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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bible Studies in 1993

Translating Religious Texts: Translation, Transgression and Interpretation by Steiner, George, Jasper, D.
God the Redeemer: A Theology of the Gospel by McGlasson, Paul
Windows on the World of Jesus: Time Travel to Ancient Judea by Malina, Bruce J.
Semeia 62: Textual Determinacy, Part One by
Narrative History and Ethnic Boundaries by Mullen, E. Theodore
Restoring the Diaspora: Discursive Structure and Purpose in the Epistle of James by Cargal, Timothy B.
Israel and the Book of the Covenant: An Anthropological Approach to Biblical Law by Marshall, Jay W.
Old Testament Quotations in the Synoptic Gospels, and the Two-Document Hypothesis by New, David D.
Pauline Theology by
In Other Words: 12 Short Stories Based on New Testament Parables by Franke, Merle G.
The Winds of Hope for a World Out of Breath: A Study of the 23rd Psalm by Tuttle, Robert
A Comprehensive Bilingual Concordance of the Hebrew and Greek Texts of Ecclesiastes by
The Hebrew Bible in Its Social World and in Ours by Gottwald, Norman K.
Structure, Role, and Ideology in the Hebrew nd Greek Texts of Genesis 1: 1-2:3 by Brown, William P.
Catholics at the Gathering Place by McGowan, Mark
Knowing Jesus in Your Life by Anderson, Carol
Beiträge Zur Geschichte Von Text Und Sprache Des Alten Testaments: Gesammelte Aufsätze by Meyer, Rudolf
Matthew: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Hare, Douglas R. A.
"Wie geschrieben steht" by Liebers, Reinhold
Semeia 63: Characterization in Biblical Literature by
Gardens in Babylon: Narrative and Faith in the Greek Legends of Daniel by Steussy, Marti J.
A Commentary on the Animal Apocalypse of I Enoch by Tiller, Patrick A.
Notes on the Greek Text of Genesis by Wevers, John William
Saint Paul at the Movies: The Apostle's Dialogue with American Culture by Jewett, Robert
Healing Scriptures by Hagin, Kenneth E.
Commentary on the Gospel According to John, Books 13-32 by Origen
The Holiest of All by Murray, Andrew
Isaiah 1-39: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Seitz, Christopher R.
Minute Meditations for Each Day by Naegele, Bede
Diagrams for Living: The Bible Unveiled by Fox, Emmet
Jonah (1993): A Commentary by Limburg, James
Jesus and Spiral of Violence by Horsley, Richard A.
The Word the Israelites and the Damned by Porter, Shadrock
CONOZCA LA IGLESIA PRIMITIVA (Spanish: Meet the Early Church) by Earle, Ralph
The Quest for the Origin of John's Gospel: A Source-Oriented Approach by Brodie, Thomas L.
Luke: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture Volume 24 by Stein, Robert A.
Red Sea is Your Blood by Kuhn, Alvin Boyd
20 Hot Potatoes Christians Are Afraid to Touch by Campolo, Tony
The Epistles of Peter by Jowett, J. H.
Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul by Hays, Richard B.
Paul! May I Speak with You?: Six Dialogues for Bible Study by Fairman, Marion
Christianity and Modern Politics by
Die Rezeption, Interpretation Und Transformation Biblischer Motive Und Mythen in Der Ddr-Literatur Und Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Theologie by Lüdde, Marie-Elisabeth
Paul and the Rhetoric of Reconciliation: An Exegetical Investigation by Mitchell, Margaret M.
Land Tenure and the Biblical Jubilee by Fager, Jeffrey A.
The Justification of God by Piper, John
Words of Delight: A Literary Introduction to the Bible by Ryken, Leland
How to Build an Exciting Singles Ministry by Davidson, Don
Good News of Jesus by Countryman, William L., Countryman, L. William, Countryman, Louis William
Belief in the Word by Moloney, Francis J.
The Apocalypse in the Middle Ages by
The Apocalypse in the Middle Ages by
Biography of Satan by Graves, Kersey
Book of Jasher by
Apocalypse Unsealed by Pryse, James Morgan
Magical Message According to Ioannes St. John by Pryse, James Morgan
Justos y santos by Rivera, Nelly Perez De
The Plan of God in Luke-Acts by John T., Squires, Squires, John T.
El Espíritu Santo Revelado En La Biblia by Horton, Stanley
Pseudo-Dionysius: A Commentary on the Texts and an Introduction to Their Influence by Rorem, Paul
The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasa by Crossan, John Dominic
Written Also for Our Sake: Paul and the Art of Biblical Interpretation by Aageson, James W.
History and Prophecy: The Development of Late Judean Literary Traditions by Peckham, Brian
Reading Luke--Acts: Dynamics of Biblical Narrative by Kurz, William S.
Recent Archaeological Discoveries and Biblical Research by Dever, William G.
Aaron - Katechismuspredigt by
Tradition and Innovation in Haggai and Zechariah 1-8 by Tollington, Janet E.
Using New Testament Greek in Ministry: A Practical Guide for Students and Pastors by Black, David Alan
A Feminist Companion to the Song of Songs by
Teaching the Bible to Adults and Youth by Murray, Dick
Feminist Revision and the Bible: His Life and Legacy by Ostriker, Alicia Suskin
Luke's Portrait of Paul by Lentz Jr, John Clayton
Theology of the Book of Revelation by Bauckham, Richard
Oral Tradition and the Gospels by Henaut, Barry
This Hebrew Lord by Spong, John Shelby
Contemporary Christian Religious Responses to the Shoah by Jacobs, Steven L.
Walk With Me Through the Word: From Sin Unto Salvation: 13 Week Bible Study by Koonce Th D., Bob E.
Von Babel zum Zion by Oorschot, Jürgen Van
Studien Zur Priesterschrift by Schmidt, Ludwig
Let the Oppressed Go Free: Feminist Perspectives on the New Testament by Schottroff, Luise
The Unique World of Women: In Bible Times and Now by Price, Eugenia
The Land and the Book by Page, Charles R., Volz, Carl A.
The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, and Historical Criticism: Jews and Christians in Biblical Studies by Levenson, Jon D.
Karl David Ilgen Und Die Pentateuchforschung Im Umkreis Der Sogenannten Älteren Urkundenhypothese: Studien Zur Geschichte Der Exegetischen Hermeneutik by Seidel, Bodo
Altes Testament - Literatursammlung und Heilige Schrift by Zobel, Hans-Jürgen
dominium terrae by Rüterswörden, Udo
Text und Textwert der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments, Band 1, Untersuchungen und Ergänzungsliste by
Text und Textwert der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments, Band 2, Hauptliste by
The Field Is the World: Proclaiming, Translating, and Serving by the American Board of Commisioners for Foreign Missions 1810-40 by Corr, Donald Philip
Panorthosia by Comenius 19-26 by Dobbie, A. M. O.
The Story of the Seer of Patmos by Haskell, Stephen N.
Feminist Companion to Genesis by
Book of Psalms-KJV-Unabridged by Bible, King James
Prophetic Figures in Late Second Temple Jewish Palestine: The Evidence from Josephus by Gray, Rebecca
Let Us Be Like the Nations: A Commentary on the Books of 1 and 2 Samuel by Robinson, Gnana
Lo Que El Diablo No Quiere Que Sepas: La Clave Para La Evangelización Eficaz by Comfort, Ray
Derribemos Fortalezas by Grupo Nelson, Torres, H., Torres, Hector
Revelation Continental Comment by Roloff, Jurgen
He Gave Us Stories: The Bible Student's Guide to Interpreting Old Testament Narratives by Pratt, Richard L.
Der gerechte Schöpfer by Wahl, Harald-Martin
Gregory of Nyssa, Homilies on Ecclesiastes: An English Version with Supporting Studies. Proceedings of the Seventh International Colloquium on Gregory by
Aspects of Rabbinic Theology: Including the Original Preface of 1909 & the Introduction by Louis Finkelstein by Schechter, Solomon
Feminist Companion to Ruth by
Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible, Vol. 1 by Hodson, Geoffrey
The Theology of the Later Pauline Letters by Wedderburn, A. J. M., Lincoln, Andrew T.
Colossians, Philemon: Believers Church Bible Commentary by Martin, Ernest D.
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture Volume 14 by Garrett, Duane A.
The Cross and Christian Ministry: Exposition of Selected Passages from 1 Corinthians by Carson, D. A.
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament: Strategic Chapters Outlined, Explained, and Practically Applied by Wiersbe, Warren W.
Preaching in the Last Days: The Theme of 'Two Witnesses' in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Petersen, Rodney L.
Gnostic John the Baptizer: Selections from the Mand?an John-Book by Mead, G. R. S.
Twice-Told Proverbs and the Composition of the Book of Proverbs by Snell, Daniel C.
Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism by Brueggemann, Walter
Wisdom in Israel by Von Rad, Gerhard, Rad, Von Gerhard
But She Said: Feminist Practices of Biblical Interpretation by Schussler Fiorenza, Elisabeth
The Walk of Repentance by Gallagher, Steve
Sign and the Seal: The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant by Hancock, Graham
With the Word: The Chapter-By-Chapter Bible Handbook by Wiersbe, Warren W.
Dialogues of the Word: The Bible as Literature According to Bakhtin by Reed, Walter L.
Narrative in the Hebrew Bible by Gunn, David M.
Using God's Resources Wisely by Brueggemann, Walter
A Gospel for a New People: Studies in Matthew by Stanton, Graham N.
The Last Trial: On the Legends and Lore of the Command to Abraham to Offer Isaac as a Sacrifice by Spiegel, Shalom
Die Markuspassion by Schreiber, Johannes
Religious Transformations and Socio-Political Change by
Moses Tradition by Coats, George W.
Ezekiel by McKeating, Henry
The Ongoing Feast: Table Fellowship and Eschatology at Emmaus by Just, Arthur A.
A Theological Introduction to the Book of Psalms by McCann, J. Clinton
The Last Trial: On the Legends and Lore of the Command to Abraham to Offer Isaac as a Sacrifice by Spiegel, Shalom
The History of Ancient Palestine by Ahlstrom, Gosta W.
Mi Experiencia Con Dios - Libro Para El Discípulo: Experiencing God - Member Book Spanish Edition by Blackaby, Henry T., King, Claude V.
Ascent to Heaven in Jewish and Christian Apocalypses by Himmelfarb, Martha
Jerome, Greek Scholarship, and the Hebrew Bible: A Study of the Quaestiones Hebraicae in Genesim by Kamesar, Adam
Prophecy and the Biblical Prophets by Sawyer, John F. a.
Bible in the Latin West by Gibson, Margaret T.
The Psalms: Songs of Tragedy, Hope, and Justice by Pleins, John David
The Church and the Homosexual: Fourth Edition by McNeill, John J.
The View of Women Found in the Deuteronomic Family Laws by Pressler, Carolyn
Jonah (1993) by Limburg, James
A Theology of the New Testament by Ladd, George Eldon
Read It in Greek: An Introduction to New Testament Greek by Countryman, Louis Wm
The Theology of the Shorter Pauline Letters by Donfried, Karl P., Marshall, I. Howard
The Theology of Paul's Letter to the Galatians by Dunn, James D. G.
Studies in the Theory and Method of New Testament Textual Criticism by Epp, Eldon J., Fee, Gordon D.
Abraham and All the Families of the Earth: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis 12-50 by Janzen, J. Gerald
Veritas: Revelations of Mysteries Biblical, Historical, and Social, by Means of the Median and Persian Laws by Melville, Henry
A History of the Bible as Literature: Volume 2, from 1700 to the Present Day by Norton, David
Wishful Thinking: A Theological ABC by Buechner, Frederick
Culture and Biblical Hermeneutics: Interpreting and Applying the Authoritative Word in a Relativistic Age by Larkin, William J.
Peculiar Treasures by Buechner, Frederick
The Wisdom and Wit of Rabbi Jesus by Phipps, William E.
Calvin's Old Testament Commentaries by Parker, T. H. L.
Taking the Bible Seriously: Honest Differences about Biblical Interpretation by White, J. Benton
Jeremiah: An Archaeological Companion by King, Philip J.
Raising Up a Faithful Priest by Nelson, Richard D.
1 & 2 Kings by Provan, Iain W.
Calvin's New Testament Commentaries by Parker, T. H. L.
Unleashing the Scripture: Freeing the Bible from Captivity to America by Hauerwas, Stanley
Texts Under Negotiation by Brueggemann, Walter
In Search of Wisdom by
Ancient Mysteries and Modern Revelations by Colville, W. J.
Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism by Greenlee, J. Harold
Climax of the Covenant by Wright, N. T.
The Concise Concordance to the New Revised Standard Version by
Acts: Believers Church Bible Commentary by Faw, Chalmer E.
David: Poet, Warrior, King by Catherwood, Sir Fred
Countertraditions in the Bible: A Feminist Approach by Pardes, Ilana
Samuel and the Deuteronomist: A Literary Study of the Deuteronomic History Part Two: 1 Samuel by Polzin, Robert
Olivi's Peaceable Kingdom by Burr, David
The Genesis of God: A Theological Genealogy by Altizer, Thomas J. J.
Justice, Righteousness and the Social Critique of the Eighth-Century Prophets by Gossai, Hemchand
Der hebräische Pentateuch der Samaritaner by
Der älteste Bericht über den Tod Jesu by Reinbold, Wolfgang
Literary Precursors to the Book of the Twelve by Nogalski, James
Redactional Processes in the Book of the Twelve by Nogalski, James
Word and Glory by Evans, Craig A.
Yahweh and the Sun by Taylor, J. Glen, Taylor, Glen
Feminist Companion to Judges by
Jesus the Jewish Theologian by Young, Brad H.
What Is Social Scientific Criticism? by Elliott, John Huxtable
Where Your Treasure Is: Psalms That Summon You from Self to Community by Peterson, Eugene H.
Who's Who in the Old Testament: Together with the Apocrypha by Comay, Joan
Who's Who in the New Testament by Brownrigg, Ronald
Pseudo-Philo: Rewriting the Bible by Murphy, Frederick J.
Interlinear Hebrew/English Old Testament-PR-Heb/NIV by Kohlenberger III, John R.
Dangerous Food: 1 Corinthians 8-10 in Its Context by Gooch, Peter D.
The Book of Acts in Its Ancient Literary Setting by Winter, Clark
David and the Deuteronomist: 2 Samuel by Polzin, Robert
Colossians & Philemon by Wall, Robert W.
Colossians & Philemon by Wall, Robert W.
Rabbinischer Kommentar zum Buch Genesis by
Theodoret Von Cyrus Und Der Neunizänismus: Aspekte Der Altkirchlichen Trinitätslehre by Bergjan, Silke-Petra
The Land Is Mine by Habel, Norman C.
Biblical Interpretation and Christian Ethics by McDonald, J. I. H.
Light of the Word: Brief Reflections on the Sunday Readings by Von Balthasar, Hans Urs
Jesus According to Paul by Furnish, Victor Paul
A Commentary on I Peter by Goppelt, Leonhard
The First Father Abraham: The Psychology and Culture of A Spiritual Revolutionary by Abramovitch, Henry Hanoch
Todavía Remueve Piedras by Lucado, Max
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