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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1986

Kurt Otto Friedrichs: Selecta Volume 1 by
Mathematik für Physiker: Basiswissen für das Grundstudium der Experimentalphysik by Weltner, Klaus
Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations II: Theory and Applications: Conference Held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, by Krabs, W., Hoffmann, K. -H
Complexity and Structure by Schöning, Uwe
Contributions to Several Complex Variables: In Honour of Wilhelm Stoll by
Kurt Otto Friedrichs: Selecta Volume 1 by
Berechenbarkeit, Komplexität, Logik: Eine Einführung in Algorithmen, Sprachen Und Kalküle Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Ihrer Komplexität by Börger, Egon
Degeneracy Graphs and the Neighbourhood Problem by Kruse, H. -J
Luftschlösser Und Hirngespinste: Bekannte Und Unbekannte Schätze Der Mathematik, ANS Licht Befördert Und Mit Neuem Glanz Versehen by Beutelspacher, Albrecht
Anschauliche Kombinatorische Topologie by Boltjanskij, Vladimirg
Elementare Einführung in Die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung: Mit 82 Beispielen Und 73 Übungsaufgaben Mit Vollständigem Lösungsweg by Bosch, Karl
Anwendungen Der Potentialtheorie Auf Geophysikalische Felder by Gutdeutsch, Rolf
Real-Time Control of Walking by Donner, M. D.
Katastrophentheorie: Eine Einführung Für Naturwissenschaftler by Saunders, Peter T.
Briefwechsel Mit Cantor, Dedekind, Helmholtz, Kronecker, Weierstrass Und Anderen by Lipschitz, Rudolf
Science, Computers, and People: From the Tree of Mathematics by Ulam
Kurt Otto Friedrichs: Selecta Volume 2 by
Introduction to Applied Mathematics by Strang, Gilbert
Kähler Differentials by Kunz, Ernst
Die Werke Von Daniel Bernoulli: Band 3: Mechanik by Bernoulli, Daniel
Mathematik Für Chemiker by Amann, H.
Inverse Problems: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach, Black Forest, May 18-24,1986 by Cannon, Hornung
Topics on Real Analytic Spaces by Tancredi, Alessandro, Guaraldo, Francesco, Macrī, Patrizia
Regular Solids and Isolated Singularities by Lamotke, Klaus
Correspondance de Leonhard Euler Avec P.-L. M. de Maupertuis Et Frederic II by Euler, Leonhard
Neue Knobeleien Mit Dem Mikro: 4 Aufgaben, Gelöst Mit 11 Verschiedenen Computern in 25 Versionen, Sowie 5 Ungelöste Aufgaben by Schumny, Harald
Rational Points by Wüstholz, Gisbert, Faltings, Gerd
Shizuo Kakutani: Selected Papers by Kakutani, S.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Mathematical Education by Carass
A Number for your Thoughts: Facts and Speculations About Numbers from Euclid to the Latest Computers by Lines
Grundlagen Der Lebensversicherungstechnik by Reichel, Georg
Numerische Lösung Partieller Differentialgleichungen Mit Der Finite-Elemente-Methode by Richter, Wieland
Metric Methods for Analyzing Partially Ranked Data by Critchlow, Douglas E.
Representations of Algebras: Proceedings of the Durham Symposium 1985 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 11 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 6 by
Festakt Und Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Aus Anlaß Des 200. Todestages Von Leonhard Euler: 15./16. September 1983 in Berlin by
Festakt Und Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Aus Anlaß Des 200. Todestages Von Leonhard Euler: 15./16. September 1983 in Berlin by
1985 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 12 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 3 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 2 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 9 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 8 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 7 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 5 by
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 10 by
Die Analytische Maschine. Grundlagen Einer Computer-Analytik by Lehmann, N. Joachim
Über Die Klassenzahl Abelscher Zahlkörper by Hasse, Helmut
Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. Volume 65, Number 4 by
A First Course in Calculus by Lang, Serge
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods 3rd Edition by Smith, Gordon D., Smith, G. D.
Three-Dimensional Link Theory and Invariants of Plane Curve Singularities. (Am-110), Volume 110 by Neumann, Walter D., Eisenbud, David
Linear Statistical Inference: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at Pozna?, Poland, June 4-8, 1984 by
Collected Works: Publications 1929-1936 by Godel, Kurt
The Influence of Computers and Informatics on Mathematics and Its Teaching: Proceedings from a Symposium Held in Strasbourg, France in March 1985 and by
Mathematical Methods in Electrical Engineering by Senior, Thomas B. A.
Handbook of Mathematical Economics: Volume 3 by
Angular Distribution Analysis in Acoustics by Baxter, Stephen M., Morfey, Christopher L.
Variationsrechnung Und Anwendungen by Lawrynowicz, Julian
Stochastic Differential Systems: Proceedings of the 3rd Bad Honnef Conference June 3-7, 1985 by
Representation Theory II. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Representations of Algebras, Held in Ottawa, Canada, August 16-25, 198 by
Systems with Small Dissipation by Braginsky, V. B., Mitrofanov, V. P.
Finite Projective Spaces of Three Dimensions by Hirschfeld, J. W. P., Hirschfeld
Artificial Intelligence and Man-Machine Systems: Proceedings of an International Seminar Organized by Deutsche Forschungs- Und Versuchsanstalt Für Luf by
Advances in Microlocal Analysis by
Methods in Approximation: Techniques for Mathematical Modelling by Bellman, N. D., Roth, R. S.
Leśniewski's Systems: Ontology and Mereology by
Mathematical Modelling in Biomedicine: Optimal Control of Biomedical Systems by Cherruault, Y.
Valuations of Skew Fields and Projective Hjelmslev Spaces by Mathiak, Karl
The Kazhdan-Lusztig Cells in Certain Affine Weyl Groups by Shi, Jian-Yi
Algebra, Algebraic Topology and Their Interactions: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Stockholm, Aug. 3 - 13, 1983, and Later Developments by
Peripheral Auditory Mechanisms: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Boston University, Boston, Ma, August 13-16, 1985 by
Lyapunov Exponents: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Bremen, November 12-15, 1984 by
Interval Mathematics 1985: Proceedings of the International Symposium Freiburg I.Br., Federal Republic of Germany, September 23-26, 1985 by
Characterizations of C* Algebras: The Gelfand Naimark Theorems by Doran, Robert
Lie Groups and Algebras with Applications to Physics, Geometry, and Mechanics by Sattinger, D. H., Weaver, O. L.
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications by
Mathematics and Physics of Neutron Radiography by Harms, A. a., Wyman, D. R.
Symbolic Dynamics of Trapezoidal Maps by Louck, J. D., Metropolis, N.
Wave Propagation: An Invariant Imbedding Approach by Vasudevan, J., Bellman, N. D.
Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics with Engineering Applications: Volume 1: Critical Points Theory by Komkov, V.
Solving Mechanical Design Problems with Computer Graphics by Lange, Jerome
Immunology and Epidemiology: Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Mogilany, Poland, February 18-25, 1985 by
Fonctions de Plusieurs Variables Complexes V: Séminaire François Norguet Octobre 1979 - Juin 1985 by
Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat/Mass Transfer Processes by
Potential Theory: An Analytic and Probabilistic Approach to Balayage by Hansen, Wolfhard, Bliedtner, Jürgen
Initial Boundary Value Problems in Mathematical Physics by Leis, Rolf
Cohomology of Sheaves by Iversen, Birger
Logische Phantasien by Geister, Armin, Kutzborski, Dieter, Dittmann, Wolfgang
Linear Programming: An Introduction by Feiring, B.
Robustness of Statistical Methods and Nonparametric Statistics by
Hilbert's Program: An Essay on Mathematical Instrumentalism by Detlefsen, M.
Hydrodynamic Stability Theory by Georgescu, A.
Scattering by Obstacles by Ramm, Alexander G.
Theory and Applications of the Poincaré Group by Kim, Young Suh, Noz, M.
Introduction to Probability by Thomas, John B.
Nonlinear Oscillations in Biology and Chemistry: Proceedings of a Meeting Held at the University of Utah, May 9-11, 1985 by
The Isomonodromic Deformation Method in the Theory of Painleve Equations by Its, Alexander R., Novokshenov, Victor Y.
Intrinsic Geometry of Biological Surface Growth by Todd, Philip H.
Optimization and Related Fields: Proceedings of the G. Stampacchia International School of Mathematics, Held at Erice, Sicily, September 17-30, 1984 by
Advances in Petri Nets 1985 by
Structure in Complexity Theory: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the University of California, Berkeley, June 2-5, 1986 by
Mathematical Programming: An Introduction to Optimization by Jeter, Melvyn
The Compleat Strategyst: Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of Strategy by Williams, J. D.
Student's Guide to Calculus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein: Volume III by Soon, Frederick H.
Constructive Combinatorics by White, Dennis, Stanton, Dennis
Hilbert-Courant by Reid, Constance
Séminaire d'Analyse P. Lelong - P. Dolbeault - H. Skoda: Années 1983/1984 by
Stochastic Optimization: Proceedings of the International Conference, Kiev, 1984 by
Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings of a Conference, Held in Göttingen, June 25 - July 2, 1985 by
Lectures on Viscoelasticity Theory by Pipkin, A. C.
Holomorphic Functions and Integral Representations in Several Complex Variables by Range, R. Michael
A Dictionary of Scientific Units: Including Dimensionless Numbers and Scales by Jerrard, H. G.
Theory of Holors by Moon, Parry Hiram, Spencer, Domina Eberle
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry: An Analytic Approach by Ryan, Patrick J.
Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications by
Möbius Functions, Incidence Algebras and Power Series Representations by Dür, Arne
Group Representations and Special Functions: Examples and Problems Prepared by Aleksander Strasburger by Wawrzynczyk, A.
Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions II: Proceedings of a Seminar-Workshop Held in Pitlochry and Aviemore, Scotland June 13 -29, 1985 by
Curvature and Topology of Riemannian Manifolds: Proceedings of the 17th International Taniguchi Symposium Held in Katata, Japan, August 26-31, 1985 by
Asymptotic Theory of Finite Dimensional Normed Spaces: Isoperimetric Inequalities in Riemannian Manifolds by Milman, Vitali D., Schechtman, Gideon
Vistas in Applied Mathematics: Numerical Analysis, Atmospheric Sciences, Immunology by
Diophantine Analysis: Proceedings at the Number Theory Section of the 1985 Australian Mathematical Society Convention by
Some Topics in Graph Theory by Yap, Hian Poh
The Geometry of Fractal Sets by Falconer, K. J.
Clifford Algebras and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics by
Combinatorics: Set Systems, Hypergraphs, Families of Vectors, and Combinatorial Probability by
Duality in Stochastic Linear and Dynamic Programming by Klein Haneveld, Willem K.
Stochastic Processes in Underwater Acoustics by
Fine Topology Methods in Real Analysis and Potential Theory by Lukes, Jaroslav, Maly, Jan, Zajicek, Ludek
Analytic Arithmetic in Algebraic Number Fields by Moroz, Baruch Z.
Vom Regenbogen Zum Farbfernsehen: Höhere Mathematik in Fallstudien Aus Natur Und Technik by Bulirsch, Roland, Seydel, Rüdiger U.
The Dynamics of Physiologically Structured Populations by
Asymptotic Methods in Statistical Decision Theory by Le Cam, Lucien
Stone Spaces by Johnstone, Peter T.
Local Fields by Cassels, J. W. S.
Elliptic Structures on 3-Manifolds by Thomas, Charles Benedict
Oscillation Theory, Computation, and Methods of Compensated Compactness by
Geometry and Arithmetic Around Euler Partial Differential Equations by Holzapfel, R. -P
Accurate Scientific Computations: Symposium, Bad Neuenahr, FRG, March 12-14, 1985 Proceedings by
The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography by Natterer, F.
Partial Differential Relations by Gromov, Misha
An Introduction to Surreal Numbers by Gonshor, Harry
The Higher Calculus: A History of Real and Complex Analysis from Euler to Weierstrass by Bottazini, Umberto
New Develpmnts Solns by Royal Society
Statistische Nachrichtentheorie: Erster Teil Signalerkennung Und Parameterschätzung by Kroschel, Kristian
Schrödinger Operators, Aarhus 1985: Lectures Given in Aarhus, October 2-4, 1985 by
Matrizen Und Ihre Anwendungen Für Angewandte Mathematiker, Physiker Und Ingenieure: Teil 2: Numerische Methoden by Zurmühl, Rudolf, Falk, Sigurd
Probability Measures on Groups VIII: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Oberwolfach, November 10-16, 1985 by
Probability and Analysis: Held at Varenna (Como); Italy, May, 31 - June 8, 1985 by
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen: Eine Einführung in Theorie Und PRAXIS by Werner, Helmut, Arndt, Herbert
Game Theory for the Social Sciences by Moulin, Herve
Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory by May, J. Peter, Lewis, L. Gaunce Jr.
Entertaining Mathematical Puzzles by Gardner, Martin
Bieberbach Groups and Flat Manifolds by Charlap, Leonard S.
An Outline of Set Theory by Henle, James M.
Men of Mathematics by Bell, E. T.
Geometry and Topology: Manifolds: Varieties, and Knots by McCrory
Littlewood's Miscellany by
Mathematical Problems of Statistical Mechanics and Dyanamics: A Collection of Surveys by
Applied Analysis by Krall, A. M.
Applied Analysis by Krall, A. M.
Hermann Weyl: 1885-1985: Centenary Lectures by
Global Analysis. Studies and Applications II by
Probability and Banach Spaces: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Zaragoza, June 17-21, 1985 by
Recent Advances in System Modelling and Optimization: Proceedings of the Ifip-Wg 7/1 Working Conference, Santiago, Chile, August 27-31, 1984 by
The Mathematical Structure of the Human Sleep-Wake Cycle by Strogatz, Steven H.
Equadiff 6: Proceedings of the International Conference on Differential Equations and Their Applications, Held in Brno, Czechoslov by
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: Sixth Conference, New Delhi, India, December 18-20, 1986. Proceedings by Nori, Kesav V.
Bifurcation of Extremals in Optimal Control by Kogan, Jacob
Stabile Modulformen Und Eisensteinreihen by Weissauer, Rainer
The Simplex Method: A Probabilistic Analysis by Borgwardt, Karl Heinz
Theory of Group Representations and Applications by Barut, ASIM Orhan, Raczka, Ryszard
Theory of Group Representations and Applications by Raczka, Ryszard, Barut, ASIM Orhan
Stabilization of Control Systems by Hijab, O.
The Stability and Control of Discrete Processes by Lasalle, J. P.
An Invitation to Von Neumann Algebras by Sunder, V. S.
Mathematics and the Search for Knowledge by Kline, Morris
Advances in Order Restricted Statistical Inference: Proceedings of the Symposium on Order Restricted Statistical Inference Held in Iowa City, Iowa, Se by
Beijing Lectures in Harmonic Analysis. (Am-112), Volume 112 by
Corrosion Mechanisms by Mansfeld, Florian B.
Relaxation Techniques for the Simulation of VLSI Circuits by Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto L., White, Jacob K.
Real and Functional Analysis: Part B Functional Analysis by
A Short Course on Functional Equations: Based Upon Recent Applications to the Social and Behavioral Sciences by Aczél, J.
Didactical Phenomenology of Mathematical Structures by Freudenthal, Hans
Numerische Untersuchung Nichtlinearer Dynamischer Systeme by Kreuzer, Edwin J.
More Test Examples for Nonlinear Programming Codes by Schittkowski, Klaus
Combinatoire Enumerative: Proceedings of the Colloque de Combinatoire Enumerative, Held at Universite Du Quebec a Montreal, May 28 - June 1, 198 by
Derivations, Dissipations and Group Actions on C*-Algebras by Bratteli, Ola
Simulation ALS Betriebliche Entscheidungshilfe: Methoden, Werzeuge, Anwendungen by
Reversible Systems by Sevryuk, Mikhail B.
Differential Equations in Banach Spaces: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Bologna, July 2-5, 1985 by
The Spectral Theorem by Helson, Henry
Asymptotic Analysis of Soliton Problems: An Inverse Scattering Approach by Schuur, Peter Cornelis
Optimal Unbiased Estimation of Variance Components by Malley, James D.
Systeme Mit Örtlich Verteilten Parametern: Eine Einführung in Die Modellbildung, Analyse Und Regelung by Franke, Dieter
Inverse Problems of Mathematical Physics by Romanov, V. G.
Problems in Nonlinear Diffusion: Lectures Given at the 2nd 1985 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held at Montecatini by
Inverse Problems: Lectures Given at the 1st 1986 Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held at Montecatini T by
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