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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2016

Fragments inédits sur Condorcet by Barni, Jules
Mein Trump: America's Favorite Fascist in His Own Words by X, Atticus
Breach of Faith by White, Theodore
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte: One of Karl Marx' Most Profound and Most Brilliant Monographs by Marx, Karl
US Africa Command, Changing Security Dynamics, and Perceptions of U.S. Africa Policy by United States Government
The United States Infantry Squad: Year 2015 by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Colle
Preventing War: Special Operations Engagement in Support of Security Sector Reform by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Colle
Restructuring Civil Affairs for Persistent Engagement by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Colle
The Effectiveness of Mao's Influence Operations at the Beginning of the Chinese Civil War by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Colle
Das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen. Chance für eine gerechtere Gesellschaft oder Verfestigung sozialer Ungleichheiten?: Eine Abwägung von Pro- und Cont by Wege, Elisa Lina
Engaging Stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development at University Level by
Who The !!!! Is Donald Trump Anyway: Know Your Sam Before You Uncle Him by Ja
Final Report on the audit of Peace Corps in Gambia by U. S. Peace Corps
Military Dissent: What are the Ethical Implications of Tensions in U.S. Civil-Military Relations? by United States Army Command and General S.
The Effects of U.S. National Security Strategy on Force Structure and the National Industrial Base: 1945-1960 by United States Army Command and General S.
Marshall Blinks: Operational Art and Strategic Vision by United States Army Command and General S.
THE APARTHEID REGIME IN ISRAEL - facts that should be known before boycotting: The big lie is exposed by Shashoua, Kobi
Contemporary Pakistan: Political System, Military and Changing Scenario by Prasad
Ursprung und Beginn der Revolutionskriege 1791 und 1792 by Ranke, Leopold Von
From the Garden to the Glass House: An Undiplomatic Look at the United Nations by Abbadi, Abdelkader K.
The View From First Mountain: A personal view of the Democracy Transition Program after the Croatian War of Independence by Hanne, William G.
Die voelkerrechtliche Klassifizierung bewaffneter Konflikte: Konflikttypen, Abgrenzungen sowie Rechtsfolgen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Planung und by Edlinger, Karl
The Trouble with Democracy: Political Modernity in the 21st Century by
Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation by
Post-Liberal Peace Transitions: Between Peace Formation and State Formation by Pogodda, Sandra, Richmond, Oliver P.
Divergent Pathways: Turkey and the European Union: Re-Thinking the Dynamics of Turkish-European Union Relations by Müftüler-Baç, Meltem
Cambria Press Catalog - Essential Books in Asian Studies 2016 by
Bosnian Genocide: The Essential Reference Guide by
Topologies of Power: Beyond Territory and Networks by Allen, John
New Mentalities of Government in China by
Wie neutral ist die Schweiz? Untersuchung des Einsatzes der Schweizer Armee in Kosovo (Swisscoy) by Giesen, Lucas
Unter welchen Bedingungen entsteht eine Kriegs- und Gewaltökonomie? Das Beispiel Kolumbien by Körner, Jan
On War and Democracy by Kutz, Christopher
Russian Aggression in Eastern Europe: Where Does Putin Go Next After Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova? by Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Secu
On Liberty: Original Edition of 1880 by Mill, John Stuart
Strategic Airpower as Operational Fires: Integrating Long-Range Bombers into Campaign Design by United States Army Command and General S.
HAMAS Through a Constructivist Lens by United States Army Command and General S.
9 Dangerous Ideas - Area 51 and Extra-Terrestrials by Ratzinger, Ratzinger
Bernie by Rall, Ted
Beyond Aid: The Integration of Sustainable Development in a Coherent International Agenda by Michel, James
China and the South China Sea: The Emergence of the Huaqing Doctrine by Durani Luis
When Globalization Fails by MacDonald, James
Once Upon a Revolution: An Egyptian Story by Cambanis, Thanassis
Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Radical Islam by De Varona, Frank
Analytical Gains of Geopolitical Economy by
Energy, Capitalism and World Order: Toward a New Agenda in International Political Economy by Di Muzio, Tim
Blood and Earth: Modern Slavery, Ecocide, and the Secret to Saving the World by Bales, Kevin
The Politics of Party Leadership: A Cross-National Perspective by
Unheeded Hinterland: Identity and sovereignty in Northeast India by
Argentinien nach der Militärdiktatur 1983. Wie konsolidiert ist die Demokratie wirklich?: Eine Fallstudie by Braemer, Christopher
Independent Politics: How American Disdain for Parties Leads to Political Inaction by Klar, Samara, Krupnikov, Yanna
Turning Texas Blue: What It Will Take to Break the GOP Grip on America's Reddest State by Rogers, Mary Beth
We Shall Not Be Moved: How Liverpool's Working Class Fought Redundancies, Closures and Cuts in the Age of Thatcher by Marren, Brian
The Ascent of Globalisation by Blutstein, Harry
Darstellung und Folgen von Verschwörungstheorien. Analyse der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 by Weigel, Albrecht
Leading Through Conflict: Into the Fray by
Citizenship, Belonging, and Nation-States in the Twenty-First Century by Stokes-Dupass, Nicole, Fruja, Ramona
Studies in Irish Radical Leadership: Lives on the Left by O'Connor, Emmet, Cunningham, John
Press Coverage of the Persian Gulf War: Historical Perspectives and Questions of Policy Beyond the Shadow of Vietnam by Naval Postgraduate School
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Pattern of Russian Liberal Reforms and its Implications for Russia and the United States by Naval Postgraduate School
Fair and Balanced: Should the Media Now be Considered A Legitimate Military Target Under the Law of Armed Conflict by Naval War College
Homosexuality, Morality, and Military Policy by Naval Postgraduate School
Die neue APO: Gefahren der Selbstintegration by Blankertz, Stefan
The Polythink Syndrome: U.S. Foreign Policy Decisions on 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Isis by Mintz, Alex, Wayne, Carly
The Polythink Syndrome: U.S. Foreign Policy Decisions on 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Isis by Mintz, Alex, Wayne, Carly
Malmedy Massacre Investigation by United States Senate Committee on Armed
Evolving Identity Politics and Cross-Strait Relations: Bridging Theories of International Relations and Nationalism by Zuo, Y.
Capital and Coercion: The Economic and Military Processes That Have Shaped the World Economy, 1800-1990 by Kentor, Jeffrey D.
Transforming Brazil: A History of National Development in the Postwar Era by Ioris, Rafael R.
Fall Of The British Empire. Eine Verkettung unglücklicher Umstände oder theoretisch erklärbar? by Freund, Philipp
The Asian Developmental State: Reexaminations and New Departures by
German Politics Today: Third Edition by Roberts, Geoffrey
Federalism in South Asia by Singh, Mahendra Prasad, Kukreja, Veena
Fluid Security in the Asia Pacific: Transnational Lives, Human Rights and State Control by Weber, Leanne, Tazreiter, Claudia, Pickering, Sharon
Debt as Power by Muzio, Tim Di, Robbins, Richard H.
Europäisierung Der Universität: Individuelle Akteure Und Institutioneller Wandel in Der Hochschule by Simoleit, Julia
Das Informationsfreiheitsgesetz. Proaktive Verwaltungstransparenz oder begrenzte Transparenz auf Nachfrage? by Jacobs, Malte Jannik
Ungarns Verfassungsänderungen und die Reaktionen der EU: Eine Beurteilung by Ammer, Joseph
Kann man Konflikte und Katastrophen voraussehen? Zu Risikoeinschätzungs- und Frühwarnsystemen (FWS): Über die Kunst, in die Zukunft zu schauen by Villwock, Benno Valentin
Albaniens möglicher Beitritt zur EU. Zwischen innerstaatlichem Europa-Idealismus und Stabilisierungserwägungen der EU?: Stand der Europäisierung im La by Gjura, Dora
Modern Classical Economics and Reality: A Spectral Analysis of the Theory of Value and Distribution by Tsoulfidis, Lefteris, Mariolis, Theodore
Globalization and Global Governance by Castle, Alan, Cora, Michael Dylan
Environmentalists: An Eyewitness Account from the Heart of America by Paulson, Steven D.
Angry White Woman by Kelly, Kramer
Howard Brookins The Alderman Visible In our Community: The man that is courageous enough to tell the truth by Knight Sr, Dan Edward
Die internationale Gemeinschaft und tertiäre Prävention auf dem Westbalkan: Von Dayton über Brüssel ins Niemandsland? - Der Comprehensive Approach auf by Jerkovic, Andrea
Heart to Heart with Asian Leaders: Exclusive Interviews on Crisis, Comebacks & Character by
Regionale Hegemonie oder Selbstüberschätzung? Der Auftritt Nigerias im liberianischen Bürgerkrieg by Wege, Elisa Lina
Boko Haram: The Socio-Economic Drivers by Onapajo, Hakeem, David, Ojochenemi J., Asuelime, Lucky E.
History of Development Thought: A Critical Anthology by
Religion, Community and Development: Changing Contours of Politics and Policy in India by
Grounding Morality: Freedom, Knowledge and the Plurality of Cultures by
The Language of Whiggism: Liberty and Patriotism, 1802-1830 by Chittick, Kathryn
Law and Imperialism: Criminality and Constitution in Colonial India and Victorian England by Nijhar, Preeti
The Rise of the Left in Southern Europe: Anglo-American Responses by Rizas, Sotiris
A Democratic Architecture for the Welfare State by Pestoff, Victor A.
Poetry as Resistance: Islam and Ethnicity in Postcolonial Pakistan by Langah, Nukhbah Taj
Conflict Society and Peacebuilding: Comparative Perspectives by
Barbed Wire: Borders and Partitions in South Asia by
Lives of Muslims in India: Politics, Exclusion and Violence by
Routeing Democracy in the Himalayas: Experiments and Experiences by
Political Transition and Development Imperatives in India by
Global Justice: Critical Perspectives by
Between Ethics and Politics: New Essays on Gandhi by
Resettling Displaced People: Policy and Practice in India by
'How Best Do We Survive?': A Modern Political History of the Tamil Muslims by McPherson, Kenneth
Water Resources Policies in South Asia by
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Violence: Naxalites and Hindu Extremists in India by Chitralekha
Empire of Political Thought: Indigenous Australians and the Language of Colonial Government by Buchan, Bruce
The Family in the Mediterranean Welfare States by Naldini, Manuela
Power and Influence in India: Bosses, Lords and Captains by
Ethnic Mobilisation and Violence in Northeast India by Saikia, Pahi
Social Protection Policies in South Asia by
The Maoist Movement in India: Perspectives and Counterperspectives by
Uncertainty in Policy Making: Values and Evidence in Complex Decisions by Heazle, Michael
The Performing Arts in Contemporary China by Mackerras, Colin
Security and South Asia: Ideas, Institutions and Initiatives by
Screening the Public Sphere: Media and Democracy in India by Saeed, Saima
India's National Security: Annual Review 2011 by
A Political Biography of Daniel Defoe by Owens, W. R., Furbank, P. N.
The Musical Iconography of Power in Seventeenth-Century Spain and Her Territories by Gonzalez, Sara
The Evolution of Strategic Thought: Classic Adelphi Papers by
Truth Recovery and Transitional Justice: Deferring Human Rights Issues by Kovras, Iosif
Semantics of Statebuilding: Language, Meanings and Sovereignty by
Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic: Regional Dynamics in a Global World by
Insurgent Sepoys: Europe Views the Revolt of 1857 by
Rethinking Agency: Developmentalism, Gender and Rights by Madhok, Sumi
Ethics and the Future of Spying: Technology, National Security and Intelligence Collection by
Monarchism and Absolutism in Early Modern Europe by
Policing Critical Incidents: Leadership and Critical Incident Management by
West Africa before the Colonial Era: A History to 1850 by Davidson, Basil
De Facto States: The Quest for Sovereignty by
Diaspora, Identity and Religion: New Directions in Theory and Research by
The Official History of Privatisation Vol. I: The formative years 1970-1987 by Parker, David
The Political Thought of Mori Arinori: A Study of Meiji Conservatism by Swale, Alistair
Interrogating Reorganisation of States: Culture, Identity and Politics in India by
Undermining Local Democracy: Parallel Governance in Contemporary South India by Chandrashekhar, Lalita
Hadrami Arabs in Present-Day Indonesia: An Indonesia-Oriented Group with an Arab Signature by Jacobsen, Frode F.
Witnessing Partition: Memory, History, Fiction by Saint, Tarun K.
Land, Water, Language and Politics in Andhra: Regional Evolution in India Since 1850 by Stoddart, Brian
Justice, Democracy and State in India: Reflections on Structure, Dynamics and Ambivalence by Mohanty, Amarnath
Every Right for Every Child: Governance and Accountability by
The Virtual Transformation of the Public Sphere: Knowledge, Politics, Identity by
The Democratic Predicament: Cultural Diversity in Europe and India by
Reconsidering Social Identification: Race, Gender, Class and Caste by
Globality, Democracy and Civil Society by
Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? by
Gandhi and Revolution by Prasad, Devi
From Oppression to Assertion: Women and Panchayats in India by Buch, Nirmala
The Politics of Rural Reform in China: State Policy and Village Predicament in the Early 2000s by Göbel, Christian
New Subjects and New Governance in India by
Developmental State and the Dalit Question in Madhya Pradesh: Congress Response by Pai, Sudha
A Question of Balance: A Study of Legal Equality and State Neutrality in the United States, France, and the Netherlands by Norton, Brenda J.
Irregular Migration from the Former Soviet Union to the United States by Liebert, Saltanat
Economic and Social Rights after the Global Financial Crisis by
Independent Politics by Klar, Samara, Krupnikov, Yanna
The Politics of Market Discipline in Latin America by Campello, Daniela
Between Love and Freedom: The Revolutionary in the Hindi Novel by Govind, Nikhil
Looking Back Into the Future: Identity and Insurgency in Northeast India by Prabhakara, M. S.
Rethinking State Politics in India: Regions Within Regions by
Justice Before Reconciliation: Negotiating a 'New Normal' in Post-Riot Mumbai and Ahmedabad by Gupta, Dipankar
Judicial Politics and Policy-Making in Western Europe by
Abolition and Its Aftermath: The Historical Context 1790-1916 by Richardson, David
Documents on Ukrainian-Jewish Identity and Emigration, 1944-1990 by
Turkey in the 21st Century: Opportunities, Challenges, Threats by Cornell, Erik
Mediokratie. Inwiefern können Medien eine Gefahr für die Demokratie darstellen? by Parlow, David
The Ethics of Intelligence: A new framework by Bellaby, Ross W.
Ramchandra Gandhi: The Man and His Philosophy by
The Surveillance Web by McCahill, Mike
A Century of Protests: Peasant Politics in Assam Since 1900 by Saikia, Arupjyoti
Urban Disasters and Resilience in Asia by Surjan, Akhilesh, Shaw, Rajib, Atta-Ur-Rahman
Bundesverfassungsgericht vs. Supreme Court. Welchen Einfluss auf die politische Entscheidungsfindung hat die Möglichkeit der verfassungsrechtlichen Üb by Gerullis, Kai
Political Determinants of Income Inequality in Emerging Democracies by Hazama, Yasushi, Kawanaka, Takeshi
Koalitionsbildungsprozesse Auf Kommunaler Ebene: Schwarz-Grün in Deutschen Großstädten by Gross, Martin
Building a New Majority by Balzano, Michael P.
Liberal Quicksand by Decock, Yves
Liberal Quicksand by Decock, Yves
Stop the Propaganda Machine from Controlling How You Think and Vote: A Blueprint for Detecting Deception by Whitehurst, Mel
Niem Dau Vo Nguoi Tu Cai Tao by Son Dzung, Vuong Thuy
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Austin F. Pike by United States Congress
British Genocide And War: Executive Intelligence Review; Volume 43, Issue 4 by Larouche Jr, Lyndon H.
Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism's Final Crisis by Smith, John
America Without a Compass by Fermoselle, Ph. D. Rafael
Building a New Majority by Balzano, Michael P.
El Neoconstitucionalismo desde Gustavo Zagrebelsky. El poder constituyente en Ecuador by Romero Calles, Ivan
From Majority Rule to Inclusive Politics by Emerson, Peter
Direkte Demokratie und ihre Auswirkungen auf die politische Partizipationsbereitschaft der Bürger: Die Schweiz und Deutschland im Vergleich by Leonhardt, Benjamin
The Political Thought of Henry David Thoreau: Privatism and the Practice of Philosophy by McKenzie, Jonathan
Der Jugoslawien-Konflikt. Eine Herausforderung für die Außenpolitik und Sicherheitspolitik der EU? by Pfeiffer, Sascha
Principles of Economics for a Post-Meltdown World by Komlos, John
Weltregionen Im Globalen Zeitalter by List, Martin
Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, Super-Exploitation, and Capitalism's Final Crisis by Smith, John
Populism, Media and Education: Challenging Discrimination in Contemporary Digital Societies by
Die Alternative Für Deutschland: Programmatik, Entwicklung Und Politische Verortung by
Writing in Political Science: A Brief Guide by Lavaque-Manty, Danielle, Lavaque-Manty, Mika
The Urban Transport Crisis in Europe and North America by Pucher, J., Lefevre, C.
Kenya After 50: Reconfiguring Historical, Political, and Policy Milestones by
On Liberty by Mill, John Stuart
Fear and Loathing: Voting in America in 2016: an Anti-Partisan Apathy to Action Approach to Taking Back the Vote and Banking on Kids by Garino, Lou
On Liberty by Mill, John Stuart
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