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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 1995

Thru the Bible Vol. 22: The Prophets (Isaiah 1-35): 22 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 50: The Epistles (1 and 2 Timothy/Titus/Philemon): 50 by McGee, J. Vernon
Palästinawissenschaft in Deutschland: Das Gustaf-Dalman-Institut Greifswald 1920-1995 by
God at Sinai: Covenant and Theophany in the Bible and Ancient Near East by Niehaus, Jeffrey J.
Ken's Guide to the Bible by Smith, Ken
Guia Para el Estudio en Grupo = The Home Cell Group Study Guide by Cho, David Yonggi
Journeying with God: A Commentary on the Book of Numbers by Doob Sakenfeld, Katharine
The Book of Genesis, Chapters 18-50 by Hamilton, Victor P.
The Rhetoric of Suffering: Reading the Book of Job in the Eighteenth Century by Lamb, Jonathan
Romans by Bartlett, David L.
Argument and Theology in 1 Peter by Thurén, Lauri
Hosea by Landy, Francis
Bible Basics: Mastering the Content of the Bible by Ferguson, Duncan S.
The Bible in Human Society: Essays in Honour of John Rogerson by
Angels Elect and Evil by Dickason, C. Fred
Lydia's Impatient Sisters: A Feminist Social History of Early Christianity by Schottroff, Luise
Book of Acts: Early Church History and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit by Conner, Kevin J.
The Dictionary of the Bible by McKenzie, John L.
Circle of Creation: Animals in the Light of the Bible by Eaton, J. H.
Habla El Antiguo Testamento by Samuel, Schultz
New Testament Background: Selected Documents: Revised and Expanded Edition by Barrett, Charles K.
Una Fe Que Perdura = A Faith That Endures by Pentecost, J. Dwight
Fuente de Mi Fortaleza by Stanley, Charles F.
Philippians by Thielman, Frank S.
John Pairman Brown: Israel and Hellas. [I] by Brown, John Pairman
Defending Zion by Mathews, Claire R.
Judaism in the New Testament: Practices and Beliefs by Chilton, Bruce, Neusner, Jacob
Designing A Woman's Life: Discovering Your Unique Purpose and Passion by Couchman, Judith
Long Ago God Spoke Paper by Holladay, William L.
Using Biblical Hebrew in Ministry: A Practical Guide for Pastors, Seminarians and Bible Students by Parker, Don
Thru the Bible Vol. 40: Church History (Acts 1-14): 40 by McGee, J. Vernon
Ephraim by Neef, Heinz-Dieter
Reclaiming the Bible for the Church by
Theologie des Neuen Testaments by Strecker, Georg
Cain: A Dramatic Mystery in Three Acts by Lord Byron by D'Olivet, Fabre
New Hearing of an Old Prayer by Short, Thomas C.
Bible Unmasked by Lewis, Joseph
Old Testament Theology, Volume I: A Commentary by Preuss, Horst Dietrich
John Wesley's Conception and Use of Scripture by Jones, Scott J.
Old Testament Theology: Vol 1: The Experience of God by Preuss, Horst D.
Logia Iesou: Sayings of Our Lord from an Early Greek Papyrus by Grenfell, Bernard Pyne
Apocrypha by Nonesuch Edition, Nonesuch Edition, The
Esoteric Reading of Biblical Symbolism by Bartlett, Harriet Tuttle
Biblical Allegorism: A Key to the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God by Riley, Frank L.
A Feminist Companion to Wisdom Literature by
In the Image of God: A Feminist Commentary on the Torah by Antonelli, Judith S.
Dead Sea Scrolls in English by Vermes, Geza
Eros and Allegory: Medieval Exegesis of the Song of Songs Volume 156 by Turner, Denys
Romans and Thessalonians by Calvin, John
John's Wisdom: A Commentary on the Fourth Gospel by III, Ben Witherington
Illuminata: A Return to Prayer by Williamson, Marianne
Battered Love by Weems, Renita
Book of Enoch: Together with a Reprint of the Greek Fragments by Charles, Robert Henry, Charles, R. H.
Luke by Ringe, Sharon H.
A Rivalry of Genius: Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation in Late Antiquity by Hirshman, Marc
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Popular Text Edition by
The Text of the Old Testament in Anglo-Saxon England by Marsden, Richard
Power Through Weakness by Savage, Timothy B.
In the Beginning...': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall by Benedict XVI, Pope
Calvin's New Testament Commentaries: Acts 1 - 13 by Calvin, John
Acts 14-28 by Calvin, John
Schriften aus der Hallenser Zeit 1804-1807 by
Paul & the Law: A Contextual Approach by Thielman, Frank
Homiletik by Müller, Hans Martin
Gregory of Nyssa's Treatise on the Inscriptions of the Psalms by Gregory of Nyssa, Heine, Ronald E.
Jesus Von Nazaret by Becker, Jürgen
First and Second Peter and Jude by Craddock, Fred B.
Deuteronomy by Mann, Thomas W.
God of Vengeance? by Zenger, Erich
Spikenard and Saffron by Munro, Jill M.
Bible in Ethics: The Second Sheffield Colloquium by
2 Peter and Jude by Knight, Jonathan
The Engendering God: Male and Female Faces of God by Raschke, Carl a., Raschke, Susan Doughty
Annäherungen by Becker, Jürgen
The Prophet Motive: Examining the Reliability of the Biblical Prophets by Barfield, Kenny
Renuévame by Greco, David
Modelling Early Christianity: Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in its Context by
Postmodern Theory and Biblical Theology: Vanquishing God's Shadow by Ingraffia, Brian D.
Modelling Early Christianity: Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in its Context by
Studies in the Bible and Jewish Thought by Greenberg, Moshe
Ochino - Parapsychologie by
Cultural Interpretation by Blount, Brian K.
2. Korintherbrief, Galaterbrief, Epheserbrief, Philipperbrief Und Kolosserbrief by
Thru the Bible Vol. 23: The Prophets (Isaiah 36-66): 23 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 28: The Prophets (Amos/Obadiah): 28 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 39: The Gospels (John 11-21): 39 by McGee, J. Vernon
Thru the Bible Vol. 16: Poetry (Job): 16 by McGee, J. Vernon
The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essayson the Status Quaestionis by
New Testament Theology by Caird, G. B.