• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

German History in 1991

Missing Marx by Marcuse, Peter
Missing Marx by Marcuse, Peter
Panzer Commander: The Memoirs of Colonel Hans Von Luck by Luck, Hans Von
Produktivkräfte in Deutschland 1800 Bis 1870 by
Jahresberichte Für Deutsche Geschichte. Neue Folge. Band 40, Jahrgang 1988 by
Westliche Oberlausitz Zwischen Kamenz Und Königswartha: Ergebnisse Der Heimatkundlichen Bestandsaufnahme in Den Gebieten Bernsdorf, Wittichenau, Kamen by
Proletarians and Politics: Socialism, Protest and the Working Class in Germany Before the First World War by Ltd, Palgrave MacMillan
Bismarck. Second Edition by Waller, Bruce
The German Reformation: The Essential Readings by
Stadt Und Kultur: Symposion Aus Anlaß Des 700jährigen Bestehens Der Stadt Düsseldorf by
Die Bundesrepublik in Den Achtziger Jahren: Innenpolitik. Politische Kultur. Außenpolitik by
America's Germany: John J. McCloy and the Federal Republic of Germany by Schwartz, Thomas Alan
The Jewish Response to German Culture: From the Enlightenment to the Second World War by Reinharz, Jehuda
The Wars of German Unification 1864 - 1871 by Hearder, Harry, Carr, William
Unwelcome Strangers: East European Jews in Imperial Germany by Wertheimer, Jack
The Course of German Nationalism: From Frederick the Great to Bismarck 1763-1867 by Schulze, Hagen
Germany East: Dissent and Opposition by Allen, Bruce
The German Communists and the Rise of Nazism by Fischer, C.
Landgemeinde Und Stadtgemeinde in Mitteleuropa by
Enemy in Our Midst: Germans in Britain During the First World War by Panayi, Panikos
Hitler: A Study in Tyranny by Bullock, Alan
Altständisches Bürgertum zwischen Beharrung und Wandel by Hahn, Hans-Werner
Imperial Germany 1890 - 1918 by Porter, Ian, Armour, Ian D.
Politics and the Sciences of Culture in Germany, 1840-1920 by Smith, Woodruff D.
Quartierbildung in der Urbanisierung by Bleek, Stephan
Princes and Territories in Medieval Germany by Arnold, Benjamin
Wilhelm II and the Germans: A Study in Leadership by Kohut, Thomas A.
The Making of the Jewish Middle Class: Women, Family, and Identity in Imperial Germany by Kaplan, Marion A.
Germany and the Second World War: Volume II: Germany's Initial Conquests in Europe by
Jewish Life in Germany: Memoirs from Three Centuries by
The Great Country Houses of Central Europe: Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland by Pratt, Michael
The Germans by Craig, Gordon A.
Germany in the Early Middle Ages c. 800-1056 by Reuter, Timothy
Germany under the Old Regime 1600-1790 by Gagliardo, John G.
Mechanized Juggernaut or Military Anachronism?: Horses and the German Army of World War II by Dinardo, Richard L.
Der Schwierige Weg Zur Demokratie: Vom Ende Der DDR Zur Deutschen Einheit by Glaeßner, Gert-Joachim
Crown, Church and Estates: Central European Politics in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by
A History of Germany 1815-1990 by Carr, William
Two States--One Nation? by Grass, Günter
German Essays on History: Hegel, Ranke, Spengler, and Others by Sheehan, James J.
The Racial State: Germany 1933-1945 by Wippermann, Wolfgang, Burleigh, Michael
The Holy Household: Women and Morals in Reformation Augsburg by Roper, Lyndal
Weimar Prussia, 1925-1933: The Illusion of Strength by Orlow, Dietrich
Zäsuren nach 1945 by
Jews in Eastern Poland and the Ussr, 1939-46 by
Hitler. Reden, Schriften, Anordnungen. Band I-VI Und Ergänzungsband by
Hitler. Reden, Schriften, Anordnungen, Band I, Die Wiedergründung der NSDAP Februar 1925 - Juni 1926 by
August 1927 - Mai 1928 by