• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art in 2007

Die Münchener Sammlungsgeschichte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Werke französischer Meister des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts by Wegener, Gerrit
A History of Ornament - Renaissance and Modern by Hamlin, A. D. F.
French Pictures and Their Painters by Bryant, Lorinda Muson
English Water Colours by Binyon, Laurence
An Illustrated Annual of Works by American Artists and Craft Workers 1915-1916 by Ericson, Edward M.
Enjoying Pictures by Bell, Arthur Clive Heward
Five Essays on the Art of Ignacio Zuloaga by Utrillo, Don Miguel
Fresco Painting - Modern Methods and Techniques for Painting in Fresco and Secco by Nordmark, Olle
'Basic Skills' in Trier - Eine Untersuchung zu den Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten der Trierer Kunstgeschichtestudenten by Irsigler, Franziska
Adaptation. Redesigning the Everyday. by Bailey, Giles, Ross, Brian
Claude Monets Seerosen-Serien. Genese der Abstraktion by Fräßdorf, Doreen
Die Psychologisierung in Sophokles und Jean Anouilhs "Antigone" by Rudolph, Yvonne
Die Fotomontagen und Foto-Text-Collagen von Marianne Brandt by Weinert, Manja
Michelangelos frühe monumentale Skulpturen: Bacchus - David - Matthäus by Gander, Robert
Narrative Räume im Computerspiel - das Phänomen des erzählenden Raumes in "Sim City" by Reuscher, Cornelia Charlotte
Neuseeland, Maorikultur und Keri Hulmes Roman "The bone people" by Oesterreich, Julia, Schindler, Nicole
Stilbeständige und stilwandlerische künstlerische Werke im 20. Jahrhundert by Schleime, Moritz
Remembering 9/11 Through the Eyes of a Printmaker by Viana, Robert
Christoph Schlingensiefs Theater als Konzept für politisches Theater heute by Strahl, Gordon
Die Wiedergabe der Natur in der Landschaftsmalerei des 16.-18 Jahrhunderts by Zachert, Oliver
Collecting the New: Museums and Contemporary Art by
Dancing over the Fury: Poetry that Moves us All by Bradley, Christopher J.
Racial Passing: A Comparative Reading of Jessie Fauset's "Plum Bun" and Nella Larsen's "Passing" and "Quicksand" by Radtke, Sandra
Intramedialität bei Pedro Almodóvar am Beispiel der filmischen intertextuellen Bezüge in "Todo sobre mi madre" by Junker, Heide
Abbracci di Corde by Iritzu, Elmerald
The Uncreated Light: An Iconographical Study of the Transfiguration in the Eastern Church by Nes, Solrunn
Outdoor - Memory: Spielobjekte als Schnittstelle zwischen Sachunterricht und ästhetischer Erziehung by Burholt, Judith Anna
Reflections by Druch, Rosemarie
Theme Symbolique de la Paire de Dragons Sur Les Fourreaux Celtiques by Ginoux, Nathalie
Emil Noldes Christusbild am Beispiel von Abendmahl und Pfingsten by Kraft, Simone
From a Refugee of Tristan da Cunha by Nilsson, Rob
The Iconography of Islamic Art: Studies in Honour of Robert Hillenbrand by
Digitale Literatur: Ein prägendes Merkmal der literarischen Gegenwart? by Hanelt, Sebastian
Birth of a Dying Son: Living Verses by Aaron, Runako
Turandot bei Carlo Gozzi, Ferruccio Busoni und Giacomo Puccini by Balk, Georgine Maria-Magdalena
Rembrandt und die Entwicklung holländischer Gruppenportraits als Bildgattung by Bucher, Mike
Wege zum Objekttheater by Bartnik, Jakob
Kunstunterricht: Picassos Akrobatin. Zeichnen in einer durchgehenden Linie. Unterrichtsentwurf für eine 4. Klasse by Krenicky-Albert, Katja
Die Bedeutung kultureller Genitalien für die soziale Konstruktion der Transsexualität - Eine zusammenfassende Darstellung nach Stefan Hirschauer by Lichte, Marijke
Going international? Marktanalyse des australischen Kunstmarktes als erster Schritt zur Selbstvermarktung bildender Kunst am Beispiel Perth by Stojanovic, Tanja
Militarismus in "La Grande-Duchesse de Gerolstein" und Exotismus in "La Perichole" von Jacques Offenbach by Balk, Georgine Maria-Magdalena
Kinderzeichnungen in der Kunstpädagogik by Brandenburg, Mirja
Das Verhältnis von Parzival zur Artusgesellschaft by B, Alice
Kunstförderung als Gegenstand interner und externer Kommunikation by Sommer, Marc D.
Einführung in die psychoanalytische Kunstinterpretation by Halstenberg, Volker
Die Figur der Klytaimnestra aus der "Orestie" des Aischylos als Mutter, Herrscherin und Liebende während des trojanischen Krieges und nach seiner Been by Rudolph, Yvonne
"Das Fernsehen hat uns ein Leben lang attackiert - jetzt schlagen wir zurück!" - Das Videobild als Material künstlerischer Arbeit by Henninger, Simone
Der Blaue Reiter und die Kinderkunst - Die Suche der Künstler des 'Blauen Reiter' nach den Ursprüngen der Kunst by Henninger, Simone
Paul Cezanne: Der Steinbruch von Bibemus - Bildanalyse und Vergleich by Brzozowski, Jacek
Soziopsychologische Betrachtungen zu Christoph Heins 'Der fremde Freund' by Hagemeister, Daria
Abstract Painting in Canada by Nasgaard, Roald
Raumkonzeption bei Tarkovskij und Soderbergh am Beispiel von "Solaris" by Limbach, Christoph
Muhammad Ali: Prägung seiner Zeit oder zeitprägend? by Schmid, Michael
Die Antikensammlungen des 18. Jhs. am Beispiel der Sammlung des Fürsten Leopold Friedrich Franz von Anhalt-Dessau by Chiriaco, Marco
Masse und Individuum bei Elias Canettis "Die Blendung" und Roberts Musils "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften": Das Geschlecht der Masse. Gender im künstleri by Bartels, Ina
Rainald Goetz - 'Rasierklingenschnitt' bei den Klagenfurter Literaturtagen: mehr als eine kalkulierte Publicity-Aktion? by Maas, Katharina
Kandinskys Weg zur Abstraktion by Von Der Heide, Sabrina
The Classification of Visual Art: A Philosophical Myth and Its History by Sutton, Tiffany
Photographic Rendezvous: Kyoto, Himeji & Nara, Japan by Eisner, Mike
Adventures In The Arts: Informal Chapters On Painters, Vaudeville And Poets by Hartley, Marsden
Adventures In The Arts: Informal Chapters On Painters, Vaudeville And Poets by Hartley, Marsden
Artwork-Paintingsand Sketches by Bakrania, Prabhu P.
Visualkultur.Cat by Altaio, Vicenc, Giralt-Miracle, Daniel
Apartheid: The South African Mirror by Subiros, Pep
Treasures from the National Trust by National Trust
Country House Silver: From Dunham Massey by Lomax, James, Rothwell, James
Fabrizio Plessi: Lava by Elsen, Thomas
Politics and Painting at the Venice Biennale, 1948-64: Italy and the Idea of Europe by Jachec, Nancy
Landscapes of Colorado: Mountains and Plains by Daley, Ann Scarlett, Paglia, Michael
Irrespektiv: Kendell Geers by Geers, Kendell
Sauer macht lustig: Der Maler und Zeichner Josef Sauer im Simplicissimus by Levec, Martin, Lützelburg, Helmer Von
Bild- und Musikkunst im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Zwischenbilanz und Handreichungen fuer die Praxis by Badstübner-Kizik, Camilla
Museum Revolutions: How museums change and are changed by
Zur Genese des literarischen Feldes in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Frankreich. Die Rolle von Charles Baudelaire by Sturm, Sonja
'Don Karlos', eine Scheinfreundschaftstragödie - Ein Versuch den einheitsstiftenden Konflikt' in Schillers "Don Karlos" aufzudecken by Heiden, Oliver
The Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Architecture: The First Forty Years (1966-2005) by
Celtic Connections - How much Celtic is in Irish English? by Heuse, Iris
Frisiert oder unfrisiert? Zum literarischen Verfahren Sarah Kirschs unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von "Die Pantherfrau" und "Zwillinge" by Maas, Katharina
Zu: Franz Marc - "Blaues Pferd 1" by Friedrich, Corinna
First steps in the middle east - how concerns about communism and orientalist perceptions shaped U.S. policy towards Iran in the 1950s by Schmid, Michael
Eine Tonplatte erstellen und dekorativ ausgestalten by Sula, Denise
August Rodins "Bürger von Calais" - Eine Werk- und Formanalyse by Brzozowski, Jacek
"Asien den Asiaten" - Die Expansionspolitik Japans während der Kolonisierung by Koserkova, Aneliya
Culture of Hope: A New Birth of the Classical Spirit by Turner, Frederick
Alexander Cozens (1717 - 1786) - Analyse seiner "New Method..." (1786) unter Berücksichtigung von "Zufall, Spontaneität und Automatismus": Betrachtung by Merten, Martina
The Pattern Of Asia V1 by
Modeling for Amateurs by Ellis, Rosemary, Ellis, Clifford
Masterpieces from the Great Dutch Museums: Rijksmuseum, Mauritshuis, Boymans-Van Beuningen, Frans Hals Museum by Luttervelt, R. Van
The Old China Book: Including Staffordshire, Wedgwood, Lustre and Other English Pottery and Porcelain by Moore, N. Hudson
Art Masterpieces: In a Century of Progress Fine Arts Exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago by Bulliet, C. J.
San Francisco's Mosaic Walls by Norris, Josef
The Little Museum Keepers by Silverpen
Jute And Linen Weaving by Woodhouse, Thomas, Milne, Thomas
Max Liebermann - Untersuchender Vergleich: "Der Weber"(1882) - "Judengasse in Amsterdam"(1908) by Merten, Martina
Zu: Joseph Beuys - Komposition für zwei Musikanten (1963) by Merten, Martina
Zu: Claude Monet - "Le déjeuner" (1868) by Merten, Martina
Hirshhorn: 30 Postcards by
Treatise Of Photography On Collodion by Waldack, Charles, Neff, Peter
The Artistic Brain Beyond the Eye: Art and Communication Through the Visual Brain by Stark, Lawrence W., Zangemeister, W. H., Zangemeister, Wolfgang H.
Art and Scholasticism with Other Essays by Maritain, Jacques
Descriptive Key To The Painting Of The Repulse Of Longstreet's Assault At The Battle Of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863 by Bachelder, John B.
The She Stories: An InnerOuter Travelogue During Fifteen Days in Paris by George, Jayne Elizabeth
Adventures in Realism by
Behold the Beauty of the Lord: Praying with Icons by Nouwen, Henri J. M.
"Die Sphäre rollt." Zum Romantischen im Werk Thomas Manns by Schiffers, Sonja
Modern Artists by Brinton, Christian
On Art and Connoisseurship by Friedlander, Max J.
Bog Walk Pitcher Plants Meet Implicate Polysynthesis by Madson, Jerry
Mexican Folk Art: From Oaxacan Artist Families by Rothstein, Arden
With Pencil, Brush and Chisel - The Life of an Artist by Fuchs, Emil
Pots and Pans or Studies in Still-Life Painting by Bye, Arthur Edwin
Paint and Prejudice by Nevinson, C. R. W.
Secrets of an Art Dealer by Duveen, James Henry
The Bible: Genesis, Exodus, the Song of Solomon by
Handboek Podiumpresentatie by Roozendaal, Walter
The Serra Effect by
Die Ballonfahrten der Brüder Montgolfier by Paesel, Susanne
Das Schuldmotiv bei Wolfdietrich Schnurre am Beispiel der Kurzgeschichten "Die Tat" und "Auf der Flucht" by Altschaffel, Stefan
Art and the Augustinian Order in Early Renaissance Italy by Dunlop, Anne
132 Days Away from Life by Deling, Jamie
Analyse aktueller Werkbeispiele der Medienkunst (VALIE EXPORT und Cindy Sherman) hinsichtlich der Relevanz medienspezifischer Aspekte by Rosenbrock, Jessica
Die Thalia in der GAUSSSTRASSE: Ansichten eines Kartenabreißers by Woelk, Henrik
Danton und Robespierre: Zwei Charaktere treffen aufeinander: Analyse der Hauptcharaktere in "Dantons Tod" by Kraus, Franziska
Ein bilinguales Unterrichtsprojekt für Kunst auf Englisch zum Thema Autumn/Fall für das 3./4. Grundschuljahr by Krenicky-Albert, Katja
Theaterbesuchsvertrag oder wann bekomme ich als Zuschauer mein Geld zurück? by Balk, Georgine Maria-Magdalena
Sculpting From Life - A Studio Manual of the Sight-Size Method by Arkles, Jason
A Body Without Limits by Prat, Jean-Louis
The Musac Collection, Volume II by
Seed Queen: The Story of Crop Art and Amazing Lillian Colton by Sheehy, Colleen
Bibliodyssey: Amazing Archival Images from the Dusty Corners of the Internet! by
Frank Rothe: China Naked by Tannert, Christoph, Lunsford, Celina
Thinking Through Craft by Adamson, Glenn
Better Citizenship Through Art Training (1921) by Beck, Minna McLeod
Palaces And Courts Of The Exposition: A Handbook Of The Architecture, Sculpture And Mural Paintings With Special Reference To The Symbolism (1915) by James, Juliet
The Perfume-Holder: A Persian Love Poem (1891) by Betts, Craven Langstroth
Flowers That Never Fade: An Account Of The Ware Collection Of Blaschka Glass Models In The Harvard University Museum (1897) by Wiley, Franklin Baldwin
Sumerian Hymns From Cuneiform Texts In The British Museum (1908) by Vanderburgh, Frederick Augustus
A Practical Treatise On The Manufacture Of Perfumery: Comprising Directions For Making All Kinds Of Perfumes, Sachet Powders, Etc. (1892) by Brannt, William T.
Merry's Museum; Parleys Magazine; Woodworth's Cabinet, And The Schoolfellow: The Consolidated Magazine For Boys And Girls (1858) by
Basket Work Of All Kinds: With Numerous Engravings And Diagrams (1914) by Hasluck, Paul N.
Sandro Botticelli: "Primavera". Eine Werkanalyse by Friedrich, Corinna
Petrifactions And Their Teachings: Or A Hand-Book To The Gallery Of Organic Remains Of The British Museum (1851) by Mantell, Gideon Algernon
Zum Manifest der futuristischen Malerei by Kostretska, Antonina
The Nude Female Figure: Classic Studio Poses by Smith, Mark Edward
The Wedding Gift by Bowley, Lance
Working Words: Creative Reading, Writing, and Teaching by Davis, Christopher
Ödipus. Mythos und Inzest by Stein, Christian
The Letters: Portrait of an Artist, Jim Houser by Houser, Connie
Vedic Sexual Code: Enjoy a Complete and Fulfilling Relationship with Your Lover by Charran, Swami Ram
Hitler's Kunst- und Architekturauffassung als Ausdruck einer Stiltradition widersprüchlichen Inhalts by Winter, Heiko
Untersuchung der Echtzeitfähigkeit von Budget-Grafikkarten by Eickmann, Ulf
The Double-Curve Motive in Northeastern Algonkian Art by Speck, Frank Gouldsmith
A Lifetime of Secrets: A Postsecret Book by Warren, Frank
Pigboys 2 Hog Heaven: A New Photo Book By by Ahern, Brian Douglas
What Could It Be? by Castaldo, Carmela
Aesthetic Creation by Zangwill, Nick
Art U Need: My Part in the Public Art Revolution by Smith, Bob, Smith, Roberta
Liminal: Spaces-In-Between Visible and Invisible by
Demons and Prophets by Kahn, Richard, Quick, Josh
Letters to Saint Clinton by Ritcher, Scott
The Art of Fullmetal Alchemist 2 by Arakawa, Hiromu
Desire by Wildeman, Rod Alan
A Vindication Of The Authenticity Of The Elephant Pipes And Inscribed Tablets In The Museum Of The Davenport Academy Of Natural Sciences (1885) by Putnam, Charles E.
The Archaeological Collection Of The United States National Museum In Charge Of The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (1876) by Rau, Charles
Catlin's Notes Of Eight Years' Travels And Residence In Europe V2: With His North American Indian Collection (1848) by Catlin, George
The Photographic Instructor: For The Professional And Amateur (1888) by Adams, W. I. Lincoln
Success In Life: The Lawyer (1850) by Tuthill, Louisa C.
The Perfume Of Eros: A Fifth Avenue Incident (1905) by Saltus, Edgar
Six Prize Hawaiian Stories Of The Kilohana Art League (1899) by Kilohana Art League
A Catalogue Of Books Relating To The Discovery And Early History Of North And South America V3: 1626-1676 (1907) by Cole, George Watson
Lehnwortadaption im Zazaki by Malottke, Tanja
Pausing for a Moment ... Haiga and Tanga by Millcock, Allison
Miami Contemporary Artists by Clemence, Paul
Living Buddhist Statues in Early Medieval and Modern Japan by Horton, S.
Living Buddhist Statues in Early Medieval and Modern Japan by Horton, S.
Papoofnik's Travels: The Well Worn Edition by Brabbee, Peter
A River Which Sweeps Me Along the Visual & Spiritual Imagery of Flowing Waters by Gurmankin, Arthur
The Orange Revolution in Ukraine - A Step to Freedom. by Tiryshkina, Tetyana
Candy Quotes by Williams, Craig
Guide To Anthropological Collection In The Provincial Museum (1909) by British Columbia Provincial Museum
Dinosaurs: With Special Reference To The American Museum Collections (1915) by Matthew, W. D.
A Short Guide To The American Antiquities In The British Museum (1912) by
A Romance Of Perfume Lands: Or The Search For Capt. Jacob Cole, With Interesting Facts About Perfumes And Articles Used In The Toilet (1881) by Clifford, Frank Sanford
Robert Merry's Museum (1841) by Goodrich, Samuel G.
The Human Bones Of The Hemenway Collection In The United States Army Medical Museum At Washington (1893) by Billings, John S., Wortman, J. L., Matthews, Washington
Merry's Museum For Boys And Girls, 1868 (1868) by Horace B Fuller Publisher
Die Geschichte Der Daniel-Auslegung in Judentum, Christentum Und Islam: Studien Zur Kommentierung Des Danielbuches in Literatur Und Kunst by
Photographic Rendezvous: A Little Bit of Slovenia & Croatia by Eisner, Mike
A/React by Ink, Ct
Irigaray for Architects by Rawes, Peg
Artists in China by
The Art of Naruto: Uzumaki by Kishimoto, Masashi
Wire Wrapping: The Basics And Beyond by McIntosh, Jim
"Bau ab, bau ab!" - wie ein Zeugnis sozialistischer Baukultur verschwindet: Eine kunsthistorische Betrachtung zu dem Rückbau des Palastes der Republik by Müller, Tabea
Trashpavilion: Produktion und Selbstorganisation im künstlerischen Milieu by Büttner, Sascha
Anoint My Little Child: Record Book Volume I: Birth to 6 Years by Onilogbo, Vicki
The Power of Pygmalion: Ancient Greek Sculpture in Modern Greek Poetry, 1860-1960 by Giannakopoulou, Liana
Walton Ford: Pancha Tantra by Buford, Bill
The Art of Small Things by Mack, John
Brave New Worlds by
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