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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2008

Globalization and Employment Relations in the Auto Assembly Industry: A Study of Seven Countries by
Financial Activities in European Vat: A Theoretical and Legal Research of the European Vat System and the Actual and Preferred Treatment of Financial by Henkow, Oskar
Foundations of Freedom: Common Sense, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Federalist Papers, the U.S. Constitu by Jefferson, Thomas, Continental Congress, Congress, Hamilton, Alexander
The Cultural Lives of Cause Lawyers by
International Law Reports by
The Cultural Lives of Cause Lawyers by
Competence in the Law by Perlin
Von Fall Zu Fall - Ambulante Pflege Im Recht: Rechtsfragen in Der Ambulanten Pflege Von A-Z by Meißner, Thomas, Höfert, Rolf
Chasing Justice: My Story of Freeing Myself After Two Decades on Death Row for a Crime I Didn't Commit by Cook, Kerry Max
Das eigenkapitalersetzende Gesellschafterdarlehen bei der GmbH und der GmbH & Co. KG by Bochmann, Bernd
Der Rechtsschutz im Strafvollzug by Lochmann, Mailin
Global Justice: The Politics of War Crimes Trials by Moghalu, Kingsley Chiedu
Das Handelsregister: Ein kurzer Überblick by Unger, Jane
Supreme Neglect: How to Revive Constitutional Protection for Private Property by Epstein, Richard A.
Japan's Aggressive Legalism: Law and Foreign Trade Politics Beyond the WTO by Pekkanen, Saadia M.
Japan's Aggressive Legalism: Law and Foreign Trade Politics Beyond the Wto by Pekkanen, Saadia M.
Ethics and Criminal Justice: An Introduction by Kleinig, John
Efficiency and Justice in European Antitrust Enforcement by Wils, Wouter
Forced Migration, Human Rights and Security by
The Forensic Mental Health System in Ontario: An Information Guide by Bettridge, Shannon, Barbaree, Howard
Blackstone's Guide to the Mental Health Amendment ACT 2006 by Bowen, Paul
Emerging Principles of International Competition Law by Noonan, Chris
Autonomy and Rights: The Moral Foundations of Liberalism by Spector, Horacio
Foundations of Freedom: Common Sense, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Federalist Papers, the U.S. Constitu by Jefferson, Thomas, Hamilton, Alexander
English Law for Business Students by Jenkins, Colin, Moe, Henry S. R.
Humanitarian Occupation by Fox, Gregory H.
Humanitarian Occupation by Fox, Gregory H.
International Law Reports by
The International Law of Environmental Impact Assessment: Process, Substance and Integration by Craik, Neil
Law, Marriage, and Society in the Later Middle Ages: Arguments about Marriage in Five Courts by Donahue Jr, Charles
Audio-Visual Coverage of Courts: A Comparative Analysis by Stepniak, Daniel
The Cultivation of Resentment: Treaty Rights and the New Right by Dudas, Jeffrey R.
The Campus Police by Iannarelli, Alfred
Kompendium Wirtschaftskriminalitaet by Janke, Günther
Crossing Borders: Constitutional Development and Internationalisation: Essays in Honour of Joachim Jens Hesse by
Die Ruecknahme von Erwerbs- und Uebernahmeangeboten nach dem WpUeG by Käppler, Markus
Challenges to Multilateral Trade: The Impact of Bilateral, Preferential and Regional Agreements by
Defending Humanity: When Force Is Justified and Why by Ohlin, Jens David, Fletcher, George P.
The Roots of Liberty: Magna Carta, Ancient Constitution, and the Anglo-American Tradition of Rule of Law by
Human Rights and Non-Discrimination in the 'War on Terror' by Moeckli, Daniel
Civil Jurisdiction Rules of the EU and Their Impact on Third States by Kruger, Thalia
The Coherence of EU Law: The Search for Unity in Divergent Concepts by
Civil Liberties by Gearty, Conor
Reparations for Indigenous Peoples: International and Comparative Perspectives by
The Constitution of Electoral Speech Law: The Supreme Court and Freedom of Expression in Campaigns and Elections by Pinaire, Brian K.
Rules of origin in the WTO and in other free trade agreements - An overwiew by Hollenberg, Jord
Die Gesetze des Jägers. Jagdrecht im Freistaat Sachsen by Schröder, Dietrich, Wolsfeld, Jürgen
Der allgemeine Weiterbeschäftigungsanspruch. Über Rechte und Pflichten sowie Probleme im Kündigungsschutzprozess by Rasche, Jennifer
Criminals, Idiots, Women, and Minors (Dodo Press) by Cobbe, Frances Power
Terrorism and the Limitation of Rights: The ECHR and the US Constitution by Sottiaux, Stefan
Plädoyer für den Erregernachweis bei der chronischen Lyme-Borreliose by Huismans, Bernt-Dieter
Law as Culture: An Invitation by Rosen, Lawrence
Darstellung der Entwicklung des Wasserrechts in Österreich: Ein Überblick by Bartl, Johannes
External Relations Law of the European Community: Legal Reasoning and Legal Discourses by Holdgaard, Rass
Ethics and Criminal Justice by Kleinig, John
China's Legal System: New Developments, New Challenges by
The European Company by
Der Dualismus der Rechtsquellen: Eine historische Analyse by Pilz, Stefan
Die Konsequenzen des Durchführungsverbots des Artikel 88 EGV auf die Ansprüche der Bank aus dem Kreditvertrag und die Verwertung der Kreditsicherheite by Thieltges, Christine, Heimann, Anni
Kauf und Eigentumserwerb im Rheinischen Recht by Rittner, Steffen
Hardcore-Kartelle: Was sind die Sanktionen bei Kartellabsprachen und wie werden sie in Deutschland und der Europäischen Gemeinschaft verf by Heimann, Anni
Die Antworten des Rechts auf die Insolvenz einer natürlichen Person: Ein rechtsgeschichtlicher Ansatz by Pilz, Stefan
Die Auswirkungen der Artikel 87, 88 EGV auf die Unternehmensfinanzierung aus Sicht der Kreditinstitute und der Unternehmen by Heimann, Anni
Die Rechte und Freiheiten der Medien: Eine kurze Diskussion der Frage: Reichen die Gesetze? by Gentner, Stefanie
Article 234 and Competition Law: An Analysis by Rodger, Barry J.
Health Law's Kaleidoscope: Health Law Rights in a Global Age by Bennett, Belinda
The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice by Stratton, Lawrence M., Roberts, Paul Craig
Investor and Industry Perspectives on Investment Advisers and Broker-dealers by Hung, Angela A.
40 Days and 40 Nights: Darwin, Intelligent Design, God, Oxycontin(r), and Other Oddities on Trial in Pennsylvania by Chapman, Matthew
Alienage Jurisdiction of US-Federal Courts by Hollenberg, Jord
Grundlagen funktioneller Diagnostik hämodynamischer Störungen in den unteren Extremitäten: Apparative und mathematische Erweiterungen zur Infrarot-Rem by Mauser, Rudolf
Die Navigation in der Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie: Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Präzision von Referenzierungsmethoden by Lübbers, Heinz-Theo
Strategischer Wandel Des Managements Öffentlicher Dienste: Design-Orientierte Managementlehre Und Modernisierung Öffentlicher Dienste by Koch, Rainer
Human Rights in the Arab World: Independent Voices by
Children with 2 Homes by Khodeir, Lucien
International Trade and Business Law Review: Volume XI by
Demographic Change and Intergenerational Justice: The Implementation of Long-Term Thinking in the Political Decision Making Process by
Aktiengesetz (AktG) by Ehrenberg, Christian
Tax and Corporate Governance by
Intentions and Intentional Actions in Ordinary Language and the Law by Nadelhoffer, Thomas
Die Ministererlaubnis in der deutschen Fusionskontrolle by Heimann, Anni
Der Fall Rambus in den USA - Standards vs. Kartellrecht: Kollision Urheberrecht vs. Kartellrecht by Heimann, Anni
Ordre public Art. 6 EGBGB im internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht: Internationales Handelsrecht by Heimann, Anni
New European Approaches to Long-Term Unemployment: What Role for Public Employment Services and What Market for Private Stakeholders? by
The Global Labour Market: From Globalization to Flexicurity by
Conflict, Power, and the Landscape of Constitutionalism by
Contemporary Perspectives on Natural Law: Natural Law as a Limiting Concept by González, Ana Marta
Private Property, Community Development, and Eminent Domain by
The Phantom Capitalists: The Organization and Control of Long-Firm Fraud by Levi, Michael
Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law by
Applications to Wind Up Companies by Stubbs, Rebecca, French, Derek, Newman, Catherine
Structure and Justification in Private Law: Essays for Peter Birks by
The New Global Trading Order by Patterson, Dennis, Afilalo, Ari
The Transatlantic Constitution: Colonial Legal Culture and the Empire by Bilder, Mary Sarah
Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil by Graber, Mark A.
Richterliche Normenkontrolle, Normenkontrollrat und Prüfungsrecht des Bundespräsidenten: Überschneidungs- oder Ergänzungsverhältnis? by Ryczewski, Christoph
Das gemeinschaftliche Testament: Grundlage eines europäischen Modells by Rau, Alfons
Atrocities on Trial: Historical Perspectives on the Politics of Prosecuting War Crimes by
Discrimination by Default: How Racism Becomes Routine by Wang, Lu-In
No Seat at the Table: How Corporate Governance and Law Keep Women Out of the Boardroom by Branson, Douglas M.
Public School Hell: The Establishment of the Humanist Religion as State Church by Turk, Louis A., Louis, Turk A.
Behaviour and Rationality in Corporate Governance by Marnet, Oliver
International Criminology: A Critical Introduction by Hil, Richard, Bessant, Judith, Watts, Rob
Comparative Deviance: Perception and Law in Six Cultures by Wolfgang, Marvin E., Newman, Graeme R.
International Criminology: A Critical Introduction by Bessant, Judith, Hil, Richard, Watts, Rob
Jurisprudence: Realism in Theory and Practice by Llewellyn, Karl
The Making of a German Constitution: A Slow Revolution by Crosby, Margaret Barber
Justice in Robes by Dworkin, Ronald
Plunder by Mattei
Bankruptcy 7E Vol 2 by Newton
Western and Chinese Arbitration: The Arbitral Chain by Gemmell, Arthur J.
The Liability Century: Insurance and Tort Law from the Progressive Era to 9/11 by Abraham, Kenneth S.
Terrorism, Government, and Law: National Authority and Local Autonomy in the War on Terror by
The Making of a German Constitution: A Slow Revolution by Crosby, Margaret Barber
The Jamestown Lectures 2006-2007: The Rule of Law by Combar
Miranda: The Story of America's Right to Remain Silent by Stuart, Gary L.
Die schlanke Stadt: Kostenwahrheit als mögliches Steuerungsinstrument für Raumplanung by Steinlechner, Reinhard
Konflikte zwischen sozialen Rechten und dem Schutz des geistigen Eigentums by Fichtner, Georg
Die EU-Vermittlerrichtlinie 2002/92/EG. Brüssels Einfluss auf den deutschen Versicherungsvermittlermarkt by Pecht, Diana
Keeping Out the Other: A Critical Introduction to Immigration Enforcement Today by
Keeping Out the Other: A Critical Introduction to Immigration Enforcement Today by
The CISG and Mexican Law Remedies for Breach of Sale Contracts by Tamez, Jorge Iván
Essentials of Autopsy Practice: Tropical Developments, Trends and Advances by
Reasonable Use of Force by Police: Seizures, Firearms, and High-Speed Chases by May, David A.
Partial Verdicts: Essays on Law and Life by Kornstein, Daniel J.
Public Opinion and Constitutional Controversy by
Public Opinion and Constitutional Controversy by
International Economic Law: The State and Future of the Discipline by
The Ultimate Guide to Estate Planning in Louisiana by Arroyo, Myrna
Saving the Constitution from Lawyers by Spitzer, Robert J.
Kritische Analyse Und Reformvorschlag Zu Art. II Genozidkonvention by Paul, Angela
Files: Law and Media Technology by Vismann, Cornelia
Steuerliche Aspekte der Unternehmensnachfolge: Die BVerfG-Entscheidung vom 7.11.06 und aktuelle Reformbemühungen by Dunger, Nathalie
Justice Denied by Hamilton, Marci A.
Cultural Resource Laws and the Representation of Native Americans in Museums by Thorsgard, Misty
The Campus Police by Iannarelli, Alfred
Saving the Constitution from Lawyers by Spitzer, Robert J.
On Human Rights by Griffin, James
Insanity by Ewing, Charles Patrick
Files: Law and Media Technology by Vismann, Cornelia
The Law of Contract by Collins, Hugh
Religious Liberty and International Law in Europe by Evans, Malcolm D.
The 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Courts Agreements: Commentary and Documents by Brand, Ronald A., Herrup, Paul
The Use of Nuclear Weapons and the Protection of the Environment During International Armed Conflict by Koppe, Erik V.
Zur Geschäftsführerhaftung und Anfechtbarkeit von Lohnsteuerzahlungen in der Insolvenz by Bräuniger, Sabine
Unternehmenssteuerreform 2008 - Die Thesaurierung von Gewinnen einer Personengesellschaft: Ein systematischer Überblick über die geplanten Änderungen by Bräuniger, Sabine
Mitgliedschaft im Arbeitgeberverband ohne Tarifbindung by Wichmann, Melanie
Famous Cases of Circumstantial Evidence; With an Introduction on the Theory of Presumptive Proof by Phillipps, S. M.
Liberalism and Islam: Practical Reconciliation Between the Liberal State and Shiite Muslims by Haidar, H.
The Health Care Revolution: From Medical Monopoly to Market Competition Volume 19 by Ameringer, Carl F.
Religious Freedom, Religious Discrimination and the Workplace by Vickers, Lucy
Interlinkages and the Effectiveness of Multilateral Environmental Agreements by Chambers, W. Bradnee
Indonesian Syariah: Defining a National School of Islamic Law by Hooker, M. Barry
Mandates and Empire: The League of Nations and Africa, 1914-1931 by Callahan, Michael D.
Criminal poisoning I: Autopsien und post-mortale Untersuchungen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz by Tünnesen, Bernd
Kollision von Globalabtretung und verlängertem Eigentumsvorbehalt by Lohde, André
Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lakes by
Die Sanierung Von Biodiversitätsschäden Nach Der Europäischen Umwelthaftungsrichtlinie by Kieß, Carolin
Exploring Judicial Politics by
Locked Out: Felon Disenfranchisement and American Democracy by Manza, Jeff, Uggen, Christopher
Das deutsche IPR des Seetransports by Wendisch, Frederik
Interviews im Angesicht des Galgens - Generalgouverneur Hans Frank aus Sicht der Militärpsychologen Gilbert und Goldensohn by Wagner, Soehnke
Fünf Jahre deutsches Pflichtpfand auf Einweggetränkeverpackungen by Ueberschär, Helko
Verfahrensrecht und Geschichte by Ferrão Pereira Borges, Maurício
Direktmarketing - Rechtliche Grenzen und betriebswirtschaftliche Besonderheiten by Heine, Nicole
Die digitale Privatkopie gem. § 53 UrhG in der Musikbranche by Staudacher, Stefan-Frederick
Making People Illegal by Dauvergne, Catherine
Retrieving the Natural Law: A Return to Moral First Things by Charles, J. Daryl
Indigenous Heritage and Intellectual Property: Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore by Lewinski, Silke Von
The Law of Payment Services in the EU: The EC Directive on Payment Services in the Internal Market by Mavromati, Despina
The Law of Confidentiality: A Restatement by Qc, Paul Stanley
Copyright's Paradox by Netanel, Neil Weinstock
The Cost of Counterterrorism: Power, Politics, and Liberty by Donohue, Laura K.
Redefining Sovereignty in International Economic Law by
The Fear of Victimization-Paradox: Disproportional fear of women and the elderly - rational or irrational? by Schaut, Andreas
Die rechtliche Zulässigkeit placebokontrollierter klinischer Prüfungen nach der 12. Novelle des Arzneimittelgesetzes: Zugleich ein Beitrag zum Verstän by Mehlitz, Antonia
Treaty Shopping by Renger, Stefan
Möglichkeiten der Einflussnahme auf Aufsichtsräte in kommunalen Unternehmen by Kannen, Tobias
Jordan and the World Trading System by Malkawi, Bashar Hikmet
Rechts- Und Sprachtransfer in Mittel- Und Osteuropa. Sachsenspiegel Und Magdeburger Recht: Internationale Und Interdisziplinäre Konferenz in Leipzig V by
Das Bearbeitungsrecht in Der Musik Und Dessen Wahrnehmung Durch Die Gema by Schunke, Sebastian
Die Prospektrichtlinie und Prospektverordnung by Wiegel, Volker
Defamation and Freedom of Speech by Milo, Dario
Environmental Law 2e C by
Welfare to Work: Conditional Rights in Social Policy by Paz-Fuchs, Amir
Policing a Diverse Society by Clements, Phil
Punishing Persistent Offenders: Exploring Community and Offender Perspectives by Roberts, Julian V.
Institutions of Law: An Essay in Legal Theory by Maccormick, Neil
Independence of Mind by Macklem, Timothy
Defining Terrorism in International Law by Saul, Ben
Csi Expert!: Forensic Science for Kids (Grades 5-8) by Schulz, Karen K.
Civil Disobedience and the German Courts: The Pershing Missile Protests in Comparative Perspective by Quint, Peter E.
The Spirit of Roman Law by Watson, Alan
The Bramble Bush: The Classic Lectures on the Law and Law School by Llewellyn, Karl N.
Sexual Assault and the Justice Gap: A Question of Attitude by Temkin, Jennifer, Krahé, Barbara
Iqwig Und Industrie - Rechtliche Fragen Zum Institut Für Qualität Und Wirtschaftlichkeit Im Gesundheitswesen by Stellpflug, Martin, Dierks, Christian, Nitz, Gerhard
Retaking Rationality: How Cost-Benefit Analysis Can Better Protect the Environment and Our Health by Revesz, Richard L., Livermore, Michael a.
Reframing Scopes: Journalists, Scientists, and Lost Photographs from the Trial of the Century by LaFollette, Marcel Chotkowski
Lawmaking and Adjudication in Archaic Greece by Papakonstantinou, Zinon
Visioning and Visualization: People, Pixels, and Plans by Kwartler, Michael, Longo, Gianni
See More