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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Ancient History General in 2021

The Cambridge Companion to Sappho by
The Cambridge Companion to Sappho by
Male Friendship, Homosociality, and Women in the Hebrew Bible: Malignant Fraternities by Thiede, Barbara
Climate Change 101 by Decker, Kevin Ray
Das Glaubensbekenntnis Von Konstantinopel (381): Herkunft, Geltung Und Rezeption. Neue Texte Und Studien Zu Den Antiken Und Frühmittelalterlichen Glau by Kinzig, Wolfram
Le Verre de l'Europe Celtique: Approches Archéométriques, Technologiques Et Sociales d'Un Artisanat Du Prestige Au Second Âge Du Fer by Rolland, Joëlle
Female Characters in Fragmentary Greek Tragedy by
Campaigns of Sargon II, King of Assyria, 721-705 B.C. by Melville, Sarah C.
Kleopatra VII. und Gaius Julius Caesar - Ein ebenbürtiges Bündnis? by Gerhardt, Daniel
Memory, Family, and Community in Roman Ephesos by Kalinowski, Angela
The Statues of Constantinople by Berger, Albrecht
Cicero: Pro Milone by
The Roman Republic to 49 Bce: Using Coins as Sources by Yarrow, LIV Mariah
The Roman Republic to 49 BCE by Yarrow, LIV Mariah
Sophocles: Oedipus the King by
Gaius Flaminius in der Römischen Historiographie. Wie entstand das negative Narrativ?: Ein Vergleich mit Marcus Claudius Marcellus by Kosche, Tobias
Cicero: Pro Milone by
Divination and Knowledge in Greco-Roman Antiquity by
Historiography, Ideology and Politics in the Ancient Near East and Israel: Changing Perspectives 5 by Liverani, Mario
Bildungskommunikation und Wissenstransfer in der Spätantike. Laien und Fachleute, Medizin und Ärzteausbildung by Langner, Robert Samuel
The Good Christian Ruler in the First Millennium: Views from the Wider Mediterranean World in Conversation by
The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Literature by Papaioannou, Stratis
Western Han Dynasty: A History from Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Authority and Expertise in Ancient Scientific Culture by
Nicolaus of Damascus: The Life of Augustus and the Autobiography: Edited with Introduction, Translations and Historical Commentary by Nicolaus of Damascus
Religion, Society and Culture at Dura-Europos by
Migration, Mobility and Place in Ancient Italy by Isayev, Elena
Greek Tragedy After the Fifth Century by
Greek Theatre between Antiquity and Independence by Puchner, Walter
Dinosauri, Atlantide, Uomo del Similaun, Civiltà di Golasecca, Ercolano, Liguri, Pompei...: Racconti d'amore by Rusca Zargar, Renata
Social Worlds of Premodern Transactions: Perspectives from Indian Epigraphy and History by
Megasthenes' Indica: A New Translation of the Fragments with Commentary by Stoneman, Richard
The Oxford Handbook of Heracles by Ogden, Daniel
The Aztec Empire: An Enthralling Overview of the History of the Aztecs, Starting with the Settlement in the Valley of Mexico by History, Enthralling
Kaiser Augustus und die erfundene Antike by Arndt, Mario
China and the Roman Orient: Researches Into Their Ancient and Medieval Relations as Represented in Early Chinese Records by Hirth, Friedrich
The Age of the Parthians by
Classical Antiquity in Video Games: Playing with the Ancient World by
Greeks and Romans on the Latin American Stage by
Mirrors and Mirroring from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period by
Hammurabi of Babylon by Charpin, Dominique
The Moon in the Greek and Roman Imagination: Myth, Literature, Science and Philosophy by Ní Mheallaigh, Karen
Holders of Extraordinary imperium under Augustus and Tiberius: A Study into the Beginnings of the Principate by Sawiński, Pawel
Introduction to Ancient History by Bengtson, Herman
Animals and the Law in Antiquity by
Introduction to Ancient History by Bengtson, Herman
Animals and the Law in Antiquity by
Greek Cities and Roman Governors: Placing Power in Imperial Asia Minor by Ryan, Garrett
Biblical Wisdom, Then and Now by
Der Nika-Aufstand 532 n. Chr. Eine Revolte des Volks, eine Verschwörung der senatorischen Opposition oder ein vom Kaiser gezielt provoziertes und gele by Müller, Katja
The Biblical World by
Wine in Ancient Greece and Cyprus: Production, Trade and Social Significance by
O Império Romano e a Peste: A História da Pior Pandemia a Atacar Roma e os Bizantinos na Antiguidade e na Idade Média by Charles River
The Influence of Stonehenge on Minoan Navigation and Trade in Europe: How Michigan Copper Arrived in the Mediterranean During the Bronze Age by de Grasse, Richard
Relinquo - Renuo by
"Germanen" Aus Sicht Der Archäologie: Neue Thesen Zu Einem Alten Thema by Steuer, Heiko
Porphyry, >On Principles and Matter: A Syriac Version of a Lost Greek Text with an English Translation, Introduction, and Glossaries by Porphyry, Arzhanov, Yury
Pathologies of Love in Classical Literature by
Falsified Antiquity: Slight corrections between 130 BC and 911 AD by Hattemer, Thomas
Julian Apostata. Das Bild der idealen Herrschaft in Julians Brief an den Philosophen Themistios by Staubermann, Dominik
Religion in Athen während des Peloponnesischen Krieges by Seidel, Richard
The Herods: Murder, Politics, and the Art of Succession by Chilton, Bruce
Against Apion Hardcover by Josephus, Flavius
Against Apion by Josephus, Flavius
Alcestis by Euripides
Kaiser Julian und der Amnestieerlass. Auswirkungen auf die christliche Gemeinschaft des 4. Jahrhunderts: Eine Untersuchung anhand der christlichen Bis by Staubermann, Dominik
Reception in the Greco-Roman World: Literary Studies in Theory and Practice by
Where in the World? Ancient Empires & More! RESOURCE GUIDE: Student & Teacher's Resource Guide - History & Geography - Book 1 by Predmore, Amanda
A Dissertation Upon the Political History of the Elephant by Schlegel, W. Augustus
Die Gefahren des Reisens in der Antike am Beispiel der Schiffsreise des Apostel Paulus by Anonym
"Signis receptis". Die politische Selbstinszenierung des ersten Princeps am Fallbeispiel der verlorenen Feldzeichen by Karmann, Adrian
Walking the Great North Line: From Stonehenge to Lindisfarne to Discover the Mysteries of Our Ancient Past by Twigger, Robert
Kaiser Nero und der große Brand von Rom. Verschiedene Darstellungen des Kaisers als möglicher Brandstifter im Vergleich by Rahat, Merzal
Art Of Tenochtitlan City: Discovering A Dramatic Wall Of Mountain Peaks: Temples In Maya by Coombs, Hong
Die Selbstdarstellung des Kaisers Augustus auf numismatischer und städtebaulicher Ebene by Ruhnau, Louisa
Using and Conquering the Watery World in Greco-Roman Antiquity by Irby, Georgia L.
Decimus Laberius by
Aristophanes the Democrat by Sidwell, Keith
The Fall of Cities in the Mediterranean by
Death Rituals, Social Order and the Archaeology of Immortality in the Ancient World by
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity (Large Print Edition) by
Die Vita Sancti Severini des Eugippius. Der Alltag am Ende der Römerzeit im Gebiet des späteren bayerischen Herzogtum by Gries, Christa
Eschatologie im west- und oströmischen Reich. Unterschiedliche Entwicklungen und ihre Ursachen by Maier, Gunnar
Marcus Tullius Cicero und die Entstehung des Herrscherkults um Julius Caesar by Grosch, Fritz
Caria and Crete in Antiquity: Cultural Interaction Between Anatolia and the Aegean by Unwin, Naomi Carless
Greek Epigram and Byzantine Culture: Gender, Desire, and Denial in the Age of Justinian by Smith, Steven D.
Votive Body Parts in Greek and Roman Religion by Hughes, Jessica
Conflict and Consensus in Early Greek Hexameter Poetry by
Imagining the Chorus in Augustan Poetry by Curtis, Lauren
Juvenal and the Poetics of Anonymity by Geue, Tom
Cultural Encounters on Byzantium's Northern Frontier, c. AD 500-700 by Gandila, Andrei
Explorations in Latin Literature: Volume 2, Elegy, Lyric and Other Topics by Feeney, Denis
Explorations in Latin Literature: Volume 1, Epic, Historiography, Religion by Feeney, Denis
Roman Geographies of the Nile by Merrills, Andy
Hesiod and Classical Greek Poetry by Stamatopoulou, Zoe
Creative Lives in Classical Antiquity by
Imagining Reperformance in Ancient Culture by
El Barco by Ygua, Ruben
Ancient Taxation: The Mechanics of Extraction in Comparative Perspective by
Is There a British Chalcolithic?: People, Place and Polity in the Later Third Millennium by
A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period, Volume 4: The Jews under the Roman Shadow (4 BCE-150 CE) by Grabbe, Lester L.
After the Crisis: Remembrance, Re-anchoring and Recovery in Ancient Greece and Rome by
The Stoic Doctrine of Providence: A Study of its Development and of Some of its Major Issues by Collette, Bernard
Norse Mythology: A Guide to Norse History, Gods and Mythology by Collins, Peter
Celtic Mythology: A Guide to Celtic History, Gods, and Mythology by Collins, Peter
Norse Mythology: A Guide to Norse History, Gods and Mythology by Collins, Peter
Celtic Mythology: A Guide to Celtic History, Gods, and Mythology by Collins, Peter
Eastern Han Dynasty: A History from Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Il dio universale. Non aurum, sed fides. Volume 1: Dal dono al profitto (dalla Preistoria al V sec. d.C.) by Zupi, Francesco
de l'Union Du Christianisme À La Civilisation Grecque, Discours: Temples Réformés, Nismes, 18 Et 25 Juin, 2 Juillet 1826 by Vincent, Jacques-Louis-Samuel
Oppidum de Tronoën en Saint-Jean-Trolimon, Finistère by Du Chatellier, Paul
Grottes préhistoriques de la Ténarèze, Gers, Lot-et-Garonne by Breuils, Alphonse
L'art du bronze à l'époque gauloise by Coyon, Charles
Lettre à M. de Baville contenant l'explication d'une inscription antique gravée sur une pierre by Mahudel, Nicolas
Une Façade de Giuliano Da San Gallo Pour La Basilique de San Lorenzo by Reymond, Marcel
La tentation de saint Antoine, verre peint en grisaille par Nicolas Le Pot by Fayolle, Gérard
The legion and its character in the Republican period, to c. 31 BC. An illustration of the origins by Georgescu, Cristian
Die Perserkriege Iustinians. Rom und Perserreich zwischen Feindschaft und Bruderschaft by Reiswich, Sophia
Xenophon and the Athenian Democracy: The Education of an Elite Citizenry by Christ, Matthew R.
Antioch in Syria: A History from Coins (300 Bce-450 Ce) by Neumann, Kristina M.
Einsatzformen und gesellschaftliche Rolle der Sklavinnen im klassischen Athen by Forero Nuñez, Daniela
Epic Echoes in The Wind in the Willows by Irby, Georgia L.
Alltagsleben im antiken Rom: Ungekürzte Textausgabe der Sittengeschichte Roms Band 1, 2 und 3 by Friedlaender, Ludwig
Faszikel 1: Text Und Übersetzung. Faszikel 2: Kommentar by Krieter-Spiro, Martha, Coray, Marina
Le >Declamazioni maggiori by
The Toltec Civilization: An Enthralling Overview of the History of the Toltecs, Starting from the Classic Maya Period in Mesoamerica to the Ris by History, Enthralling
The Chaldean Account of Genesis: Containing the Description of the Creation, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, the Destruction of Sodom, the Times of th by Smith, George
Histoire de l'Afrique romaine: les beneficia imperatoris by Obiang Nnang, Noël Christian Bernard
Norse Mythology: Captivating Stories & Timeless Tales Of Norse Folklore. The Myths, Sagas & Legends of The Gods, Immortals, Magical Cre by Brought Alive, History
As Above, So Below: Religion and Geography by
Explore Your Windows 10: Ultimate windows 10 manual with tips and tricks for all beginners and pros by Miles, Bennie R.
The Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, and Their Progress Among the Most Ancient Nations; v.2 by Fugère, Alexandre Conrad, Henry, Robert 1718-1790, Goguet, Antoine Yves 1716-1758
Popular Sovereignty in the Territories: Judge Douglas in Reply to Judge Black by Douglas, Stephen Arnold 1813-1861
Effects of Irrigation on the Chemical Properties of Some North Central and Southwestern Kansas Soils by Dixon, Robert Morton
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 1640-1800 by
Biology and Ecology of the Corn Seed Beetle (Agonoderus Pallipes Fab.) by Dillon, George Franklin
Diodorus of Sicily;; 7 by Geer, Russel Mortimer 1901-, Diodorus, Siculus
History of the English Concept of Poetic by Downey, Avis a.
Inheritance of Resistance to Anthracnose in Watermelon by Dutta, Sisir Kamal
The General History of Polybius: in Five Books; v.2 by
Personal Recollections of Vincent Van Gogh by
Diprose's National Song Book: Containing the Most Popular Songs of the Day, Etc., Etc by Diprose, John 1814-1879
The Life and Travels of Herodotus in the Fifth Century: Before Christ: an Imaginary Biography Founded on Fact, Illustrative of the History, Manners, R by Wheeler, James Talboys 1824-1897
We Knew Matt Talbot: Visits With His Relatives and Friends by
Drummond's Pictorial Atlas of North Carolina by
French Furniture: Louis XVI Period / by Carle Dreyfus. by Dreyfus, Carle 1875-
Fun With Flutes by Dushkin, David
Elements of History, Ancient and Modern: With Historical Charts by
The Dream of Peter Mann by Kops, Bernard 1926-
The Nature and the Effect of the Heresy of the Fraticelli by Douie, Decima Langworthy
The Bronze Age by
The Five Empires: an Outline of Ancient History by Wilberforce, Robert Isaac 1802-1857
Study of Physical Factors Which Influence the Efficiency of Flour Bleaching With Nitrogen Trichloride by Dodge, William Woodrow
People of Early Times: From the Stone Age to 1066 by Davies, E.
William Glackens Memorial Exhibition by
Pasteur and the Invisible Giants by
Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician, Chaldaean, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, Indian, Persian and Other Writers: With an Introductory Dissertation, by Corey, Isaac Preston
High School Ancient History [microform]: Greece and Rome by
High School Ancient History [microform] by
Myxophyceae of Eastern California and Western Nevada; Fieldiana. Botany series v. 20, no. 7 by Drouet, Francis 1907-
Far Horizons Readers: Ships of Araby - Second Reader; Second Reader by
Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician, Chaldean, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, Indian, Persian, and Other Writers [microform]: With an Introductory Di by
Far Horizons Readers: Play Out of Doors - Primer; Primer by
Records of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland: Including a Memoir of Sir P. Dun ... Dr. Stearne ... and Other ... Documents by Belcher, Thomas Waugh
Effect of the Learning Process in Determining Economic Order Quantities by Dickey, George Laverne
Sensational Novels; v.19 by
King Alfred's Orosius; No. 79 by Sweet, Henry 1845-1912, Orosius, Paulus
Letters From a Chinese Official, Being an Eastern View of Western Civilization by
Synthesis of an Oxetene by Dodds, Duncan Earnest
[Ancient and Modern Civilization Compared] [microform]: [an Essay] for Which the Douglas Gold Medal Was Presented to William Q. Ketchum, at the Encæni by Ketchum, William Quintard 1818-1901
Glucose and Ascorbic Acid Content of Blood and Tissues of Normal and Insulin Injected Rabbits by Dost, Frank N.
The Dream of Ravan: a Mystery by
History of the Wars; 6 by
Records of the Past: Being English Translations of the Ancient Monuments of Egypt and Western Asia.; 5 by
Picasso's Picassos; 0 by Picasso, Pablo 1881-1973
The Glory and the Shame of Britain: an Essay on the Condition and Claims of the Working Classes, Together With the Means of Securing Their Elevation by Dunckley, Henry 1823-1896
Effect of Five Levels of Prestige Upon Expressed Attitudes by Duryea, Ladd Laverne
The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume of Plates I-V; plates 2 by Seltman, Charles Theodore 1886-1957
A Chronological Table From 323 to 30 B.C by
The Administration of Higher Education in Montana: a Study of the University of Montana System by
The Alliance Year Book by
Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Colors and Materials for Decorating China, Earthenware, Glass, Enamelled Iron, Etc.: Oxides and Chemicals / Im by
The Canadian Poetry Book by
How to Run a Country, Etc.; Kids Write Their Congressmen by
Growth and Titration of Newcastle Disease and Infectious Bronchitis Viruses in Tissue Culture by Durand, Donald Paul
First Parish Church in Dorchester, 1941 Parish List by
Picasso's Picassos; 0 by Picasso, Pablo 1881-1973
Study of the Digestibility of Sorghum Silage and Oat Straw by Dowe, Thomas Whitfield
Village & Fields, a Few Country Poems by
Theoretical Reactor Kinetic Models and Experimental Verification by Drake, Marvin Keith
Down Cape Cod by
Armenian Miniatures by Durnovo, Lidiia Aleksandrovna
A Sketch of the Agricultural Society of St. James, Santee, South Carolina: and an Address on the Traditions and Reminiscences of the Parish Delivered by Doar, David
Learning to Speak and Write, Book I; Book 1 by
The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume of Plates I-V; plates 5 by Seltman, Charles Theodore 1886-1957
Price List of Drug Store Goods: Including an Entirely New and Second Series of Menus for One Week of Each Season in the Year 1898 ... Compiled Especia by
King Alfred's Orosius; No. 79 by Orosius, Paulus, Sweet, Henry 1845-1912
Ancient Egyptian Medicine: a Bibliographical Demonstration in the Library of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 12th January, 189 by Finlayson, James 1840-1906
High School Ancient History [microform]: Greece and Rome by
Discourse on Metaphysics: a Translation From the French Based on the Diplomatic Edition; by
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