• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Buddhism in 2016

The Lion Stops Hunting: An Upadesha Tantra of the Great Perfection by Wilkinson, Christopher
The Secret World of Vipassana and Mathematics by Marwaha, Alka
Hindu and Buddhist Ideas in Dialogue: Self and No-Self by
Make Peace with Your Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Your Inner Critic by Coleman, Mark
Bull Zen: The Octopus Pictures by Manning, Dan
Kuji-Kiri y Majutsu: Arte Sagrado del Mago Oriental by Vajra, Maha
Zen and the Art of Wealth: Finding Your Way to Happiness and Financial Security by MacKenzie, Warren
Unveiling Your Sacred Truth through the Kalachakra Path, Book Three: The Enlightened Reality by Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
Topgun Zen by McMahon, Barry Kaigen
The Guru Drinks Bourbon? by Khyentse, Dzongsar Jamyang
The Someone In Painting / A Picture by Stodart, Richard
Nuwana Wedena Bosath Katha 8 by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Dharma Training Course Year One by Buddhist Community, Triratna
Dharma Training Course Year Three by Buddhist Community, Triratna
"No Worries": A Secular Western approach to Buddhism, Meditation, life & actuality by Cumming, B.
Milindapañha: Chinese Version by Thero, Moragollagama Uparathana
Meaningful to Behold: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of Longchenpa's Biography by Tsumagari, Shinichi
In the Circle of White Stones: Moving Through Seasons with Nomads of Eastern Tibet by Tan, Gillian G.
In the Circle of White Stones: Moving Through Seasons with Nomads of Eastern Tibet by Tan, Gillian G.
The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Buddhism by
The Fear Book: Facing Fear Once and for All by Huber, Cheri
Le Bouddhisme en Occident by Burnouf, Émile-Louis
Dignaga's Investigation of the Percept: A Philosophical Legacy in India and Tibet by Duckworth, Douglas, Eckel, Malcolm David
Zen: Zen Guide to Achieving Tipping Point in your Life: De-stress and Find Focus by Schroeder, Ethan
Love Letters from Golok: A Tantric Couple in Modern Tibet by Gayley, Holly
A Guided Tour of Hell: A Graphic Memoir by Bercholz, Samuel
Una guía para la práctica de la Meditación Introspectiva de la Sabiduría Tranquila by Vimalaramsi, Bhante
Bright Dawn Dharma Glimpses: A Collection of Teachings from Everyday Life by
Power Objects in Tibetan Buddhism: The Life, Writings, and Legacy of Sokdokpa Lodrö Gyeltsen by Gentry, James Duncan
Über Buddhismus und Naturwissenschaft: Was man voneinander lernen könnte by Henning, Jürgen
Religion and Ethics at Odds: A Buddhist Counter-Position by Sueki, Fumihiko
365 Zen Quotes to Guide Your Life to Happiness and Inner Peace by Hesson, Jill
Cyber Zen: Imagining Authentic Buddhist Identity, Community, and Practices in the Virtual World of Second Life by Grieve, Gregory Price
The Complete Guide to: Enlightenment by Hodge, Lance
Licht auf Deinem Weg by Schinagl, Gerald, Lyon, Ursula
Foucault, Buddhism and Disciplinary Rules by Voyce, Malcolm
Love Hurts: Buddhist Advice for the Heartbroken by Rinzler, Lodro
How to Live: Boxed Set of the Mindfulness Essentials Series by Hanh, Thich Nhat
Converting To Buddhism by Westra, Bryan
The Sense of Self: Perspectives from Science and Zen Buddhism by Sears, Richard W.
God, Self and Salvation in a Buddhist Context by MacKenzie, Rory
Religion and Psychotherapy in Modern Japan by
The Awakening Body: Somatic Meditation for Discovering Our Deepest Life by Ray, Reginald A.
The Deep Reflection of One Heart: volumes 1, 2 & 3 by Stevenson, H. R.
Bernard Lonergan's Third Way of the Heart and Mind: Bridging Some Buddhist-Christian-Muslim-Secularist Misunderstandings with a Global Secularity Ethi by Raymaker, John
Being Human in a Buddhist World: An Intellectual History of Medicine in Early Modern Tibet by Gyatso, Janet
Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence by Hanson, Rick
Charismatic Monks of Lanna Buddhism by Cohen, Paul T.