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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2024

Latin America and the Transports of Opera: Fragments of a Transatlantic Discourse by Díaz, Roberto Ignacio
Che Guevara on Economics and Politics in the Transition to Socialism by Tablada, Carlos
Radicalization, Terrorism, and Countering Extremism: Theory and Practice by Ahmad, Haval, Christie, Kenneth
The Nature-Study Idea: And Related Writings by Bailey, Liberty Hyde
The Nature-Study Idea: And Related Writings by Bailey, Liberty Hyde
Confident Identities, Connected Communities: Building Cohesion Through Shared Experiences by
Assessing the CHARACTER of Candidates for National Political Office: In Search of a Collaborative Spirit by Hilsman, Gordon J.
Jim's Blog: Volume 1 by Jim
Addressing Social Problems: Advocacy at Work by Horsfall, Sara Towe
Jewish Entanglements in the Atlantic World by
Selling the Future: Community, Hope, and Crisis in the Early History of Japanese Life Insurance by Moran, Ryan
Admitted Assassin by Edwards, Brian K., White, Ricky, Shaw, J. Gary
Warmonger: How Clinton's Malign Foreign Policy Launched the Us Trajectory from Bush II to Biden by Kuzmarov, Jeremy
The Internet Left: Ideology in the Age of Social Media by Harrison, Graham
Revenant Ecologies: Defying the Violence of Extinction and Conservation by Mitchell, Audra
The Politics of Feeling in Brexit Britain: Stories from the Mass Observation Project by Moss, Jonathan, Robinson, Emily, Watts, Jake
Beyond Nudge: Advancing the State-Of-The-Art of Behavioural Public Policy and Administration by
Latin American Foreign Policies in the New World Order: The Active Non-Alignment Option by
Organising for Change: Social Change Makers and Social Change Organisations by Roth, Silke, Saunders, Clare
The Trouble with Jokes: Humour and Offensiveness in Contemporary Culture and Politics by Butler, Nick
A Godfather's Game by Zen, Nvl
Les Brics: La Base d'Un Nouvel Ordre Mondial by Akpity, Bienvenu
Никмам Паладин Мира by Перес, Фел&#
Nicmam Champion de la Paix by Pérez, Félix H.
Nicmam Champion of Peace by Pérez, Félix H.
Nicmam Campione di pace by Pérez, Félix H.
Nicmam Campeão da Paz by Pérez, Félix H.
Nicmam - Meister des Friedens by Pérez, Félix H.
Produtividade dos cientistas em matéria de investigação by Borthakur, Jyotika
Forschungsproduktivität der Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler by Borthakur, Jyotika
Productivité de la recherche des scientifiques by Borthakur, Jyotika
Produttività della ricerca degli scienziati by Borthakur, Jyotika
Научная продуктивность & by Бортхаку&#10
Analyse der Beteiligung der UN an der Gründung des PNRSE by Canizales Velandia, Mariana
Analysis of the UN's Involvement in the Formation of the PNRSE by Canizales Velandia, Mariana
Analyse de l'implication de l'ONU dans la formation du PNRSE by Canizales Velandia, Mariana
Analisi del coinvolgimento delle Nazioni Unite nella formazione del PNRSE by Canizales Velandia, Mariana
Análise do envolvimento da ONU na formação do PNRSE by Canizales Velandia, Mariana
Анализ участия ООН в фор&#1084 by Канизале&#10
Improving the Effectiveness of U.S. Coast Guard International-Affairs Efforts by Hoch, Emily, Weilant, Sarah, Savitz, Scott
Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections by Perron, Louis
Redeveloping China's Villages in the Twenty-First Century: The Dilemmas of Policy Implementation by Rosenberg, Lior
Revenant Ecologies: Defying the Violence of Extinction and Conservation by Mitchell, Audra
Environmentalism from Below: How Global People's Movements Are Leading the Fight for Our Planet by Dawson, Ashley
Beyond Complicity: Why We Blame Each Other Instead of Systems by Banner, Francine
The Political Economy of Food System Transformation: Pathways to Progress in a Polarized World by
The Message: A Time for Repair and Reward in Texas Communities by Foster, Jack Daniel, Jr.
The Project-State and Its Rivals: A New History of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries by Maier, Charles S.
The Project-State and Its Rivals: A New History of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries by Maier, Charles S.
Movement Makers: How Young Activists Upended the Politics of Climate Change Second edition by Engelfried, Nick
As Gods Among Men: A History of the Rich in the West by Alfani, Guido
As Gods Among Men: A History of the Rich in the West by Alfani, Guido
Proxy War Ethics: The Norms of Partnering in Great Power Competition by Pfaff, C. Anthony
A Woman's Life Is a Human Life: My Mother, Our Neighbor, and the Journey from Reproductive Rights to Reproductive Justice by Kornbluh, Felicia
Russia and Ukraine: Entangled Histories, Diverging States by Shevel, Oxana, Popova, Maria
In the Name of Sharks by Sarano, François
Not by Politics Alone: The Other Lenin by Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media's Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption by Marlow, Alex
Woke: An Evangelical Guide to Postmodernism, Liberalism, Critical Race Theory, and More by Stackhouse, John G., Jr.
A love story VIS-A-VIS Our Book by Snow, Daisy
Pegasus: How a Spy in Your Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and Democracy by Richard, Laurent, Rigaud, Sandrine
Russia and Ukraine: Entangled Histories, Diverging States by Popova, Maria, Shevel, Oxana
The Politics of Feeling in Brexit Britain: Stories from the Mass Observation Project by Moss, Jonathan, Robinson, Emily, Watts, Jake
Environmentalism from Below: How Global People's Movements Are Leading the Fight for Our Planet by Dawson, Ashley
A History of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Parties by Torrance, David
Data-Driven Campaigning and Political Parties: Five Advanced Democracies Compared by Kefford, Glenn, Kruschinski, Simon, Dommett, Katharine
The Great Escape: A True Story of Forced Labor and Immigrant Dreams in America by Soni, Saket
Imperialism and the National Question by Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
Limitarianism: The Case Against Extreme Wealth by Robeyns, Ingrid
Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains by Waller, J. Michael
The Digital Double Bind: Change and Stasis in the Middle East by Zayani, Mohamed, Khalil, Joe F.
The Alternative: How to Build a Just Economy by Romeo, Nick
50 Democracy Ideas You Really Need to Know by Fleming, Adam
Beyond Complicity: Why We Blame Each Other Instead of Systems by Banner, Francine
January 6: How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror Against the Political Right: How Democrats Used the C by Kelly, Julie
Blackbirds Singing: Inspiring Black Women's Speeches from the Civil War to the Twenty-First Century by Bell, Janet Dewart
Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture by Chayka, Kyle
The Maga Diaries: My Surreal Adventures Inside the Right-Wing (and How I Got Out) by Nguyen, Tina
Understanding China's New Common Prosperity: Significance, Connotations, and Goals by Fei, Wang, Yuanchun, Liu, Yang, Song
American Monetary Policy Adjustment and Its Impacts by Weiping, Liu
America Is On Trial!: Please Vote!! by Butler, Robert
Defending the Dream: The Unending Battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way! by Russell, James
Foundations of National Security Theory by Mosbah, Ameur
Policy-Dynamiken Im Exekutivföderalismus: Handlungsspielräume Von Landesregierungen Zur Gestaltung Der Digitalen Transformation Der Arbeitswelt by Berzel, Alexander
نظرية العلاقات الدولية by زهير جاسم, &, ياسين مزع&#1
L'Afrique en manque d'Opposants Politiques by Akoa, André Majors
Freiheit und Wirtschaft: die Ansichten von Hayek und Sen by Lopes de Souza, Adriano
Свобода и экономика: взг&#1083 by Лопес де С&#
Liberdade e economia: os pontos de vista de Hayek e Sen by Lopes de Souza, Adriano
Libertà ed economia: il punto di vista di Hayek e Sen by Lopes de Souza, Adriano
Liberté et économie: les points de vue de Hayek et Sen by Lopes de Souza, Adriano
Убийственная сила слова by Шустер Ло&#1
Die tödliche Macht des Wortes in Hutu-Tutsi-Konflikten by Schuster López, Yona
Le pouvoir meurtrier de la parole dans les conflits entre Hutus et Tutsis by Schuster López, Yona
The killing power of the word in conflicts between Hutus and Tutsis by Schuster López, Yona
Il potere di uccidere della parola nei conflitti tra Hutu e Tutsi by Schuster López, Yona
O Poder Assassino da Palavra nos Conflitos Hutu-Tutsi by Schuster López, Yona
Navigating the Tension Between Sovereignty and Self-Determination in Postcolonial Africa: Blueprints for the Midcentury by Aka, Philip C.
Ministerial Leadership: Practice, Performance and Power by Andrews, Leighton
Problems in Paradise?: Changes and Challenges to Swedish Democracy by
The Good Die Young: The Verdict on Henry Kissinger by
Bandwagoning in International Relations: China, Russia, and Their Neighbors by Motin, Dylan
Liberty Paradox: Living with the Responsibilities of Freedom by Kinley, David
The Resilience of Parliamentary Politics in Kuwait: Parliament, Rentierism, and Society by Freer, Courtney
The Politics of Cross-Border Mobility in Southeast Asia by Ford, Michele
Mapping Sustainable Development Goals for Children in India: Progress and Present Challenges by Das, Khanindra Ch, Dutta, Swati
The European Integration, Vol. 1: History by Liargovas, Panagiotis, Papageorgiou, Christos
China and Iran Readjust Relations: Economic Implications of the Suspended Nuclear Deal by Azad, Shirzad
The Dangerous Cult of Donald J. Trump by Payne, Daniel
Российско-китайский аль& by Фабело Ко&#1
Das russisch-chinesische Bündnis in der Neuordnung Eurasiens by Fabelo Concepción, Sunamis
L'alliance russo-chinoise dans la reconfiguration de l'Eurasie by Fabelo Concepción, Sunamis
Digitales Regieren und New Public Management by Zuñiga Olivares, Eduardo Daniel, Olivera, José Fernández, Gonzàlez Rosellò, Ana Karelia
Digital Governance and New Public Management by Zuñiga Olivares, Eduardo Daniel, Olivera, José Fernández, Gonzàlez Rosellò, Ana Karelia
Gouvernance numérique et nouvelle gestion publique by Olivera, José Fernández, Gonzàlez Rosellò, Ana Karelia, Zuñiga Olivares, Eduardo Daniel
Цифровое управление и но by Оливера, Х&#, Гонсалес &#1, Зуньига О&#1
Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism by Bertrand Russell
Sustainable Development and the Role of Civil Society by Elgundi, Hanan, Ismail, Shaymaa, Fouad, Zakaria
Körper Und Emotionen in Bewegung: Migrationsgesellschaftliche Perspektiven Auf Bildung, Politik Und Familie by
A aliança russo-chinesa na reconfiguração da Eurásia by Fabelo Concepción, Sunamis
L'alleanza russo-cinese nella riconfigurazione dell'Eurasia by Fabelo Concepción, Sunamis
Governance digitale e nuova gestione pubblica by Zuñiga Olivares, Eduardo Daniel, Olivera, José Fernández, Gonzàlez Rosellò, Ana Karelia
Governação digital e nova gestão pública by Zuñiga Olivares, Eduardo Daniel, Olivera, José Fernández, Gonzàlez Rosellò, Ana Karelia
Sport in Hong Kong: Culture, Identity, and Policy by
Conspiracy and Power by Di Cesare, Donatella
Critical Incident Review: Active Shooter at Robb Elementary School by U S Department of Justice
The Politics of Cross-Border Mobility in Southeast Asia by Ford, Michele
The Colonate in the Roman Empire by Sirks, Boudewijn
EU Lobbying Handbook by Geiger, Alber
Choices: A Journey towards A More Perfect Union by Doern, John O.
Politics of the North Korean Diaspora by Greitens, Sheena Chestnut
Theorizing in Comparative Politics by Hyden, Goran
Immigration, Security, and the Liberal State by Lahav, Gallya, Messina, Anthony M.
Netanyahu vs The Generals by Ziv, Guy
Immigration, Security, and the Liberal State by Lahav, Gallya, Messina, Anthony M.
Politics of the North Korean Diaspora by Greitens, Sheena Chestnut
The Russian-Chinese alliance in the reconfiguration of Eurasia by Fabelo Concepción, Sunamis
Indigenous Peoples and the Future of Federalism by
Conspiracy and Power by Di Cesare, Donatella
In the Name of Sharks by Sarano, François
The Spaces in Between: Indigenous Sovereignty Within the Canadian State by Schouls, Tim
The Spaces in Between: Indigenous Sovereignty Within the Canadian State by Schouls, Tim
Netanyahu vs The Generals by Ziv, Guy
Living Better Together: Social Relations and Economic Governance in the Work of Ostrom and Zelizer by
Calendrier Africain De La Paix by Transetti, Marion
Regulating Fair Competition Toward Sustainable Development Goals by
Politische Expertenkultur in Deutschland Und Polen: Politik, Beratung Und Lobbyismus Im Vergleich by
Navigating Nationality: Exploring the Role and Uses of National Self-Description for Zimbabwean Migrants in South Africa by Kögel, Johannes
History of the White Australia Policy to 1920 by Willard, Myra
Ein liberales Manifest: Sieben Prinzipien und einige Klarstellungen by Von Prollius, Michael
Global Governance in the New Era: Concepts and Approaches by
Market, Ethics and Religion: The Market and Its Limitations by
Globalisation, Values Education and Teaching Democracy by
Gender Competent Public Law and Policies by
Ländliches Finanzwesen in Nigeria: Eine umfassende Untersuchung by Wachukwu, Iheneacho Princewill, Iwedi, Marshal
La finanza rurale in Nigeria: Un'esplorazione completa by Wachukwu, Iheneacho Princewill, Iwedi, Marshal
The Dawn of War in South Korea (1947-1950): The South Korean Workers' Party and the April Third Massacre by Jo, Kyu-Hyun
Philosophizing the Indefensible: Strategic Political Theory by Nili, Shmuel
Principles of International Energy Transition Law by Sourgens, Frédéric G., Sempertegui, Leonardo
The Coloniality of the Secular: Race, Religion, and Poetics of World-Making by An, Yountae
The Coloniality of the Secular: Race, Religion, and Poetics of World-Making by An, Yountae
Party People: Candidates and Party Evolution by Köker, Philipp, Sikk, Allan
Centrist Anti-Establishment Parties and Their Struggle for Survival by Engler, Sarah
The Biological Weapons Taboo by Bentley, Michelle
From Empires To Nations: Geopolitics by Sheroy, Ehsan
Controlling Territory, Controlling Voters: The Electoral Geography of African Campaign Violence by Wahman, Michael
The Political Economy of Reforms and the Remaking of the Proletarian Class in China, 1980s-2010s: Demystifying China's Society and Social Classes in t by Huang, Shan Shanne
Freedom from Fear: On the Record about Covid Hysteria, God, Fascism, and the West by Sutton, Michael John
Secularism How India Reshaped the Idea by Rajan, Nalini
L'idée de patrie à travers les siècles by Du Bled, Victor
Les Comédiens et la société polie by Du Bled, Victor
Le Prince de Ligne by Du Bled, Victor
Les Comédiennes de la cour by Du Bled, Victor
Une Industrie pastorale by Du Bled, Victor
Un Client de l'Ancien Régime by Du Bled, Victor
Radical Left Parties and National Identity in Spain, Italy and Portugal: Rejecting or Reclaiming the Nation by Custodi, Jacopo
Humanizing the Cold War Campus by -Clift, Peter Justin Kizilos
Political Transition in Ghana: Substantial Lessons for Africa by Samuel Esambe, Koge
Fraternity: Constitutional Norms and Human Need by Gandhi, Rajmohan
Pirates History: The History of the Pirates That Plagued the New World (The True and Surprising Story of the Pirates of the Caribbean) by McClellan, John
The Iran Nuclear Deal: Non-Proliferation and Us-Iran Conflict Resolution by Khan, Saira
The Way the Money Goes: The Fiscal Constitution and Public Spending in the UK by Hood, Christopher, King, Maia, McLean, Iain
The Storm of Progress: Climate Change, Ai, and the Roots of Our Dangerous Ethical Myopia by Rowland, Wade
Decidim, a Technopolitical Network for Participatory Democracy: Philosophy, Practice and Autonomy of a Collective Platform in the Age of Digital Intel by Monterde, Arnau, Barandiaran, Xabier E., Calleja-López, Antonio
Potus 2024: The Road To The White House by Morgan, Celine
Benefits of Living in the United States by Gorsky, Patrick
The Legitimacy of International Reparations Claims from the Transatlantic Slave Trade. A Focus on Jamaica's Case against the United Kingdom by Bauer, Michael
Africa's Right to Development in a Climate-Constrained World by Makomere, Reuben, Atela, Joanes, Mbeva, Kennedy
Asian American Educators and Microaggressions: More Than Just Work(ers) by Wu, Andrew
Understanding Freedom in Today's America: The Spirit of Democracy by Woodrum, Randy
Carnival of Shame Reflections on the Conservative Fifty-Year Betrayal of America by Montpelier, M. G.
Carnival of Shame Reflections on the Conservative Fifty-Year Betrayal of America by Montpelier, M. G.
Transformation of Tax Audit in Innovative Economic Development: Analysis of Republic of Kazakhstan by Serikova, Madina, Sembiyeva, Lyazzat
AP Comparative Government and Politics Prep 2024: 4 Practice Tests and Study Guide for Getting a 5 [4th Edition] by McDivitt, G. T.
Green in Tooth and Claw: The Misanthropic Mission of Climate Alarm by McCrae, Niall
La Barbarie represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro: Tomo II by Gonzalez, Rodulfo
What I Heard by Ilangamuwa, Nilantha
宪政中国的当代叙事 (卷一) by 张千帆
宪政中国的当代叙事(卷四) by 张千帆
Genghis Khan: Le Parcours De Sa Vie, Ses Batailles, Ses Conquêtes, Ses Triomphes et Son Leadership Légendaire by History, Dazzlebug
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