language & Its Public in Late Latin Antiquity and in the Middle Ages by Auerbach, Erich
The Fourth Dimension by Ritsos, Yannis
Reader's Guide Contp.Lit Theory-Pa by Widdowson, Peter, Selden, Raman
Andromeda's Chains: Gender and Interpretation in Victorian Literature and Art by Munich, Adrienne
The Pleasures of Japanese Literature by Keene, Donald
White Ink: Essays on Twentieth-Century Feminine Fiction in Spain and Latin America by Hart, Stephen M.
The Logic of Sense by Deleuze, Gilles
J.M. Coetzee: South Africa and the Politics of Writing Volume 48 by Attwell, David
Allegories of Empire: The Figure of Woman in the Colonial Text by Sharpe, Jenny
The Book of Margins by Jabès, Edmond
My Name in Books: A Guide to Character Names in Children's Literature by Tuten-Puckett, Katharyn
Joyce's Book of the Dark: Finnegans Wake Volume 1 by Bishop, John
Joyce: The Return of the Repressed by
Susanna Moodie: Letters of a Lifetime by Moodie, Susanna
The Forest of Medieval Romance: The Preservation of the Mkomazi Game Reserve, Tanzania by Saunders, Corinne
Notes to Literature by Adorno, Theodor W.
Shakespeare and the Modern Dramatist by Scott, Michael
Holocaust Literature: A Handbook of Critical, Historical, and Literary Writings by Friedman, Saul S.
Clockworks: A Multimedia Bibliography of Works Useful for the Study of the Human/Machine Interface in SF by Dunn, Thomas P., Erlich, Richard D.
Promptings of Desire: Creativity and the Religious Impulse in the Works of D. H. Lawrence by Poplawski, Paul
Theatre and the World: Performance and the Politics of Culture by Bharucha, Rustom
The Egyptian Hermes: A Historical Approach to the Late Pagan Mind by Fowden, Garth
Theatre and the World: Performance and the Politics of Culture by Bharucha, Rustom
Das Drama Des Naturalismus by Hoefert, Sigfrid
British and Irish Drama Since 1960 by
Chaucer's Boece and the Medieval Tradition of Boethius by
The Fables of Reason: A Study of Voltaire's Contes Philosophiques by Pearson, Roger
Mary Leapor: A Study in Eighteenth-Century Women's Poetry by Greene, Richard
The Complete Poetical Works: Volume VII by Byron
The Greek Anthology: From Meleager to Planudes by Cameron, Alan
Rochester by Thormählen, Marianne
Politics and Narratives of Birth by Mossman, Carol A.
Ideas and Forms of Tragedy from Aristotle to the Middle Ages by Kelly, Henry Ansgar
German and Dutch Theatre, 1600-1848 by
Spectacles of Strangeness: Imperialism, Alienation, and Marlowe by Bartels, Emily C.
The Song in the Story: Lyric Insertions in French Narrative Fiction, 12-14 by Boulton, Maureen Barry McCann
Tragic Drama and the Family: Psychoanalytic Studies from Aeschylus to Beckett by Simon, Bennett
New Historical Literary Study: Essays on Reproducing Texts, Representing History by
The Aims of Representation: Subject/Text/History by
On Thrones of Gold: Three Javanese Shadow Plays by Brandon, James R.
Two Medieval Love Treatises: Heloise's Art D'Amour and a Collection of Demandes D'Amour. Edited with an Introduction, Notes and Glossary from Briti by Heloise
Realien by Printz, Wolfgang Caspar
Runen by Krause, Wolfgang
Die Welt der Römer by Classen, Carl Joachim
Paradoxie der Fiktion by Corbineau-Hoffmann, Angelika
The Art and Vision of Flannery O'Connor by Brinkmeyer, Robert H.
Nietzsche and the End of Freedom: The neo-Romantic dilemma in Kafka, the brothers Mann, Rilke and Musil, 1904-1914 by Hawes, James
The Hart Sisters: Early African Caribbean Writers, Evangelicals, and Radicals by
Marguerite Duras: Apocalyptic Desires by Hill, Leslie
But She Said: Feminist Practices of Biblical Interpretation by Schussler Fiorenza, Elisabeth
Marguerite Duras: Apocalyptic Desires by Hill, Leslie
Life Stories: The Creation of Coherence by Linde, Charlotte
Violence in the Black Imagination: Essays and Documents by Takaki, Ronald T.
Talking to the Dead by Watanabe, Sylvia
Victorian Biography: Intellectuals and the Ordering of Discourse by Amigoni, David
The Tomb of Beowulf: And Other Essays on Old English by Robinson, Fred C.
English Poetry Since 1940 by Corcoran, Neil
Articulate Silences: Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, and Joy Kogewa by Cheung, King-Kok
Beyond Superstructuralism by Harland, Richard
The Other Mary Shelley: Beyond Frankenstein by
Articulate Silences: Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, and Joy Kogewa by Cheung, King-Kok
Weimar and Now: German Cultural Criticism by Cohen, Margaret
The Ethnography of Reading: by
The Ethnography of Reading by
British and Irish Drama Since 1960 by
George Sand and Idealism by Schor, Naomi
The Historical Romance by Hughes, Helen
Dialogues of the Word: The Bible as Literature According to Bakhtin by Reed, Walter L.
Women in Samuel Beckett's Prose and Drama: Her Own Other by Bryden, Mary
Sir Francis Galton, Frs: The Legacy of His Ideas by
Narrative and Representation in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens: A Tune Beyond Us, Yet Ourselves by Schwarz, D.
A Defoe Companion by Hammond, J.
The Poetry of Yunus Emre, a Turkish Sufi Poet: Volume 127 by Smith, Grace Martin
A Tom Sawyer Companion: An Autobiographical Guided Tour with Mark Twain by Evans, John D.
Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-Century England by Love, Harold
Textual Practice: Volume 7, Issue 2 by
Mothers and Daughters in American Short Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography of Twentieth-Century Women's Literature by Carter, Susanne
Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination by Morrison, Toni
Modernism and the Nativist Resistance: Contemporary Chinese Fiction from Taiwan by Chang, Sung-Sheng Yvonne
Aging and Gender in Literature: Studies in Creativity by
Aging and Gender in Literature: Studies in Creativity by Wyatt-Brown, Anne M.
Xenophon's Cyropaedia: Style, Genre, and Literary Technique by Gera, Deborah Levine
Melville and Melville Studies in Japan by Ohashi, Kenzabuo
Embracing a Gay Identity: Gay Novels as Guides by Koponen, Wilfrid R.
Modernism, Mass Culture and Professionalism by Strychacz, Thomas
The Irish Tradition in Old English Literature by Wright, Charles D.
Literary Transmission and Authority by
Miguel Angel Asturias's Archeology of Return by Prieto, Reni
Swift: Gulliver's Travels by Erskine-Hill, Howard
Morning Sun: Interviews with Chinese Writers of the Lost Generation by Leung, Laifong, Walls, Jan
Reading Asian American Literature: From Necessity to Extravagance by Wong, Sau-Ling Cynthia
Samuel Richardson's Fictions of Gender by Gwilliam, Tassie
Fascist Modernism: Aesthetics, Politics, and the Avant-Garde by Hewitt, Andrew
Flowering Judas: Katherine Anne Porter by
The Reading of Silence: Virginia Woolf in the English Tradition by Laurence, Patricia Ondek
Literature and the Relational Self by Schapiro, Barbara Ann
Meditations for Cats Who Do Too Much: Learning to Take Things One Life at a Time by Cader, Michael
The Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic by Saussy, Haun
Der Konkubinat Nach Altwestnordischen Quellen: Philologische Studien Zur Sogenannten Friedelehe by Ebel, Else
Reading Fabliaux by Lacy, Norris J.
To Blight with Plague: Studies in a Literary Theme by Leavy, Barbara Fass
Tales of Tears and Laughter: Short Fiction of Medieval Japan by
The Portable Nineteenth-Century Russian Reader by Various
The Big Sea: An Autobiography by Hughes, Langston
Ethics of Sexual Difference by Irigaray, Luce
Merchants of Hope: British Middlebrow Writers and the First World War, 1919 1939 by Bracco, Rosa
Austin Robinson: The Life of an Economic Adviser by Cairncross, S.
Joyce in America: Cultural Politics and the Trials of Ulysses by Segall, Jeffrey
Paradise Dislocated: Morris, Politics, Art by Skoblow, Jeffrey
The Critical Response to Ann Beattie by Montresor-Berman, Jaye B.
Latin Literature from Seneca to Juvenal: A Critical Study by Hutchinson, G. O.
Schön Wie Ein Gott Und Männlich Wie Ein Held: Zur Rolle Des Weiblichen Geschlechtscharakters Für Die Konstituierung Des Männlichen Aufklärungshelden i by Beyer, Karen
The Subject of Violence: The Song of Roland and the Birth of the State by Haidu, Peter
Contemporary Fiction Writers of the South: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook by
The Mute Immortals Speak: Pre-Islamic Poetry and Poetics of Ritual by Stetkevych, Suzanne Pinckney
Semantics and the Lexicon by
A Store of Common Sense: Gnomic Theme and Style in Old Icelandic and Old English Wisdom Poetry by Larrington, Carolyne
The Theatre Industry in 19c Fr by Hemmings, Frederic William John
Classical Criticism by
Canons and Wisdoms by Cook, Albert
Literary Selves: Autobiography and Contemporary American Nonfiction by Stull, James N.
Semantics and the Lexicon by
Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral by Eliot, T.
Marlowe: Dr. Faustus by Na, Na
Hardy: Chosen Poems by Handley, Graham
Mrs Dalloway and to the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf by Reid, Susan
The Best of the Argonauts: The Redefinition of the Epic Hero in Book One of Apollonius' Argonautica by Clauss, James J.
Keynes by Moggridge, D. E.
Money, Language, and Thought: Literary and Philosophic Economies from the Medieval to the Modern Era by Shell, Marc
Designing Dead Souls: An Anatomy of Disorder in Gogol by Fusso, Susanne
Holy Foolishness: Dostoevskyas Novels and the Poetics of Cultural Critique by Murav, Harriet
Terrible Sociability: The Text of Manners in Laclos, Goethe, and James by Winnett, Susan
The Poetics of Appropriation: The Literary Theory and Practice of Huang Tingjian by Palumbo-Liu, David
Unbalancing Acts: Foundations for a Theater by Foreman, Richard
Lesebuchgeschichten: Erzählstoffe in Schullesebüchern 1770-1920 by Tomkowiak, Ingrid
Rediscovering Forgotten Radicals: British Women Writers, 1889-1939 by
Loathsome Jews and Engulfing Women: Metaphors of Projection in the Works of Wyndham Lewis, Charles Williams, and Graham Greene by Loewenstein, Andrea Freud
Reading Raymond Carver by Runyon, Randolph Paul
The Economy of Literature by Shell, Marc
What Does a Woman Want?: Reading and Sexual Difference by Felman, Shoshana
Adriatische Rosemund by Zesen, Philipp Von
Heretics and Hellraisers: Women Contributors to the Masses, 1911-1917 by Jones, Margaret C.
Venice West: The Beat Generation in Southern California by Maynard, John Arthur
Reading Freud's Reading by
Djuna Barnes by
A Bloomsbury Group Reader: The Methods, Ideals and Politics of Social Inquiry by
Fin(s) de Siecle in Scandinavian Perspective: Studies in Honor of Harald S. Naess by
Johann Hellwig: A Descriptive Bibliography by Reinhart, Max
English Studies in Transition: Papers from the Inaugural Conference of the European Society for the Study of English by
The Seduction of the Mediterranean: Writing, Art and Homosexual Fantasy by Aldrich, Robert
The Colonial Rise of the Novel by Azim, Firdous
Andreas Capellanus on Love by Capellanus, Andreas
Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey, from the Greeks to the Present by Carlson, Marvin A.
Theories of the Theatre by Carlson, Marvin
Akten Des Ersten Symposiums Deutschsprachiger Keltologen: (Gosen Bei Berlin, 8.-10. April 1992) by
Artistenkostüme: Zur Entwicklung Der Zirkus- Und Varietégarderobe Im 19. Jahrhundert by Schmitt, Christine
Innovation Und Originalität by
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