• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Genetics in 2021

A Practical Guide To The Forensic Examination Of Hair: From Crime Scene To Court by Robertson, James R., Brooks, Elizabeth
The Rye Genome by
Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation by
Statistical Analysis of Microbiome Data by
Essential Genes and Genomes: Methods and Protocols by
Structural Genomics: General Applications by
Rice Research for Quality Improvement: Genomics and Genetic Engineering: Volume 1: Breeding Techniques and Abiotic Stress Tolerance by
Introduction to Molecular Genomics by Hassan, Faiz-Ul, Javed, Maryam, Nadeem, Asif
Genetically Modified Crops: Current Status, Prospects and Challenges Volume 1 by
A Monograph of Paris (Melanthiaceae): Morphology, Biology, Systematics and Taxonomy by Ji, Yunheng
Moderne Biopolitik als liberale Auslegung staatlicher Eugenik?: Ein Vergleich "eugenischer"Maßnahmen des Nationalsozialismus mit gegenwärtiger Humange by Anonym
Cotton Science and Processing Technology: Gene, Ginning, Garment and Green Recycling by
Conservation Genetics of New World Crocodilians by
Research Like a Pro with DNA: A Genealogist's Guide to Finding and Confirming Ancestors with DNA Evidence by Wirthlin, Robin, Elder, Diana, Dyer, Nicole E.
Protocols in Advanced Genomics and Allied Techniques by Pal, Aruna
Decoding the World: A Roadmap for Our Times by Bronson, Po, Gupta, Arvind
Emerging Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture: Roles in Stress Tolerance by
Body, Parentage and Character in History: Notes on the Tudor Period by Jordan, Furneaux
Yellow Perch, Walleye, and Sauger: Aspects of Ecology, Management, and Culture by
Once Can Be Enough: Decisive Experiments, No Replication Required by Franklin, Allan, Laymon, Ronald
Genomics in Biosecurity: Principles and Applications of Genomic Technologies in Expanded Biosecurity Concepts by Kambouris, Manousos E.
Panicle Architecture of Rice and Its Relationship with Grain Filling by Mohapatra, Pravat K., Sahu, Binod Bihari
Deterministic, Stochastic and Thermodynamic Modelling of Some Interacting Species by Samanta, Guruprasad
Cryptic Orchid: (Part 1) by Henderson, Eric R.
Ma vie sur cette terre by Vadeleau, Brigitte
Viroids: Methods and Protocols by
Genes, Genomes and Society: From Farming to Gene Editing and Beyond by Wünschiers, Röbbe
Plant Chemical Genomics: Methods and Protocols by
Antibodies and their role in therapeutics by Bansal, Roohi
Rhizobiology: Molecular Physiology of Plant Roots by
Biocomputing 2022 by
The Moso Bamboo Genome by
Emerging Trends in Plant Pathology by
Weighing the Future: Race, Science, and Pregnancy Trials in the Postgenomic Era Volume 9 by Valdez, Natali
Transcriptomics from Aquatic Organisms to Humans by
Weighing the Future: Race, Science, and Pregnancy Trials in the Postgenomic Era Volume 9 by Valdez, Natali
RNA Polymerases as Molecular Motors: On the Road by
The Cucumber Genome by
Functional Analysis of Long Non-Coding Rnas: Methods and Protocols by
Heterogeneity in Statistical Genetics: How to Assess, Address, and Account for Mixtures in Association Studies by Gordon, Derek, Finch, Stephen J., Kim, Wonkuk
The Carnation Genome by
Tea: Genome and Genetics by Mondal, Tapan Kumar
Darwin's Reach: 21st Century Applications of Evolutionary Biology by Johnson, Norman A.
Darwin's Reach: 21st Century Applications of Evolutionary Biology by Johnson, Norman A.
The Genetics of God: Word Became Flesh: A Scientist Explains How God Became Man by Rose, Sam