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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient Rome in 2012

History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire for the Use of Families and Young Persons: Reprinted from the Original Text, with the Careful Omis by Gibbon, Edward, Bowdler, Thomas
Human Rights in Ancient Rome by Bauman, Richard
The Conquest of Gaul by Caesar, Julius, Macdevitt, W. A.
Herakles by Stafford, Emma
Herakles by Stafford, Emma
The Principles of Roman Law and Their Relation to Modern Law by Burdick, William L.
Plutarch Caesar: Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by
The Principles of Roman Law and Their Relation to Modern Law by Burdick, William L.
Adonis Und Esmun: Eine Untersuchung Zur Geschichte Des Glaubens an Auferstehungsgötter Und an Heilgötter by Baudissin, Wolf Wilhelm Von
Compiling the Collatio Legum Mosaicarum Et Romanarum in Late Antiquity by Frakes, Robert M.
A Companion to Tacitus by
The Roman Cookery Book: A Critical Translation of the Art of Cooking, for Use in the Study and the Kitchen by Apicius, Rosenbaum, Elisabeth
The Art of Caesar's Bellum Civile: Literature, Ideology, and Community by Grillo, Luca
Les Germains Avant Le Christianism... by Ozanam, Frederic
Cookery And Dining In Imperial Rome: A Bibliography, Critical Review and Translation of Apicius De Re Coquinaria by Apicius, Vehling, Joseph Dommers
Paulus Orosius... by Orosius, Paulus
M. Tullii Ciceronis Cato Maior, Sive, de Senectute Dialogus. by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Tischer, Gustav
The Man in the Cell by O'Connor, Wayne Michael
The Man in the Cell by O'Connor, Wayne Michael
Historia Romana by Paterculus, Velleius
Roman Religion in Valerius Maximus by Mueller, Hans-Friedrich
The History of Rome (Volumes 1-5) by Mommsen, Theodore
Rome in the Pyrenees: Lugdunum and the Convenae from the first century B.C. to the seventh century A.D. by Esmonde-Cleary, Simon
The Gallic Wars by Caesar, Julius
The Topography of Rome and Its Vicinity by Gell, William
The Topography of Rome and Its Vicinity by Gell, William
The Topography of Rome and Its Vicinity 2 Volume Set by Gell, William
Casebook on Roman Property Law by Gamauf, Richard, Hausmaninger, Herbert
Hannibal by Abbott, Jacob
Plutarch's Lives Vol. 1 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 1 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 2 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 3 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans Vol. 4 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Plutarch's Lives Vol. 2 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Plutarch's Lives Vol. 4 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Plutarch's Lives Vol. 3 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Parallel Lives Vol. 2 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Parallel Lives Vol. 1 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Parallel Lives Vol. 3 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Parallel Lives Vol. 4 by Plutarch, Plutarch, Plutarch
Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Coinage by Metcalf, William E.
Caesares by Victor, Sextus Aurelius
Peoples of the Roman World by Boatwright, Mary T.
Peoples of the Roman World by Boatwright, Mary T.
How to Win an Election: An Ancient Guide for Modern Politicians by Cicero, Quintus Tullius
El poblamiento en la periferia de la cuenca del Duero: El nordeste de la provincia de Segovia España (XVII cal.A.C.-V d.C.) by López Ambite, Fernando
Hispania en el siglo II d.C.: Circulación y perduración de la moneda by Ferrer, Laura Arias
Late Republican-Early Imperial Regional Italian Landscapes and Demography by De Graaf, Peter
Las cecas ibéricas meridionales de la Hispania Ulterior y su circulación monetaria: Acuñaciones y dispersión monetal de las ciudades ibéricas del sur by López, Ildefonso David Ruiz
Black-Gloss Ware in Italy: Production management and local histories by Giuseppe, Helga Di
The Fall of the Western Roman Empire: Archaeology, History and the Decline of Rome by Christie, Neil
Rome Enters the Greek East: From Anarchy to Hierarchy in the Hellenistic Mediterranean, 230-170 BC by Eckstein, Arthur M.
A Companion to Late Antiquity by
Décadence Du Sénat Romain Depuis César Jusqu'à Constantin... by Cahuzac, U.
The Annals: Books I.-vi., Books 1-6... by Tacitus, Cornelius
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 3: With Maps... by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 13... by Gibbon, Edward
The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, Volume 55... by Gibbon, Edward
The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, Volume 57... by Gibbon, Edward
The Roman Provence Guide by Mullins, Edwin
Empires and Barbarians: The Fall of Rome and the Birth of Europe by Heather, Peter
Mothering and Motherhood in Ancient Greece and Rome by
Inscriptions Antiques De Lyon... by Boissieu, Alphonse De
Settlement, Urbanization, and Population by
The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, Volume 56... by Gibbon, Edward
Rome and the Mediterranean 290 to 146 BC: The Imperial Republic by Rosenstein, Nathan
Imperial Rome AD 284 to 363: The New Empire by Harries, Jill
Rome and the Mediterranean 290 to 146 BC: The Imperial Republic by Rosenstein, Nathan
Imperial Rome AD 284 to 363: The New Empire by Harries, Jill
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 6: Complete In Eight Volumes... by Gibbon, Edward
The Golden Asse by Apuleius, Lucius
Suetonius: History of Twelve Caesars, Volume 2... by
Il Molise in età tardo-antica: Città e campagne tra il III e il VI secolo d.C. by Finocchietti, Luigi
Ancient Law and Modern Understanding: At the Edges by Watson, Alan
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: With Notes by Henry Hart Milman. with Maps. in 4 Vol, Volume 2... by Gibbon, Edward
The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, Volume 58... by Gibbon, Edward
The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, Volume 54... by Gibbon, Edward
Storia Della Marina Militare Antica: Pte.2. La Marina In Virgilio. Appendice: I. La Marina In Aristofane. 2. La Marina Nei Persiani Di Eschilo... by Corazzini, Francesco
Time in Roman Religion: One Thousand Years of Religious History by Forsythe, Gary
Republicanism during the Early Roman Empire by Wilkinson, Sam
The Creed of the Old South 1865-1915 by Gildersleeve, Basil L.
Traffic and Congestion in the Roman Empire by Van Tilburg, Cornelis
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 2 by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 3 by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 4 by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 5 by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 6 by Gibbon, Edward
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol. 1 by Gibbon, Edward
Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization by Kriwaczek, Paul
Augustan Rome 44 BC to AD 14: The Restoration of the Republic and the Establishment of the Empire by Richardson, J. S.
Augustan Rome 44 BC to AD 14: The Restoration of the Republic and the Establishment of the Empire by Richardson, J. S.
The Holy Sepulchre and the Temple at Jerusalem by Fergusson F. R. S., James
Antiquity and Its Interpreters by
Histoire De La Décadence Et De La Chûte De L'empire Romain, Volume 2... by Guizot, François-Pierre-Guillaume, Gibbon, Edward
Cicero in Letters: Epistolary Relations of the Late Republic by White, Peter
Cosmic Viewpoint: A Study of Seneca's Natural Questions by Williams, Gareth D.
The Works Of Horace: With English Notes, Critical And Explanatory, Volume 1... by
Wörterbuch Zu Den Commentarien Des Caius Julius Caesar: Über Den Gallischen Krieg Und Über Den Bürgerkrieg, Sowie Zu Den Schriftwerken Seiner Fortsetz by Eichert, Otto
The Care of the Dead in Late Antiquity by Rebillard, Éric
Font of Life: Ambrose, Augustine, and the Mystery of Baptism by Wills, Garry
Imperialism, Cultural Politics, and Polybius by
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 7: Complete in Eight Volumes... by Gibbon, Edward
Anthusa Oder ROMs Alterthümer: Ein Buch F. D. Menschheit. Der Römer ALS Bürger Und Hausvater: Mit 6 Kupfertafeln, Part 2... by Moritz, Karl Philipp
História do mui Nobre Vespasiano Imperador de Roma by Machado, Jose Barbosa
Roman Political Ideas and Practice: Jerome Lecture, Sixth Series by Adcock, Frank Ezra
AD Fines Imperii Romani Anno Bismillesimo Cladis Varianae: ACTA Conventus Academiae Latinitati Fovendae XII Ratisbonensis by
A Threat to Public Piety by Digeser, Elizabeth Depalma
Geschichte Der R Mischen Literatur: Von Andronicus Bis Boethius Und Ihr Fortwirken by Albrecht, Michael
De Re Militari (Concerning Military Affairs): the Classic Treatise on Warfare at the Pinnacle of the Roman Empire's Power by Renatus, Flavius Vegetius
De Re Militari (Concerning Military Affairs): the Classic Treatise on Warfare at the Pinnacle of the Roman Empire's Power by Renatus, Flavius Vegetius
The Roman City and Its Periphery: From Rome to Gaul by Goodman, Penelope
Caesar's Conquest of Gaul by Caesar, Julius
Religion in Republican Rome: Rationalization and Ritual Change by Rüpke, Jörg, Rupke, Jorg
Caesar's Conquest of Gaul by Caesar, Julius
A Day in Old Rome: A Picture of Roman Life by Davis, William Stearns
A Day in Old Rome: A Picture of Roman Life by Davis, William Stearns
A Written Republic: Cicero's Philosophical Politics by Baraz, Yelena
A Companion to Marcus Aurelius by
Antiquités d'Herculanum. T. 2 (Éd.1804-1806) by Sans Auteur
Death: Antiquity and Its Legacy by Erasmo, Mario
Réflexions de l'Empereur Marc Aurèle Antonin, Surnommé Le Philosophe . [Publié (Éd.1742) by Aurelius, Marcus
L'Astrologie Dans Le Monde Romain (Éd.1897) by Bouché-LeClercq, Auguste
Discours Sur l'Histoire Universelle, À Monseigneur Le Dauphin. P 1 (Éd.1825-1826) by Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne
Les Ruines de Pompéi. Partie 1 (Éd.1824-1838) by Mazois, François
Les Ruines de Pompéi. Partie 2 (Éd.1824-1838) by Mazois, François
Histoire de la Décadence Et de la Chute de l'Empire Romain. T. 1 (Éd.1828) by Gibbon, Edward
Géographie de l'Afrique Chrétienne. Proconsulaire (Éd.1892-1894) by Toulotte, Anatole
Histoire de la Décadence Et de la Chute de l'Empire Romain. T. 13 (Éd.1828) by Gibbon, Edward
Histoire de la Décadence Et de la Chute de l'Empire Romain. T. 6 (Éd.1828) by Gibbon, Edward
Essai Sur Le Règne de l'Empereur Domitien: Thèse de Doctorat (Éd.1893) by Gsell, Stéphane
Recherches Sur La Géographie Comparée de la Maurétanie Tingitane (Éd.1877) by Tissot, Charles Joseph
Histoire de la Littérature Latine: Depuis La Fondation de Rome. P 1 (Éd.1900) by Lamarre, Clovis
Histoire Des Sources Du Droit Français: Origines Romaines (Éd.1890) by Tardif, Adolphe
Précis Des Guerres de Jules César (Éd.1869) by Napoléon Ier
Précis Des Guerres Du Maréchal de Turenne (Éd.1869) by Napoléon Ier
Histoire de la Décadence Et de la Chute de l'Empire Romain. T. 12 (Éd.1828) by Gibbon, Edward
Histoire de la Décadence Et de la Chute de l'Empire Romain. T. 2 (Éd.1828) by Gibbon, Edward
Histoire de la Décadence Et de la Chute de l'Empire Romain. T. 3 (Éd.1828) by Gibbon, Edward
Histoire de la Décadence Et de la Chute de l'Empire Romain. T. 5 (Éd.1828) by Gibbon, Edward
Histoire de la Décadence Et de la Chute de l'Empire Romain. T. 7 (Éd.1828) by Gibbon, Edward
Histoire de la Décadence Et de la Chute de l'Empire Romain. T. 8 (Éd.1828) by Gibbon, Edward
Histoire de la Décadence Et de la Chute de l'Empire Romain. T. 9 (Éd.1828) by Gibbon, Edward
Histoire Romaine de Dion Cassius. Tome 3 (Éd.1845-1870) by Dio, Cassius
Histoire Des Gaulois, Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés. T1 (Éd.1828) by Thierry, Amédée
Histoire Des Gaulois, Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés. T2 (Éd.1828) by Thierry, Amédée
Histoire Des Grands Chemins de l'Empire Romain, Contenant l'Origine, Progrès, (Éd.1622) by Bergier, Nicolas
Les Ruines de Paestum, Ou Posidonia, Ancienne Ville de la Grande-Grèce (Éd.1798) by Delagardette, Claude Mathieu
Restauration Des Thermes d'Antonin Caracalla, À Rome (Éd.1828) by Blouet, Abel
Les Ruines de Pompéï (Éd.1867) by de Kératry, Émile
Histoire de la Littérature Latine: Depuis La Fondation de Rome. P 1 (Éd.1900) by Lamarre, Clovis
Traité de l'Art Militaire (Éd.1859) by Végèce
Histoire Romaine de Dion Cassius. Tome 1 (Éd.1845-1870) by Gosselin, Édouard
Histoire Romaine de Dion Cassius. Tome 2 (Éd.1845-1870) by Dio, Cassius
Histoire Romaine de Dion Cassius. Tome 4 (Éd.1845-1870) by Dio, Cassius
Histoire Romaine Jusqu'à l'Invasion Des Barbares (3e Éd) (Éd.1855) by Duruy, Victor
Plutarchi Opera 3-4. Ploutarchou Tou Chaironeos Ta Ethika: Graece Et Latine. T4 (Éd.1856-1868) by Plutarque
de la Musique (Éd.1900) by Plutarque
Readers and Reading Culture in the High Roman Empire: A Study of Elite Communities by Johnson, William A.
Chronicle of the Roman Emperors: The Reign-By-Reign Record of the Rulers of Imperial Rome by Scarre, Chris
The Oxford Classical Dictionary by Eidinow, Esther
Latin Panegyric by
Latin Panegyric by
Companion to Cicero by Pearl, Joseph
Pharsalia: Dramatic Episodes of the Civil Wars. Also Known As: On the Civil War by Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus, Lucan
The Classical Cookbook by Dalby, Andrew, Grainger, Sally
Euripides And His Influence: Our Debt To Greece And Rome by Lucas, Frank Laurence
The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, 4: Complete In Eight Volumes by Gibbon, Edward
Thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus by Long, George
Opera by
Der Freiheitskrieg Der Batavn Unter Civilis by Meyer, Eduard
Icons of Power: Ritual Practices in Late Antiquity by Janowitz, Naomi
Urbanism and Settlement in the Roman Province of Moesia Superior by Mladenovic, Dragana
Textile-Making in Central Tyrrhenian Italy from the Final Bronze Age to the Republican Period by Lipkin, Sanna
M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes: With A Commentary, Volume 2 by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Long, George
Jules César - oeuvres complètes: Guerre des gaules - guerre civile - guerre d'Alexandrie - guerre d'Afrique - guerre d'Espagne by Cesar, Jules
M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationem Pro M. Marcello Notheias Suspicione: Accessit Oratiunculae Interpretatio Danica by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Worm, Oluf
Rome by Wey, Francis
The Age of Alexander by Plutarch
Pompéi, Choix d'Édifices Inédits (Éd.1828-1842) by Rochette, Désiré-Raoul
Histoire de la Chute de l'Empire Romain Et Du Déclin de la Civilisation, (Éd.1835) by Sismondi (de Dit Simonde), Jean-Charles Léonard
Histoire Politique, Religieuse Et Littéraire Du MIDI de la France. T. 2 (Éd.1845) by Mary-Lafon, Jean-Bernard
Histoire Politique, Religieuse Et Littéraire Du MIDI de la France. T. 3 (Éd.1845) by Mary-Lafon, Jean-Bernard
Histoire Politique, Religieuse Et Littéraire Du MIDI de la France. T. 4 (Éd.1845) by Mary-Lafon, Jean-Bernard
Les Femmes Et La Société Au Temps d'Auguste: Cléopâtre, Livie, La Fille d'Auguste (Éd.1875) by Blaze de Bury, Henri
Géographie de l'Afrique Chrétienne. Byzacène Et Tripolitaine (Éd.1892-1894) by Toulotte, Anatole
Géographie de l'Afrique Chrétienne. Numidie (Éd.1892-1894) by Toulotte, Anatole
Études Sur l'Histoire de la Procédure Civile Chez Les Romains, (Éd.1896) by Jobbé-Duval, Émile
Commentaires Sur La Guerre Des Gaules (Nouv. Éd) (Éd.1867) by César, Jules
Manuel de Philologie Classique (Éd.1880) by Reinach, Salomon
Oeuvres Complètes de Marmontel. Tome 2 (Éd.1818-1820) by Marmontel, Jean-François
Oeuvres Complètes de Marmontel. Tome 4, Volume 2 (Éd.1818-1820) by Marmontel, Jean-François
Oeuvres Complètes de Marmontel. Tome 9 (Éd.1818-1820) by Marmontel, Jean-François
Histoire de la Chute de l'Empire Romain Et Du Déclin de la Civilisation, (Éd.1835) by Bardin, Étienne-Alexandre
Histoire d'Attila Et de Ses Successeurs Jusqu'à l'Établissement Des Hongrois. T 2 (Éd.1856) by Thierry, Amédée
Oeuvres Complètes de Rollin. T. 1 (Éd.1821-1825) by Rollin, Charles
Histoire Des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine. Tome 3 (Éd.1808) by Appian
Géographie de l'Afrique Chrétienne. Maurétanies (Éd.1892-1894) by Toulotte, Anatole
Histoire de la Législation Romaine Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à La Législation Moderne (Éd.1876) by Ortolan, Joseph-Louis-Elzéar
Cours d'Antiquités Monumentales: Histoire de l'Art Dans l'Ouest de la France. P4 (Éd.1830-1843) by de Caumont, Arcisse
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