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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2012

Calling on God: Sacred Jewish Teachings For Seekers of All Faiths by Frydman, Pamela
An Introduction to the Study of the Tarot by Case, Paul Foster
The Cabala: Its Influence on Judaism and Christianity by Pick, Phd Bernhard
The Hasidic Tale by Nigal, Gedalyah
The Jewish Contribution to Civilization: Reassessing an Idea by
Jewish Preaching in Times of War, 1800 - 2001 by Saperstein, Marc
The British Left and Zionism: History of a Divorce by Kelemen, Paul
Jewish Philosophy: Perspectives and Retrospectives by
Revolution of the Jewish Spirit: How to Revive Ruakh in Your Spiritual Life, Transform Your Synagogue & Inspire Your Jewish Community by Halevi, Baruch, Frankel, Ellen
Revolution of the Jewish Spirit: How to Revive Ruakh in Your Spiritual Life, Transform Your Synagogue & Inspire Your Jewish Community by Halevi, Baruch, Frankel, Ellen
Living Jewishly: A Snapshot of a Generation by
Pitching in the Promised Land: A Story of the First and Only Season in the Israel Baseball League by Pribble, Aaron
The British Left and Zionism: History of a Divorce by Kelemen, Paul
Zohar Harakia by Duran, Shimon
Seasons of Our Joy: A Modern Guide to the Jewish Holidays by Waskow, Arthur O.
History Lessons: The Creation of American Jewish Heritage by Wenger, Beth S.
Judaism in Marcel Proust: Anti-Semitism, Philo-Semitism, and Judaic Perspectives in Art by Lustig, Bette H.
Hasidic Spirituality for a New Era: The Religious Writings of Hillel Zeitlin by
Alefbet Jewish Coloring Book for Grown ups: Color for stress relaxation, Jewish meditation, spiritual renewal, Shabbat peace, and healing by Schick, Aliyah
A Partisan History Of Judaism by Berger, Elmer
My Life in Jewish Renewal by Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman
The Language of Truth: The Torah Commentary of the Sefat Emet by Alter, Judah A.
The Stabilization of Rabbinic Culture, 100 C.E. -350 C.E.: Texts on Education and Their Late Antique Context by Hirshman, Marc
The Forgotten Jews of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana by Mills-Nichol, Carol
The Forgotten Jews of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana by Mills-Nichol, Carol
In Many Lands: Stories Of How The Scattered Jews Kept Their Festivals by Levinger, Elma Ehrlich
Ramban: His Life And Teachings by Chavel, Charles Ber
An Illustrated History of the Jewish People: The Epic 4,000-Year Story of the Jews, from the Ancient Patriarchs and Kings Through Centuries-Long Perse by Joffe, Lawrence
Judaism: A Brief Guide to Faith and Practice by Pace, Sharon
The Soul of Life: The Complete Neffesh Ha-chayyim by Of Volozhin, Rav Chayyim
Mount and Mountain: A Reverend and a Rabbi Talk about the Ten Commandments by Shapiro, Rami, Smith, Michael
The Book of GOD: For Men: Every Man's Handbook for Knowing GOD by Rose, Tov
Sayings of the Fathers: A Messianic Perspective on Pirkei Avot by Huey, William Mark
Anousim Awake! the Story of a Hidden Jewess. by Fenn, Gracia Serrano
Jesus or Yeshua: Exploring the Jewish Roots of Christianity by Lapides, Louis S.
The Social Life of the Hebrews (Routledge Revivals) by Day, Edward
Passing Life's Tests: Spiritual Reflections on the Trial of Abraham, the Binding of Isaac by Artson, Bradley Shavit
Passing Life's Tests: Spiritual Reflections on the Trial of Abraham, the Binding of Isaac by Artson, Bradley Shavit
Between Heschel and Buber: A Comparative Study by Meir, Ephraim, Even-Chen, Alexander
Babel' in Context: A Study in Cultural Identity by Sicher, Efraim
Anthonius Margaritha and the Jewish Faith: Jewish Life and Conversion in Sixteenth-Century Germany by Walton, Michael
Opening the Covenant: A Jewish Theology of Christianity by Kogan, Michael S.
The Life of Glückel of Hameln: A Memoir by
Davening: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Prayer by Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman
Davening: A Guide to Meaningful Jewish Prayer by Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman
Kabbalah Code: A True Adventure by Twyman, James F., Gruber, Philip
1 Enoch: The Hermeneia Translation by Nickelsburg, George W. E., VanderKam, James C.
The Politics of Jewish Commerce: Economic Thought and Emancipation in Europe, 1638 1848 by Karp, Jonathan
Hidden Manna: Matthew by Hinneh, Joshua
Beyond the Walls: Abraham Joshua Heschel and Edith Stein on the Significance of Empathy for Jewish-Christian Dialogue by Palmisano, Joseph
Textual Mirrors: Reflexivity, Midrash, and the Rabbinic Self by Stein, Dina
Philo of Alexandria's Exposition of the Tenth Commandment by Svebakken, Hans, Philo, Charles Duke
Israel's Inalienable Possessions by Baron, David
The Story Of The Aleph Beth by Diringer, David
When Will the Messiah Return? by McKee, J. K.
Nordau to NASDAQ: The Evolution of an Israeli High-Tech Start-Up by Einav, Ronit, Yahil-Wax, M.
Gender and Dialogue in the Rabbinic Prism by Kosman, Admiel
Freedom Doesn't Just Come Along with a Tree by Burnette, Joelle B.
Jewish and Brazilian Connections to New York, India, and Ecology: A Collection of Essays by Wainer, Ann Helen
Christian-Jewish Dialogue: The Next Steps by Braybrooke, Marcus
Essential Figures in the Talmud by Eisenberg, Ronald L.
Digging through History: Archaeology and Religion from Atlantis to the Holocaust by Freund, Richard A.
Word and Image in Medieval Kabbalah by Segol, M.
Word and Image in Medieval Kabbalah by Segol, M.
The Bible in Aramaic, Vol. 2: Based on Old Manuscripts and Printed Texts. Vols Iva-Ivb by
Complete Story of Purim by Mindel, Nissan
Возвращение к себе = Return to Me by Pinson, Dovber
Tendentious Hagiographies: Jewish Propagandist Fiction Bce by Chyutin, Michael
Marriage and Metaphor: Constructions of Gender in Rabbinic Literature by Labovitz, Gail
Emmanuel Levinas: A Philosophy of Exile by Doukhan, Abi
Story of Israel in the Book of Qohelet: Ecclesiastes as Cultural Memory by Barbour, Jennie
Weaving Your Thread in the Tapestry of Judaism by Green, Lev
Israel in Future Prophecy: Is There a Larger Restoration of the Kingdom to Israel? by McKee, J. K.
Replacement Theology by Looker Jr, Floyd R.
The Secret Legacy of Biblical Women: Revealing the Divine Feminine by Ribner, Melinda
Amazing Chesed: Living a Grace-Filled Judaism by Shapiro, Rami
Hating the Jews: The Rise of Antisemitism in the 21st Century by Rickman, Gregg
A Strange and Separate People by Marans, Jon
The Future of the Jewish People in Five Photographs by Temes, Peter S.
Singer's Typewriter and Mine: Reflections on Jewish Culture by Stavans, Ilan
Amazing Chesed: Living a Grace-Filled Judaism by Shapiro, Rami
Pride Versus Prejudice: Jewish Doctors and Lawyers in England, 1890 - 1990 by Cooper, John
Early Judaism: A Comprehensive Overview by
Yiddish-English/English-Yiddish Dictionary & Phrasebook by Szabo, Vera
Isaac on Jewish and Christian Altars: Polemic and Exegesis in Rashi and the Glossa Ordinaria by Schoenfeld, Devorah
Pilgerwege ins Heilige Land: Beitraege zur Religionsgeografie der Alten Kirche by
Time and the Biblical Hebrew Verb: The Expression of Tense, Aspect, and Modality in Biblical Hebrew by Cook, John A.
Abraham Joshua Heschel--Philosopher of Wonder by Friedman, Maurice
Abraham Joshua Heschel--Philosopher of Wonder by Friedman, Maurice
The Memory of the Temple and the Making of the Rabbis by Cohn, Naftali S.
T'was The Last Night of Hanukkah by Cyr, Elezabeth Cameron
The Discipline of Philosophy and the Invention of Modern Jewish Thought by Goetschel, Willi
This Noble House: Jewish Descendants of King David in the Medieval Islamic East by Franklin, Arnold E.
Jews in Nigeria by Miles, William F. S.
The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volume Seven by
Becoming Frum: How Newcomers Learn the Language and Culture of Orthodox Judaism by Benor, Sarah Bunin
Avodah: An Anthology of Ancient Poetry for Yom Kippur by Swartz, Michael D., Yahalom, Joseph
Becoming Frum: How Newcomers Learn the Language and Culture of Orthodox Judaism by Benor, Sarah Bunin
Ancient Book of Enoch by Johnson, Ken
Studien zum althebräischen Buchwesen und zur bibischen Literaturgeschichte by Blau, Ludwig
La construcción del Antiguo Israel by Amado, Raúl Oscar
Lubavitcher Messianism: What Really Happens When Prophecy Fails? by Dein, Simon
El Arbol mas Alla del Espacio: El Rebe Najman de Breslov sobre la Experiencia Mistica by Sears, David
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 25: Jews in the Former Grand Duchy of Lithuania Since 1772 by
Next Year in Marienbad: The Lost Worlds of Jewish Spa Culture by Zadoff, Mirjam
Jewish History: an essay in the philosophy of history by Dubnow, S. M. (Simon Markovich)
The Rise of Modern Jewish Politics: Extraordinary Movement by Monaco, C. S.
Hammo'ad: The Appointed Time by Wills, Rick L.
Los Zapatos del Profeta Job by Albarran P. Daniel
Heinrich Heine Und Die Diaspora: Der Zeitschriftsteller Im Kulturellen Raum Der Jüdischen Minderheit by Fritzlar, Lydia
The Invention of the "Palestinians" [The Revised Edition]: 27 Theses They Won't Let You Hear Argued at the University on Israelophobia, Judaism, the M by Laor, Emmett
The Blue And White Road: A Path to A Fulfilling Jewish Life by Simon, Rabbi Michael C.
Interpretaciones Biblicas Sefaradies by Ayala Serrano, Lauro Eduardo
God's Kindness Has Overwhelmed Us: A Contemporary Doctrine of the Jews as the Chosen People by Gellman
Her Glory All Within: Rejecting and Transforming Orthodoxy in Israeli and American Jewish Women's Fiction by Landress, Barbara
Judaica Jewish Coloring Book for Grown Ups: Color for stress relaxation, Jewish meditation, spiritual renewal, Shabbat peace, and healing by Schick, Aliyah
Jewish Humor on Your Desktop: The Complete Collection by Kustanowitz, Al
Jewish Music and Modernity by Bohlman, Philip Vilas
Jewish Theology in Our Time: A New Generation Explores the Foundations and Future of Jewish Belief by
Tesoros Ocultos: Como Concretar Nuestro Potencial by Kramer, Jaim
Sintesis del Likutey Moharan: Kitzur Likutey Moharan by de Breslov, Natan, de Breslov, Najman
Hanukkah Seder by Lesser, Carly
Oxford Handbook of the Dead Sea Scrolls by
Rashi by Liber, Maurice
A Traves del Fuego y del Agua: La Vida de Reb Noson de Breslov by Kramer, Jaim
La Tora del Rebe Najman - Genesis: Ideas de Breslov sobre la Lectura Semanal de la Tora by Kramer, Jaim, De Breslov, Rebe Najman
Jewish Humor on Your Desktop: Volume 5: Yiddish is a Funny Language by Kustanowitz, Al
La Tora del Rebe Najman - Exodo-Levitico: Ideas de Breslov sobre la Lectura Semanal de la Tora by De Breslov, Rebe Najman, Kramer, Jaim
El Jardin de las Almas: El Rabí Najmán sobre el Sufrimiento by De Breslov, Rabi Najman
Educational Theory and Jewish Studies in Conversation: From Volozhin to Buczacz by Shapiro, Harvey
Rashi by Liber, Maurice
Your Name Is Your Blessing: Hebrew Names and Their Mystical Meanings by Blech, Benjamin, Blech, Elaine
Bukharan Jews and the Dynamics of Global Judaism by Cooper, Alanna E.
Bukharan Jews and the Dynamics of Global Judaism by Cooper, Alanna E.
Coincidences in the Bible and in Biblical Hebrew by Shore, Haim
Coincidences in the Bible and in Biblical Hebrew by Shore, Haim
The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians by Pranaitis, I. B.
La Salvacion Viene de los Judios: El Papel del judaismo en la Historia de la Salvacion desde Abraham hasta la Segunda Venida by Schoeman, Roy
Tefilin: Un discurso jasídico por el Rabí Natán de Breslov by Greenbaum, Abraham, De Breslov, Rabi Natan
Jewish Humor on Your Desktop: Israel is a Funny Country by Kustanowitz, Al
Jewish Humor on Your Desktop: Jewish Holiday Hilarity by Kustanowitz, Al
Marc Chagalls Kunst aus rabbinischer Sicht: Zwei Bildbetrachtungen by Yehoud-Desel, Efraim
Jews & Diaspora Nationalism: Writings on Jewish Peoplehood in Europe and the United States by
Tzadik: Un Retrato del Rabi Najman by De Breslov, Rebe Najman, De Breslov, Rabi Natan
Desperately Seeking Salvation: Prophetic Scriptures from the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms by Guthrie, Janiel
Jewish History: an essay in the philosophy of history by Dubnow, S. M. (Simon Markovich)
Philo of Alexandria, on Virtues by Wilson, Walter T.
Jewish Literature and Other Essays by Karpeles, Gustav
Haskalah: The Romantic Movement in Judaism Volume 3 by Litvak, Olga
Bilder des Jüdischen by
The Synagogue Survival Kit by Wagner, Jordan Lee
Johannes Reuchlin and the Campaign to Destroy Jewish Books by Price, David H.
Haskalah: The Romantic Movement in Judaism Volume 3 by Litvak, Olga
Jewish Humor on Your Desktop: Humor in Jewish Life by Kustanowitz, Al
Bajo La Mesa y Como Subir de Alli: Senderos de Crecimiento Espiritual en el Judaismo by Greenbaum, Avraham
Daily Reflections on Idolatry: Reading Tractate Avodah Zarah of the Babylonian Talmud by Fogel, Joshua A.
Metzler Lexikon Der Deutsch-Jüdischen Literatur: Jüdische Autorinnen Und Autoren Deutscher Sprache Von Der Aufklärung Bis Zur Gegenwart by
Ancient Moon Wisdom: The Kabbalistic Wheel of Astro Mystery and its Relationship to the Human Experience by Maron, Miriam
Arubot Hashamayim (the Floodgates of Heaven): The Ancient Jewish Secret of Living in Overflowing Blessings by Stepakoff, Michael
Thirteen Articles of Jewish Faith Everyday: with The Ten Commandments by Stein, Joseph
Jewish Humor on Your Desktop: Jewish Traces in Unexpected Places by Kustanowitz, Al
The Path of a Kabbalist by Halevi, Z'Ev Ben Shimon
Choosing Yiddish: New Frontiers of Language and Culture by
The Intellectual History and Rabbinic Culture of Medieval Ashkenaz by Kanarfogel, Ephraim
Other and Brother: Jesus in the 20th-Century Jewish Literary Landscape by Stahl, Neta
Jewish Bodies, German Bodies by Silbert Ariel
This Jewish Life by Darvick, Debra B.
Jewish Humor on Your Desktop: Old Jokes and New Comedians by Kustanowitz, Al
Donde La Tierra y El Cielo Se Besan: Una Guía para la Senda de Meditación del Rebe Najman by Bergman, Ozer
Die Sprache der Judenfeindschaft im 21. Jahrhundert by Reinharz, Jehuda, Schwarz-Friesel, Monika
And Every Single One Was Someone by Chernofsky, Phil
Challenge of Received Tradition: Dilemmas of Interpretation in Radak's Biblical Commentaries by Grunhaus, Naomi
Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality by
Rahel Varnhagen by Key, Ellen
Rabbi Nachman's Tikun HaKlali: The Ten Psalms by Elias, Daniel Aaron
Practical Wisdom from Kabbalah and Edgar Cayce by Chiprut, Elliot
Messianic Prayerbook by Looker Jr, Ray
The Geologist of the Soul: Talks on Rebbe-craft and Spiritual Leadership by Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman
Thoughts From A Unicorn: 100% Black. 100% Jewish. 0% Safe. by
Messianic Code of Jewish Law by Looker Jr, Ray